I iU V t 1 I i C3 til PAoa roxm ' ... . . ,,, , ... I BADMINTON IS CLOSED Happy SocW Everting jit Jl&pert jBat ciu with n.qj,y.R. as .Guests Ruaqrt Badminton Club closed the winter's playing season with a. delightful social .evening last night at Hubert East Gymnasium. ; Guest for the ocoaslon were m.cm-1 ben of .the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve Club. There were Jour tournament' games of which Rupert Bast won three nd the R.C.N.V.R., one. The results were as follows: Mrs. Squire and Mrs. Leighton (Rupert Kast) beat Ml McKay and Miss M. Bell. 17-lf, 13-13. W. Murray and 'J. Redpath 'Rupert East) beat R. Pitcher and Mr. Westmao, 15.6. 18-14. L." Murcteeh and H. .Bunn 'Rupert Basti beat Petty Officer Instructor Young and Jack Macfie, 15-9. 18-15. , Jack Macfie and Miss Mary Macfie iR.CN.V.R. beat Mrs. McLean and Ian Motte, 15-7, 17-16. After the tournament matches, friendly games Were played .and the serving of Ulii-us refreshments brought a happy evening to .a close. Washington University Wins Ball SEATTLE. May 7: University of Washington defeated University of Idaho 7 to 5 in the second of a series of baseball games. Sweep Tickets Seized Tuesday VANCOUVER. May 7: Police raided the premises in the Dominion Block known as the Royal Blue Club. Three thousand sweep stoke tickets were seised. Baseball Scores Pacific Coast League Hollywood 5. Sau Francisco 4. Ohere are over TWENTY-FIVE KlETALS MORE PRECIOUS THBN GOUD ' u'y ,. , -f BUT DID you ks. SSBBBBssSKrsl Scad in ten cents in stamps sd we will snail you a complete set cl "Do You Know ' cards sixty cards of knowledge tad curious (arts printed in color (sixe 1H' s'). Or twenty cents will bring yon the tiity cards ecompanied by an album in whi-h tbe cards can be placed as permanent collection. Address Drpt . P , Tuckett Tobacco Co, Ltd, Hamilton. Buckingham Cigarettes a .smooth refreshing; blend of choice tobaccos, sun-trraled by powerful ultra violet rays. There is no more mellowing influraos thai, tha sun. BwUnghama, treated with giant aaa lamps, are remarkably cool and BorUow an all-pleaaure drarette, never varying in quality, packed lor imnrni b tbe patented sraled package. S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Oars Trucks Tractors Tiros Accessories Otis & ' Oil Fiat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third' Avenue Phone S3 Brothers on Rival Teams Popular Clark brothers. Earl an-J Tom, enjoy brotherly reunion during pre-season game at Waslvngton. D.C.. between their re-specUve teams. Bostpn Braves and Washington team. HOME RUNS FORYANKS Kuth and Larry Make Circut Clouts Klein Out of Game ' NEV YORK. May 7: -Home runs by Ruth and Larry, it being the Babe's fourth of the season, helped! TH2 DAILY NEWS HEADACHE? W Why suffer when relief ii prompt and harmless: Millions of people have learned to depend on Aspirin tablets vto relieve. sudden headache. They know it esses the psin so quickly. And that it is so harmless. Genuine Aspinn tablets never harm the heart Read directions in package for headache, neuralgia, summer colds, pain of all kinds. ASPIRIN TRAD! MARK !. Made in Canada jPrinee Rupert On The teumer Prinze George Is making her final trip on the north-em run thus week before going off Trial of Samuel Douse is Proceeding at" Assizes Now' WITCHCRAFT SUGGESTED I Jury Hears Evidence in Connec-' tion With Killing; at Kitwaneool The trial of Samuel Douse. Klt-j wancool Indian, on a charge of ! murdering Silas Brown, Kltwanga1 Indian, at Kitwaneool on the early' morning of January 10 last, is no ' under way at the Supreme Court' Assizes. The only wjtness heard this morning was MatHda Brown, widow