PMit tWO THE DAILY NEWS. IfUNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA PuNistxv' f?very After-new, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily Mews. Limited. Third Arena H. 9. PWXBH Maoaging.EUltor . , SUBSCRIPTION' ItATES Otty delivery, toy mail or farrier, yearly period, paW ta ad finer For lemr pertiMi., p&jd to advance, per montn Bf na:2 to all pan X NMtharn and Central BrHbh Cotumbk. paid in advanae for yearly perad - - , -1- - By mail to aD otter putt df ttfltftn OdHmiWa, the British Em pire aad Uaued StaUa. paid is dvner. per year By mail Id all otber eouatrMI, per year - ADVERTISING KATES Transient itaptay admtMnf. per Wfch, per bwrttwr Classified adverUatng, per interuoo, per word LMal reader, per ldnltt , per Mm A Legal nflttee. each iaaerUotL per aae 1 Cofttiae rate on application. Editor and lie porter' Telephone , AdrertWnc and Circulation Telephone DAILY EDITION Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations Tuesday, June 9. 131 KECOKD OP LOCAL NURSE 2t Miss Edna Gilker made a goqi record In her professional examinations recently, coming third in all the province when she graduated. Prince Rupert people will congratulate Miss Gilker on her success, and Miss Harrison on the excellent teaching which undoubtedly helped to bring that success. Here again we find Prince Rupert holding her own weii in competition in a department where brains and hard work are necessary factors. CONGRATULATE POST OFFICE TTie postal department in to be congratulated on the fact that they are continuing the partial daily mail privileges una miuiiirt hi a nine wnen mere is oemg a wnoiesaie Walter Berchten Globe trotter, who is here In course of trip. boat back after a somewhat perilous landing, the glebe trotter found hlmAelf tn a nlaeo It ; governmental pruning going on. Fears had been expressed i impossible to pass owing to the comadina hit straight to' chenoski: no? and hnri- "ST r 'y nt8ht the minds of thousands of business leaders, many more CDL'NT H A V i81 - Both runers advan- panon. c b Snmlw . aiS Iti- Jn he T,n tTm TecWy thousands of business men, not qualified as leaders, and OlClM I V A I ced on a Paed bail and then o n Ldge"? SI SSS millions of working mon and women, who. without cour ageous generalship to lead the way, naturally lack the necessary coniiaence to buy even many necessities of life, says H. N. Casson, editor of Efficiency Magazine. In other words, the temporary breakdown of the business i structure of 1929 has, developed hundreds of thousands of cripples who are prostrated by fear of the present and a lack ox confidence in the future. To quote from "Mr. Casson's article: "The Good Book tells the story of a cripple whose weakness was more in his mind than in his legs. The Master said to him, 'Rise, take up thy bed and walk.' He rose and walked and carried his bLH No one expects business men to perform miracles, but we can put our feet on the ground and try to walk, thereby setting an excellent example to the millions who will join in the march of Drosneritv. to create a fortune is to buy from pessimists. Pay vour west. uninvj anu iae me nsK. 'Trick started his career by buying coke ovens in the slump of 1S7S. Carnegie made $300,000,000 by buying steel plants in slumps. Hundreds of fortunes have been made by buying from pessimists. Ye Gods! What a chance there is at the moment ! In five years from now most American business men will belong to the 'I-wish-I-had-Club.' Tireu, it will be too late to buy a dollar for thirty cents. The opportunities will be gone. "When an American business man is depressed, the slump in in his head. There is nothing serious to prevent him from making money if he thinks he will. When fear rules