i PA09 BZZ THE DAILY NEWS CLARA BOW 0U11XWXamKWI!i(:ia H Wednesday & Thursday V MO OUR IAST (MMC to tfet a beautiful Gmgoleum Gold Seal Eu is . . absolutely See Promptly at noon on Saturday, May 9th, the Congolcum Lucky Number Contest will close, and your chance of winning a beautiful Congoleum Gold Seal Rug will have passed. If you have not already entered this novel contest, do so at once. It costs you nothing to enter, and all you have to do is to guess the hidden number under the Gold Seal on the Prize Congolcum Rug displayed in your Congolcum Dealer's window. If your guess is correct, or if the number you guess is the nearest to the correct number, you will get the Prize Rug . . . FREE. Call at the dealer's where you see the Prize Rug displayed, sec the beautiful new Congolcum patterns, ask him for a FREE entry blank and try for the prize. Contest closes the same day. May 9th (noon). Winning number will be displayed 4.30 SPECIAL OFFER. If you pur- chase a Genuine Congoleum Cold Seal Rag during ihrprrind of thlt eontett, and then prore the winner of lbs Prize Rug, you have the option of taking the Prlte or having the full purchate price of the rug you hat already bought returned to you. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating g. t. v. zo.oou-ton floating duydock -Engineers, Machinists, Hoilermakers, Hlacksmlths, Pattern Makers Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 SHINGLES! No.l-3xatperM $3.25 No.l-5xatperM $3.75 No. 2 - at per M $2.75 SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRIES MADE AT MASSETT HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PIIONE 580 .1 Ct'AIUVTtZ Jl I There are no eomr'lratui rule or "condition.. here i no obligation to purchase. Everyone (land the tame chaare. Simply afk for an entry blank wherever you are the Prize rug displayed. - )oa Win Mtv Mafl ' ; " GOID ThitU -AVALOU CcieJum CM Sl Urn fit. til The World's Best Value in Home Furnishings CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED MONTR EAL The Lief Erikson Society, at a meeting last night, decided to suspend regular meetings for thc summer months. Meetings will be resumed ln thc fall. Business at thc meeting was, otherwise, of a routine nature. I. Fenness, presi dent of thc Society, was In the chair. FREE INTRODUCTORY OFFER FRIDAY and SATURDAY A Pair of Fancy Larc Trimmed In I MAID vNoyvf.c SILK Summer Panties (Advance 1032 Styles) With Each Purchase of Large Dottle Perfume $3.00 Rlg.nox Fare Powder ... . 1.00 Regular Value $3.00 ROTH FOR $1.50 PANTIES FREE! (None Soldi EXTRA! First 50 Buyers Receive 50c Jar Strawberry Cream FREE! MRS. SMITH'S Ideal Gift Shop W. THIRD AVE. Only a Few Dozen of These, So Come Early! "1 p.m. District News STEWART A curfew bell, which will also be used as a fire alarm, Is to be Installed by the village! council In the pumping station on Columbia Street. The bell will be operated from the switchboard ln the tele phone exchange. A. Aaronaon has returned here from Alice Arm where he was employed on thc Tidewater Molyb denum property which has been closed down. Stewart and Hyder are co-operating with a view to having the proposed Tolmte Highway built as close as possible to both Stewart and Hyder. II. P. Olbson. P. S. Jack and IL W. M. Rolston, a committee representing , the Stewart Board of Trader Interviewed the executive of thfc tllyder Chamber of Commerce on lfic, matter last week. Thc Catholic Women's League held a successful whist drive and dance last Friday' night ln thc Canadian Legion Hall. There was a large attendance at the affair. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Stewart are receiving congratulations on the birth of their first grandchild, a the city, son, born to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hagar of VancouveT"on Tuesday of last week. GETS REST f "It" Girl Admitted to Sanitarium Suffering From Nervous Breakdown HOLLYWOOD, May 7: Clara Bow, the "it" girl of the screen, who has been having rather strenuous time lately what with adventures In loveand with pilfering secre taries, has been admitted to Glen- n dale Sanitarium. She is suffering j from a nervous breakdown, it is re- g ported. - m Minister Is Heard , (continued from ptge 1 ) vviien was me uoveiiunem uu- ligatlon ended ln regard to educa tion was another Important pro- TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 VM. CLAUDETTE COLBERT and FREDERIC MARCH in uin hku uouwjr w waa pre,idfcd 0rer by J. S continued Mr. llinchlttfe. solve, WHm nTtmMi,nt of lh. Trh. Tartar ume a nnMitnn ru avuiin leave to his hearers to thresh out. He, personally, believed that ln years to come the principal of limit of ability would be recognized as marking the government' responsibility. Mr. Hinchliffe poor child should opportunity of obtaining educa tion as the rich. The minister toll of how he had succeeded ln set ting a fund voted ln this province1 ed with and the increments would come along the same a.i planned. There had been no general fixed principle In the past tr rogard to this. The new system wa designed to be more equitable Thc government had no Intention but to continue, paying reasonable ani Just salaries. The Intention was U devise a more equitably and fair plan to meet the requirements of different cnmmunlBaa oiMrntintr era' . Federation. . Miss E. A. Mercer played the piano for the singing of "O Canada" at the star) and "Ood Save the King" at the closing. , In In this this connection connection. . contended that the U I in-itTa Y H l in IV uld have have the the same same 1 JU 1 Lil iVJ INJURED to aid meritorious but poor pupU Flight Lieutenant Waghorn Schnel-ln getting advanced education. der Cup Winner, Hurt in Crash Something the same was beinz done to help deserving children of LONDON. May 7. Plight Lieu-returned men through High School tenant Waghorn. who won the last Speaking of the subject of re- Schneider Cup race with a speed of cent legislation. Mr. Hlchliffe ask- 357 miles per hour, was seriously Inert the teachers not to worry about jured when his plane craslicd dur- mlarie. No existing contract or lng a 60-mlle gale ln England, salary schedules would be lnterfer Week-End Specials under different conditions. 