I l 4." fl ;. OH ML 04 t j; o? ' i M i tr OS. 4 9 4 r PAOE FOTO THE DA1U NEW VANCOUVER LIONS BOOST THE! R LEAD IN COAST Defeated Seattle Last Night wSo Terminal City Squad Now - Has Margin of Three Points SEATTLE, March 7: Demonstrating unquestioned superiority and holding the bulk of play throughout the game, Vancouver Lions defeated Seattle Eskimos three to two m last night s racihc Coast Hockey League lix- ture here and increased their lead in the league standing I to three points over the Eskimos. It did not need this win . &to get the Lions into the post-sea-1 OITCIT5? HQ ,son P,avQH but the e1"108 would! 1 VJIl 1 1 I u u 2 I M.kJ I i i ; have assure( themselves of a berth f had they won However the chan-1 ces tlie Port,anci Buckaroos arei K171VT'Mr,n W I Mf W r K ' vefy sUtn for- to get a Plavo" berth, i H they will have to win all remaining ' I games while the Eskimos are losing Took Ten-Round Decision From 'both their two remaining games-King Levisky In Clitcaga jone with Portland on Friday of next CHICAGO, March 7 Tufty Griffiths' took a ten-round decision b referee ana judge in a close fight here last night with King Levins-ky. Both are Chicago heavyweight and the bout was considered one of. more than unusual importance. The fight seemed fairly even throughout and was a hard one, neither boxer sparing the other. Griffiths probably landed the most haymaker. It would have been just too bad. With terrific fighting, the tenth Daily News "Want Ads" bring ljlfliP Under, your own power Co places In yonr ovrn car! It doct nt rol much to buy on ot our used tars nl rvery on of them has a lot of unmed mile. Whrn yau buy a ttct car from ua, you pay nothing .extra to help u rcroup klgh ilradVla allowances. Came in and ' rn bargalni liks this, whirh have ail item honestly reconditioned I 19J7 FoTd Coupe W25 1918 Ford Coupe 4S0 1939 Ford I.ljh Deliv- ety 375 1918 Chevrolet Sedan. 459 S. E. PARKER. LTD. week and the other with vancou- vet on the, Friday of the week following. The Lion?, Sandy Sanderson making their first goal eight minutes and 43 seconds after the start of the , game on a beautiful pass from Frank Jerwa. held the lead through-1 out the match, although keen ex-, eltemeut prevailed during the last two minutes or so of play when the Eskimos, removing Goalie Kemp from the battle, put all six men on .with his stiff lefts, but. had Levin- i a desperate attack of Percy Jack- sky ever landed iust in the right son's charge in the terrific but yam plate with one of those vicious ;' effort to make one more goal neces- sary to even It. It was during this stage of the game that Bobby Connors slammed Doug Brennan of the and last round was undoubtedly Lions deliberately over the head as the best of a great bout. Both men were after a knockout and after It strong. Both, however, were much in action as the flnal gong was sounded. The fight took pace in the Chicago stadium. Camera Will Meet Sharkey Ills Narrow Win Over Jim Maloney Ensures Ilim at Least of This MIAMI. Mareh T The slim decision that Prime Camera, the huge Italian, was given Thursday night over Jimmy Maloney of Boston in their ten-round fight was big enough to ensure the winner of a bout In the summer in New York with Jack Sharkey. Arrangements will probably be enentually made to have the winner of Camera vs. Sharkey meet the ivctox in the June bout between Max Schmellng, German world heavyweight champion, and Young SiribHng in a great titular fight in the fall. Shooting Postponed Owing to failure of the targets to arrive and on account of other activities, the new local rifle shooting organisation, whkh was formed a few weeks am, has not, as yet, got under way. Tbe schedule, however, la to be carried out. the latter started to get away on a single-handed rush toward the Seattle goal. Brennan was carried off the Ice and Connors was banished to the dressing room and mulcted a nice piece of his evening's profits for the exhibition of poor sportsmanship which even keen Seattle fans greeted with loud hisses and boos. The Eskimos evened up the score seven minutes after the start of the second period when Gordon Savage, although In a weak condition following a severe cold, got one unas sisted past Percy Jackson. It was only a few minutes, however, before Sandy Sanderson, as Vancouver players virtually assailed the Seattle goal, put