AS THE POLES Hie first time you taste While Seal Beer you enjoy its fine mellow flavor, its invigorating strength; the next time you are delighted to find it just as good, and after that you know that at last you have found a beer that can be depended upon to give you the same enjoyment whenever you drink it. This uniform high auality in White Seal lleer is achieved only by the use of the Lest of malt and bops and by the lone experience and the cotuciencious- ness of our expert brewers who take great pride in keeping every lrew ot While seat lfeer identical. Like an old friend. White Seal Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND lleer is Always the tame." Order a Carton today at any Government store ... in the Con venicnt Container. Hll-K White SeaE Tlie Kiewcl Brewing Co. Ltd. St. Boniface, Man. This advertisement isnot published or displayed by theLiquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. The City of. Prince Rupert All Householders and License Holders are hereby notified that in order to have their names put on the Voters' List, they must register between the 1st day of August and the 31st day of October. Signed: E.F.JONES . City Clerk. ThcFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS SHIPYARD OPERATING (3. T. 1. 20.000-TON FLOATING DUYDOCK tnglnee rs. Machinists, Hollermnkers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. F.LECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant la Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WOKK PHONES 43 AND 385 Prince Rupert Wins Out on Sales! Tax Clause With Bids Equal Rupert Supply Co. each tendered $1571 to the city council last night on an order of vitrified sewer pipe, but the order went to the latter firm which specified that its tender included sales tax while the former did not mention the matter of sales tax. Suggestions were made ,to split the order, assuming that the tender of Albert & McCaffery included sales tax, and to take a ballot but it i was finally decided, on suggestion of the mayor, to stand on the tenders as presented and' a motion by Aid. McCutcheon and Ruddcrham to give the order to the Prince Rupert Supply Co. was carried. Discussion Of Street Access City Council Unable to Give U. S. Woods Immediate Relief R. S. Woods appeared before thr city council to make Inquiries as to what the prospects might be for hln to get a street outlet on Summit Avenuefor his residence without having to use access over private property for which he was now re quired to pay rental. The council could Rive no undertaking, on account of financial circumstances, in the matter of opening up Summit Avenue and Mr. Woods was Informed that the city was not obliged to contribute for I the rental Mr. Woods has to pay for this present street access over pri vate property. Pillsbury Is Acting Mayor To Officiate During Absence Mayor C. II. Or me of The city council last night name 1 Aid. J. II. Pillsbury to be actlns mayor during the absence ot Mayor C. H. Orme who Is leavltij tomorrow and will be away about a week. Aid. Theo. Collart, who has usually been acting mayor agreed to a suggestion by other aldermen that It might be Just a well to rotate the honors of acting mayor around a bit. The city council last night ad opted a report from the flnanco romlttee recommending the sale to E. Cavenalle of lot 18, block 23. .section 7 for $80. DON'T MISS THIS (By Kind Permission of Capt. E. J. Spooner. D.S.CT., R.N.) GRAND CONCERT -by- TIIE CONCERT PARTY of II. M. S. DRAGON at MOOSE HALL 7:30 p.m. Thur. Aug. 6th Tickets on sale at all drug stores Oencral Admission, 50c. Reserved scats not numbered. 75c PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Freel LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone 619 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Kiddies are fascinated with the way Rice Krispies crackle when you pour on milk or cream. And what a flavor treat! Toasted rice bubbles. Wonderful for breakfast, lunch and supper. Fine to use in candies, macaroons. In soups. Order the red-and-green package from your grocer. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. 1 ItlCE KIKISPIES RICE KRISPIES District News VANDERHOOF R. Q. Matthews has been elected t trustee of the Vanderhoof Superior School to succeed J. W. Pater-son who has resigned after fourteen years' service on the board. ' Ten members of the Vanderhoof and District Board of Trade will b? in attendance at the annual convention of the Central British Columbia Association Boards ct Trade convention opening tomorrow at Burns Lake. Harry Bowman gave a lecture on the feeding' bf stock at a meeting held here Saturday evening under the auspices of the Nechako Farm ers' Institute1. There was a large attendance at the meeting. On Tuesday afternoon last Mrs. J. M. Johnston entertained In honor of Mrs. John Altken of Prince George. W. E. Sutton arrived last week from Armstrong enroute to his summer residence at Stuart Lake. Miss Maude Hartley has returned from a visit to Tintdgcl where she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. O Vandoveen. ( David Irving, chairman, John Andros and William Smith, secre tary. have been elected trustees for Pralrledale school for the ensuing year. ' C. J. Hadden and Corp. C. G Barber, provincial police have re turned from an Investigation trip Into the Takla Lake district on be- half of the Forest Branch. L. C. Gunn Is making a survey of the country north of Fort 8t. James with a view to determining the best route for a road and trail into the Ma neon Creek area continuing the new McKenile highway. Miss Helen 11. Bond ot the Fln-moore district was successful In the recent matriculation examin ations. STEWART Miss Bessie Campbell of the Prince Rupert telephone exchange staff is spending a holiday here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo Hills. Walter G. Broad, Canadian customs officer here, returned at the first of the week from a brief trip to Prince Rupert on official BULKS FOR SALE Grower Leaving the Islands DAFFODILS, per dozen 30c per 100 $2.40 per 1000 ....