eel November 24, 1019 day (rN rc se ag Commencing Monday December 1, 1919 We will sell for CASH ONLY Prices Cut to Pieces will be necessary to PAY CASH in store or pay iriver on delivery or make : ver a deposit to cover pur- ¢ hase. Keep Your Nails Well Manicured l’ S A very easy matter if you have the proper manicure requisites to provide everything you neeu Make up your minds now t& preserve the beauty* of your hands and nails by daily manicur- ing The Prince Rupert Drug Co.. FAMILY CHEMISTS Third Avenue, opposite Second Street. Corner 2nd Avenue and 2nd Street PHONE 134 Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention P.O. BOX 215 —_—_— Lots 1 and 2, Block 14, Section 1 WHO WILL GIVE $8000.00 For a beautiful Double Corner Lot in Section 1, about 4 squares from Post Office. Fine Warehouse Property. Terms Given. Come and see DAVID H. HAYS © TURK LIS = ino sanitartow = NOW OPEN Everything modern and up to date We guarantee expert service Give us a trial 722 Fulton Street, formerly Klondike Hotel Phone 309 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the windbreak Reserve covering the belt of land ten chains in width and situate along the north shore of Graham Island, notice of which appeared in the “British Columbia Gazette of the 28th January, 1909, is Why Pay More Than cancelled in so far as it relates to that portion lying between Indian Reserve No. 1 and Indian Reserve No. 3 G. KR. NADEN, ° Deputy Minister of Lands » Department of Lands, for Victoria, B, ¢ November 17th, i919 LUMP COAL J) CERTIFICATE deli : came Celivered in your bin? NOTICE, We screen eve d “Mohawk,"’ “Mohawk No. 1 metas , poun No. 2” Mineral Claims, situate in the Naas ry “ River Mining Division of Cassiar District Phone Black 85 Where located Between Lime ana Roundy Creeks on south shore of Alice Arh. Llevminal Coal Co, TAKE NOTICE that I, George R. Naden Free Miner's Certificate No, 25,555-C, in tend, sixty days from the date hereof, to Pore ————-=« {apply to the Mining Rees wder for a Certil \ Oresceoreccoocsscoooe. cee {cule of Improvements, for the purpose of »biaining a Crown Grant of each of the above claims ; And further take notice that action un } der section 85, must be ¢ mmnaueed bef« GEN the issuance of such Certificate of ba. _ ERAL CONTRACTOR srevenmauie : “ “ce and Shop Fraser St. wa this 23rd day of August, A. ~P _ 00rs, mouldings - a ? Lerior fj s and QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DI8 ; tish lumber al- PRICT-—RECORDING DISTRICT OF ways | SKEENA. A for " stook, rAKE NOTICE that I, Peter Plombo, of ‘or J. Fyfe Smith's Prince Rupert, B. ¢., prospector, tatend 1 to apply for a licence to prospect for coa | hardwood, ie ea petroleum over the following ce RE stimates Given. scribed lends on the West Coast of Gra ham Islanc PAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Commencing at a post planted at three Phone Green 269. miles north of the north east corner of er erroee, Tet 2427, thence 80 chains north, thence ~ ooutinnen tiso chains west, thence 80 chains south freeeeccccccccossasgamem——— ihence 80 chains east to point of com mencement . peta PLOMBO SMITH & MALLETT {}!°88'Sntintt fom, soe __ VANCOUVER LAND D DISTRI T-—DISTAICT r ¢ 1 Ol Plume OF COAST, RANGE IN . aa HEATING TAKE notice that Emma ©, Smaby, of ENGINEERS Ocean Falls, B. C,, oecupation marrie d wo st ' man, intends to apply for permiasi n wo ae urni ' the following described lands furntahed. “to mme ene ing at a post planted on the \ddr a north end of a small island on the, west — oe > nich hoked Passage, west © unt f ra Avs nue, head ‘eas ace south 40 chains tence, weet 0 Second St 40 enains, thence north 40 chains, thence reet. 4 cement Phone 74 ast 40 chains to point of comme nee een int 140 acres, & P. o. Box 274 onal containing EMMA c SMABY, OPO er eoe By Mark Smaby, Agent OPO ORO OEES | 1) 10 September 4th, 1019, Soe DAILY NEWS GREAT PICTURE AT WESTHOLME “Heart of Humanity” Seen eo Many on Saturday and Pro- claimed Best Vet. Heart of Humanity,” the big play which is billed for tonight at the Westholme tonight, was seen by a good many at the matinee on Saturday and all were enthusiastic over it. Some characterized it as the biggest picture that had been here yet. It has a grip on the audience whieh only real heart throb acting can produce. Heart of Humanity" is a story of love &nd sacrifice. It has a Canadian setting and is one of the strongest feature films that has ever been west. It is not often that an oppor- tunity is given to see a picture before the regular run. The Saturday matinee on this occasion was an exception and no better advertisement could have been arranged than to give the after- noon crowd an opportunity to view it. At Empress. ; At the Empress, Elsie Fergu- son appears in “The Marriage Prinee.’ The story is dramatic and every situation has thrill and heart appeal. The story was written by Griswold Wheeler, the scenario by Eve Unsell and the director was Emile Chautard. arore ee ee oe oe os oe BE ; The Man in the Moon SAYS:-- ee tt et rt ee es ee BE That the Sunday night concert at the Methodist Church made quite a splash. . . * That the organ was a little headstrong once when it insisted on playing at the wrong time, but on the whole it behaved well That Parson Nuttall is on the right track in catering to the absolute need of the city by pro- viding good music for the people. — — —— ————————— — i gee een re es seer | | pt Ideals of purity and value We are soapmakers with an ideal—our ideal is to make a Soap which shall have no equal for Purity and Efficiency throughout the Dominion—no superior in all the world. We realize our ideal in every tablet of Sunlight Soap which is manufactured. SUNLIGHT SOAP is made from the sweetest and choicest of edible oils and fats. It is the purest and most efficient of soaps and, if used judiciously, the most economical. Insist on getting the Soap you ask for— Sunlight Soap — That the people showed their appreciation last night in no un- cerlain manner, That everyone seems agreed as} ts but the mention of location almost] b leads to a scrap. d bat ets - That no one ever realized how] q much wind there was at Acropolis Hill until it was proposed to build * . . That on the same authority there is no wind at Hays Cove Circle, a That viewing the question from this Uizzy height it would appear that only those with children or those with intentions in that di- rection should be allowed to vote on the bylaw. Phat real estate values should be eliminated in a question of this M education of children. te JENNIE TAGGART | | HERE ON SUNDAY Arrangements Made to Have the|” Famous Singer Then—Full he At the meeting “of the Prince|* Sunday evening. The feature of | men the world-famous solo soprano, Miss Jennie Taggant, sister of Frederic Taggart, wha recently appeared here, The orchestra will also give a full recital inter- spersed with other, numbers. Miss Taggart will arrive here on the Prince Rupert next Satur- day from Vaneouver, where she is visiting her brother. —anisiatceeamnas Pete Rorviek, accompanied by his sister, Miss Anna Rorvwiek, left for Seattle last night. to the need of a new school here} lH, a school there. Arm on the Venture last night the 7th day of January, 1920, for the}lecto of the City of Prince Rupert, bear to the Mining Reeorder for a Certificate not registered under the provisions Rupert Amateur Symphony Or- of tnproveqpense, =. a of ob- of this Act, shall be for ever estopped ; . taining a Crown o chestra held last Satunday night above claims. ‘ wide , ser And further take notice that action, un sold for the Registrar it was decided to hold a concert) yen tion 85, must be commenced before| shall re ater the ‘per he person entitled un in the Westholme Theatre next] the issuance of such Gertifieate of Improve- der su as owner of the YY. M. C. A. AT ANYOX. — - —_—__—— —— -— —————- The first industrial ¥.. my te me Mrs. A. W. Clarke i At yous Service with aken. A few days ago Captain vie ete. 8S. Hinton of Halifax, who has ton~ve een engaged in Y. M. C, A, work 4 FOR BOYS AND GIRLS ' ’ uring the war, arrived at Anyox Joe Brown Ss That they were not sure wheth- to be organized in a mining camp FE = vo aa er or not they might applaud, |! western Canada is already un- eiaadin Cae eae ootwear 7 er der way at Anyox. Following the Presbyterian Ladies College, | That in many city churches ap-| Visit of John Sumner, national Melbourne, Australia. | FOR LADIES plause both of the words of the| secretary of the industrial depart- PIANO, ORGAN, ETC. Dorothy Dodd, Onyx, Lady preacher and of good singing is|ment of the Y. M, C. A. to Anyox Will open Musie Studio No. Belle, Slater, Invictus, Class- common. a short time ago, arrangements 333 2nd Ave. Now ennolling ic and