his second goal in out of Dave Kemp's reach. Vancouver was playing a beautiful game with continuous three man advances and fine exhibitions of combina tion. Seattle attacked fiercely as the third period opened but the Lions held the bulk of play. Ten minutes after the start of the period. Frank Jerwa, on a long pass from Sander son, scored the third count for the Lions with a clean shot past Kemp. In spite of the lead. Vancouver paid little attention to defence measures and continued a thick and fist attack. The game went along quietly enough unUl about two min utes before the end when the re doubtable Ernie Anderson, who had been playing close up to the goal mouth waiting for chances, managed to get hold of the puck and slide It In. Then came an un precede n ted thing for the local Ice when the Eskimos left their goal keeper! in a .hectic but fruitless effort to score the evening goal by every man swarming around the Vancouver goal. Oreat excitement prevailed among the Seattle fans 'out it ended three to two far The league standing Is now as follows: W. D. L. ForAg't P. Vancouver . 14 8 9 57 51 36 Seattle it 9 9 54 47 Portland 10 8 13 52 53 Tacoma 2 1 .7 12 24 Canadian Legion 33 Leads in Billiards After having been In fine fonr, for the past week or so. the Grotto Gliding Over New York City Jack OMara. glider expert, made first glider flight over skyscrapers of Manhattan. Cut loose at an altitude of 3.800 feet, by its towing aeroplane, glider made a perfect landin? at North Beach, Long Islana, an port, 1? minutes later. TRAIL HAS WON AGAIN Defeats Vancouver to Take B. C. Amateur Hockey Title For Fifth Straight Year VANCOUVER, March 7 Trail Smoke Haters won the senior amateur hockey chain . pionship of British Columbia for the fifth successive year by defeating Vancouver Amateur Hockey Club last night by a score of 4 to 1 in the deciding game of the series. As a result of the victory, Trail will represent the province of British Columbia in . the Allan Cun playdowns, meeting the Alberta winners at Trail on March 17 and 19. EAGLE SMOKER . SUCCESSFUL Affair Put on By Lodge Last Night Greatly Enjoyed nlng in their hall. A good crowd was ' present and every one enjoyed the splendid program of music, songs and boxing which was offered. Fletcher tlemmins was chairman for the occasion. The program was as follows: Orchestra selection. Premier Orchestra, i Song. Algy Hunter. i Monologue,' Mr. Claydon. Boxing, three rounds. Pete Chen-' oski vs. R. Fong. Song. Bob Janes. , Boxing, three rounds, Dan Healy vs. Ugh Daggtn. Cornet solo, Bob Greenfield. Boxing, three rounds, Holmes vs. I Hlckey. Boxing, Lee Dell vs. O. Ineranv I Orchestra selection. Premier Or- ehestra. Sn. "Olieuete." Fred Ballier- 28 : son and chorus. 5 Barrl boxing. Bill Stone vs. Bng-!gen. won by Stone, three falls out lof five. i Speech, James Black. Community singing. JSong and monologue, Harry As-, toria. Song. Jimmy Black. Recitation, Al Small. The committee In charge was: chairman, L. O. Ford, who also pre- was off eolor last night In the reg- sided at the door, and F. Hermon, ular Billiard League fixture and Wm. Rothwell, Roy Scherk. Lee was on the short end of a 1241 to Dell. J. c. Scherk, Len Brewertcn 1047 aggregate against the Cana-J81 James Brown. dlan Legion. incuviauai scores o: tne games were as follows A. Murray. Legion, 250; Don Brown, Grotto. 193. O. P. Tinker, 2-50; George Wangh 182. Marcus Andrews. 250; George 'March Howe. 211. Charlea Baptlo, 250; M. M. Mc-Lachlan, 211. Frank Zleraan, 541; James Andrews. 250. i A Murray had high break; of 39. CRIBBAGE SCHEDULE Orotto vs. Kts of Columbus. Seal Cove Sawmill vs Toe H. Operators vs. Hawks. Elevator vs. P. R. Hotel. Moos; vs. I.O.O.F. Eagles vs. Six Musketeers. Old Country Soccer ENGLISH LEAGUE FIRST DIVISION Arsenal 0. Huddersfleld Town 0. Birmingham 0, Manchester 0. Blackburn Rovers 0. Astonvllla 2; Blackpool 2, Chelsea 1. Derby County 4, Bolton 1. Ufd&Uitted t Newaastie 0. Leicester City n Grimsby Towi. Manchester City 1, Liverpool 1. Portsmouth 1, Mtddke&rough 0. Sheffield United 1, Weetham United 2. Sunderland 5. Sheffield ' 1. : 7 SCOTTISH LF. Ol) rl FIRST ' DIVISION Aberdeen i, Rangers 3. Ayr United 0, Alrdrte 0. Clyde -3. Bast Fife 0. Cowdenbeath 2. Hearts 2. Falkirk 3, Morton 1. Hamilton Academicals 0. Kilmarnock 0. Hibernian-Queans Park, post. The