pAOl TEW THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, August 4, 1931 m a r i uuie Lesson in Health Protection your doctor's prescription should be entrusted to pharmlclsts of unquestioned experience and training. Otherwise all his efforts may prove in vain. Remember your health and sometimes life tsdf -is in the balance. Don't take needless chances. There is no substitute for honest quality drugs and pharmaceutical experience when you have a prescription to be filled. Ormes Lid. Z7fw Pioneer Druggists Phones 81 & 82 WEDNESDAY SPECIAL Pineapple & Peach Sponge Sandwich 20c The Electric Bakery Wc Deliver Phone CG7 HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's lending family hotfl. Hot and cold water In all roomt A. J. I'KUIHtOMME. I'rop. Cor of Frascr und Fifth 8ts. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll. ITnp THE 1101 fX MOUTH WHILE Bui & Cold WiKt Btcsm Heat 7$c PER DAY AND UP rrlrplionr Ml J Benson and Mr. and Mrs. Ad-olph Matliesen, city. Knox Hotel Arc Our MEALS Good? Our Quests Say They Are. HUGH L. DICKEY. M.I). SPECIALIST Eye Ear, Nose and Throat Eyes Tested Olasses Fitted No. 1 Royal Hotel COASTAL TEgAMSEHiBP SUMMER SAILINGS From Trince Rupert for Vancouver: 'Mondays 4.00 p.m. Wednesdays 9.30 a.m. Thursdays 2.00 p.m. 'Sturdava 700 p.m. For Ketchikan Juneau and SRway (calling at Wranjeell southbound). Wednesday and fct.irdayt, 3.00 p.m. Fr Stewart and Anyox Mondays 8.00 p.m. Fridays 3.00 pjn. Weekly service to Massctt Inlrt and fortnightly service jo South Queen Charlotte Wands. Particulars on request. TRI-CITY SERVICE Daily from Vancouver at 1.45 Pm .for Victoria nd Seattle. r Third Ave. & Fulton St. - 1- 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Eagles' Dance, Friday. Aug. 14 Ladles refreshment Genu. 50c. Catholic bazaar October 21 and 22. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY i MODERN House for rent from i September 1st. Apply 510 Slxto Avenue West., 183 FOR SALE Fully equipped trolling boat. Cheap. Enquire Wm Montgomery, 209 Third Avenue Phone Blue 336. 189 FOR SALE Range, breakfast suite, 3 wicker chain, Winnipeg couch, 2 dressers, typewriter, also other article. Phone Red 612 or 1219 Second Ave. W. (181) There is one difficulty about put- tng to death weak-minded persons It might Include too many. KINGSLEY SCHOOL North Lonsdale, B.C. A Doardlng and Day School for Doya from 6 years of age ' and upward. " Located In North Vancouver all the advantages of the suburban surroundings and immediate touch with the great city. Splendid location-spacious grounds healthy surroundings. Separate houses for Junior and Senior boys. Course of studies to Junior Matriculation. Special attention paid to Athletics and Physical training. School Ite-opeiu Sept. 8th For full particulars write Headmaster, Klngsley School, North Lonsdale, D.C. V X4 JT 5 I TRAIN SERVICE Passenger trains leave Prince Rupert daily (except Sundays) at 12.30 p m for Edmonton, Winnipeg and points East. lord nt . MrCUFN . lH.irKt rrrttht nl TaiHirntrr Atrnt Frincr nuprfl. B.C. v-m. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Simmer lnvr Itlnre Kurt I r Vaiuuuvrr: t'.Vm.A r.VLKV Ti r.SII.W. I SO I'M. Arriving Vancouver. Tri-rsday Morning. tAllliRNA EVI'.KY t'ltlll.lY MlliMdllT u.. , Arriving Vancouver Bund? midnight pjrox. sailings to Port OlmpnoU. Alio Ann. Anyox. Btwrt UM ! Hlvfr olnU. Sunday, 8:00 p.m. r "r""r information regarding all Mlllng and tlckst at 'KI.Ncr KlIKKT ACIF.NCV: rv nnd Avrnur. l'hon Mil Elks. Local Items Dinncrware, oTiTna, crockery, glassware, Ileilbroner's Store. Accounts for tne two weeks ending July 31, totalling $13,869 weie passed for