Why 'nienw. Rent That Room, Secure Help, Sell Furniture, Real Estate, Etc., Through a Classified AcL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS For rent, for sale and all other small advertisements thU section charged at the rate of 2 cents a per Insertion with li . hwrUm, for the prtre of fonr. By the montl, the Carte i, 25c a 3. No advertisement taken tor less than 50c FOR RENT CHOICE Apartments far rtut WeJtenliaVer'BroV' tf FOB RENT Four-roomed fkt. Apply Smith eWllett ,t FOR RENT two flats, 5 -room ant! 6-ioom. Sixth Ave. West. PhOiJ" 543. if j FOR RFNTfrrriUhed apartments by day, 'week or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOR RENT Furnished 5 -room modern house. Appy Box t Daily News. 133 FOR RENT Five-roomed furnished apartment. Apply Mussal-lem'a Phone 18. tf FOR RENT Clean, axil furnished modem apartment, maimer Ap- artments. Phone Red 444. FOR RENT Clean, furnished two-1 roomed apartment, $10 per: month 835 Second Ave. Phone 290 i FOR RENT store and d-eillrr building, Third Ave. near Dally News. Good condition. O. P Tinker Ltd. '4 FOR RENT Pianos, phonograph, sewing machines and entry Walker's, cor. Second A venire' and Fourth street tr ; FOR SALE BABY Buggy for sale cheap. Phone 840 tf SMALL Piano tor sale. Phone Oreen 109. 137 LADIES' Blende ter sale. Phone Blue 707. 137, ALL kinds' of cabbage plants tor sale Phone Oreen 718. U FOR SALE Speedy outboard hll 13 feet,' good shape. Snap $20, cash. Phone Red S57 between 9 and 5. 134 FOR SALE In Wesvlew. modern six-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fire-place, garden, garafe Apply 1919 Atlln Avenue. W FOR sale cheap, 18-foot open launch, lifeboat style, 4 horse power Easthbpe engine, moveable canvas cover. Apply Daily News, Phone 98. tf LOST LOST From Lumber Dock. flatiBH1J. hook, copper cur?. bottom skiff, nalnted areen. var- m!ed seals, tor bottom. Finder Phone Red 413. 131 Lost Round bottom -row boat and skiff from Digby Island, 1 finder please advise E. Wahl. Box 84J, Prince Rupert. 133 ,v THE M A TIT. It OP TIIK "NOTAR1K ACT" N the MATtr.it oi- tiik Arri-lrA- 1 llOi or tDWAItll T. KFANKV ' r . ( Jttjy. Yds, ttxt the prwKUBS JiK!,, diiQ, at 0:10 tn Uw wti i " ii or my con thrtft m cowa-, caavnlaUr tMrd t tta u' Houtt. TimntH, B.C.. ak tbl pltot r (Marine oi ttti ppl!-l jwi.. ,A ftjtra T Kttutvj for i iul-7' v Notary BukBe pruam .u' " '" r-u Aet," CtoptK 49 o' lh Hum, 19M i A ' i h rMii airTt tint iii apprtnt. '-- iv.iNi In th Prhc iL','-"'1" oirtriot in ftlkpS fi- n 'T) tll:, lt tfajr el Jna. 1M1. !. BROWN." , ' d 'i u-,Ti;rir el Bii.-wiik f Ommi MIM;Rt. Al'T Vrrlincau r tniraf wfl NOTICE am. 'i Pv?tlnnal U:nr i n'm r. - iiw mini II11MH infriwi ai ,'"'rlv ,h Efn"-i'ii th Spjwulatlo'i HpitaV' tJ" M,, Mllwral Olai "l"i mj rtT from Vi lt V,v; rr'T" - of imcmwrt-hU. f U.e. xL.i' ' obUlnlnl a Crown Orant vi uC ' 'hfr uk, notice lhi klo k " 'K'ii 11 miurt b commenco Of i,?., ' "unoe ot auch Certttlcaw u.m raisxR. HOARD AND ROOM jBOOM 129. AND BOARD. Phone' Red SITUATIONS WANTED . . j EXPERIENCED woman wkm i ric by hour 35c. Phone 2' rtJ f CARPENTRY R. GREENFIELD, Carpenter. Alter- atlons, repairs, first class praell oel experience. Phone Blatk 414 325 2nd Avenue. SEWING & DARNING First class sewing, mending aai repairing done, also socks darm-d 10c. a pair. Work called for anl delivered. Call at 117 Fourth Avenue West. 135 STOCKINGS MENDED STOCKINOS mended 15c. a run. Phone Demers. 27. 1H5 SHOE REPAIRS for Finest Work try Louis Shlbl 331 second Avenue West. Box 10 Prince Rupert B.c. V. