rs I:;' through the walls of :zir. . bulldlnn and that cot-ta' ituiuted with coal oil br : I: nded through the hole :i 01 hud been made on r : . ijniu jiui. mi uukui was FREE! nllivil.. 1 - r mm m inuiKoaiiuii nil Han Mm. A. T. Boirmaa, 1ST Eebaaaa, St., Hamilton. Oat, wriUa i "I U4 been troubled, for years, with la. digestion tai suffered ao U41 I wu afraid to sal I u 01 my third bottle ef Burdock Blood Bitters, aad ea now Mt anything I Ilk without diatreu after, tod cm enjoy my aleep erery night without fear of suffering. I euaot praise B.B.B. too highly fu wuii ii nu aoao zor ma." ,. . . inr ml martl iWnn BUiluMnL for tl, u 11 1- Tfwm Oe, I". Ttt Paw -1 L.TZL, CONSIDERED .j i..rv Drlihcratlnz on Arson nu wu and Wounding Charges ir.rr.:lr..- ut the assize court . 1 11. The first was that of V; ncral merchant of vill i is charged with at- , lire to a store own-Hrnrv Keefe and oper- j 11. 1 r i; in in the back ol the . 1 a.4t 1m 1 a, . i t HinVit f T i n 1 1 i-w Ifl Tf cxUiujshcd. Later It was i ' an nuuur nflo been used found that had recently been used and that Just fitted the hole. A sweater was found corresponding exactly to a shred of wool left behind by the supposed perpetrator and Cotton batting taken from an old quilt was also of the same texture as that found In the hole. Later when an order was secured to seize the goods the quilt had. disappeared and Wiggins disclaimed having had one. The second case was that of Charles Olsen who is charged with wounding Warren Scott in October last in Prince Rupert. The Judge pointed out that a dismite followed a jollification' and ended in blows t during which a razor in the hands of Olsen inflicted wounds on Scott. Rev. Charles E. Motte. pastor of Rupert East United Church, will sail tonight on the Prince George for Vancouver to attend the Bri tish Columbia Conference. It Ik understood that Mr. Motte will be moved from here by the conference Rev. Alfred Wilson, pastor of First United Church, will sail Sunday night on the Prince Charles for the Conference. ' FREE! Large Tube of Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste With a Kottlc of Cara Nome Perfume AH for 75 cents Ormes ltd Z7fio Pioneer VruQtss o I'honcs 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St THREE GRADUATE PIIARMICISTS Fish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED Prepared Daily Hy Canadian Fisli & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mriitrr niramrr Iratr iratr Mum itihm Uufr iiuti I or tawomrr.,u,. tVKttV TIKSIIW. I .SO r.M, Arriving Vancouver vlOfr. Pull '"S t-AIUIKW tVMlY UllltW .MIIIMOII IIT r Uk. Thuruy Noon approt. Aruvtnu Vancouver Suiidit).miciniht aprox UllngK to port Blmpnon. AltcArm. Anyo. Stewart and NaM niiM nnlnlj RlinHav H :ftO Dm. Itiformatlun rcgnrcJInR all wlllntu and ttckeln at UU'CKT AUKM'Y: SccmiU .emic. riioiif COAL Br the real Coal our fa JJM tdon and Cassldy-""Hntlon.-ln ty quantities. Bulkier Valley Hay. urun nd Robin Hood Hour. Prince Rimpri FpprI Pn - - vii a W V U VV 1 HONRS 5S AND KSft (MM Kaien Motors Limited General Garage and Service Station CHL'VKOLirr and HUICK Open Day and Night Phone 52 Third Avenue 1 Dinncrware, china, crockery, glassware, Ilcilbrorier's, Store, This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3:30, .was reported this morning to be on time. Attention Eagles! Election 'of officers Thursday night. All members requested to attend. Important. Girl Oulde Display Friday, May 8 at 8 p.m., Cathedral Hall. Drills, dances and marches. Admission 50c. and 26c. 103 Radio station KJR of Seattle last night played a request number ot Miss Ermie Zarelll of this city for friends in Fernle. Other request numbers from here were played. Father E. M. Leray, CM!, of Stewart, after haying conducted monthly services in the Roman Catholic Church at Terrace, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince George for his post 'in the Portland Canal mining camp. Earl Wilkins, who has been an employee at the Big Bay Lumber Co.'s sawmill for the past two years, left on yesterday's train for a visit to his home in Campbell-ton, New Brunswick. He Is a broth er of Mrs. Harper of the United States consulate staff here. DOMINION DAIRY Casey Vink. Manager John Buss. P Dc Jong NOW OPEN FOR RUSINESS GIVE US A TRIAL Our Motto is Quality First, Last and All the Time Cows arriving on Saturday morning's boat All government tested. Dally Delivery Phone Red 608 .P. O. Box 15 HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hdtel Prince Ruper.s leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all roonu A. J. rRt'imUMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser find Fifth SU. Savoy . George Mc Lagan. Victoria; A. Puling, city; W. O. Lapolnte, SpU-ler River. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll. r Titr: mil kl nnKTii uini.i; Hot A Cold Water: Staun Hrl 75c PER DAY AMI UP Trirplwite 101 Royal J. Chapman and R. Ocean Fails. HSAtfii'fliawiiiiMmw' Campbell, Boston Grill Phone 457 Prince Rupert Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING L'vrry Saturday Nit hi. 9 to 12 Danre Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Kctcliikirn. Wrnnjell, Juneau and Skaeway May 9, 30, 30 To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle , May 13, 24, June 3 PR1NCKSS MARY For llulrdale, Ocean Fa IK, Kamu, Alert Hay, Campbell River, Vancouver, Victoria-Friday, at 10 p.m. Full information from W. C. Orchard, General Arcnt Cor. 3rd Ave. it 4th St. Phone 31 I I THE DAILY NEWS Thursday May 7, 1931 - I Glasses fitted registered flint's how optometrist at Hcilbroner's store. crisp V IlIGE Kitisin:s SO CRISP every deli cious bubble crackles when milk or cream is poured on itl Rice Krispics arc toasted rice filled with flavor and crispness '"What a breakfast! Rice Krispics fascinate children. Ideal for bedtime suppers. Order a rcd-and-green package from your grocer. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. RICE KR1SP1ES II.M.C.S. "Vancouver" Public Dance, Eagles' Hall, Friday. May 8, 9 p.m. Premier Orchestra 50c. v Hon. Joshua Hlnchllfle. minister of education, was the speaker be fore the Prince Rupert Rotary Club at its weekly luncheon today in the Commodore Cafe. President! S. D. Johnston was in the chair. Mrs. Sam Alger, whose daughter Miss Ivy Alger, is one of the graduates from the Prince Rupert Hospital training school for nurses this year, is in town from Uck for the graduation cgrynonies. She Is the gilest of Mr. and-' Mrs. Frank Morris, Second Street. William Robb. William Gilchrist. Malcolm McLeod, WBHara Herman : William Trltes, Jbhn H. Macey Robert A. Arthur, JohfyR. Stevens C. C. Mills, Bert Morgan James McNulty and O. C. A'rseneau were added astaelsmen t the petit Jury Snnef atthe Supfcme Court As- , sizes yesterday. NEW KIND OF SPECTACLES 5000 Sample Pairs Offered Free A new spectacle has been produced which is guaranteed against breaking or tarnishing and Is a great improvement over other makes. They will enable almost anyone to read the very smallest print, thread the finest needle an i see far or near. Hundreds of thousands have been ordered in the last few months. Orders are pour- ing in from all over the World The Nu-Way Optical Co.. Suite H DC-807 - 5j7. 29 Mellnda St.. Toronto. Ont., are offering mom sample pairs free. Just write them for their free offer giving youi name, age and address. They wr.lj also tell you how you get their1 agency and without experience or! or money make $260 to ,$500 a month Adv. , f ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Whist Drive and Dance May a. Olrl Guide display, Cathedral Hall. May 8. The Salvation Army Self-Denial tTag Day. Saturday. May .0th. 108 1 Eagles' Whist Drive and Dance May 13. j B.O.N. Vlnland No 38 Indepen-jdence Day Dance, Moose 'Hall. Mav ,15. I Canadian National Recreation 'Association Monte Carlo ntght, 'May 13 and 10, ON.RA. Badminton Courts 31. Moose picnic, Dliiby Island, June, Ends Right Away "Th trr Srii tint I ui4 'Sootha KIt' iDdttf Iht II; udii ml Elloa rlfhl awte, Bet ' iwelHri nl Itedisf. Pilei no inaf'WLjTNMiki Vukktil rtlnt ku,- AH Of utiuu. Phone 32 Taxi for special rates, day and night, for large parties Experienced drivers. tf R. W.iCameron was ch03cn fore man of the Grand Jury at' the Supreme Court Assizes yesterday. Football Association annual general meeting Thursday, May 7, in City Hall at 8 pjn. All interested please attend. 1 107 H. E. DeWolf, locai manager of W. II. Malkin Co. Ltd., left on .yesterday afternoon's train for a business trip to Prince George and other interior points. Edward Bryant, Indian, for drunkenness, was fined $10, with option of seven days' 'imprisonment,, by Magistrate MeClymont In city police court this morning. Capt. Delap of the Anglican Theological College, who Is on his way to spend the Hummer in At-lin. Is the guest of Dean and Mr? Gibson. DIED HERE SUDDENLY Demise of William Hamilton YesterdayHis Loss is Mourned By Many Friends William G. Hamilton, aged 26, son of Mrs. Ben Dalgarno of his city ; and well known and popular young man of the town, passed away In the j Prince Rupert General Hospital at i 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the victim of heart trouble after a brief Illness. Formerly in the service of the Northern B. C. Power Co. here, the