PAGE EIGHT WAIT krWQ i! W Ml. I .AIT. .1 ! J Saturday Specials AT OUR June Clearance SALE Our June Sale continues. All previous lines advertised still on sale, with some others added. We mention a few of the outstanding values. Run Resistant BLOOMERS These are a wonderful value. We have only a limited quantity to dispose of. They come In all f Qn the latest colors, also black and white. Per pair Wv ' 9SII Puirv nf mill ni.hlnnA PIT tr tiina m . . u l oouiuiicu oii-.ri. uuoci inese are Mercury ana Corticelli goods. They come In Heavy service and chiffon weights in a wiae ratine ol colors and sizes. Values to $2.50 . All to be cleared at, per pair TTTI.nRErrR Silk and Wool SWEATERS In a variety of styles. Values to $2-50. for $1.25 HEMSTITCHED SHEETS These are hand drawn, and a very special value at the regular price of $5.50. The size, uenprou.s. 81 rtOO. Made from a heavy, even weave, Wabasso, fully blparhnd sh cting at the price, this Is an outstanding CO (C value, at per pair VOjD ofT K KNIT PYJAMA SUITS-In a pleasing range of color combinations. All prettily trimmed. At per suit tAit PIECE PYJAMA ENSEMBLES Latc3t styles and colorings. Values to $5.50, for $2.95 LADIES' SWEATERS Both coat and pullover styles, sour Jarwor garments in this assortment. qq qj- Values to $750. for P U. JD $1.50 Wiy pin spot SILK WATSTS With ruffled front n navy, black or red ground with white dot. Q-f f Regular value $2.95, for V 0 O BROCADED or PLAIN RAYON In a nice range of colors, per yard 35c ONE ONLY-Cenulne Suede Leather COAT, Red CJ-J ?A with trimming of black suede. Value $22.50, for vJL -3" THRn? OVLY -Leather COATS, brown, navy or green. Value to $1250. for $9.75 All oar stock of Ladles' and Children's Coats, in rinplesheen, tweeds, are on sale at cost price. This Is your opnotunlty to save iww? on a timely purchase. Everv coat excellently tailored. Misses PQ Qr Ladies fljfl 17 j- from Vt.0 from QV.iD Third Ave. & Fulton St. Phone 9 JOIN THE EAGLES EXCURSION for the American Holiday on July Fourth Prince John sails at 10 p.m. from Prince Rupert on tlie evening of July a reaching Ketchikan Alter a day ana a night in the Alaska City, tho morn- , the Prince John leaves on morning of July 5 for Prince Rupert. Great celebration at Alaskan City including intercity baseball games. Price For Round Trip, $10.50 Children, Half Price LOCAL NEWS Motorshlp Belhngham ar.-m-o in port in ballao. I his morning from Ketchikan, being here to take on i ! ioad oi herring bait for" dcivery to TA1II I art. who has been studying in Van couver, is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupeit to day bound for her home at Stewart where she wll spend the summer vacation Neither vessel having reported up to early this afternoon, both the steamers Princes Mary and Car- dena, due from Vancouver via coast points today, are apparently late. Both steamers are expected to ar rive this eyening. Next week the steamer Catala will make her last call at Ocean Palls on the voyage southbound from Prince Rupert to Vancouver. Although the call at the paper town is belm? eliminated, the Catala wUl still leave here at the same time 1: SO Tuesday afternoons. AT THE BAR Judge Have you ever seen the prisoner at the bar? Witness Never, your Lordship. but I've seen him when I strongly -uspected he had been there. ' fmmwm Trrm PLL to attachta utpM, and Kill ind yog . W COpr of Mf M CMk r.V'1! Good W. IIcmUImovm 100 ' kkfc cm bt ml, witli Um COW.. Tkt BonJ.a Co. Limited. I Hor Akm1 Baildliif. , VANCOUVER FKtoryi Soulh Sunn Bcrdzi& ST.CHARLES MILK I H.mar Aitadt Bulldlnf, fltaia itiid a copy cl year ba..Utl.d "la. Good W" B.C1 Week-End Specials Blue Ribbon Coffee AZ? 2 lbs OGKs Blue Ribbon Tea ftff 2 lbs OOV Malkln's Best Sliced ACn Peaches 2's, 2 tins Ttul Orchard City PeasSlse 5 fi n per tin JLMKj Malkln's Beat Tomatoes -fl r? n 2i,s, per tin JLOL, Christies Soda Biscuits Cltn per pkg A3 Nabob Red Plums 2's 2 tins iOVf Eggs Fresh Extras. In QCTp cartons, 3 d iz. alue Ribbon Malt Syrup AAn 3-lb. tin tJlIC Bottle Caps Qrto per lb OUL Malkln's Best Custard 9fp Powder, per tin tUv Evaporated Pears 2 lbs uDt Evaporated Peaches QRi 2 lbs OOl, Evaporated Prunes OtZn 3 lbs Fels Naptha Soap r7Hio OL per pkg t Oold Dust Washing t)f- Powder, per pkg wDl Alberta Market P. OAMULA. rjjrfetor i lfth Street Vmn THE DAILY NEWS Ttii7 . June lt( , Were Married AtVanderhoof Miss Eleanor Chilton Became Bride of Ivan Black of Fraser Lake at Recent Ceremony VANDERHOOF, June 19 A pretty wedding took place In the United Church here on Wednesday, June 3, wheo Eleanor Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chilton, West Vancouver, became the bride of Ivan Edward Black of Fraser Lake, "on of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Black of Nora Scotia. Attendants were Mrs. KttMl Bundar and Herbert Lin- ron Black, brother of the bride groom. The bnae was rormeriy a sacher at Nithle River public chool. MUSSALLEM Meat Market Round Steak Roast 6 Ibsi , Rump Rout 6 lbs Prime Rib Rolled per lb Pot Roast Beef - 7 lbs Bollmt; Beef 6 lbs. larr.bcrger Sleak- 2 lbs lound Steak - 2 lbs. ... Loin of Pork i lo,. ,.. Let; of Pork - Icr lb. ..v x of Lamb- - per lb. . .Shoulder Lamb 5 lbs. .L. 3hDulder Vtal 6 lbs : jeg of if Ve VeL- Tb.- per 1 Phones 18 L 81 S1.00 $1.00 20c 81.00 2Sc 45c $1.00 25c SOc . $1.00 $1.00 1 25c 117 Fifth Ave. K. Follow the Crowd to Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Get Your Supplies Here For Moose Picnic Crab Meat C-oz. tins 17n 2 for Brunswick Sardines OCT. 4 tins Cottage Roils Fresh stock lb 24 (J per y Aylmer Vegetable Beef OO o 0l Soups, 3, tins Pearl Barlex 20C Dutch Maid Salad Dressing 'lOl JQp 23-oz. jar Devilled Meats OCT 3 tins Paulin's Qlnger Bar Biscuit -f C per lb. Felix Oinger Ale flj-fl A per do..', Fresh Roasted Peanuts Q rj n "W 3 lbs FRESH VEGETAHLGS Fresh Green Pea )CZn 41' 3 lbs Lettuce Lirge heads rfp per head . Canteloupe -j Sgt each iU v Red Plum- QCT 2 lbs "m.. 40c Hothouse Tomatooe 9f per lb AUl New Potatoes CJfto 10 lbs UUO Mussallem's Cash and Carry Stores "Where hollars Have More Cents" Phone 3C0 Phone 18 & 81 "13 trd Ave. 417-123 5th Ave. r W 10 CUTS & SORES Apply Minartf trtj. It w b out p i a o o and clean. Any wound kl qiucfclf anr ui um. ThrVs nothing bttrl TERRACE COURT CASE In the County Court case of Harman Freckman vs. Andrew Macdonald, involving damages a.