of deceased, who gave her' version of the shooting which re sulted In Brown dying on fsbru- Rim NfYf Wpplt ary 15 ,n tn Haselton Hosplta' 1.1111 11 CA I HCCIV Jrom the effecU of an infected . Repairs Completed Following Recent Sinkint Oeorje to flet ! Annual Overhaul arm which, was amputated before he died. j That aecused had been suspected of practising witchcraft was revealed under cross-examination by the widow who also said Uutf,. Douse had aecused her (Mr ! Brown) of being the cause of his for annual overnam. The steamer being blamed for practising wjtch-Prlnce Rupert, repairs completed craft Wnlle Mre Brown wrs following her recent sinking at Es- lnf her evidence, the court ad-qutmalt. will come on the .run next (omnd until 2:16 this afternoon weelt- (when the court continued. " 1 The Jury coiWats of John A Mor- MoniAK Mol-irs-il rs foreman, E. R Kiel William CHI illiir ildllUildl chsULC. C. Mills. Herbert Morgan. I TACOMA, May 7: ReporU that i large stands of green timber on the north side of Mount Rainier in Rainier National Park are being investigated NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RITERT Placer Operations on SUeena Tidewater Molybdenum flnco llmvn Wnnb HinA f!olt a o with "uiuvn uuiiu viviu Extraction Basso-Bert. Thomas McLellan and A N ARMFUL of GOODNESS and THE BEST MONEY CAN By having suffered five defeats. j were s no stampeae .ana results are oy no means exciung, , they gen t0 M ln rrent "m "c wcrc wmiuut nic . iv 1 vfiu-i wii tiitit tiic men ui u ?cw4it Mi at ivaai ciiunu ui ; room Dy QOgS DarKlnC. Mftluaa wtfU . vices of their slugging rightflelder, .Chuck u iiui IUIUK.I JU 1WW IVilK 1C Wlll!r,U be out of the game. The PhilHac, nevertheless, took a game from the Boston Bravat. National Lea; tie Brooklyn 1. New York 0. k PhlladelphU 3, Boston 1. St. Louis 6. Pittsburg 5. Cincinnati-Chicago, rain. American League New York 10. Washington 7. Philadelphia 10. Boston 3. Detroit 9, Chicago 4. Cleveland-St. Louis, cold. Baseball Standings National League w. St. Louis 12 New York . 12 -Chicago .."v .. 10 Barton ... 11 Pittsburg j. : 9 Philadelphia 7 Brookljfh 8 Cincinnati 7 L. 3 6 6, g 10 12 14 American - League .412 .333 W. L. Pct.5 Cleveland 12 6 .667 1 New Yprk II 8 579 Philadelphia " ,9 7 5C3 Chicago 9 9 S00 Washington 10 10 .500 Detroit 10 10 500 Boston 6 11 .353 St. LOuis- '. 1... 5 11 .311 RISK0 WON FROM BAER .Cleveland Boxer Won Over Call-fornlan Heavyweight in Bout CLEVELAND, May 7: -Johnny Rlsko of Cleveland won a close decision over Max Baer, the California heavyweight, in a 10-round headline bout of a boxing card here Tuesday night. SOFTBALL May 8 Roundhouse vs. Station. May 12 Dry Dock vs. Station. May 15 Station ys -Roundhouse the precious metal to keep them independent of relief i to the window and saw saraui:,h. w. -v.- th :niLPir Klein, kipiti who txinn had hart his hi right vihf el i a i v . i m I - 'towin urnttTnVnroX: t 'scnemes. a gooa many men aDout riazenon ana eisewnere- 2 "IT"" u!rlfc 1Ung sne wnth 7. uZZ ...rriTi v ""-"'wno got out 01 work, went panning uut ",u m B r. craft xhe btov hlnur Work hac been ' started on Ontario now. Premier operations seem to be widening out quite The Dalhousle ,Oo. has closed (down development .operations on khe Tidewater Molybdenum proper- Pet," ty . at Alice Arm and Angus McLeod. 