I mm 0) f the East October 24, 1931 fines The Letter Box TIlEViKJ MANAGER'S APPRECIATION 1IEUE EXPRESSED i uence which would dis t nee and good humor circumstances, and I !ui them all my sincere heir kindly consldera- now been effected Tuesday ! m. und Thurs- rromtli. last W. nnesday and Satur- I I I i I gM uisziusmxaAi-sH ' M MONTREAL 1 : n ar AST-LIVER- POOL ji'lvw ( Athol. Monelr rn-tv -.' n-.fstt - ;iriminrl 1 ,: ' -. T ' t; Ujni(-im 'vrr London-Antwerp iiOBiroM t , I KO!? tft'EBKC T 'irrbourt Southampton , ,,,. X.ron of Bntilr ROM ST. JOHN 1,1 ' l-v.o-Relfast.Llverpool . UnnMaiw PM VANCOUVER " " M"l-iii-l hlM.liHlip4i.P, Km?r. of Caualft i. ..,rw" rt ttWMr " A 1 :" A.-riit tvtrvwirt or J J KNTi:n ',. " Pm Ateat .V, .st.tion VM.eiPr inuiiy 1IS1 !)KV CLEANING AND , I'KKSSINO Uui,v & Gentlemen's Tailor-. ,r"t ReaAonahlp lrt... f T. LEE COMPANY One 25c Tube Colgate's Tooth Paste buy a tube of Palmolive Shaving Cream tc s shaving Cream or a bottle nf paimni:.. . in, or a tube of - Colgate's Tooth Paste, any uuiiuim; size, Colgate or Palmolive item for 50c or over! Take advantage of this offer. ltd Jfte Pioneer Drtu&tets Phones si and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. Former Citizen Dies for Friend Charles. E. Long Killed In Leavenworth, Wash, .Making Kescue News: An act of kindness to a fellow I tirlr A hmIm. il. - - i unit me, thrown your' "u,ul "lc pwionnance oi .umis, to express my deep uly C08t Charles E. Long, a former owing to a breakdown ' Edmontnln. his life at Leaven-,,ri apparatus. I was un-10'01, Waah - "cording to word the first show, as usual. , V C. B. Hunter of Jasper jwho was in Edmonton Saturday t rther express my ap J J ? tueI nd admlraUon for the SSelf J' " ! audience during the fj , i hTJY6 w mi of nearly two hours. - J . .. ,i mask to a w orker beside him. The .w lu ve that anvwhere in man was saved but Mr. Long suc-i uninion there can be mmi v. Mr. Long was past-master in one of the Edmonton Masonic lodges, and was employed some six or seven years ago by the Canadian National railways electrical department in this city. He became a member of the Jojnwr Port Mmnnln . ure the public that i,.w years a bo while he m. m. 1 DToreed with their niww u t... . 8. P. MrMORDIE :et, Capitol Theatre. naL Mr. Long was i nPrince Rupert a number of years with his family . .... .... i iz. n. h. mMur pmim nwiM niia. wife ot the Ca- ' .. .VTTT ' - ---- pl " weooen, Mrwed in port n, .1 uoiiov. m. Phi,.? at 10 octock " morntng from Phelan is making Vancouver. PoweU Rrfer and Ocean ' RuIrt O"1" 'afternoon for Anyox and Stewart Nl.o...g serious lnwhence ,h(. w relurn here tomor- " . n,Sn!WI from'row evening southbound, mdah of the atatinni slump below whuV it clotkes. She was he city on Thursday rain. C. N. TRAIN FOR HEAD OLDS Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot & Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Z:irclll Trlfl'lH'iir ?SI Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms. A. J. I'lUIliHOMMK. Prop. Cor. of Fraaer and Fifth Bts T. bert, Savoy Walsh. C.N.R.; Kwlnltsa. Mrs. J. Oil Car Owners Our repair service Is prompt, efficient and courteous. RUPERT MOTORS Distributors of DODGE & PLYMOUTH CARS rhone 5CC - Niglit Call.i lfil i Local Items Dinnerware, china, crockery glassware. Ileilbroner's store, Mrs. O. O. Bushbv sailed last i night on the Princess Mary for a visit to Victoria. A cushion raffled at Catholic bazaar yesterday should have read donated by O. M. Hunt Instead of; F. E. Hunt. Provincial Constable William Harrison of Port Esslngton, after having spent the past week in the city, returned by this -morning's train to his duties on the Skeena River. Carl Gudmuridseth, local fisherman, left on this morning's train for New York whprp nn TJnvpmhet 7, he will embark on the steamer etavangerflord for a vUlt to his native home In Oslo, Norway. An interesting article In the New Outlook by Maude McEwen tie scribes some phases of missionary work'-whlch is-being earredgn lit ine reace mver district. The writer of the article lives In Hvthc. Alta. Mrs. B. R. Wilson and granddaughter of Hazelton arrived In the city on the Prince Oeorge thli