inZ THREE Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup r CP AST ISTEAMuhips Terrible, Tickling Cough Could Not Sleep For It Mm. Gordon J. Eoy, S. W. Port Mouton, N.S, writea : "I had a terrible, tickling cough, and at night could not get to deep for hours for it. I read about Dr. Wood's Norway Puie Syrup and decided to get a bottle of it, and X can truly aay it did ma a wonderful lot of good. "I have three children and I girt thfra the Synp Just at loon aa I lee .them getting a cold or cpugh, at I alwayi keep it on hand both for the children and myielf." (. Trice 35c. a bottle) large family ilze 65c j at all drugghti or dealenj put op only by The T. Milbura Co., Ltd., Toronto, Out SPECIAL "ADANAC" DRY GINGER ALE Made by the makers of Canada Dry 12-oz. Size Bottles 15 Cents ' Qrmesll Phone 566 Kupert Motors rase and Service Station DODGE and UANTAM AUSTIN Distributors "EMEU AND nODY WORK A SPrriAi.TV DENTIST toria. every Friday. 10 p.m. PP1K Mijfsw nwracanscsco Alexander X RAY SERVICE l'HONE 573 BESNER BLOCK Z7fut Pioneer Dri4Qfists Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. TURKIC GRADUATE PHARMICISTS BULKLEY VALLEY COAL THE HETTEK COAL Analysis : matter. 29.32; ash. 0.76: fixed carbon, 62.87; b.t.u.'s, 13917 Bdmj i 'W in volatile it will not block your pipes. Being low in ash, . .. not buying clinkers. Deing high in fixed carbon means i : : ;j .-.ting quality. Being high In British Thermal Units means more heat value per pound. Order Now. Your Dealer Can Supply You. Ajenls For All Steamship Lines w t: orcniirtl. Orn. Aiient, sranv.. swittHnttdi WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? We have maiiy inquiries about houses to rent and to buy Our specialty is management of properties. If you have a house or property for rent or sale LIST IT WITH US McCAFFERY, GIHBONS & COLLAKT, LTD. TIIIIU) AVENUE Y. TELEPHONE 11 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED M-KCIAI. Ml NT Kit KMTKMON IAKUS Ttvkrt on sale from Nov IS, 19 m lo I'tb. S8. 1931 (llh final rrturii limit SI. 1931) ntlXCE RUPERT TO VANCOUVER $10.00 RETURN Matiiirm leave ITInre llujwrt I or Vaneoiiiwr: TA t'ATAl.A r.Vi:HV II KMI.W. 1.30 IVM. nrriMiw Vancouver vu Ocenn Falls. Thursday Noon appro. T.SA i.tllliKNA KVKKY HtlllAY MIIINM1IIT Srrnmg Vancouver SuixUy midnight Hpprox. ca.iiDu lo Port Simpson. Allot Arm. Anyoi. 8twrt and. Naas River pout's. Suiiilsy. 8:00 p.m. T- information regarding all wiluutu mid tickets at I'ltlM i: in I'i iit aiikm'V: srciinU Avenue. Phone oi D. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAILINGS! ROM PRINCE RUPERT ro Ketchikan. YVrangell, Juneau, and Skagway, February 7 and 21. To Vanrouvri, Victoria. Seattle February 11 and 25. PrLncnd Mirv Ocean Fullx. rtc Vanirnvw and Vic- c linprrt. Plume 31. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City CUAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassidy-Welllneton In any imantltles. Also Btilkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Priuce Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 Local Items Billiards tonight Grotto vs Elks. Ladies' Gardens. Golf League 'Sunken 'f.i:!i ,! Glasses fitted by registered-optometrist , at HcJIbroners store. This afternoon's train, due from the east at 3.30, was reported this morning to be on time. Dr. C. II. Hanklnson, who has been pn a brief trip to Smltheio, returned to the city on this afternoon's train, " Mrs. Evan Baker arrived In the city on the Camosun this morning from Stewart to pay a visit with her mother, Mrs. H. Worsfold, Seal Cove. Walter It. Overend of the local customs staff, who has been on re lief duty at Anyox for the past few weeks, returned to the city on the Camosun this morning from the smelter town. Union steamer Camosun, Capt. James Flndlay, returned to port at 1050 this morning from , Ahybx, Stewart and other riortrjefrrt' points and sailed at 1.30 this 'afternoon for Vancouver and way; For operating a car without a chauffeur's licence", William Wra- thall was fined $5.00 by Ma gistrate McClymont, in city police court this morning. Eddie Smith and Splfo Ourvich, on similar charges, were remanded until this afternoon. R. F. McNaughton, CNJI. district passenger agent, will return to the city on Thursday after noon's train from Montreal where he has been, attending a meeting of the traffic department of Ute Canadian National flatlways, Har old McEwen. division , freight agent, who attended the sam meetings, Is also expected back on xnursaay aiternoon. N. B. Walton, general superin tendent, transportation, Canadian j to nauonai rtau ways, Winnipeg, arui Mrs. Walton will arrive in the city on Thursday afternoon's train from the East In the course of a holiday trip to this