$22.00 ItARII, per dozen 25c per 100 $2.00 per 1000 ....$18.00 FOETICUS. per dozen 20c per 100 ....$1.75 per 1000 ....$16.50 Apply to CAPT. GII.LATT, SANDSPIT, B.C. (182) ....Excellent Dramatic Role for Ever Popular Norma Shearer Delightful Norma Shearer ascends to new dramatic heights in the splendid picture "A Free Sou'.,'1 the current offering at the Caplt i Theatre which opened before large audiences last night. The story Is one of much Interest which con tinues until the final fade-on'.! Thrills, too, are not lacking In th3 tale. Clark Gable, who made such a notable Impression a few weelrs ago in "D:nce. Fools. Dance." again plays a villain role In "A Freo Soul." The hero is Leslie Howard while character parts are splendidly portrayed by Lionel Darry-more and James Gleason. In many ways. "A Free Soul" to a really notable picture. Prince Rupert Is Recognized Few People Realize it is Nearer Orient, Says Writer The nearest Canadian port t" he Orient is Prince Rupert but many people are unaware, as Art Brown writes in the Canadian National Railways Magazine tor Au-tut that the city was virtually hewed out of the side of a moun- aln. Prince Rupert Is the term inus of the Canadian National Railways Is Northern British Columbia and has the largest cold- storage plant for fish on the Telephone Dep't Surplus In June Revenue Exceeded Expenditure By $891.26, According to Superln-tendent's Report Revenue of the city telephone de partment for the month of June totalled $3855.30, and expenditures. $2961.04, leaving a surplus on the month's operations of $894.26, the report of Sam Massey. superinten dent of the department for that month, presented to the city council last night, showed. AFTER STOCK TAKING We find these lines over-stocked, so arc reducing them to bargain prices Corn Golden Bantam, 2's OPp 2 tins Peas Aylmer, stse 3's, 40 C Tomato Juice Royal City QQf The National Drink. 3 tins"'' Braid's Tea-Wlth cup & AZp xJV saucer, per lb. Braid's Coffee With fancy j(T0 tumbler, per lb McB. Grapefruit 2's per tin McB. Peaches-' per tin 25c 30c McB, Jams Strawberry, Cherry St Raspberry 4's fiftn per tin UUi Apricots For preserving C 4 CA $.DU per crate (Very scarce, book your orders now) Mussallem's Cash and Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 3C0 319 3rd Ave. Phone 18.& 81 417-423 5tlt Ave. COAL Buy the real Coal our fa-mous Edson and Cassldy-Wellington In any quantities. Also Bulkier Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 658 Tuesday August PAGE BIX THE DAILY NEWS 1331 FOR FREE SOUL mttanwam V k i ORDER listen Monday & Tuesday UNVARYING TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 p.m. PIPE MADE FINE FILM Admission 20c & C5o , Feature Starts at 7:30 & 9:30 1 O ill THE BEAUTIFUL GIRL FROM MONTREAL Norma Shearer in 'A Free Soul' With Leslie Howard, Lionel Barrymore, James Gleason, Clarke Gable. She was born In an age of freedom who could blame her for seeking the sweet fruits of living? Comedy "THE COW CATCHER'S DAUGHTER" Cartoon "MIDNIGHT IN A TOYSHOP" Wed. & Thurs. WALLACE BEERY In "BILLY THE KID- SIS IS.! B.MTEB f I.S tUVm fX f B t.M I UK S RjCB 119 fa tatty,-, These fine liquors are famous for their uniform high quality. You can buy these brands with every confidence. io: i)nm ( inc(oatio t mat ero "His advertisement is not published or dplayed !.. Uquor Control Duurd or by the Government m British f'nlumhiv NEW LOW PRICES Our prices on Good Tires arc the lowrst In history. You'll be amazed when we quote prl on your size. Exclusive Goodrich Dealers. Rupert Motors Phone :' Night tall 161 HOLLAND'S FAMOUS RICHLY - FLOWEMXG DARWIN TULIPS pur Darwin Tulips with extra long stems are remark iii- ' """J long flowering period. Enormously large flowers n n " ' 1 about thrre feet In length. Magnificent for beds. edn . i i 1 titration in pots. Buy Tulips now direct from tin- mu i '""' Excellent Da ruin Tulips In 5 colors Pink, Red, Viol -t, lliliotrop Yellow. 100 of each color, and earh color packed scp n '' i a T and DUTY FREE. Please remit amount per inom-v Delivered at your home, 500 for $10 only W. A. Dc Winter, Inc., Dutch Ilulb (i rov ers IIEEMSTEDE, HOLLAND, EUROPE WE ARE OFFERING: DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Rate of 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $131 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE PHONE 580 (Jet the habit of rcadinjr the advertisements in this paP' nnn lol.'iiuv niLfn.i- n . . tftti ...... ....wK nuvuiuuKcoi inc help tney orins j-