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Dry Birch, Cedar and Jaca Put" tf B - & R- TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK, Palmistry! and Crystal Reading. Wallace Block. Telephone Black 637. AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPEPT AUCTION MART We buy. srll or exchange any kind ol furniture or household goods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. Oeneral repairs, crating, packing and shipping Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Biact 120 and we will calL O. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, Federal Block tf key. last chance op toe pink nose a roup op mineral cum. Situated m the Ooaat .Skeena Mlnlftl DtvMon it head of Ktoktn lalet. TAKE NOTICE we W. M. Maaon. free "S-JtSSSi UVfl iU4tm ; -- - dar Mtljrod, tn niUwr'a oarurkata 94-72SD. R A. Itoneyman tw mloera or-ttfl-at StW4D . ltnd, ataty daya from daf hereof to apply to Vive mlnlftf tf oorder for earuneataa of ImproTWWWrta for th purpoM of obuininc crowa rn for tlie Wv claim., inn furtairr nk. ncHice that actwn ld-T SrvtlOC H of tk Mlmral Aet, mutt be oommenead brtora tha laauanoa of oartlf irata of taproTtnta. Datod tbla tTU y of April. 1931. WAMTVj 'O CHIROPRACTIC :8uiwWn"r ftrt,, ltfU Hay rfr.iu.tM. Nervous. Female ind children' , Diseases Specially Treated , !w. a ASI'INALI. ChirpruUri Phone tlrem Ml' - At" Knti.titv Hla. 'piijiniiri' 0 SAI.VAUK iAJIP ithvtM, ilf Ifl a on oi under the tiater wr a If raciNC Salvage L.O. Ltd. eWy- Equipped -for Diving, and :Z' Central Kalvagc Work Atvnts tor ICASTUOrT KNGlNr Boats and Scows of all descriptions tor charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Barralns In Gas Engines Northern B.c Distributors Coolldie Propellers Sand and O ravel in, any quantity, delivered anywhere by water , Phone. Day or Ktght 564 P.O lint IS64 $29.50 SPECIAL $29.50 Walnut Panel Bed Premier Coil Spring, White Cotton Mattress. This is manufacturers' special. If you want a bed its your chance. saQa Bed Complete MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Phone 77S BLASTING AND EarthWork NELS ROKKJAR 811 Ftaser Street Phone Blue 823 Evenings INTERIOR DECORATING, PAINTING AND SIGN WRITING Very moderate prices. Easy Terms JOERGEN P. MOLLER Painter and Decorator Phone Red 802. 7th Ate. W. GEORGE MACKLIN Plain and Ornamental PLASTERING, STUCCO. BRICK. CEMENT, ETC. TeL Red 832 4 Emad Blk. QUEEN CnAItLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN aC. Our Prince Rupert Prices: NO. 1 5x per M 83.7S No. 1 3x per M 1.25 No. 2 per M 2.75 ROBERTSON & SIMPSON Massett, B.C: Arent: Hyde Transfer. Phone 580 Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS CLASS Third Avenue Typewriters for Rent by day, veek or month Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 Wonderful TIell Queen Charlotte Islands The Home Farm Fine Beach and Meadows for Children's Playgrounds Salmon and Trout Fishing River and Sea Bathing 1 Excellent Cuisine Parties can be met at Sklde-ateg or Port Clements. Wireless for Reservations. MADAME RAJAUT Frank H. Coon PALMER GRADUATE Doctor of Chiropractic Office Hours: 11 to 12 2 to 5 7 to 8 Saturday and Sunday by appointment. Consultation free. Phone S57 Room 15 Bcsner Bile House, Blue 529 CORPORATION or THE CITA' OF PRINCE UIPERT TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1 1. Tha CouncU of the Corporation of I in unj oi mace .wupen mienas k ocatniet m aaollanr aever tn the lan: ebttta of ttj Anu; fTocn tne lane b?