coast and will sail the same evening on the. aa. Prince George (or Vancouver. During their brief stay here they, will, no doubt, oe welcomed by many friends. Mr. Walton was formerl general superintendent here. . TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED 100 to 160 acre farm In Terrace district. Apply P.O. Box 348, Anyox, B.C. 41 ALIKE jLuxiirions- p in v convfbft gANADI AN National offm many limirlra anil comfort! which add pleasure lo your trip South ly Steamer or East hj Train. Sntlliif; from Prince Rupert to Vancouver, thence via Trl-Clly Service lo Victoria and Seattle, Thursdays 10.00 J ' p.m. For Auyot and Stewart, Wednesdays 4.00 p.m. Uritular service lo North and South Queen Charlotte Islands. Particulars of sailings rales, etc., on request. rinc, II u pe r jjlo r JSl miiuTo nj W i n . nlcfU and points-Kasit every 5 Monday, Wednesday and ' .Saturday at 11.30 a.m. .Canadian national R. F. McNAUGHTON lli'.lrlcl riifr 4nt VrXm r lluiwrt. II, C . W 114 THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, February 10, 1931 MOTHER OF TWINS HELPED Restored to Health by Taking Lydia . Pnkharn s Yege- bIe..Lompoima Mitchell, Ont. "I had little twin babies and for quite a while after I was so weak I could no$ do my work because of pains all the way up my legs at the back. I also had headaches and got very little sleep. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and soon I was able to get up and do my work. 1 have taken three bottles and I am fine, -do my work without trouble and am gaining in weight and strength. I will gladly recommend the Vegetable Compound to anyone." Mrs. F. Statton, Box 220, Mitchell, Ont. Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware, Heilbrpner's Store. Robert Haffern, for drunkenness, was fined $25, with option of 30 days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont In city police court this morning. Catholic Women's League will hplf a Valentine Tea and sale of home cooking at the home of Mrs, M. P. McCaffery, Thursday afternoon from 3 to 6. 34 F. C. Patton. who has been an en gineer In the service of the Granby Co. at Anyox, was a passenger on board the Camosun this morning bound for Vancouver whence he will proceed east. The Salvation Army here has an Innulry from James Lawrence of Fraeer, Montana, who seeks information of his brother. Issac Lawrence, who he has not seen oi heard of in thirty-five years when J the latter left California for A1-; asta to engage In gold prospecting," Later Issac Lawrence Is re-pbrtetl to have been engaged n cattle ranching in British Columbia! He Is now sixty-eight yeaw of age. The Army would be glad receive any information re specting the mlnlnj man. ANNOUNCEMENTS Next Royal Purple Brldgc-whlst, series Monday, February 23. Choir Concert in Presbyterian Church, February 10. I i Catholic Women's League Valen tine Tea February 12. Canadian National Recreation Association Seventh Annual Bali. Moose Hall, Friday, February 13. Anglican Cathedral augmented choir concert (direction H. W. Brockleeby) Moose Hall, Feb. 16. 'j A college boy gets the surprise of htjsjj life, in "The Mayor and th-Manicure." at Moose Hall Feb. 16. Diplomats and politicians can benefit by certain lessons for public men In "The Mayor and Tlu Manicure," at Moose Hall, Feb. 16. Mayors are mayors, and manicures are manicures; but when the mayor "manicures" the manicure- Sec "The Mayor and the Manicure," at the Moose Hall, Feb. 16. Royal Purple bridge and whist. Friday, February 20, Elks Home. Admission 50c. St. Patrick's Hall. March 17. Concert, Catholic Catholic women's League Sprint? Sale April 8. Presbyterian Easter Sale April 16 ""H '- ii''v ' V The Dally News can be pur- chased at Post Office News Stand, 325 4 aranvllle St., Vancouver. Karl Anderson. Prince George, B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace, B.C. Oeneral Store, Anyox. . Smlthers Drug Store, Smith- crs, B.C. COLORFUL CEREMONIES AT NEW DELHI AS FINE CAPITAL INAUGURATED (Continued from Page One) this city offers there can be little doubt about the success of the new venture and.the Increasing glory of the future. "For us who ar mvltedrHersas fepresentatlveiS,fyrj(KejJ4na0s-the day is one of peculiar "honor. Here we stand in the heart of an old land; beautiful beyond descrip tlon, romantic in every chapter oi Its long history, mysterious in ev ery element of Its life. We are ask ea to snare in ine dedication oi a new Temple of Government In this country of glorious architecture and compelling beauty of buildings. I count it a rare distinction to be asked to represent Canada, a young nation of throb bing ambition and leaping aspir ation. You have been graciously pleased to accept a column from Canada for this new structure. II symbolizes the Interest of my coun try In your fresh undertaking. II Is no mass of dead stone, for we know now that every stone Is group of whirling atoms. It has been fashioned -by the heat o centuries and holds within Its shape the activities of age. Nations are the product of time They cannobe measured by th? mere days of recorded history. Ii is no snTalr tribute that I brin; lyou today it is the fine result oi a nation's hard ' training and pas sionate striving. Let this column speak1 to you always the message that my full heart and anxious lips seek to convey.1 NO TROUBLE IN RUSSIA United States and Canadian mors Appear lo be Unfounded Ru- no suggestions either here or In Berlin' late today of any trouble In Russia as rumored in brokers' houses in the United States and Canada. HOTEL ARRIVALS' fi; Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all roomi A. J. rilUDII MME. Prop. Cor. of Frascr uid Fifth Sts. Savoy McLeod. city. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll, Prop TDK 11(11 IX MOKTII WHILE Hot ft Cold Wittr; Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlrphunr Ml F. Simpson Royal city. Boston Grill Phone 457 Prince Rupert Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday NUM. 9 to U Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties SOMETHING NEW FOR LADIES AND GENTS Anglican" Tea. Mrs. Woodland's ; assortment new clothes for Fifth Avenue, February 24. autumn and winter Just to hand. All finest quality and latest pat- "Melvlna'a Courtship." at Unltfrt ferna. Come in and see us today. Church February 26, 27. Suit, or overcoat complete and fin ished in three days. Ling, the Cutter Steam cleaning, pressing and alter ing. We deliver any part of the city LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Vhone 619 S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Cars Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Gas dc Oil Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Ave. East Phone 83 Results Commendable. Genuine Gratitude. Miss Miller, of Croydon, writes: In gratitude, I feel I must write and tell yeu what wonderful benefit I have derived from taking a bottle of your Carter's Little Liver Pills. Having been troubled with indigestion and sick headache for several months, a friend recommended me . to try your famous pills, with the results that after the first dose I was made aware of their very real tonic value, and felt I had at last discovered a remedy which performed what it claimed to do " Take Carter's Little Liver Pills for the complexion and constipation. All druggists 25 and 75 f rod pkgs. PATTULLO IS ON JOB f continued from page 1) takes. There is no malice in his fighting, yet he fights to win. He scorns the subtleties of political tactics and never takes a mean ad vantage. Those who know him best admire him most, a sure test of any jnan's qualities. In the two years he has been opposition leader he has steadily gained in public esteem by the direct, incisive and responsible manner in which he has discharged his heavy duties. His present abilities are the pro duct of unique opportunities for developing the inherent qualities with which he was endowed. Few men have had such a remadcable all round training in public affairs. A Veteran Sourdough He is a Pattullo of Woodstock. His father was editor of the old Wood stock Sentinel-Review. Duff was editor of the Gait Reformer before LONDON. Feb. 10 There werrj he was 21. He spent some years in the bank and he studied law. Jour nalism, law and finance form an admirable training ground for pub lie life. In 1897 he Joined the first party despatched to the Yukon to estab llsh and administer civil govern ment. When the heroes of the "Trail of '98" arrived In Dawson he was there to greet them. Of that original party of seven only he and James McGregor, Lieutenant-Gov ernor of Manitoba, survive. As secretary to the governor, T. p. Pattullo at 25 found himself in a position where every detail of the administration of a difficult community passed through his hands. As assistant gold commissioner, despite his youth, he won the confi dence of the rough mining men by his firmness, fairness and despatch. This was proven by his election to a seat on the Dawson council when he retired from the service to enter private business. His pioneering instinct again led him to Prince Rupert ahead of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway and he was a member of the first city council, later mayor. All this rich experience made him an Inevitable member of Mr. Brewster's Liberal cabinet when the Liberals took office in 1916. For 12 years he administered the lands department and earned a high repu tation