morning after a brief trip to Vancouver onHhelr way back to the interior. Mrs. Wilson formerly resided in Prince Rupert. P. W. Cunningham of Seattle Is a - Daasenser aboard the Prin George today bound for a business trip to Ketchikan. Mr. Cunningham was lonneily a partner of Edward Lipsett in the local ship chandlery business. Douglas Nelson of the Big Bay Lumber Co. sawmill staff, who railed last night on the Princes? Mary for a trip to Los Angeles, will proceed from there to Toronto where he will spend the winter. expecting to return here in spring. HALLOWE'EN SPECIALS Juiuihan Apples K'i box Mi Iiuosh Apples, i it- tirade, per box li.il: owe cn Candy all colors, JJQq ( u Kolaie Bars, assorted, 7 lor rh'xolate Bars, assorted. i 5c bars, ncr box always appreciated. Popping Com, 3 lbs. for i Puuipkln, 2';-lb. tins Pumpkin, ficsh, per lb Hubbard Squash, per lb Fresh Roasted Peanuts, good and crisn. 2 lbs. for 1.85 25c 80c 35c 15c 6c 6c 25c Braid's Best Tea Blua Label With cup and saucer. m - per lb LXOV, 34c 25c TOT DAILY NEWS .... - t. 4 t.- i. Cunning ! What a care the is, btit how predoiul Your whole lifcis centered in her. If she b to be well and happy if her charm is to continue he mutt be strong and roburt. Baby's 0-n Tablets are an invaluable help to mothers in keeping their children well. (They are the ideal laxative for children a simple and safe preventive, and a remedy for colds, simple fever, indigestion and constipationconditions which, if not attended to promptly, lead to serious illness. Always keep Baby's Own Tablets in the house. They win save you worry. 25 cents a package at any druggist's. so BABY'S OWN TABLETS (Dr. Williams') For Children of AH Ages Women of Mooseheart Legion In vite the Moose to a social on Tuesday, Oct. 27, at 8:30. (248) Kenny Smith, well .known pioneer of -the cttyv was taken U the (Prince Rupert General Hospital , last night for treatment for stom ach trouble. O. A. Woodland, local agent of the Imperial Oil do, returned to i me city on we iJrmee oeorse thi nanowc en App.es and Cand, All morning from a trip to Ocean Fails . on Display at Our Stores Lnmn,mn,Ui,. ( i Phone Ali at Reduced Prices j Qi rn C. H Sawle. published of the Oi-t)U Omlneea Herald at New Haseltoa, arrived in the city from the In- terior cn list evening's mixed tram for a brief business visit to town. Our coal is in a dry shed. Don't buy water. Buy coal and get your full weight. - ---- Discount ' - thv $1.00 a ton. as This is good for the children and Note our advertisements for cash We have only a limited quantity 8:30. cash prises or irus acai. uuy now and get this cup and saucer free. Malkln's Best Waterglass, 2's tins, two for M-ilkln's Best Baking Powder, 12-oz. tins With one package of Malkln's Best Jelly Powder 25C Malkln's Best Extracts All flavors, 2-os. bottles 1 Qv each J.JI Breakfast Bacon, sliced Per lb prices. HYDE TRANSFER, Thone 580. Announcement St. Peter's Church tober 2. October 30. and egetablei at prices greatly jvember 5. rrdured, . ' basaar. Oc rf Moose Cinden ll;i dance honor ! M. 8. Skeena, Monday next. Royal Purple. brWge and whl.. Monday. Oct 26. Metropole Hall. L.OT1A hrirtvp JinH urhlii riMfl Moose HaUowc'rtj danqs, Oct. 30 We have a full ranjte of fresh Fruits Presbyterian Fall Basaar. No- I Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. I Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Perry of Port Simpson were overnight visitors in town. Cinderella Dance, Monday Oct. 26, Moose Hall from 9:30 p.m. to 1 ajn. Gents 50c. Ladies 25c. (249 F. C. Freeman of Port Simpson arrived in the (Sty yesterday afternoon for a brief visit to town. Miss V. Bird, a member of the nursing staff of the Port Simpson Hospital, sailed last night on: the Cardena for Vancouver. Miss Yvctte Desroslers, who has been on a brief trin tn Vanrnnvpr (returned to the city . from the suuui .on wie rrince ueorge mis morning. Do you realize how soon Chris mas will be here. Sittings can be made now and photos finished any time you desire before Christmas. Benson Studio. (243) Roy Sommers of the C. N. R. division freight office returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge thlx morning from Vancouver where he spent his annual vacation. Mrs. S. D. Johnston and son. who have been visiting In Victoria wltn Mrs. Johnston's mother, Mrs. Joshua Klngham, returned to the city from the south on the Prince George this morning. Vic Rodgers of Fulton Street. having lost everything In the recent fire, is staging a consert and dance at the Eagles' HalL Friday evening. October 30. to enable hlni to start all over again. Second Church of Christ. Scientist. Vancouver, announces that arrans-pmpntii havn hoen maris n Miss E. A. Eriekson of Vancouver broadcast over station CJOR it arrived. In the city on the Cardena ' mornlnir service from 11 to 12 on yesterday afternoon to pay a visit i the first Sunday of each month. with friends here. I commencing November 1. Pnvfll PlirrtlA t3rf4erA n vr1 TTt- me I Metropole HalL Monday, Oct. 26 at o.ou. ai prize Admission JliK.KllBlBiiBawiIB:iKl De Jong's Cash and Carry 933 For Week-End Savings rrrmsM irr j dance Metropole Ija)l Oct 29, at Johnson's Fluid Beef, o.ou p.m. l'rice. ;hjc. iTemier Or- lo-os. tiue , chestra. ( Kipper Snacks, Uttm tnr lim 60 10iJ.K. urldge and danee Red Arrow Sodas. " We solicit mall orders, and prompt w Ladle , ,7T 1": NVCn' " do,n -'attention is always given to these fefr&mt. Gents oainer's Sliced Bacon. out-of-town customers entrusllnr their requirements to our care. I Mussallem's Cash and. Carry Stores .Hi) Srd Ave. - 417-423 Jlh Ave. JI 71U. Jin. Moose Csrnlvai 7nd Dance No;. MaWn' Dest Lobster, 12 and 13. ! Baptist sale of work, Nov. 17. Recreation Club November 20v - Egg Plant, 2 lbs. for Celarv. AnsHean Pnttirrlrnl rtin-r Ka. i i . 4.w- uri itUKii t i . .. 1 1 . ii- . u . lliirrr immuh iuit iUoit Urn IS vernoer IV. Phone 953 Extra Special Mcintosh Apples Per Box, C Grade Wrapped, $1.65 Sunnybrook Butter, per 3-lb. brlcK 5iiiiiicjaigJ 75c Blue Ribbon pc? lb. 43C Blur Ribbon Coffee per lb. Crisco, per 3-lb. can Ginger Snaps. Red Arrow. 2 lbs Malfcin s Best Assorted Jams, PQp dollar slse Malkln's Best Loganberries, , 2's Ensign Red Pitted Cherries, I 2's Matches, pocket slse, rhone 3C0 Phone 18 & si i !. Free Delivery on Orders Varden Concert Novembw 19. ; 0f $2.00 or Over 99c 15c 45c 21c 19c 19c 15c 32c 25c 10c Scotch Dance- xaBk;i .wn;:anatliirM:.'aiflJi PAGE THREB i i Big Radio News NEW 9-TUBE VICTOR RADIO Featuring Automatic Volume Control 2 Pentode and 2 Super-Control Tubes and other Big Improvements $ 149 .50 Complete' With Tubes Other Models $83.50, $119.50 and $219.50 The value of a radio Is Judged by the service it gives, looks; the reputation of maker and reputation of dealer In rendering efficient service after the purchase 1& made. By this test we solicit a demonstratidn in your own home. Thank Yqu for the hearty co-operation extended Our Little Merchants in their first financial endeavor. In case of any error or misunderstanding between subscriber and carrier boy, please phone 98 or call at the Daily News Circulation Department and we will gladly attend to it. Work for Prince Rupsrt Patronize Prince Rupert Merchant Kcad Their Ads in The Daily News STLK !!c mm a 25c mm I TALL SIZE BABY size or BETI'IiR RESULTS IN COOKING -j BAKING NESTLES EVAPORATED Kssns Milk for better Vs JSB 7 ,7 "o stvuvi. auote stusfrmg dishes ... a pure, safe tnd coiiTcnient milk that JOs a tempting fltvot wherever It ii used ... a milk of guaranteed quahtr, unexcelled purity and bunjuit creaminess. NESTli-S,-gW, urtm iwimn S MSI I II I MILK AS Nejtu's Enporated Milk is pure cow's milk from which 60 of the wster hu been removed. The milk is then packed in convenient, airtight tins and sterilized to insure purity. mJ UlUn ifCtmJtn-J . mj Fx W Milk UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Stramrr leave rtlnee Rupert I or Vanrouteri T.N TATAU EVKKY Tt'ESDAT, 140 TM. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver. Thursday Morning T.A r.lRDF.N.i F.VER' FRIDAT MIDMOIIT ArrlTinf Vaneouter Bunday midnujht approx. Weeklt Mlimgi to Port SUnpson, Alic Arm. Anyox. StVWart and Naa River foinu. Sunday. S 00 p.m. rurther tntormatlon retarding all aalllngs and tlektU at I'KINCr HVft UT AUE.NCV: Kre ond Arenu. fhune WS