Tor1" Weather Prince rometcr, calm sea. r . w to r- - 6?' Vol XXII. No. Slear, calm; ba-emperature, 32; LEAGUE IS mmm GRITS IN TRADITIONALLY CONSERVATIVE Tsitihar's Capture By Japanese Causes Worry . i Circes of Geneva Occupation of Manchurian City is Taken as Evidence of Even More Aggressive Military Operations By Invading Forces (iENEVA, Nov. 19: News of the occupation of the city of Tsitihar in Manchuria yesterday by the Japanese army aroused alarm in League of Nations circles here and in Paris yesterday. The occupation of Tsitihar is taken as evidence of an even more aggressive military operation h-. Japan. The situation was reported to be quieter today in Manchuria. MUKDEN". Manchuria. Nov. 19: nnnn niTMn j Official dispatches received from rr SlllMX Tltlhar today said that formal oc- BETTERMENT Head of Powell Hirer Mill Optimistic Over Future For Business On Coast V There Is a definitely genuine it i f improvement In business ' (viditions which is very nopeiui lor .' uiure," declared A. E. McMas-j t'-r 'jcneral manager of the Powell R;v, Co.. who was here yesterday i. M way to Anyox and Stewart, tiuk.i.u the round trip on the: iiicr Prince Rupert. I Mi MeMaster said that, while his !-.. with all others was suf-j i' i nu u.s a result of the depression.! i.'it that it was good for tne: W" id id have the setback and that fleet would in the long run be , !-'" i They had very considerably' ' im-cI the stae of their plant at) P ii Itlver and when the change i n uiey would oe in a position w iip the business offering. Mi McMaster spent a good deal f miib yesterday meeting old ac-i .nt.inces and was pleased to see inny of those he had formerly ki .su liere. He, it was. who opened i r' 'sent C. N. R. offices on Third A1 i, ii ui the early days of the i p my over twenty years ago. GRAIN BIDS WERE WEAK WINNIPEO. Nov. 19: A quiet T i pool market and a lull In cx-pt'i' trade combined yesterday to ' " wheat prices down from laic on the local market. ! vernber closed at 64C De- nibcr at 644c, May at 68c and J'i ; ut 694c. Roumanian Royal Brothers Are Still Busy Quarreling nttritAREST. Roumanla. Nov. 19: The quarrel between King Carol itift his brother, Prince Nicholas. '' n Unties unabated. Nicholas has vr-rriy criticized the marriage of King to a commoner. Carol has t,1n itcned to deprive Nicholas of ruyal rank and privileges. TENDERS CLOSE Tenders close Monday, November 11 1 ut S p.m.. for grading Masonic Rr lunds. For plan and specifications opiy Masonic Building Committee, G U Munro, chairman. cupatlon of the city by the Japanese was begun at 10 o'clock this morning following the Japanese rout of forces of Oeneral Mah Chan Shan yesterday. TRADE IS -SOLUTION Mackenzie King Offers Remedy For Unemployment Bennett Policies No Benefit HALIFAX. Nov. 19: Expressed conviction that the real solution of unemployment is trade and that tariff policies of the Bennett government had brought neither trade nor revenue were the keynotes of an address by Rt. lion. W. I Mackenzie King, to the Nova Scotia Liberal Association yesterday. Mr. King advocated the appointment of a commission to handle unemployment. WON PRIZE IN SWEEP Blair Fleming Captures $16,000 P. E. Dore of Victoria Has Chance For Big Prize VANCOUVER. Nov. 19: Blair W. Fleming, aged 38, of New Westminster wins approximately $16,000 as a result of drawing a consolation prlie in the Irish Free State Hospital sweepstake on the November Handicap to be run on Saturday. P. E. Dore of Victoria drew Strep-hon and thus has a chance for a larger prize. Mr Flemlna is a salesman for Kelly-Douglas Co. Ltd., and is well known In Prince Rupert. x iiMiTm u FARMERS . M ..tiiirv'IGTir ,.. 1A. J. BRANDON, Man., Social JlV ownership a and abolition of production for profit today received the approval of the United Farmers of Manitoba who declared that the present t 4. rmnntnin rrixl. Is due to lnher- ent unsoundness of the capital- lstlc system. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUM BIAS NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, ALARMED MILLING ALL ORES NOW AT ANYOX MINES Five Thousand Tons a Day Put Through Concentrator and Smelted By Granby Co. i "We are milling at present 5,000 tons of ore a day of which 4,700 tons comes from the Hidden C.eek mine and 300 tons from Bonanza," stated W. R. Lindsay, general superlnten-: dent of the Oranby Company's op erations at Anyox, to a Dally News representative who recently visited that town. The company also treats from four to five thousand tons a months from Premier. ! Information was secured in con-1 nectlon with the plant to the effect that all the ore is at present milled and reduced about ten percent byj the floatation system before being smelted In their own smelters. It Is j probably the most economically operated plant In the world today. The ore varies from one and one' tenth percent to one and a quarter percent of copper and contains also a few cents worth of gold and sliver. ' - ' W. B. Maxwell, the man who installed the huge mill, is In charge of the milling operations as assls-, tant general superintendent. The president of the company. Charles: Bocklng, spends only part of his, time there. i Just now the company employs! slightly less than a thousand menj and women of the total population jf 1800. There are in the town both high school and grade school, the former with two teachers and the latter with five. There Is also a hospital, bank, fraternal organiza tions, churches and the other accompaniments of modern civiliza tion. Outstanding among the Institu tions at Anyox Is the Community Club which controls the amuse ments and sports and has a fine library and reading room for the use of the people. The club Is financed by means of the concessions granted It by the company such as the theatre, billiard hall and cigar stand. This revenue makes it possible to keep up the gymnasium and provide for tennis, football, baseball, basketball, golf, badminton and other sports. Just now the company is unable to operate at a profit but it Is hoped that in the near future the price of copper will rise to a point where again it will be profitable to mine it. BURNED IN BUILDING Arlstlde Bomome and Joseph Clement Lost Lives in Ottawa Fire This Morning OTTAWA, Nov. 19: Trapped in their rooms on the top floor of a Rldeau Street block, two men, Arlstlde Bomome and Joseph Clement, lost their lives early this morning when fire destroyed the building. CIIICAGOFP ISLAND 7, MINK OWNER HERE ON HIS WAY SOUTH James L. Freeburn, owner of Chl-cagoff Island mining property upon which sensationally rich discoveries were recently reported, was here aboard the steamer Princess Norah yesterday afternoon bound for a business trip to Seattle. B.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1931 Filed Notice Arllni Judge, screen player, slgnt clerk's of f lcgLos Angeles, to, wed And filed THEATRE IS DESTROYED Talkie House at Skagway Wiped Out By Fire Sunday Loss is $15,000 With No Insurance Skagway's talking picture house was destroyed last Sunday night In a spectacular fire which kept firefighters working all night, according to word brought to the city yesterday afternoon on the steamer Princess Norah which was at Skagway on Monday. New talking picture equipment had Just recently been Installed in the theatre which stood on Broadway, the main street of Skagway. The building, itself, was a landmark of the historic town. Loss as a result of the destruction of the theatre was reported as being $15,000 with no Insurance coverage. FINANCIER COMMENTS J. Pierpont Morgan, Usually Reticent, Speaks Optimistically of England NEW YORK. Nov. 19: J. Pier pont Morgan. American financier, usually reticent, voiced optimism yesterday on his return from a trip to England. Conditions In England are really much better," Mr. Morgan declared. "It looks like the na- I tlonal government is In for a long time." MILITARY IN'WRECK Heavy Casualties When Chinese i Troop Train Meets With 1 Disaster In Manchuria PEIPINO. China. Nov. 19 A I troop train carrying 1,700 soldiers was wrecked yesterday along the .Nonnl River in Manchuria. Casual-It les are reported to be numerous. AT of Marriage , I 1 les her Intention In the county Wesley . Ruggles. film .director notice, too. LIBERALS GET SEAT Traditionally Conservative Constituency Goes Against Gov't In Ontario By-Election GUELPH, Ont, Nov. 19: Paul Munro, Liberal, was elected to the ' Ontario Legislature for South j Wellington over W. P. Gamble, I ConservatUe, with a majority of 258 votes. ! The riding had been Conservative with-but one exception since 1903. DUMP DUTY F0RWHEAT Farmers of British Isles Voice Demand Conservatives Take Up Cudgels LONDON. Nov. 19: British farmers are demanding an anti-dumping duty on wheat and Conservative members of the House of Commons will, it Is reported, endeavor to Impress views along this line upon the national government. A quota of 15 for home grown wheat Is suggested. Bar Silver Weak Yesterday in New York; Below 30c NEW YORK, Nov. 19: For the first time in several days bar silver dropped below 30c In the local market yesterday when the closing price was 294c. HOSPITAL FINANCES The finance