for business efficiency. He proved himself a master of the art of delegating authority and earned the. undying loyalty of his staff by backing up their efforts. Quarrel With Vancouver He had his share of criticism, out time has been on his side. Vanc6u .ver thought it had a quarrel with him over water administration, but Mr. Pattullo considered that it was his duty to guard the Interests of the outlying municipalities, two of which are now within the city. Vancouver has never regretted accenting his policy of a Greater Van couver District Water Board, which now has all the rights and authority he refused to place In the hands of the 'city council to the possible pre iudltfe of other municipalities. The irrigation dlstaict at Oliver, which he established, has become one ot the show places of British Columbia and will this year add 500,000 boxes totherovlnce's apple crop. The' AJnrveglty. .eridow-ment-landssilaidpin.under his direction are concededlo constitute ultimately one of the most beauti ful residential areas on the contin ent. The leadership he gave the lum ber industry In organizing to handle export orders has brought millions of dollars Into the province. It was Inevitable that he should become the leader of his party and the Liberals show no signs of re gretting their choice. They have confidence that when the day BUY HERE; HELP CITY This Is Something Every One Can .. Do to Boost Prince Rupert Many things can be done to help make a better situation in the country as a whole and, particularly In the home town. Public spirltedness, community pride and persistence with the authorities are among these things. When one considers all the things that may be done for the betterment of the community, after everything Is analyzed, one important thing stands out that every one can do and that is to buy at home. Situated as Prince Ru pert is, it is most important that we should leave our ddllars in Prince Rupert Instead of sending them out to assist in making even larger the big cities of the east and south. This is something that every public spirited person can do. If all our money were sent out this way, our city would be hopeless. Albert & McCaffery have a larg er stock of building materials right here in town today than they ever have had. They are prepared to supply everything that goes into a house. They are also prepared to supply the best Vancouver Island and Alberta coal in any quantities. Phone 116 or 117 before ordering. (34) ALBERT & McCAFFSRY. COURT OF REVISION ENDSW0RK Assessment Roll Was Finally Adop ted at Meeting Yesterday The question of whether there should be any general reduction In the city assessment was discussed at the close of the session of the court of revision yesterday afternoon but as no formal motion for an increase was brought forward the assessment was finally approved after a few minor adjustments had been made. In the discussions that took place it was pointed out that the reduc tion of ten per cent this would ne cessitate an advance of four and a half mills Increase in the tax rate, bringing it to well over fifty mills on the dollar. Any further general reduction would bring It still High er. A request for a change In assess ment on the railway trackage in the city was left as before as under the railway fixed assessment it would make no difference this year and more information was required before a change could be made. The Capitol Theatre assessment was reduced from $85,000 to $30,000, it being understood that if this was not satisfactory to the owners they could bring proper evidence" In regard to costs before the court of revision next year. There will probably be no tax on. improvements this year so the amount of assessment, will not mean much. A parcel of land aggregating 12.45 acres which had been transferred from the Grand Trunk Development Company to the Power Company was assessed against the Power Company at $60 an acre, the former company being relieved of that much. Applications for reductions from M. Murray. L. Hanson, Wm. F. Wagner and R. C. Hulbert were not allowed it being pointed out that the assessments in those Individual cases were not higher titan that of their neighbors. Nadina Child Is Dead Here Clara Priest, Aged Five and a Half, Passed Away In Hospital Last Evening The death occurred last night at 8 o'clock In the Prince Rupert General Hospital ot Clara Prlect, flvp and a half year old daughter of Mrs. Mabel Priest of Nadina. The child had been In the hospital only a few days, having been brought here from the Interior. Funeral arrangement! are In the hands of the B. C. Undertakers. comes for him to take office as Prime Mltnster British Columbia will have the right man in the right place.