- 1 nwn hisck u ana i. oeciun 9, u Lot 12. Block 41. Section 5: In 9th A--- I em from Lot 18. Block 33. Section 5 to Let 37. Block S3. Section 5; In In-aoutb of 8tb Avenue from Lot bin: Street to Tatlow Street; In 8Ut Avenue I from Tatlow street to Pulton Street: in 7th Avenue from Tallow street to Taylor Street: to Pulton Street from 8: -. Avenue AO Lot 83. Blwk 37. Sec Hon .. thence veaterlv throosh Lot 32. Birr 127. Section 8. to Taylor Street: and in Taylor Street from .Lot 32, Block i; 'Section (, to 6th Avenue with lateral thereto, aa a local Improvement and Intendi to apectally two the cost upon the land abutting direct! r on the work, except auch por- i UOn of the cost aa la Incurred atatrert Interxctton X The ctUmated coat of the work u tlS.600.00 Of' which 13.039.93 la to be paid Sy the Corporation, and the eas. mated annual apectal rate per lo frontage la 10 2805, The apeclal aaae ment la to be paid in 20 annual ImAa'.-menta. 3. Perauna desiring to petition agalnat undertakin( the work mint do ao on or before th t lth day of July, ltsi I E. P. JONES. city ciwi I Dated thla 6th day of June, 1931 a SCALE OF CHAltGES Tli. fnllnvtnir in tha mnnla r of charge niale for reading 4 notices i i Man-lace and Engagement ! announcement 32. Birth Notices 60c. Funeral Notices SI. Cards of Thanks, S2. Funeral Plovers iOc per Mime. Take The DAILY NEWS When Going on Summer EMBARRASSING MOMENTS with you Holidays I tm-Ajs3 Notinreistoohortforustolookafter Hill our patrons. I Sbjpjg Mail Schedule For the East Monday. Wednesday and Sal-lOA uraay am. rom tne tail Sunday. Tuesday and Thun. ay ...Z2ii pjn For Vancouver Sunday 8 pjn. Tuesday . 12:30 noon Thursday pjn. Friday 11 o.rn. June 3, 13, 20, 24, and 27 .'pjnJ From Vancoave'i Sunday n. 4 pnj Wednesday 10.S& p rr Friday pm. Nearly everybody likes to keep in touch with Prince Rupert when away for their holidays. The best way to do this is to order1 the paper sent during that time. If it is only for two weeks, the News is a welcome visitor and the mails during the summer months are carried almost daily to most points. Recently a number of Scandinavians have given up the local fishing for the sum mer and gone on an extended visit to their former homes. In almost every case they order the Daily News sent them while they are away. Several -subscribed for a year, others for shorter Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Sunday as. Pr. George .10 pm. Tuesday ss. Cataia ...... .1 :30 pm. Thursday as. Pr. Rupert 10 pm. Frlday-ss. Princess Mary 10 pm. SS. Cardena, midnight. June 13 ss. Prin. Louise 5 pm. June 20 ss. Pr. Charlotte 5 pm. June .24 ss. Prin. Louise ..5 pm. June 27 ss. Prin. Alice ... 5 pm. From Vancouver-Sunday ss, Cataia ............4 pm. Sunday ss. Pr. Charles 11 :30 am. Wednes. ss. P. Rupert 11:30 am. Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pm. Friday ss. Cardena pm. A HOiLVWOOP WW -9mWM 4 o(-ntp cop's tr, .Pter - stJ$ mMmHt&. -3 f Hill Satur. ss. P. Oeorge 10:30 am. June oas, Prin. Louise . ; am. June 13 ss. Pr. Charlotte ...am. June 19 ss. prin. Louise am. June 22-h. prin. Alice am. June 2 ss. Prin. Charlotte am. June 29 ss. Prin. Louise am. For Naas Rtver and Port Slmpton Suhday a. Cataia ... 8 p.m. Front Naas Ilivrr A Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Cataia ....11:30 a.m. For Stewart and Antox i Sunday-s. Cataia .. 8 p.m. Saturday ss. Pr. George 4 pin. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Cataia .. .11:30. am. Thursday ss. Pr. Oeorge 8 p.m Sunday--ss. Pr. Oeorge .8 pm. For Ocean Falls 1