“iF oA Page 6 | your property so cheaply is because they have a great numberof properties insured in a great many = reason that Fire Insurance Companies insure localities in many different cities. subject to the law of averages. Thus their, risks are The individual who earries his own risk (in other words does not have his property insured) cannot possibly so diversify and scatter his risks as to bring the law of averages to apply to his property. Therefore the insurance companies can carry your risk cheaper than you can, H. G. HELGERSON, LTD, are writing insurance carefully and in thoroughly reputable companies. Phone 96 and we will be glad to quote you the rate on your risk. Prince Rupert Ory Dock & Engineering Co. LIMITED Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. Several section, making fees boats can te docked together on light. one small Large stock of repair materisls is being laid in, Foundry Work Castings in fron, Brass, Bronze, Eto., made at Reasonable Prices. Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries Solicited. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. At What Age Willi You Retire? That depends. Suppose we say at sixty. All right—-how much wéll you have saved by then? No. You must guess again. Onl three men in a hundred save enoug to retire comfortably at sixty. And about two out of the three do it because they've put part of each year’s earnings into Endowment In- surance, such as provided by ‘The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Canada. vs & phase of Life Insurance that will interest you, even if you never thought of it before. Ask today plan. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Lid Agents Phone 11 a 3rd Avenue for particulars of this DENTISTRY Don’t negléct your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Huurs--Morning, 9 to 12; Aftern.on, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- d+y, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 TOR APPOINTMENT | COMMUNITY PLATE. The gift de luxe, at eastern prices, «t Tite's. tf * . ’ Carpet squares, congoleuin rugs, floor civarings at special prices. Barrie’s Furniture Store. * . ’ Tite’s Christmas Drawing. | Every $2.00 cash purchase en- titles you free to a ticket. First prize, brass bed, coil springs felt mattress and pair of down pillows. Second .prize .ladies’ desk and chair, mahogany finish. Third prize 24-inch Kewpie Doll. tf M.M.Stephens Notary Pablic Conveyaucer | FOR SALE Seven-roomed House wit two Lots, on Graft Hill > Closed in sleeping porch, fireplace and range, concrete pillars and wall in basement, and stationary tubs in kitchen M. M. Stephens 3 eal Estate Insurance Financial Agent ~~ EEE —= pe : = | " ) Vancouver cases. They Went to We were told last week of a person who bought an article while in Van- couver and noticed the same thing later in our window for 50c less. There’s no need to send away in most We buy from the same fac- tories as larger stores do, and we keep their catalogues to compare by. This year we have the finest and best selected stock ever-in-Prince Rupert. You should buy at home if we can suit you for we spend our money in town and far away stores do not. We are here at home to make any ad- justments needed and if we get your trade we are encouraged to keep a larger variety for the occasion wee you need something special. JOHN BULGER Jeweler The Gift Store us the JUDGMENT of the GREAT WHITE TH will be Subject for Sunday Evening Service (7:30 p. m] in the Baptist Church A Message for You. ——$—$— RONE \ Monday Special Eddy's Owl Matches 200 Matches in Box 4 boxes to Carton Special 35c Carton 3 for $1.00 Eddy’ Bob White Matches 100 Matches in Box 12 boxes to Carton Special 35c Carton 3 for $1.00 Rupert Table Supply Co. Phones 211, 212 The International Bible Stu- dents Association will hold a ser- vice tomorrow, Sunday, in the K, pf P. Hall at 7:30 p.m, A hearty welcome is extended to all. SALVATION ARMY Sunday evening service at 7:30 Subject— ‘Twentieth Cen- A special invita- p.m, tury Prisoners.” tion to all. J. MAS'TIN, Captain. George Clothier, district mining engineer, left for Terrace on this morning's train. > . For the home fireside; the com- fort of an easy chair and rocker. Tite’s store for holiday dis- counts. tf * ’ ©. H. Sawle, editor of the Omi- neca Herald of New Hazelton, re- turned to his home up-river this morning. Melvin Stephems was the host at a party in the home of his parents, Fifth Ave. and, Tatlow Street, last night. A number of his high schoot friends were among the invited guests and the evening was pleasantly spent in games and musie. Queen Charlotte Islanders can- rot do better than mail their printing needs to The News Print shop and get the work done romptly and well. Coresetiere. Phone Spirella Black 257. Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf epeeunee owe eee e eee e TCO LATE TO CLASSIFY * ‘ee ee OCT REE ER EE FOR RENT—Two furnished house keeping rooms and two single rooms to let at the Drexel Rooms, 141 Second Avenue. tf ————_—_— St. Regis Cafe Special Sunday Dinner 11 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. We are starting our special lunches one half hour earlier in the future to accommodate the early birds. This will also apply to Sun day's sclal dimmer. Short orders from bill of fare served at any time. $1.00 DINNER $1.00 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 Boup. Cream of Tomato R* lish. Crisp White Celery Stuffed Pork Tenderloins, Sauce Supreme. Candied Sweet Potatoes Asparagus Tips Mashed, Baked or Boiled Potatoes —_—_—_—— Dessert. Baked Apple Dumpling Vanilla Eclairs Coffee, or Milk. Special Menu 50c Monday, November 24. Luncheon 41 to 2 p.m. Dinner 6 to 7:30 p. m. B8oup. Rice Tomato Boiled Spring Salmon Boiled Corn Beef and Cabbage Braised Pork Spare Ribs with Sweet Potatoes Lamb Fricasse, Green Peas Gritied Beef Liver, Fried Onions St. Regis Special Small Steak Individual Steak and Kidney Pie hoast Pork, Pan Oravy Leg Veal, Brown Sauce Mashed, Boiled or Baked Potatoes Banana Pie Jam Holl amd Fruit Sauce Vanilla Pudding Tea or Coffee WATOH FOR TUESDAY'S menu THE DABLY NEWS Dees errs te te mer > 1 Local News Notes ————— —_ For Messenger phone 203, tf Pianos correctly tuned, G, O, Walker. Phone Biue 389, if Capt, H. B., Babington returned from thé south this morning, >. * . Che “Dinector’ Corset. Manu- factured in Prince Rupert. Phone Blue 92. , tt . * . Tite's large stock of fancy goods and toys opened up and al your service, tf * * . Mr. and Mrs. Boyd ©, Affleck re- Yurned north on the Prince Rupert this morning en route to Hazel- ton. . + * Tite's special discounts for cash until Christmas in our fur- niture, rug and drapery depart- ments. tf . . . Three free prizes. One ticket with every dollar purchase, com- mencing today. window at Wallace's. 275 See >. . 7 Mail for England closes Decem- ber 3. There is time to have that *pheto taken. Sittings made day ‘or evening at THE BENSON STU- DIO. 274 > . . W. F. Beak, a well known old timer of the city, returned to town this morning. Mr. Beak ‘was overseas with the Northern B. ©. Battalion, the 102nd. . * . The Symphony Orchestra will hold a special practice tonight at 8:30 at the usual place. Business of great importance. All members please attend.—Secretary. A. J. Phillipson returned from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning. ‘Pat’ reported that it rained heavily all the time he was in Vancouver, but there was no wind. . 7. > The General Bus and Transfer Co. have been granted a permit for the erection of additions and the putting in of a concrete floor to their garage. The cost will be about $400. . . > Waliace’s Xmas Drawing. One Kicket with every dollar purchase in any department. First prize, Kiderdown comforter; Second prize; Ladies’ Silk Sweater; Third prize, pair of Ladies Shoes. 75 * . . Just arrived—a new of corset and brassiere direct from Paris in the latest shades of the new colors. Have yours made to measure by Mrs. Director, MeIntyre Block, Third Avenue. — shipment material Christmas drawing. two dollars’ worth pun chased entitles you to a ticket free. Starting Wednesday, No- vember 19. First prize, Daven- port bed; second prize, fumed oak table; third prize, wicker, rocker, Within five minutes of each other two C, P. R. boats. arrived from Vancouver this morning. The Prineess Beatrice, Captain Rippon,: sailed in at 11:40, fol- lowed by the Princess Mary, Cap- tain Slater. They both docked at the government wharf and the Mary left again at 1 o'clock for Alaskan points. The Beatrice. which was delayed on the way oorth taking on coal, sails tonight on the return trip to Vancouver. * * > James McAlleenan of Alice Arm is at present visiting in Kansas and other eastern states. Mr. Me- Alleenan’s mother is living at Beloit, Kansas, and his brother is in the banking business in that state. The popular sport man- ager is expected to be away for home weeks. He is now conduct- ing a cigar store al Alice Arm and has recently been associated with some big mining deals especially in the North Star mine, of which he is part owner. . * . Dr. John West, brother of Miss West of Sixth Ave., E., is spending a few weeks visiting in the city. Dr. West practised medicine in the large London hospitals until the outbreak of the Great War, when he enlisted his services with the British army. During his war duties de spent some time on the Italian Trent, Dr, West may start practising in western Canada and is at present looking over pros- pects and conditions, accompanied by his wife. ‘They will remain in town some time longer, Barrie's Every The biggest picture ever pro- duced ‘Hearts of Humanity” at the Westholme next week. if fy for THREE SPECIAL PRIZES NE Ticket with each dollar pur- chase in any department. First Prize: Eider Down Comforter Value $45.00. Second Prize: Ladies’ Silkk Sweater—Value $35.00. Third Prize: Choice of best pair of Ladies’ Shoes in shoe department, H. S. WALLACE (0., LT), Dry-Goods, Ready-to-Wear, Boots and Shoes Chinawear, Etc. —_ = Y= (o Programme of | SACRED MUSIC «4 SONG at the METHODIST CHURCH ~ Next Sunday Night Hiymn “O Worship the King.’ Solo Come Unto Me™ ...... ! ge Anthem Angel Voices geil { Cello Reverie Fanconier ‘ ‘ Mr. W. Edm Ladies’ Chorus—"O for the Wings of a D Hymn ‘All Hail the Power" yar Male Quartettle Watchman, What of the Night Hymn—"Be it my only Wisdom Here Bolo—-Selected 7........ Sean s 08 ode Mr. Clappert Ladies’ Chorus——“Just as I am Melody in “I Solo—"The Holy City” ‘ Mr. J. E, Davey Cello Solo-——‘“Simple Aveu” .. Mr. W. Edmunds Radiant Morn Male Quartette——The Anthem—"‘Sun of my Soul.” ‘ Hymn-——“Glory to Thee my God this night VESPER A Cordial Welcome to All. Service Will Start at 7:90, With an Organ Recital at 7:15. _ ; ‘ ee "Fexall Femedi A name that all America has leamt!0 know and rely upon Rexall Remedies” are successful because of the high standard of quality that '!s rigidly maintained in compounding formulas based on proven principles. Confidence has been established because of the conservative claims made. ‘* Rexall’? does not in any sense stand for ‘“‘Cure-all.’’ Instead there is a nature-aiding preparation for every human ill, * “Rexal Remedies’’ do not contain harmfu! stimulants or habit forming drugs. ‘Rexall Remedies’’ are sold in this ¢ a Ormes, Limited Two Phones 82 & 200 At Your Service ity by Beds, springs enc mattresses al reduced priecs at Barrie's fur- hii cieniatiie niture sale, tf}