payment by the city council at its meeting last night. in II. E. DeWolf, local manager of W. II. Malkin Co. Ltd., returned to the city on the Catala this morning after making the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on company business. Mrs. W. J. Wakefield and family arrived In the city or the Catala this morning from Stewart to nay a holiday visit here with Mrs. Wakefield's parents, Ex Aid. and Mrs. R. F. Perry, Second Avenue. Owing to so many of the city clergy being away from town at this time, the regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Min isterial Association, scheduled for yesterday, was not held. The next regular meeting of the Assocla tlon will be In September. Harry Scott returned at the first of the week after a motor trip which lie planned would extend as far south as Tia Juana, Mexico, but which actually terminated In southern British Columbia where Harry tired of travelling solo. He then turned northward again and returned to the city by way of Ha- zelton. A lengthy memorandum on thi subject of unemployment, prepared by Reeve V. A. Prttchard of Burn- aby and approved by the round of that municipality came Defor- the local city council last nignt and was laid on the table for two week so that the aldermen may have opportunity of perusing the document in detail. II. F. MacLeod, land and cour registrar, who has been a patient In the Prince Rupert General Hos pltal tor over two months follow Ing a serious operation, is now making rapid recovery and will soon be sufficiently well again to' be discharged from the Institution He will go to Lakelse Lake to comJjexpecta to retttfprtlir the city on Dlete his recuperation before re- -uming hL"! duties. El BUN ! I IE1ETBI BIB III BUI Stylish Shoes for the Younger Women A group of shoos from our regular stocks that sold up to $7.50 consisting of Blonde, Dlack, Green and Blues, in Ties, Straps and Pumps. Specially reduced to $4.85 FAMILY SHOE STORE P.O. Box 1SKI Phone 35? A. J. Webber. Mjjr. Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention kcB cava crcs m i a i:h hub rm in SUITS Made to Your Measure $30.00 and Up Cleaning & Pressing for Ladies & Gentlemen Sharman Co. I'hone: Black 78 Opposite Post Office Baseball tonight Old Empress vc. Moose Meeting this week hai been cancelled. Glasses fitted b registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Jack Zarelll sailed this afternoon on the Catala for' a month's visit Vancouver and Victoria. David Houston, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. Houston, left on today's train to rpend a holiday at Pacific. Mrs. C. H. Orme returned to the city at the end of last week from Via six weeks' holiday visit in Vic torla. C. W. Homer, provincial assessor. sailed last night on the Prince John for a trip to Rose Harbor oa official duties. A charge of drunkenness against Andrew Vokman was dismissed by Magistrate McClymont in city police court this morning. Dr. H. O. Johnsen, local dentist. sailed last evening on the Prince Charles for Port .Clements where he will spend part of his vacation. A number of people have called at the Dally News for Fair Prizo Aits. Still others may want them. Drop in and get one. tf D. C. McKechnle. field engineer for the Consolidated Mining Si Smelting Co., sailed from here on the Prince Charles last evening for Stewart on official duties. George PurcelL who has ben relieving William Millar while th latter was on vacation from his duties as government Vendor, sailed this afternoon by the Catala on his return to Vancouver. Union steamer Catala. Capt. E. Dickson, returned to port at 11:10 this morning from Anyox. Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and waypolnts. 1 Mayor Cyril II, Orme will sail tomorrow on the .rtnce Henry for a week's trip to' Vancouver and Victoria, on personal business. He Wednesday of nexf week. Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. Woodland and their nieces, Miss Oertrud! McKenzle. RJJ., of, Toronto, sailed Last evening on the Prince Charles to make the round trip to Stew art. Anyox and Massett Inlet points. Pete Colombo was found guilty by Magistrate McClymont In city police court this , morning on a charge of obtaining lodgings under false pretences and was fined $35 with option of fourteen days' Im prisonment "Just One More Chance." was a number played by, radio station KJR. Seattle, last night at request of "Ruthle" of Prince Rupert for Camilla Weir of Prince Rupert ant "Jim" of Vancouver for "Marguer ite" of Prince Rupert. During the month of July fuel 'oil consumption in the City Hall heating system totajled 554 gallon with dally average of 18 gallons at a cost of 99c. according to a report presented to the city counc'l last night by J. W. Exley. City Ha'i Janitor. Thomas Kaye. wejl known Union Oil Co. official, arrived In the city on the Catala this morning following a trip to Arrandale on company business and will sail from here tomorrow afternoon on the Princess Louise for Ills headquarters In Vancouver. " Fire Chief D. H. McDonald o this city is in receipt of an offi cial Invitation from Fire Chief Louis Atmeren to ba present at the annua! convention 'of the Pacific Coast Fire Chiefs' Association to be held In San Diogo In September Owing to the financial stress. It Is not expected that It will be possible for Prince Rupert to be represented at the convention this year. Aid. Macdonald made inquiry at last night's counril meeting in regard to correspondence over an in- . surance adlustmrni maner an was Informed by City Solicitor E. ! v rnnu v, it una considered in - ' advisable to bring a dispute of such a nature before the council. , Mr. Jones explained that the mat ter had only been brought to hl..' nttcntlan lata Terda.v aftorno : j and he had nol i art tune to tak. - It up with the mayor. i EXTENDED BY REQUEST On account of the taxes being due last week and pay day not being soon enough, many people had wished our sale to be continued, so we are running it a few days longer. JOHN BULGER JEWELLER ORANGE OF AUSTRALIA I British Fruit Is Expected to Replace American Soon on Retail J Market i Australian oranges of the navel variety are being4 off ered now in lo- cal retail stoea but only in large sizes. A large shipment of the valen - ' cla type is expected to arrive in Vancouver very soon. On its arrival. It Is expected there will be an In creased supply of the British orange at the expense of the California product. Field tomatoes are now in but the quality is, as yet, not all that might be desired. The plum season is now at its height with many varieties In. The season for Okanagan apricots may now be said to be over although there may be a tew more crates yet. There are few changes in the prices of staple lines for the August retail market report. Market prlcea current today are as follows: Vepecables B. C. New Potatoes, 15 lbs 55 sack 1-41 B. C. Beett, bunch, 2 for 15 Parskv. buneh IP B. C. Celery, head. 15c and M Vegetable Marrow, lb 06 Spinach. U. C, lb 10 Oarlis. lmnorted. Der lb 40 Parsnips. S bunches 15 Green Beans, lb 10 Cabbage, green 0T Jnlons, 4 lbs - 55 B.C. head lettuce, head 10 Victoria hothouse tomatoes, lb M Field Tomatoes, lb. 15 Green Peas, lb. 10 Rhubarb, outdoor, lb .05 dunch Turnlns. 2 bunches ... 