PAOB SZX Y I Repairing and Painting Now Prince Rupert has not been backward this year in painting and repairing buildings with the result that the city looks prosperous. This has a good psychological effect. A few people have felt they were unable to get the work done this year while others who could not afford to employ a painter have done the work themselves. We suggest that this is a good time to get repairing and painting done. Paint should be put on in fine weather. There are plenty of men able and willing to do the job and the owner of the building will feel much better when he sees the property acclaiming to all and sundry that Prince Rupert is still in good spirits, keeping up her end in the effort to bring about better conditions. Paint up, mend the fence, nail on the boards, brighten up the sign, beautify the garden. Let the whole world know that we are still in the running. That is the spirit that wins. EXTREMELY HOMELIKE this design of a modem stucco IN house, graeefamesi Is coupled with low cost of construction. The reserved use of half-timber has a picturesque effect and accents the porch over the front entrance. With a large proportion of window space at the front of the living room, an appearance of a sun room Is given. This room owing to iU splendid location and arrangement offers a wide variety of treatment. ITT 11 nn I . , HALL L if a'. Asphaltic Walk For Hotel Being Provided For The city council last night gave preliminary readings to a local im F. F. LEMAISTRE, Architect I Notice the rear entrance does-not open right Into the kitchen, which I in bad weather, is a good feature. Two bedrooms are shown on the second floor, and, if a third is needed, the den on the lower floor could be converted Into a bedroom as it already contains a -closet. Outline Specifications She of House: 2T x 31.' Suitable Lot: 50' x 150.' Foundation: Ooneretc. II or nr w M Aw. WW IO' MHO' rmr noon i novo. rr , fit mm provement construction bylaw providing for the construction of a 17-foot asphaltic sidewalk on First Avenue in front of the Central Hotel. The owners of the hotel have presented a petition asking for the sidewalk. REWIRE YOUR HOME Why put up with those unsightly wires? They are not necessary. We rewire your home, placing sockets In the desired spots, concealing wires ... In short, doing a first class Job at surprisingly low cost. Since you have electricity, use it to best advantage. Let us help you get the most benefit and pleasure from your "watt- YOUR HOME e n dollar." Radio Service Radio Sets serviced by our Radio Expert. Satisfaction guaranteed. We carry only high grade tubes. Parkin & Ward Electric 319 Third Avenue Walls: White stucco, lleatlngillot water. Built-in Features: Cupboards. Approximate Cost: $6,000. Readers desiring further information regarding a house of this de- nitrn shruiM ,T . --... wwiuuiuuiMlK niui iiVSIXC Building Information Service, 345 Adelaide Street. West, Toronto, Ont. When writing please, tell us what particulars are desired and moniinn design number 213. Coypright 1930. r I OC'M0f i Ht'i' I J Council Turns Down Advertising Offers On the ground that finances would not permit the expenditure I the city council last night turned 1 down sollcltatlpns of the Vancouver I Province and the Vancouver Star to ' .All .MIAA In fA,tkj,nMlnM I.I Issues. The Province SDCClal Is to bo in connection with the forth coming opening of the new airport here while the Star's will be In connection with the celebration of the diamond Jubilee of British Columbia's eptry-tato. Confederation. TJie City council last night finally .reconsidered and adopted local Improvement construction bylaws providing for the grading, of the northeast side of Seal Cove Clrck' , from Fjfth Avenue to Seventh Av-lenye and for asphaltic sidewalks on the west side of Seventh Street from First Avenue to Second Avenue and On the south side of Second Avenue from Seventh to Eighth Streets. THE DAILY NEWS FAIR BOARD ALL READY RALLY ON GETS VOTE FOR BEAUTY MISSIONS City Council Turns Over Sum $240 to Be Used In Building of Road of The dty council decided last night to turn over to the Fair Board the tumsof $240 to be used in the protect of bnilding a road around the Fair BuSding. The $240 is made up of $120 left over from govern ment unemployment relief funds' and a Wee amount added by the city council. Aid. Radderham. chairman of the hoard nf mnrVi iirmvl that thtc h property done, more homelike, than one decorated In any other way. There fs a sense of warmth and Intimacy about walls of wood. The rich colors .and the variations of texture produced by the grain lend an air of dignity. Old English cottages offer some suggestion as to the methods of panelling that are simple enough for any earpenter to make. One method, which is quite effective, reveals, appreciations of light and shade which the old carpenters had. Vertical boards were laid up so that every other one was forward of those on either side of It, by about one half the' thickness of the board. This was dons by having tongues along each edge of half of the boards and grooves along the edges of the other half. By fitting the boards together in this staggered fashion, a feeling of thickness and variety of shade resulted. Other methods were used In early times. In our own colonial period there were similar wooden partitions constructed, but they were slightly more elaborate. Boards about 18 inches wide were cut to make a lap Joint at the edges, and then ornamented by an interesting moulding to hide the Joint. Sometimes a moulding was also run down the middle of the board to resemble the joint moulding, and make the board seem narrower. We can easily sheath our walls. today, with this type of wood finish. Boards of pine, redwood, Doug las fir and yellow pine, or cypress are very well suited to this type of decoration. An ordinary carpenter can do the wqrk, too. In finishing, this board, wax rubbed into the wood and slightly colored with burnt umber brings out the warmth of the wood and makes a somewhat dull finish in harmony with the simplicity and crudeness of this kind of wood Nvalnseoting. Copy right, 1930. The Architects' Small House Service Bureau. In the magazine section of the last Vancouver Sunday Sun &r pears a feature article in connection with the establishment by the B. C. Telephone Co. of commercial service between Vancouver and Ocean Falls. There are a number of Interesting pictures. SHEET METAL WORK and Roofing HOT AIR HEATING and VENTILATION Alexander' Murray's Approved Roofers. Work guaranteed for 10 and 20 years by bonding company. S teens Limited P.O. Box 928 Phone 5 SHOP SHOW Performances Tonight at Capitol Expected to be Pleasing Event For more than two weeks the public has been heating rrom more than sixty participants of the merits of The Beauty Shop." the pros and posters have acclaimed the fine qualities of the produc Hon, and at various afternoon teas, bridge, parties, dances, etc.. done for tha Fair Board and Maror !tt Pte ot 60 n nnmwnmmH Th mitinn tn thu ( waation. Now everything is in effect was na sed unanimonahT. readiness for tonight's presenta Aid. PuBen and Aid. Limey, a ,ton The last costume has been members of the Fair Board, express m I1IMU renearsai nas oeen sed conttdene that the grant made iM the Capitol Theatre with by the council would be fully ap-! " necessary adjunct and with Drectatsst by the board. t orchestra, and every member of PANELLED WALLS OF WOOD SUITED TO SMALL HOME Thejf Create a Homelike Atmosphere the am cast of sixty ladies and gentlemen feel they will give the public attending tonight's performance the most pleasing and mos. professional stage production which has ever been seen to Prince Rupert with local talent. While The Beauty Shop" was written especially for Raymond Hitchcock and his company of ar-tlta of km experience, It Is as - ts a way of giving impor-' Ulc or THEftB " k noittos Unpe to the living room wWehj it neglected to the Canadian home. I? " extr?nwly ldram,r It is to cover the walls with wtod;""" , !r',fen" where am- panening and have exposed wood-lT "Tm '7 e";ronacH,u- en beams on the ceUtng. ; lu .7 A living room which Is decorated maT wl and reUy teh-in this manner seems to be. If It Is and "! nf Ixty romp through the clever and hilarious lines and thfe many tuneful singing and dancing numbers. Ye Ed. Wants to Do What Can't Be Done We see that the Hoy a I Grain Com mission is going to look Into wheat I figures. .We wish we could cine Hat News BUY NOW! And Save Money A sharp advance on all Imported goods, will make an advance in prices necessary. Here is your opportunity to slock up at low prices. IJuy Here, to Advantage Shredded Wheat For health, per pkg. Ready-Cut Macaroni 7, lbs Swansdown Cake Flour Pr pkg Ensign Marmalade 4's . per tin Malkln'a Best Custard Powder, per tin Malkln's Best Extracts per 4-oz. bottle Malkln's Best Strawberry Jam-i's, per tin McLaren's Jelly Powders 5 pkgs -Medl- Granulated Sugar 100s t'C IA per sack Granulated Sugar 60"s per sack Brown Sugar tZ(n 9 lbs W"' (A good price for preserving season) . Buy Now I 10c 49c 38c 45c 29c 35c 67c 40c 82.75 Fresh Vegetables & Fruits Bunch Carrots 4 bunches New' Green Cabbage 5 lbs. ... Oranges 5 doz Bananas Fresh and firm 3 lbs. Yellow Newton Apple 3 lbs Canteloupcs Large sire each ; B.C. Strawberries- per box Fresh Spinach 4 lbs ' 25c 25c 95c 40c 25c 15c 15c 25c Mtissallem's Cash and Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 3C0 phone 18 & 81 319 3rd Ave. 417-423 5lli Ave. Gathering Last Night' in Presbyterian Church With United and Baptist Co-operation Under the auspices of the Women's Missionary Society of First Presbyterian Church and with the co-ope ration of the United and Baptist Churches, a missionary rally was held last night In First Presbyterian Church, there being a large attendance for such an affair. Mrs. J. W. McKInley. oresident of the Women's Missionary Society of First Presbyterian Church, presld-i ed and the Scripture reading was' made by Rev. W. D. Grant HoUlng-worth. Rev. Alfred Wilson, pastor of First United Church, and Rev.1 Dr. F. W. Dafoe, pastor of First Baptist Church, led in prayer. The address of the evening was given by Kev. c, E. Motte. pastor of Rupert East United Church, who told of ex perience in missionary work on the West Coast of Vancouver Island and elsewhere. The program of the evening Included vocal solos by Mrs. William Millar and Mrs. J. H. Car- Mon. vocal quartet by John E. Davcy, S. J. Hunter, J. A. Teng and Alex Clapperton. Wednesday tu.. . tin a ii irMa. TWO SHOWS - TftTg America's Dancing Dj,rtw Joan Crawford in "Dance, Fools, Dance" She crashed society and h,. IL. . u mc Qnaenrerld U its most mysterta, "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND wire enae Comedy -ANDY CLYDE to "JUST A BEAB" Novelty "Moonlight art Reastaae FOX NEWS ADMISSION JS( (J, Feature Starts at 7:H i j H THURSDAY MATINEE at VM 15c & 19c Feature Starta Friday and SaUrfey SIDNEY and MURRAY is "Cohens and Kellys in Afrits' The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous SHIPYARD urEKATINU IJ. T. . 20.000TON FLO ATI Mi DKYDOCR knglneers. Machinist. Boilermakers, Hlarksmllhs, Pattern Makers. Founders, Woodworker, Etc. EI.EGTKIC AND ACETYLENE WKLDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WOKK PHONES 43 AND 385 SHINGLES! No.l-3xatperM $3.25 No.l-5xatperM $3.75 No. 2 - at per M $2.75 SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRIES MADE AT MASSETT HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 I'HONE 680 Our Prices Will Please You Come In and let us show yo" how little It rosl1 to equip your car with (JOODRICI1 SILVER-TOWNS. A complete Garage Service Distributors Dodge Cars and Trucks RUPERT MOTORS Night Calls: Phone 1C1 phone 566