the will nothing can be done, but when a man casts fear out of mind the world becomes his oyster. "To lose a bit of money is nothing, but to lose hope to low nerve and ambition that is what makes men cripples. "ThiV silly depression has gone on long enough. Get rid of it. It is inside of you. Rise and walk!" -0 REDUCTION . in SUIT VALUES Till Our Present Stock is Sold Choose yoat materials and style. We measure, fit and make up the goods on the premises. All Work GuaranteedPrices From $30.00 to $55.00 COME EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE - LING, THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. W. telephone 619 AT JASPER Sunday amid the beauties of Canada's finest national park. The stay at Jasper Park Lodge, with the optional rest or recreation offered by the lodge and its exquisite surroundings, broke the strenuous program which has been followed by the tour of the Upon their arrival at Jasper Sa turday evening, the party proceeded to the lodge and, early Sunday the majority turned out to try their skill on the sporty 18-hole golf course which adjoins the rustic hotel. W. H. Miner, newly elected president of the association, who made a hole In one on a Vancouver golf course during his recent stay there, turned out in tne hope of repeating but was perfectly saUs-fled wllh the creditable score he recorded without the aid of an ace. Sunday afternoon several parties look the Inspiring drive to the fow of Angel Glacier on Mount Edith Cavcll. The delegates left on Sunday for Edmonton on the special train op-erated by the Canadian National Railways. A feature of this train, which has been their home for almost two "weeks, is the comfortable new lounge car with Its shower bath, its miniature gymnasium complete with exercising machines, Its barber shop and Its soda fountain. A special dressing room has also been arranged in the forward baggage room for the convenience of the passengers. Yesterday the. party was entertained in Edmonton. In Uic afternoon the visitors were received at Government House and In the evening were tendered tt dinner In th Macdonald Hotel by the Alberta government and the city of Edmonton. Tire tleltgatcs "will be in Saskatoon on Tuesday and will spend Wednesday in Winnipeg. Get quick result with a want ad THE DAILY NEWS . Tuesday, Juw , " wBuwNews and Views of Sport World 55 J from Switzerland, who Js here or !a tour of the world, had narrovMntlered Herd Ge tnte Cellar a m eecape for bat life at Pacific. Jfcj ' fcesltf 5-2 Defeat in Last ' wfcjfd the fre4M train th.t NirM's Game fijttb Walter Berthtea Xrarly Lint life at Paeffie When on Wortd Tewr MILLIONAIRES WIN FROM ELKS paint and went fishing In Ute Skeen: Rirw in a borrowed boat. LEAGUE STANDING The boat's anchor dragged and the w- L . .. nun fa carried down iJj-imi)ni Of Canada 2 0 "I 1000. about a mile- vnvn twin H.. Mffiionalrea . 1 1 500 Eks .0 2 jOGQ i Andy Donald's Millionaires tot. the measure- of the fflks in lastj night's baseball fixture at Acropolis i HID by a Score of 5-2 and went mto undisputed possession of second place wbtte the Lcdeemen were relegated to the cellar. The MMifcHUh-es were out to win from the start and deserved full credit for the victory Jark Kelson pitched for them and allowed but one hit, bat was wiM walking five men and hitting one Chenoskl was n the slab for the losers, his second game in two days, and allowed five hits end hit three batters. Kelson made a record for the season in rtrtfce-ouu, chalking tip 13 in the ceven Innings. rarouh&r opened the Millionaires first time at bat with a triple to centre which Stone misjudged. Kelson singled. Then Chenoskt hit two batters In a row and It looked bad for him. He tightened up, however, and struck out Bury, and then Pete I Holmes hit into a double play, Chenoskl to A. Mitchell to W. Mitchell ! Elks had one bad Inning in the 1 ! third when they allowed three runs to score on five errors and no hits. , guraieu ana it is very essential to the progress and well ; L, Z, Pnl mto rtht leM ta to . .