committee. Frank Dlbb chairman, reported a surplus of $382.24 for October to the hospital board meeting last night. Receipts amounted to $5,070.29 and expenditures. $4,688.05. There were 1744 hospital days at a cost per day of $2.69. SITUATION ONTARIO SEAT IN0 CHIEF ! ISJAMED Vancouver Police Commission Has All Afternoon Session But Makes No Appointment j VANCOUVER, Nov. 19: The board of police commissioners held a session which lasted all yesterday afternoon but adjourned with-'our having made the appointment r9 n itVliftf nAMvtnKU tltnAAl Chief W. J. Bingham, who recently resigned. After the meeting, Acting Mayor John Bennett told newspapermen that no date had been set for the next meeting of the commission. BOARD NOW ! ! I IN SESSION Conciliation Proceedings Between , Railways and Employees Proceeding j ' j MONTREAL. JJdv.. 19-The board i of oinfUraJlorf'. befirfOh'Cana. dlan National-ana Canadian raci- flc Railways and the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen- over the pro-1 posal of the former to cut wage ij Black that the trip has been ar-of employees by ten per cent held 'ranged. Its first session here yesterday. 1 Oeorge Hodge, official of the Ca nadian Pacific Railway, told the board that the cut would mean a total saving of $5,000,000 for both railways. Hon. James Murdock, represent Ing the Brotherhood of Rkllway ; Brotherhood would not consider cost of Iivlnz as the basis on whlen wages should be set but rather that the balls should be comparison 1 .with waeg nald tor similar work In the United States. Vancouver Stocks (Ccurten S. D. J'Umtou Co. Big Missouri. 17. 19. Georgia River. 3'i, 3. Oolconda, 25, nil. Orandview, 6V,, 7. Independence, IV4, 14. Indian Mines, 1, 2. Kootenay Florence, 1, nil. Kootenay King, 1, nil. Lucky Jim. 3V4, 4. Morton Woolsey. 3, 3. National Silver, 3', 3Vi. Noble Five, 7H. 9. Oregon Copper, 3, 3. Pend Oreille, 97. 1.00. Premier, 68, 70. Porter-Idaho, 9, 11. Reeves Macdonald, 30, nil. Ruf us-Argent. 2, 3. Ruth-Hope, 7. Silver Crest, 2, 3. Silverado Cons., 34, 6. Snowflake, 2, 2'. Whitewater, nil, 7. Bluebird. 3, 5. OILS A. P. Con, 10. 14. Calraont, 9. 94. Fabyan Pete. 2. 2V. . Home. 50, nil Royalltt, 8.00, 8.75. Meriand T 9. Mercury. 12 V. 134-United. 94, nil. Eastern Stocks Sherrltt-Oordon. 70, 76. Noranda, 16.00, nil Int. Nickel. 10.25, nil C. P. R., 18.005 nil PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER Nov. 19: The price of wheat here this morning was quoted at 664c. Tomorrow's Tides Friday, November 20, 1931 High 10:15 a.m. 18:8 ft. 22:42 p.m. 16:8 ft. Low . 3:41 a.m. 8:2 ft. 18:40 pjn. 7:4 ft. PRICE: FIVE CENTS MAJORITY . ISLARGE Mayor Andy Davidson of Calgary is Ke-Elccted With Majority of . 16,000 Over Communist CALOARY. Nov. 19:-Mayor Andy Davidson was re-elected chief ma glstrate yesterday over PhU Luck, Communist candidate, by a majority of more, than 16,000 votes. SPEAKER TO -JOIN PARTY Hon. George Black Going on Hunt ing Trip to Gardner Canal . With Local Friends A hunting party led by Mayor Cyril H. Orme left at 6 o'clock thU morning aboard the seineboat Bertha O., skippered by Capt. R. Oammon. for a 10-day or two-week tflP to Kltlmaat Arm and Gardner Canal. The Bertha O. will call at Butedale tonight and the party will be Joined there by Hon. Oeorge l,Black, .gpekjrof the- Canadian uouse oi commons, wno 4s coming north by steamer from Vancouver. It is largely on account of Capt Bishop Seager Accepts Post PrMcnt ead of 0lirio D,ofMe Huron Bishopric LONDON. Nov. 19:-Blshop Seager of the Diocese of Ontario ( Kingston) last night accepted the bishopric of the Diocese of Huron of th Church of England. ' Dollar and Pound " Prices Both Down Both Canadian and British Monejr Lost (Quarter of Cent in New York Yesterday NEW YORK, Nov. 19: The Canadian dollar closed at 89Jc on the local foreign exchange market yesterday, being down Wc from Tuesday. The pound sterling closed at $3.77 and was also c down. WEATHER REPORT Langara Cloudy, strong northwest wind; rough sea. Triple Island Part cloudy; strong northwesterly wind; moderate sea-Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, calm; barometer 29.85; tempera'' ture, 35; calm sea. MAHATM.Y GANDHI GIVES ULTIMATUM LONDON, Nov. 19: Mahat- t ma Oandhl, Hindu nationalist leader, said yesterday that he would give the British govern ment until December 1 to do something for India. If It fail ed by that time, he would re- turn to Bombay, he said, and lead a new civil disobedience? campaign which would be vastly more intensive than the last one. ' V I J i;' i . J.t ' Si' ' KT 4 if ' ' " " : MIT t