30Qwho .was superintendent ln charse. ,6674ha left for Victoria ln which city 25are iocated the headquarters of tbe i"9pmpany. Although there Is appar-74-jently plehly of ore An sight, all the jnen have been laid off. It was reported some time go that the J25cpinpany conterAplated building a xnlil and this .may have had some- Jibing to do with the closing down, Douglas Lay. Hazel ton, resident mining engineer for the northeaat I Queen Charlottes has not been commercially possible. The gold was Ul 1 known to be there, but Its extrac Lucky Luck mine .near Uk. As soon ; tlon def ordinar; methodi on ac-as the camp Is ready, development cwmt of tts flakhwat and fineness, work will start. Tne new jorentsen amalgamator, controlled by Oold Savers Limited, pe Premier Oold Mining. Co. has bas now proved successful with the, taken an option on the Plomo group hirv auusx at uip north nnrf iu ipf claims In Colorado where there jonomy of bperatloji will be tested on jare stated to be extensive deposits the pulps produced by the mills on ,ef low grade ore that can be mined other properties shortly. M. J. St. v i cosi. wun interests also in ;cialr. M.K.., who has had a practical and extensive acquaintance with mining and milling practice on the pacific slope, is now associated with Oold Savers Limited, being assured of the very Important place the In vention is destined to fUl In all free gold recovery operations, both plac er and lode. GRAIN SHIP ON MAY 13 Steamer Mind pool, Fourth Vessel to Load Here Tills Spring, Due On That Date The Ropner Line steamer Hind-pool, the fourth vessel to load grain cargo this spring from the Alberta rn .mineral .survey district has re-'wneat poors local elevator, is recently inspected the .mining proper-1 ported to be due here on May 13. ty of J.-M..Jobntton of Vanderhoof iThe vessel, like the other three jii Tsinkiit Mountain. 1 which have been here lately, will j take a fuB cargo to the United Samples of gold recently arrived Kingdom qt .Continent. The cargo wfU be made ot gra,n ,ready in in Vancouver rom an initial run of UP home and puj him to bed. This they went to do and had Just got Inside Douse's house when he struck Mrs. Brown on the mouth and proceeded to get a gun. Aecused then chased the couple back up the road shouting his intention of shooting Silas. Finally there was z shot and Silas said. "Sam has shot me." She (Mrs Brown took her husband on home. He vas taken to KUwanga and thence to Haselton where he died in the hospital. Under cross - exs mine tion by Mr. Reld,- Mrs. Brown dented having taken a barrel of home bxw to the feast of having brought one from KUwanga to Kitwaneool. She was put to some considerable exa munition by defence counsel as .to tlnM, the centrifugal piachtne which ls'lhe elevator teeth wlth stocl which would have Uie effect of tak now operaUng at Cape Fife on the i in1 are ai Prnfc aivmg irom northeastern shore of Orahwn Isl- tne Prairies. and, says the Mining and Indus-' trUl flecord-Thlsgoldlsof an un- "llIf I "MriT usual flnwiess and texture due pos-1 ff lLiJLi 1 1 V 1 slbly to the constant beating of the ! flakes by the action of tbe tide. The I IMTCD 1717 D 17 results shown by this Initial run 1 dlr EiiAij may be taken to show .that the ef-1 - ijdency 01 ine new LorenUen pat-Alfonso WUI Put No Obstsrle Jn ent eoUlfugal force amalgamator i ay of Spain Seltllnr Its In the recovery of fine gold from back sands is now definitely prov en. The machine is how ln use by i Future LONDON. May 1: in an inter- ine uwaen Btar Mines Limited onhriew here, King .Alfonso XIII; the their leases between Tieil and Rose former monarch of Spain, stated Spit on Oraham Island, the most that he would endeavor to place no northerly of the Queen .Charlotte obstacle tn the way of the new nro- group. For many years the extrac- visional government ln deciding tlon of the fine flour gold which is upon the. future constitution of his carried by the black sands of the former Kingdom. lng somebody's Jlfe by a miserable and prolonged Illness. Air. Johnson objected to the witchcraft matter being Introduced but Mr. Reld explained that, as TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIItT FOK SKEENA HJtAM) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FKr.SH PASTEURIZED MILK AND .CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City i etc. She had not been sure of these ' at the time of the preliminary trial as she had been "full of trouble at that tune." Her reeoUeetion was more clear now. ' Finally witness admitted that the ; reason she wanted Douse to leave! was that she was afraid, not of his i bang bitten by the vicious dogs, but because she knew aim as a sorcerer ! and. from his actions in the front of the house that night, she feared 1 he was going through incantations I It - SlH&m!&&!Z To make a (frier product than BudVciscr Barley. Malt Syrup is impossible. Purity, quality and i heart-and-soul interest in producing only thebnt have been the guiding stars for over 70 years. It a the Lest that man. money and materials can nukt from one of nature's most wholesome graini . . ooiu everywnere. II I " .!. wiiauii Mat. sjsmicv mt:jMtatsua. aWM m tV&lsVI AH jrm ram rire Report 00.,, mm uu Wfr 1 aK uawv-vc-ib, iiiwiMi lvtvA-scisai emu BaaBsrasssssss- --ssssssj w w sw, Thomas Brandon. On selection of this Jury, the remainder of the petit ; Jury was excused until 2:15 this af- ' ternoon. i Mrs, E. R. Cox Haselton is aot- ; ling as Interpreter. A. M. Johnson : K.C. is acting as crown prosecutor j and R. L. Reld K.C. as defence coun- j !sel. j I After briefly reviewing the crowh 1 1 evidence, Mr. Johnson introduced Mrs. Silas Brown, the w4dw, as the , first witness. Mrs. Brawn testified I that there had bw a feast at KH-1 wancool an the night of January 9 , In connection with the raising of a . Water in the Skeena River has heen unnsnallv low thfc'and hnw? J.tSSte" Barley-Malt Syrup GMtrfl ir ra . 1 the New York Yankees to win th. .1 u" ' ! 1 ".J.X J.IL;Y7::." t " ' t". I 1 . 'ut LIGHT OR DARK RICH IN BODY FLAVOR JUST RIGHT It pay to buy the betl Ute quality products Jrom the House of ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST. LOUIS cu,,j V q nnii7nv koiH . , " ; ji iiiu .aim u miuiuer 01 umuieur piaer miners nave ueeji " ",c "wv the witchcraft in order to show T ailLUUVCl lalU fna scraigmgaroe iroro wasn-lT i-i 1 t f ij t 1 1 wLM.iat the home of Emest Smith, the ; ax mo- isted. ooMawaa wBtsiaas; aworn 10 see that thsy would not have outline cummunlcaUon. Vancouver Wheat at 60c even. : P.. . .NlfVI .1 .1 11 PORTLAND ( Um Portland 1 nri th ihaa with t H Slrtnnv.r She 'took him far the of as as gate ,the Kun foBewed tmmed lately af -; nosirws-J. Th Walter Derricks house and he left ,,, wlfM-. -.w-h .k. h.H!,h. x.a v, i ji .1 f m mc uimirni v Home. Uiiu, Kl r k.i.. i Aroused Araln I trouble. He wm of a fighting dtspo- h' kne of iids morning. Mr. and 1 no..t.LuWe Mrs. Brown were similarly aroused ! amm' ' again. They both went out thU time on apeak- .-t:.-ad the twi. ; merged of accused that the couple take him Whwl com? 4Jmied. the Jury-, t ,.na!14.l, .,. .1 man Tiiwn in m r a rrwm , u. v fnmvmy vwav w , N ' I'OSt Off iC Oranville 8t Karl And. 4-. Oeorge. B.C R W. Rilev Ocnersl St.. VANCOUVER, May 7 Wheat was era, B.C. quoted on the local Exchange today I smnners unr Mil :. J MM nLv -mr . mm sm - .tv.x"i.. , s s J AT ' 'MM be. kv wmMmT s fflM w iitv v. 'jai ArjcJ i - TIME WORKS WONDERS !f Ssf I sis- m ' - tirVrtf gC TV 1 " . .L'.M S ... -h in ' . .Mill vina Ihsis"' old. ""nis advertisers is no) oublished or dav- Jijuor Control Hoard or by the iiovv.tnr; Hrit Kh f nlumbih. 1 i t IM t!f