8WU" J'urc "irQ- y(C Declaring that ne was keenly in- " terested in the country schools. Matin's Best Sliced Pine- Ofjn Mr. Hlncllffe charged that the apple, 2'a. per tin cities had been selfish In always Malkln'a Best Crushed demanding teachers with exper lence. Personally, he thought it would be more fitting If the teachers were given some experience under principals ln city schools before being called upon to carry When you feel "out of sorts" BOWIL is a splendid pick-me-up OR SPRING COATS . Pineapple. 2's. per tin Malkln's Ikwt Tea 3-lb. tin - Dutch Maid Salad Dressing ll-oi. Jar w mi . ;n . Nabob Baking Powder 2:-lb. tin Lowney's Marthmallows 1-lb. pkg EggsFresh Extras 3 doz i. Sunnybrook Creamery Butter. 3-lb. brick Ogilvle Oats With China per pkg Ripe Bananas- New samples Just arrived of spring 3 lbs. and summer goods of the finest Royal Crpwn Soap-quality and the patterns of the very g bars latest. LINO THE CUTTLIt Steam cleaning, pressing and alter- I lng. Free delivery to any part of LINO THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave, Vhone 619 mm aw w 25c $1.35 25c Dutch Maid Salad Dressing EJp 70c 35c 85c 95c 30c Heinz Cream of Celery Soup nn , per tin Heinz Cream of Com Soup per tin 20c FIRST CHOICE OF SUITS a oranges- n-n aVV 50c 25c Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Fifth Street Proprietor Phone ?M Thursday May 7. ijj, "HONOR AMONG LOVERS" WITH CHARLIE KUGGLES AND GINGER ROGERS The beautiful secretary falls In love with her rich bachelor W When love and business mix can you guess ,what hanncn A PARAMOUNT PICTURE ' Comedy "ONE YARD TO GO" FOx ' ' Nru Novelty "MAKE UP YOUR MIND" ADMISSION 20c & 65c Feature Starts at 7:10 and 9 m THURSDAY MATINEE at 2:30 15c.& 40o Feature Starts at J J FRI. & SAT. Marie Dressier & Polly Moran In "IlEnt'rivr, HJ a !,.' rtiiaaB..maaa...taB,Haaa .. ..-.. ,.a tm p 1 u Rial 1 KBia vb.-'bb r t. im imWUlM : out the sometimes very arduous work in the country schools. all on the same level which could nefore ci0,lni, M, ninohllffp re-1 not be done. If a child were given ferred the matter of cost ol such training as would enable and booka He told of a new inspire him to make the most of xhemG wnlcn had been devised himself in life, then that child wncre tPxt books could be bought ! had an ideal education. frflm thp riVnnrtment at. flft.wn The government alone. Mr ncrccnt. discount for retail sale ut Hlnohliffe pointed out. could not a flxed maxlmum prlcc If give an Ideal 'education. After all wrre not obtainable locallv. thev the teachers had the children in m.Bhl be nurchased from the text their hands a comparatively short book bnnch The whole ldea war time. The years before school age to make thJ book, leM The were of great importance from an 0., u-ag alt0 endeavorln caucauonai swnapoini ana wie .mlnat. hllt children w?re entirely In the hands cnanges ln text books and to use of Uwlr parenU during those years. ., a,,,. No child that was a trouble with the M Qpcnlng of thc mcetln;? tne leacner oiier going acnoo c nnd Mayor 0rmc Mfg Rob. hd bn properly brought up at m Blancc prMldent of the Par.j home those first six during years. en, r- Association, directed the minister assented. Ninety-nine brJef remarkg of wclcome o Itrne out of one hundred the trou- Mr Hinchjiffe bl was at home. Even after going ionclurton At the of the meet-to school, the parents had over- ng c Frawr, inspector of siht -their children. There over Khoolg wlth a fltUng h were many limitations placed on mo?ed hwi vote of thankj education by the government. Mr Hmchllffe. thU being second-Governments Obligations (ed by Kfrs T, M spencer, chair- man of the board of school The meeting, which was well at REMEMBER Mother's Day Your feelings of love : prcciatlon for your M can be beat expre.v-c v flowers. She doesn t vi expensive giftJust . preaslon of love and i,-v do it so well. Cut Flowers 8weet Peas. Iris. dr.. and Laddies, 'Lndrii especially fine C,i.: Potted Plants Calceolarias Cinev:,i Hydrangeas. R. At Moderate Price? Arctic Studio Phone: Red 418 I PRICES THAT COUNT Sunnybrook Butter QCi t,Jl 3-lb. brick Hour Qflp 24-lb. sack .lour- CJ fin 49-lb.'aaek . .towntreea Osrot - JCp 401 l-lb. un , ... odlsed Salt 0q per shaker ;awan's Choewlate 8jh O0( as Baker's, Vs-lb. brick " White Fig- QCn MV 3 lb. Whole Oreen Pe;a 25C 4 Ids vtalkln's Custard Powd OflP u pet Un Malkln's Beat P( ars 2 O'JC per Un Nialkln's Bsat CoHce 4fj( per lb ; ?resh Green Pea- u 25C 2 lba. lothouse Tomatoes- J5C per lb Mew Bunch Carrots JQC 3 for iMussallenns Cash and Carry Stores Where Hollars Have More Onto1 19 3rd Ave. 417 r: ATC -360 and 1 Phone 566 Rupert Motors Oarage and Service Station DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER AND BODY WORK A SPEUIAH