15 B. O. Cauliflower, hd.. 20c and 55 B. C. Bunch Carrots 05 Victoria hothouse cucumbers each 15 Hothouse Cucumbers, each 15 Hothouse Squash, lb 15 Broad Beans, lb. -05 Green Onions. 3 bunches 10 1 Radishes, 3 bundles .10 1 Apples-Green Cooking Apples, 4 lbs. 55 California Gravensteln doz. 60c to l.uu Fruit I ii.i v nn 9e tii viuencia uranges Lemons. Sunkist. doz .40 California araoefruit ....7Wc to .10 Bananas, lb .15 Calif . Seedless Grapes, lb .25 Cal. Malaga Grapes, lb. .25 Local Raspberries. 2 boxes .25 Cmteloupcs. Cal. 15c to 25 Tcn.u c couKImh menuw id 15 Plums, lb. .15 Pears, basket .80 Cal. Pears, doz. 45c to 55 Elberta Peaches, doz. 40c to .... 50 Casaba Melons, lb .09 Watermelons, lb .'. .08 Honey Dew Melons, each, 30c to .40 Dried fruits-Extracted honey, per Jar . Comb honey J uatej, DuJk, ID. .12 V Raisins, bulk, lb. .15 Lemon 'and oranVtTneel '. 50 Black cooking figs. lb. . ,15 Currants, lb. ! M Citron peel .. , ., . 55 white tigs. 1U . .15 Apples, dried 50 Peaches, peeled 50 Apricots, lb. 50 Prunes, 60-70. lb. . .10 Prunes, 30-40, lb . .15 Prunes, 40-50, lb. 12ft Meats-Fowl No. 1, lb . 55 Roasting Chicken, lb. .... . .45 Broilers . .45 Ham, sliced, first grade . .50 Ham, picnic, first grade . 55 Cottage rolls, lb. . 52 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade 50 Pork, shoulder 52 Pork, loin 55 Pork, dry salt 50 Pork, leg 50 Ayrshire bacon, lb 35c to Veal, shoulder Veal, loin furkey Beef, pot roast 18c to Beef, boiling 10c to Beef, roast, prime rib 25c and uamb, shoulder .25 Beef, steak 30c to .40 Lamb, leg 58 Lamb, chops 35c to .40 Mutton, shoulder Fish-Smoked kippers, lb. Salmon, fresh, lb. Halibut, fresh, lb B. C. ; fresh pullets, doz -. 55 B. C. fresh firsts, doz 57 B C fresh extras, doz 50 Local, new laid .40 Bi'tter- Fancy cartooned, lb 50 No. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs 50 Flour- Flour, 49"s. No. 1 hard wheat 1.7C Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. , 50 Sugar- - yellow, 100 lbs. 5.10 White, 100 lbs. 5.60 ' Lard- IPure 50 uompouna 50 Feed w nnu t rw ri - iierui ..v, - No. 5 Alberta Oats Bran . 1.9s' 150 155, 150! Shorts 1-60 j Middlings 2.10, Barley 1.75 Local new laid, doz 40 Laying Mash 3.10 Oyster Shell 1.95 Beef Scrap 355 Ground oil cake - 455 Fine oat chops 2.00 Crushed oats , 2.00 Fine barley chop 1.85 Nuts-Almonds, shelled Valenclas ... .. .50 Calilornla soft shelled walnuts 35 Walnuts, broken shelled 45 Walnuts, shelled halves .50 1 Peanuts .1 ' Cheese Ontario solids 55 Stilton, lb 5j Rouquefort .80 Quietly Wed Last Evening Miss Annie Elizabeth Smith Be- comes Bride of Lewis Ameron Wide Ahm Cottage, the residence of Canon W. F. Rushbrook, was the j scene of a quiet but pretty wedding last evening when Miss Annie Elizabeth Smith, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith of this city, became the bride of Lewis Ameron Wide, eldest son of C. E. Wldo of Cardiff, Wales. Only relative and immediate friends of the contracting couple were present at the ceremony. The bride was attended by Mrs. Louis Carlyle while the groom was supported by his brother, Jack Wide. The bride Is one of the real pioneers of Prince Rupert, having bn born here nearly twenty years ago. A large circle of friends will wish happiness and prosperity to the couple who will reside in Prince Rupert. Mr. and Mrs. O. S Anderson, who have been visiting here with Mr. Anderson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson, sailed by tha Catala this afternoon on their return to Vancouver. Mr. Andeson was formerly a member of the Bank of Montreal staff hert. Miss D. Hogan Teacher of Piano Thompson & William Method Phone KIuc 329 J 4v. .( IT ; W- 4V 1 ' ft ft? ft JsV