Page 6 THE DABLY NEWS “ omqertns as mcree® Local News Notes ! y | For Messenger phone 203, tf ——_ HE reason that Fire Insurance Companies meal your property so cheaply is because they have a great number of properties insured in a great many localities in many different cities, Thus their risks are Combinatio : o, ister Hvac ictiann. subject to the law of averages. The individual who ombination Special we at ; ; ; ; ' av ; W, KE, Fisher le or up-river earries his own risk (in other words does not have his os wit waetnten, property insured) cannot possibly so diversify and scatter Pens his risks as to bring the law of averages to apply to his Thos, Dawe returned from Port Essington last night. 9 Tins of Milk (Maple property. Therefore the insurance companies can carry Leaf or Pacific) with Pianos correctly tuned. G.-C, OF your risk cheaper than you can. H. G. HELGERSON, 1 Ib of our Regular 50¢c Walker. Phone Blue 389. tf LTD., are writing insurance carefully and in thoroughly oan Te Thos. Dybhavn was a south- HUM ANI 9 bound passenger last night. reputable companies. Phone 96 and we will be glad to $1 50 quote you the rate on your risk. - Buy Xmas present’ at the Pres- byterian Church Hall Thursday. aturday as th ae BEST PICTURE ever r sh oe The “Dinector’ Corset. Manu- wn in Rupert Prince Rupert Dry Dock & Engineering CO.) juprt te Sop co. Vci2 =" lf ove ty Nes Wesisne Oe Pronounced by matinee patrons § ee ae “Morning, Noon and Night” py ¢ Vessels of any size Docked Phoeets. £11, 518... ff tetey stain at Worhto en by Se esseis OF any size Voc Se ee z. 7 — , _ ‘to TT Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. If you miss ‘Heart of Humanity Tite's large stock of fancy — Several boats can be docked together on one small at the Westholme tonight you|goods and toys opened up and at section, making fees light. Large stock of repair miss the chance of a lifetime. your service, tf e materisis is being laid in. e. 9s as ae mpress e eatre For the home fireside; the com- Bishop Du Vernet left on this fort of an easy chair and rocker.| morning's train to visit the Haz- : Foundry Work cade tude "tor Gilten "Oo tenet deeae Tonight Castings in Iron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at counts. ‘ tf . a 9 *§ J, Stevens, purser. of the Tila- eee Three free prizes. One ticket|mook, went to Vancouver on the ELSIE FERGUSON with every dollar purchase, c¢ , com-| Prince Rupert last night. Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds | )mencine today. See window at cee i a Wallace's. 275 Not equalled in the history of Business of Industrial Plaats, Mines, Mills and Canneries oe photoplays—‘Heart of. Humanity ie P. W. Baldwin, local auditor,fat the Westholme tonight. h M Solicited. ’ a and A, Cotter, of the Grand Trunk ©. ie, ee Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. wi ; - Tite's sig 3c for c arriage city staff, were passengers for special discounts the south on the Prince Rupert} ¢@sh until Christmas in our fur- 99 a a ee cena : anientain ments. tf . canter in thn adel: Ged Corseti >} ree is COMMUNITY PLATE. “The ef! aol ane. orsetiere. Phone otne Coble ak the Preabe- The Gift Appreciated Later de luxe, at eastern prices, *t terian Ladies’ Aid Sale Thursday. by | Tite's. ti Children’s clothing at the Pres- Two Reel Keystone Comedy 4 Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf , ‘ shidiitiaiinisiiiati emesis, —. ek eee do 1e Pl be ee he ages one ’ 7 a te » DIO. 2 4 B t y \ not bei ble te ta el’ ; and. fifteen years. Why not “one of prize 24-inch bem = Doll. tf} FOR SALE—Range No. 9 in good e 6-2 por hear seg th» relma i ee head tt ee ese as a Christmas gift for yoi ; > : ‘ ‘ ‘ T; m ¢ n enue, & e head of wast Pt boy or girl - Success or folate i ~ condition. Apply D. ome, ~ W. J. Crawford returned to the he used to be Centre Street, they have opened on 4 mete 98 Ryn —= - iP Fifth Ave nue West, 276/south from Alice Arm on the third Avenue, No. 626, with a carefully selected possession of even a comparatively M 6090806888808 8008 Prince Rupert last night, Mr. Old stock of Let us explain more fully the . #| Crawford will spend the winter in Vock ; Larisa.” lv M. tep hens « TU SUBSCRIBERS *| New’Westminster where his fam- Ri asst ea es a dil « #lily resides. irm quisites, Cutlery, Cut Glass, etc. “hs These shares will be listed on the Vancouver Stock ced, a ee eee Exchange. For further particulars apply to ae ©. '@ 555 au ivazofY and Scotty Reid “ hi re succe sssful because Of O. B. BUSH ’ returned from their hunting trip Saree ofl ae as ality that is! gidly 344 Pender Street W. VANCOUVER Don t to Campania Island on Saturday Aa Peanaare OF ait mulas based ul night with a good bag of game. maintained in compounding for oe io _—_ -- Overl They were storm bound on the on proven principles. Confidence has . 0o way home which accounts for the established because of the conservative ¢ laim . delay they had in coming home made. Phone 524 Cor. Fulton and Sixth Distant and which caused some of their sand for * fk i d. / friends alarm. “Rexall” does not in any sense S* jing i A A ll.” Instead there is a nature a National Grocery Co, rien 8! The 1919 outlines and reports a Zz every human ill ‘Rexall of the University of British Go- e imulants VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY Those far away friends and rela Foe have eo in tow The Remedies’’ do not contain harmful stimu an : . tives to whom you intend sending b ial ” Fach 0 tt oa i or habit f rming drugs Moto 4 gift this Christmas — } ooklets are very attractively ) 0 r8. r Delivery Prompt Attention made your selections it een published and are profusely il. ats are sold in this city bY ae para ” ines if deliveries lustrated. The-present and pro- Rexall Remedies’ ave qole ! ves SEs —_—_—_———_—- oe a a posed buildings are shown and ? ; 5 orn eee aa » order eat let the agricultural section has re- \ e parcel away fo ou, ioe ; 7 THEO COLLART, Notary Public eg saves time and is nat 2 ler he rr eas tant position that teeter ——--- a or you & scope p " 5 5-hoom house with bath and FURNITURE, two lots 11th The biggest picture ever pro- Ormes, | ie Avenue for $3,100.00, Terms to suit, duced ‘Hearts of Humanity” at the 6 jt osname alias a ir S Westholme next week. tf Two Phones 82 &200 At Y our Service MARINE INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE , PHONE BLUE ©9, WESTHOLME THEATRE BLOCK, F. 0. BOX 66. Cancouver, B.C. Beds, springs end mattresses Tee “ dl ” At reduced priecs at Barrie's fur- . niture sale, tf]