-j uu V V' i e r tL. l . : 1 n i e r . n r. ";" ' i : VV Tv mi " V' mer mer saved saved him. him. w. me mwnur as wcti us lor r nnce nuperu i nai is why we feel happy at its being continued. UY FROM PESSIMISTS The real barrier todav to busines revival is t h nsvphn. logical h? JT7 power ?um whfcli expresses eW?es itself itself in in a a fear fear complex complex in in I Mf- Berchten carries a book I rw. 7., n. Chenoskl and Smith tried to score on the play but was caught In a close decision at the plate. Elks got one run in the second when Burrows walked. He went to third when Comadina missed the throw to catch h!m stealing and Aortn i'akk, june o: Almost "w,cu v" vasseu mu. a hundred delegates and their wives returning from the annual convention of the Canadian Manufactur ers' Association at Vancouver, spent Their other tally came in the fifth. Alex Mitchell walked and pilfered second, he went to third on a passed ball and scored when Co-! madlna missed Stone's bounder. It was the best game so tar this season, and with the Millionaires all hitting the ball, they should give the Sons of Canada a tough game when they hook up on Thursday evening In the next game. Box Score ELKS ABR II PO A E A. Mitchell c 2 1 0 6 2 0 Arseneau If ...4 0 1 2 0 0 Stone cf 3 0 t) 0 0 1 W. Mitchell lb. 4 0 0 8 0 1 Burrows rf ..3 1 D 0 0 0 Skinner 3b. .,.,3 0 0 112 Clapp s. 2 0 0 0 0 McNulty 2b. 2 0 0 1 3 0 Chenoskl p .3 ' 0 0 0 4 0 Totals 28 2 1 18 10 I M'LTTRS. ABR Farquhar lb ...i3 2 Nelson p. ,..2 Zarelll 3b 2 Wendle ss 3 Bury cf. Holme If ..3 Redman rf. .3 M. Comadina 2b. .3 Smith c. J II PO A 14 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 13 Totals 25 5 S 21 Elks 0 10 0 10 MTn'rs. 1 n 5 n n 1 Denver couple to be married in ah airplane 3,000 feet over the town? Victoria Colonist. Leads Big Leagues in Home Runs sBaaaaaBaaaaaaaoBaaaaHp aa&B JaaBBaaaaaaaaaaaawiaB Manager Burt Shotton no doubt chuckles with glee every Urae Buzz Ariett 'above steps up to the plate, tor Phillies- star outfielder is leading both American and National leagues in home runs Ariett recentley caire from the Parific coast. tliatthfc might be lost for a while. There was a long drawn i'teep bank,. He took to the boat LEehNe OFF Frankif NpaI In out effort made for several years to get this servfee inau-!?." V upset ih 'lhSJSehaanS I vMVH W V TranKie leCl 111 a a w - ' -wt Vi4 f ha A m .VH ..1 FOR HOME showing persons he has met arvl Wenaie gate WM on cUpps error Places he has visited during hw)He M,u Fam(, M-vle comedian Had Good u.,rc ramming. n nexi in-cne,j mls5ed a throw to Catch him jteresttog tour will be up the Tel-,and red when skinner missed egrapn nne irora Hazeiton to the ! YUkon. Canadian .Manufacturers Avtocia Hon Delegates Had Enjoyable Sanday Hunting at Jasper uury s Dounaer. jasper PARK, June 9 Hal U Redman made a triple ta the, Roah, producer of some,lomhe swtn. e was caugni ai tnira wnen lunniest pictures turned out of nessVs stretching between here and Los Angeles. j The Callfornlans have completed a wicmsfQl Invasion of the,haunts; of North American's most danger ) daylight hop from Los Angeles to Jasper Na-i tlonal Park, piloted by Capt. J. B. Dickson was a hiitory-makin.c , flight. The filers will not attempt " to make the entire Journey to Lo-Angelef today, however, but will spend tonight In Reno. Nevada. A rtonl will be made for fuel at Spokane, Washington. The two sportsmen tnaced