other well known “- . * |were made with the Granby Con- pupils. brands. That the visit of Jennie Taggart] solidated Mining, Smelting and Address Norfolk House FOR MEN is the next big event in musical} Power Company whereby the Phone Biack 329. Slater, Invictus, Fitrite, circles. ‘ work of the Y, M. C. A. was under- Tetrault, Williams, Leckie, > «=> Leekie, Kelipse, Williams, Pillow Welt, Clums, ete. ith his family to take on the aties of secretary, Motor Transfer and {)} Pu»vers—nuvoer Boots for All. Julius Wilson returned to Alice Passenger Service fter spending a few days in the Stand,§Empress Hotel ety. Phones 176, Black 334 Phone 367. - SEND FOR JOE Family Shoe Store Geo. Hill E. R. Tabrum The Practical Shoemen 4 LAND REGISTRY ACT oe James F.Marten Re Applicatidn No. 10493-1. File 6072. TIMBER SALE X1909 Tans NUTICE that application has been —_— made to register John Hh, MeMuilin, official Victoria, B.c., Nov. 4th, 1919.) administrator of the estate of 5. Bb. Steb SIGNWRITING Sealed tenders will be received by the] bins, deceased, intestate, as owner in [ee inister of Lands not later than noon On} under two Tax Sale Deeds from the Col PAINTING Further particulars of the Chief Fores (31,, Block thirty-four (34), Seetoon : : purchase of Licence X1909, to eut 10,-|ing date the 28in day of November, 1¥17, kind = e ® 716,000 feet of Spruce, Hemlock and Ce-jof ALL AND SINGL LAR that certain pareei DECORATING dar’ on an area adjoining S.T.L. 11525p,}or tract of jand and premises situate, lying . That apparently the need of] Sedgwick Bay, Lyell Island, Queen Char-/and being in the City of Prince Kupert, Phones 544 and Black 507 . lotte District, more particularly known and described as P.O. Box 514 this town is a school to educate Two years will be allowed for the re-]Lot ten (10), Block sixteen (16), Section vo adults just as much as for the moval of timber eight (8), Map 23, and Lot thirty-one Workshop: 329 Second Avenue r, Victoria, B.c., or District Forester,/eight (8), Map 023. You are required to ivision of Cassiar District the registration as owner of the per Where located:—About four miles from . n entitled under su nti x sal ‘a ad of Alice Arm on its west side. pereons rm served with notice, we e rince Rupert, B.C. == ss contesé the claim of the tax purchaser ~ aah apical aD within 35 days from the date of the MINERAL Ac®. service of this netice (whieh may be ef fected by publication in @ daily newspaper Comfi ¢ ime and your attention is called to section « For ort, Courtesy~ Certificate of mprovements. of the “Land Kegistry Act’ with amend- and Se ‘ NOTICE ments, and to the following extract there- rvice : >. from: “Silver Tip’ and “Monarch” Mineral “and in default of a caveat or certifi ot ‘aims, situate in the Naas River Mining cate of lis pendens being fied before 8 of TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore, . and those claiming throughs veneer alven _ Trini Oke ‘hewisthartot ime uprema| items ht A Rata * | es c € Court of British Columbia, of any unregistered instrument, and F, >. Rowness ws Miner's Certificate No, sates. Cc, imend, all persons claiming any interest in MANAGERe Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 xty days from the date hereof, to apply the land by descent whose title is each of the and debarred from setting up any claim Aa La >. pempect of the land so ments. land $0 nt taxes,” . Dated this 18th day of September, A.D.| AND WH application | bas een Hotel Prince the concert will be the singing of] 1918. meee ter 6 eee rt mer roaeiole = you were the registered and assessed own- OF END Ww 8 a po a he es n t TOM LEE co Usie It appears that prior to then tat day EUROPEAN PLAN c 0 whic e said ane” sold for overdue taxes), $1.60 per day and up. 8 . ert so Second Avenue, West FU TAKE Bence ae i the FIRST-CLASS CAFE = registration in A La CG . crores ccs liars J eect ts _ 4 (ficial Ad- and tak General Contr: ctors and Labor Exe iange. Prince Rupert, B,C, Phone 547 — }F.0O, Box 725 PPOPROPOOD DODDS ATED at the Land Registry PA Mce, Rupert, B. C., this 2ist day of No District Registrar of Titles, To Garfield §. Sileox, as to Lot 10; Archibald MeKechnie, as to Lot 34. = eee ish your - » e&tabli your Bla! atanche (EQ Con Carne Hot Tomales vent such proposed action vember, A.D. 1018, ante AD te coson, CHILL! PARLOR - 835 Second Avenue Delivery Service Extra Phone 567