- i result of an automobile oollis'o:. on a bridge near Terra -e son' Ume ago, the evidence of the plain were to go on the stand after tin: resumption of the hearing this af- Mrs. Dryndahl i Is Honored at Surprise Party A surprise party was held last evening at the home of Mrs. Jen-son, Eighth Avenue East In honor of Mrs. Lawrence Dryndahl who la leaving on Saturday for New Westminster where she expects to reside in future. Rev. J. II. Hanson spoke on "Thou OCEAN FALLS MAN Snalt be MsSd Thy Place Will TO MAKRY SOON be EmPty" Mrs. K. Dybhavn, Mrs. IO. Selvlg and Mrs. Rystad also The will take place ' sPke expressing their appreciation shortly of Miss Dorothy Gladys Tay-; 01 Mra- urynaani ana ner work in lor of Vancouver to Richard Qilbert i church activities. Marsh, formerly of Ocean Falls. During the evening a presentation of a Japanese tea table, two brass trays and Jardiniere was made. Mrs. Storseth recited a poem entitled "Helmde," meaning "Longing For Home." Mrs Dryndahl was taken completely by surprise but replied In a happy vein. Singing and refreshments tiif was heard this morning be for" brought an enjoyable evening to a the case was adourned for tholose. j non rfrcw. One more wMneis forj ! the plaintiff and the defendant i Thc trlnl in County Court before Judge F. McB. Young of William temoon. T. W. Brawn Is counsel II. Danl. on a charge of burglarlz- for the plaintiff and W. O. Fultoon for defendant ng Joe Brown's fruit store, been adjourned indefinitely. has m Friday and Saturn two SII0WS Jrdaj JACKIF. sp, .ENf "QK: jsviuuy A Paramount pid,,,. A Joyous Slory 0f vou,l Frolickin, In ip me ocretn Comedy "LKGACV" Novelty "BELIEVE IT OR X0r KRAZY KAT CAHT00V "DESERT SI NK Paramount v.. BO NT MISS THIS UW.m Admission joc fc c Feature Starts at 7 10 & s ti SATURDAY MATINEE at ;-j 15c St 40c Feature Starts 3:D MONDAY and Tl'ESDAI "MAN OF THE WOULD' FORK ACCIJIIACY Ciicckoc Size or Ford I'istoi The Ford is made with unusual euve AN IMPORTANT RRASON for llie good perfnnnaiiro nf llic I on! is the care villi which tnrrlianiral iarl are made and naHcmlilcH. Many meamireiiiriils arc acciirelo to one one-llioiisandtli of nn inch. Some to two tcii.tlinunaiidlli of un inch. To insure perfect fit in lliocjlinders, the aluminum piton urc lirld true lo villiin one nnc-llioiisandlh of mi inch of the specified diameter of 3 inches. Wrist-pin lades ore diamond liorril to within two lcn.lliouandtli. nf an inch. THE (SEW IORII STAMIARI) M:IUM The valve stems are held exact in diameter to within one nne-llioiiandth nf nn Inch along their entire lenpth. Every Ford crankshaft it statically and dynamically lialanred and i ina chined lo measurements as fine as five letMlioimandllts nf an inch. Each Font crankshaft receives 171 checks for accuracy. See llie nearest dealer for a demon slralion nf the Ford. It tiring you every thinp you want or need in a motor car at an ummtally low price. I3arri3i) alja!,3. SAFKTY GLASS-MAY SAVK YOUH I;IFK. The Fnrd is llic only low.pricrd cur wllh a safety plans wind 1,1 u Mandurd equipment. It has suved niny lives anil prevented countless Injuries in automoliile collisions. Now, for n smnll extra ehurgc, you can have your new Ford delivered with this safety glass in ALL WINDOWS AND DOOHS. FORD MOTOR COMPANY Ejft 0' CANADA, LIMITED 9! "HIE CANADIAN CAIl"