two bear apiece during their hunt In the Moose River district on the west slope of Mount Robson. Mon-arcfi of the Canadian Rockies. Roach shot a griuley and a blaek bear, while Brunson was rewarded with a pair of fine grizzlies. Oiune of all kinds were seen In Mount. Robson district with caribou, moated mountain goats and deer, in abundance. I BIG SIX STANDING HAS ONE CHANGE " a Mlh tri dropped In Summary 2-base hit, Arseneau; 3-ba:e hits, Farquhar, RedmanJ 'l,e tonln from first place, and itblen base. A. Mitchell. Stoire. W. farc"1 drPPl from a .500 petwWj- Mltihell, Skinner 2). Clapp; base rC.U 'MJ' K1mer Sn,lth manaZC(l xm balls, off Nelson (4); Struck out "p W l,Terc lth hit In by Nelson .13). Clrcmwkl 6: wild lnre tr'lra to lhe P,ate- Pitch. Nelfwn: nawsed ball. Smith . - AO. R. Hi, Mitchell t2; hit by pitcher, J-CwftadlnaS Clipp, zarelll, Wendle, Nelam; um plves, nrookes and Laix)rtev time of Same l;2s, Sooner or Mtt Tltey Had to Dome IHwrt Jtist what good did It do that There Was one change in the Big Six. standing as a result of last evening's encounter between Elks and Millionaires. Bill Stone of the Elks dropped out of the picture while Redman, hew outfielder for the Millionaires, went Into a tie for first place honors with J. Comadina or Hi Sons of Canada. Redman made a Triple and a slrrsle in three at- j 5 'fvu and looks as though he 0j might make some of the old boys II. 13 12 Redman M 1 3 0 2 Frlzzell B. 2 7 3 4 Arsefttfiu E 2 7 2 3 A. Mitchell E. 2 5 2 2 Smith M. 2 a I 2 Zarelll M 2 0 0 2 Robert 8 2 0 4 2 Pet. .067 -.007 .671 .429 .400 .333 .333 .333 RASEHAIjL June 11- 3.0.0. vs. Millionaire June 15--E,lks vs. S.O.C. Whirlwind Bout In Capital City j Frankle Keel, formerly of this city and Billy Deeoamimo of Winnipeg fought to a draw in the whirlwind four-round wind-up on a fight card SOFTBALL 1 Beebs, 1 wen a decision over GIANTS WIN FROM CUBS Tie Dr Second Hare l NltWlu, League Indian, Crers r On Yankees NT W YORK. June 9 Me deeaUU Chicago Cub the :.y National League game )emr vf and Uw two teaau are now uhj ' it . tcond plaae. Tn the Am.-Hcan Leagwe. fhiij. i c-ita Athletles and Washaogua ! ruiors both won while Clevelsad ' :i c. Li ns defr a' kl tttm York Tanfce j creep wtthm one game of tbud ! Yesterday sosrra: National League New York 6, Chicago 1. Amerkan League Clcvend"4. New York 1. Uetruit 3. Philadelphia 7 St. Louis 4. Uoston 0. Chicago 4. Washington 18 - Baseball Standings National League W. L Pet St. Louis 28 12 .360 Chicago 26 II 5B1 New York 28 is 1 Boston 22 ieo Brooklyn , 21 23 tn Pittsburg . 20 24 45J Philadelphia 24 mi ClnainnaU 14 33 3H Amerioan League W. L Pet hfladelphla ..." 54 ll 75 Washington 20 18 417 Hew York 25 50 JM Cleveland 24 22 Ml Chicago 18 27 .440 Boston 18 28 31 SU LMs 16 W 381 Detroit., m ... ...... 17 32 349 LEGION LINE-IT The Canadian Leg ton will heul the following team in tonight' football game against the Regiment: J. Smith, Skinner. Jack Haddon. O. Howe, Wm. Murrav. J Murray. Baptie t Captain. Dinar June 9 Roundhouse vs. Drydock. E. Warren, Erskina, F. Hodt?knuor June 12 Station vs. Drydock. T. Bustnlch. a Murray. A. Hod-June 16 Roundhouse vs. Station, klrvson. All players are revested io June 10 Drydock v. Roundhouse. 'meet at Club rooms before 0 June 23 Drydock vs. Station. match. OrCuUunft Bottling 3COYLANB A real old Scots whhky distilled, blended, gcd-in-the-wood and most imporunt of all . . . BOTTLED ... in Scotland. Famed since 1807 for its outstanding quality. Imported in 26V: z. and 40 oz-Ixniles only. Scaled with the convenient measuring cap. "Smooth tt a hUtH's nthl" OVCallums Scots filhisky hli advertisement Is not published or displayed by tin Uquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia,