H Friday, June 10, 1931 j THE DAILY NEWS e ioun IF JABOUR :ices Right Pr department r t less than mantirac- ""We Of how I InVA rill pmt "'Tweed 86.59 $12.95 ave Been Waitin BROS., LTD. FORGOTTEN j tore has n sale price tag I tr Hr suk cms a f lor mm? ea?) PAY SI Knrl ,!:... i i?5? t. iipiiijiu every ar- SSO -n out of this fine big i I- unthe jjj? I K I ft As a Shield of Protection lo the Limited Purse TjYs Sae Has No Equal! Share In It! Folks, this sale calls for drastic action. Sly orders are to sell ever) thine, in the shortest possible time anJ I want to state rijht here, that this close out GEBU 25 ONLY Boys' Tweed Suits Keg. to $8.50 Value, $1.59 I know this sounds like a mistake In print, folks,' but out they so. There arc only 25 in the tot. Boys' Tweed Suits with short pants that sold regular to $8.50. Sizes 28 to 31. Your choice while thev last. Think of it! For the suit only $1.59 KcR. to 41.59 a garment. Women's mIk .r w... . ... . .. SI ... ... -Uu. ..,,. a..hrU,H iock win i-e me. km fine sprmB Nccle Knit Com most sensational sale ever held in this city. My prices YD binations. A garment, Bankrupt Sa,e Vtiec will cause people to become excited over this bis event fired with an impulw to overcome the strenuous problems of life. He one of the crowd and get, your share of the wonderful bargains; 100 yards of Spun Silk, Keg. 53c and (kl a yd assorted shades. Your choice, now selling at OA only 5 yds. for - tPJUUU Ucg. 10c value Girls' Balbriggan niocmrrs, assorted shades to choose from Bankrupt f On ifl Sale Price. Now only $1.50 WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR, 29c 29c. Keg. 90c quality Bleached Sheeting, W inches wide, and I have marked it down to only Qo a yard Kc?. 50c quality I'illow Tubing is selling at per yard, while J.li 10 ft it lasts at only riiiTl n r MrTTrr TH Here Are Just 3 of the Big Specials I Have to Offer You on Fleet Foot Tennis Footwear I am going to sell Youth's and Boys' Tennis Footwear At only Men's Tennis Footwear At only Children'? and Misses' Tennis Footwear At oniy ' 63c 78c 48c 23 "CHIRPING BIRDIES WHAT A SALE! Bring a Tent You'll Want to Camp Here ifcmcnihcr, I have not listed a one-hundredth part of this stock, as my time for preparing was limited, so I am merely quoting a few prices taken at random, just to give you an idea how I am slaughtering prices, to hurry this hig closing out sale of .labour Hros.' Rankrupt Stock, hook for my Yellow Sale Tags, folks. They tell the story. JABOUR BROS. LIMiTED Bankrupt Stock now being Cleared Cut by W. O. GRANT . I7- STORE FOR I 9V W wv jjWH Miss Your Sleep! Miss Your Breakfast! Miss Your Dinner! out uon t miss This Bankrupt Sale! Yon are tucil to grasp this opportunity today now, b- Iore it is Uh late! Help us close out and sell out tl is Vti" l:i ; stock of bankrupt merchandise and fixtures in a hmry and help yourself to greater savings than have ever been olfered you! Again I say, don't mis.-, this sensational value-giving, money-saving, pt ice-wrecking closing out sale of Jabour l'.roa.' banki'tipt stock. Come! Bring a friend. Save as you never saved before! FOLKS, MERE ARE A FEW OF THE SENSATIONAL BARGAINS I Picked at Random From the Dry Goods Department I am going to tell 150 yards of white Cambric, rcg. 25c a yard, while it lasts, a yd I have marked several belts of very pretty Cretons reg. 30c quality, down to, while it lasts TV a ard Keg. 30c value Curtain Scrim, 200 yards in the lot. Your choice. Bankrupt Sale Trice 0 Only a yard M.& Iteg. 75c a yard heavy quality Unbleached Sheeting, 81 Inches wide. Now only a yard 30c RENT FIXTURES FOR SALE ass cHK'M&f MP A 3 r- $1.00 ROYS' & GIRLS' Slicker Raincoats $1.69 What a bargain for the Itoys and Girls. Assorted shades, about 16 flaineoats only and they sold In the regular way to $1.09 each. Now while they last. Bankrupt Sale Trice $1.6: ROYS' & GIRLS COTTON Jersey Sweaters Krg. 75c value Boys' an-1 Girls' t as choice. Several shades to choose M i rum. nnue incy last 19c. lIpBLANKETS $1.98 SftsX I have about 25 pairs only, so you'll have to hurry xxxC QtXS. down, ladies, to get your pair of these Dragon yyOy yONOv make, Flannelette Rlankcts, large size, in VVVyO umuLu wmui , t irm i)HTwrresaa a t. ii lit :