Fraternal Order of Eagles poned. . Dut on a successful smoker last eve- , Motherwell 2. Dumke a Parttck Thistle i, Celtic- 0. St. Mlrren 2. Lelth Athletic 2. WASHINGTON WINS GAME Scores Surprise by Defeating California 41 to 25 in Hoop Game SEATTLE. Mareh 7 Making rurprmngly superior showing, the University of Washington coached by llec Edmuncison, last night won 'he first game et the Pacific Coast , inference championship basket-' .a,i serli-s by a score of 41 to 25 i :rom the University of California. ' The second game of the series 1 'l tsko place thi evening and ; n vie oi thlr line victory last ! :)ipht. they now have' great hopes jif muk n; it two itratght. How-; .-"v-r r California wina'aod a third , a a me i s nw:essary It will take ; ' i 'p M'm-'uv ii.tr.ht. , I Last night's scre well represented the difference in tie teams California did no show up any-th'ng 'ike was e)rpted. Washington exhibited a flashy five-man attack throughout the game. Hank Swanton was high scorer for the alnnlna liam nMh thlrtiutn nntntit I Seven thousand fans or more i saw the match. The Pacific coast conference basketball series here wlU be decided by the best two out of thre games. The University of California have been given a slight edge t" win the title whleh they have held i for the oast two years. Although several of tb University of Wasii lngton players have recovered : rom ' Illness with lnfluema. the Callfor I nlans were still conceded to have! the physical advantage. At that the Washing tonte look like the are going to turn out the best players. DREYFUSS RETIRING Owner of Tittsburr Pirates Said to be Anxious to Withdraw From (lame AVALOK, Santa CataHna, California, March 7 Barney Dreyftm owner of the Pittsburg Pirates, it believed to be paying his last visit to California in the capacity of a baseball magnate. It is generally reported here that Dryfuss Is about te withdraw from baseball and sell the Pirates if he can find a buyer who Is willing li meet him. Par the past seven years he has wished to retire from active participation as a baseball owner. . .JamjaMaBBUaraBBBlBBBK WKH ' Ytu have no doubt wondered what becomes of all the old license plates. R. C. Brewer. L os Angeles, shingles his roof with a variegated collection 66 MILES ON 1 GALLON GAS Walter vCrltchlow. 560-A Street, When ton. 111., has natentd a Vmmr HEENEY IS BEAT AGAIN Moisture Oas 8aver and Carbon CUar,le Kctlta,f of Kulutli Score- Eliminator for all Autos and Engine that beats any ever got out. Old Fords reports as high as 60 miles on 1 gallon. New Fords 75. Other makes report umailng in-j creases of to more. Technical Kpk-out Over Long Suffering New Zralandrr Mr Crltcnlow ofrers o send 1 to tslaff of Duluth won a technical introduce, Write him today. kpoefcout over Tom Heeney. bat- i He also wants County and State ( tered boulder of New Zealand, In Agencies everywhere to make $230 'the seventh round of a scheduled to 31.000 per month. DETROIT. March, 7 Charlie Re ten-round bout here last night LB1 I 1 ' sl Ktnsi vaigcf III mm 1 ..a- ! l ji vuTuanainq v.naraclei! i The nam 'Black & Whita on a boHla olwhiili J as abioluta guaantae as tha hall-mark ondvtl li aisuras that subtle difference In flavour andqui! which distinguishas this whisky Irom llo!harvDguJ ntaes that only tha nnasl malarials nava mihuk3 and that always everywhere tha quality iifttun "BLACK & WHITE SCOTCH WHISKY This advertisement is not published or dismayed ryfisl Liquor Control Board or by the Covcrumer.' u British Columbia. Whal doctor. s saih moderation T?OR generation doctors have, " paid tribute to the sustaining. invidoratinU and ht dth vin qualities ol hew - when taken m moderation. There is no imcj beverage than good bcei ioi workers in every field of emJeav or, whether mental or physical. The undermentioned b.crs ar jiuarantml tobeabsoluti lypure. To safeguard the public tno " constantly tested by lyllCr Chemists employed by the u.u Liquor Control Board. C M u " '" i IMIOENIX EXPORT Uim HIUIION IVfrFK PILSKNKK PBli by W lhU advertisement Is not published or displayed . Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Indigestion 'So Was Afraid To ba?a troatM fijZW. dlnstiea sa "ftj jf ' afraid to t tiP arary alg" ..iw t ssx&ol prai ii wHat i b do as W -J t ot ft r" r sal il t9 (ni ts4 nstrsl ttr. asteMsnt, - I ViStitn Ot. Ui. tvrfstt, Vii