late Mr. Hamilton had been em ployed aboard the steamer Prince Charles for a short time and It was ! only last week aboard that ship that he was taken ill. He was removed from the vessel here last Saturday and admitted to the hospital on Sunday. With the exception of two years which time he spent In Vancouver and in the Peace River, country, the late "Billy" Hamilton, as he was familiarly known had resided for ten years in Prince Rupert. He was well known as a football player and was a valuable member of the old Callies team in the Senior League. Besides his mother and stepfather, deceased Is survived by a brother. James Hamilton, who is in the service of the Postal Telegraph at Phoenix, Arizona. Billy Hamilton's death will be deeply regretted by many friends and general sympathy will be extended to his mother and the other The funeral will take place on Saturday afternoon from First Presbyterian Church. Arrangements are in the hands of the B.C. Under takers. Ask this mother what she thinks of Eagle Brand! like hundreds of thoo AND nodi of other aba will tell you the owci her baby's life lo Iti If you are noable to nurie youl own baby, or If be It not thi iojj on hit present food, we sufteil that you try Easle Brand. Send oi your name and address and we will mall you copies of our lateit baby liicraturt by return. n Ban) C IfiKittJ 1 llamtr AtaJ BU., VtMwvtr (upt ol yumt Child lUr. Iluok e.w. m igfTf rig T 17 1 1111 Y i Mil rl HK3 Qu&fcer Flour 1SMW Burial to Be Held At Port Simpson Remains of Late James Pierre, P.rother of Rev. W. II. Pierce, Sent There For Interment The body of James Pierce, 65-year old Port Esslngton fisherman, I whose death occurred Tuesday in she-Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital, was sent today to Port Simpson where interment will ba made. Deceased is a brother of Rev. W. II. Pierce of Port Esslngton. Mrs. Jack Joy will sail on the ss. j Prince George tonight for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. ! MUSSALLEM Meat Market PRIME STEER IJEEE Shoulder Steak 50C Rolled Pot Roast 5 0 C Pot Roast -f Cp i,t' per lb Ru5TRoast: si.oo T-Bone OCT 0 per lb Prime Rib RoUsd 20 C Round Steak 45C .MILK FED VEAL Leg Roast Veal OETn per lb Loin Roast of Veal OCn "VK, per lb Shoulder Roast Veal QQ Stewing Veal 50C LAMH Shoulder Lamb $1 00 Rib Lamb Chops 25C Leg of Lamb 30C PORK Leg of Pork 25 C 8f ifr pork 'SI.OO L?i.rork-II"I sioo Good Corn Beef 50C Ay rshire Bacon " 5 5 C Buk Bacon OOK, fiP per lb. in piece "A wonderful tuccett," says Mr. F. Matthews of Abbott ford, B.C. IT'S easy to make bread by the Quaker Method. Juit imagine no kneading, no setting the sponge! You actually bake lighter, more delicious bread, in half the time.. and at less cost! But you must use Quaker Flour and follow instructions in our booklet "The Quaker Method of Easy Bread Baking." Quaker Flour is of unvarying high quality because milled of the very finest wheat Tested at every stage in the milling. Samples are baked in our own kitchen every day. If you're not satisfied that Quaker Flour is the finest you have ever used, your dealer will refund your money. Write us for the booklet ... or ask your dealer. The Quaker Oats Company, Saskatoon. Thn Women s Canadian Club completed the dection ol seme ol its new officers lor the coming year last evening but there are a few more posts yet to be filled. The complete list of new officers will be announced after this has been done. Have you paiu your suoscription to the Dally News this year? REAL SAVINGS in QUALITY FOODS for i Friday & Saturday Quaker Flour For Better Bread 49-lb. CI SA 24-lb. OOA sack tjyjLeUU ,v. GUI Strawberry Jam Impress '7'fl I'JLU p per 4-lb. tin Prunes Del Monte, large Qr fruit, per a-lb. pkg uMXj Supreme Coffee Packed in p Prince Rupert, 1-lb. pkg. Bggs Fresh Extras, Scott's, Cartoned, every egg guatan- 0p aaUU teed, per doa Apricots, Libbys, No. 2 tins J 7p 2 tins Pears Royal City No; 2 tins OOn per tin .L Royal Anne Cherries loyal AH ft I City, No. 2 .tout. 2 tins U Fancy Creamery Butter Woodland E.CD. or Fraser Valley OJp t4i cartoned, per lb No. l Creamery Butter flQp OU 3-lb. hricks, each Fresh Peanut Brittle per lb 27c Seedless Raisins Australian - -fl p Oolden Fruit, per lb. Rice Krlspies The Dainty -1 Op Breakfast Food, per pkg."' Heinz Sweet Gherkins f ffn JLJl' per dos Chocolate Bclalrs- Na' nal olt Olp Fresh stock, per lb Graham Wafers New ship- ITZi XO raent, 2 lbs. Palmolive Soap A splendid soap at J5 25c Radishes 3 bunches Green Onions 2 bundles Outdoor Rhubarb 4 lbs 10c 5c 25c California Grapefruit j5C Watts' Grocery PHONE 5a PIIONB 56 TIIF IlFST foi ri'" ls' Ssik- II r4 I