BAY Tbei fine liquor, mellowed by tho yean, re beufht w i I k eery confidence. 37i5EKEi- Si PADS BTS THE DAILY KEWi Tuesday, October 20 1831 jN - vv ..- '.i aw '(I b jn!r i li ft 0MI B v BE5T PROCURABLE IVAPORATIO PRODUCED IN CANADA cfwrpu ton WHISKY V t , v HIGHEST POSSIBLE HUDSON'S , 1 I -if I f .v.. r7l OIWIIHTBlMwJlAV justify This advertisement Is not published or displayed by tnc Liquor Coutnu Board or by the Government of British Columbia For velvety soups and sauces, rich ice creams and candies, fine-textured cakes and puddings and custards, always use Carnation Milk convenient, economical, always dependable. Clean housing of clean herds and clean handling of the milk safeguards Carnation Milk at the source and protects its purity. And this protection continues until Carnation reaches you in its hermetically sealed containers. Writ tor Cook Book and Baby Booh CARNATION CO, LIMITED, 1)4 AUmt Sc. Viumr, B.& Milk treat Ctnsdlsa cows, picked a Canada ia Canadian cans tad cases. Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump $12.50 No. 1 Alberta Egg $11.50 Pembina Peerless Lump .... $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $11.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Dtlivcry Free! LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone C49 COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Kdson and Cassldy-YYcllintton In any qnantlties. Also Uulkley Valley Hay, drain and Itobln Hood Flour, Priiice Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND S58 ARLISS IS VERY FINE "Alexander Hamilton" Is Great Achievement Classic ot American History "Alexander Hamilton," the picture, deals not so much with the Treasury and principal creator of CWH onH n rlr 9 IK- f f NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Fine Gold Is Discovered on Hixon Creek Asselstine Speaker at Stewart Official Report on 'Rig Missouri Eric in with Joe Strbac has been while "Disraeli." "The Green ood- Haan, who, company dess," "Old English" and 'The working a' placer claim on Hixon Creek in the"' Prince Millionaire" were ail great achieve-; George district for the past eleven years, this week ments, Oeorge Ariiss, famous Eng- brought into Prince George the best samples of gold ever iirti character actor, was never; seenn that city. There were approximately seventy-five W&tSfiTvS ounces of the precious yellow metal which Haan said was T,-f- t- ,.. recovered by the washing of 363 nTght'hlghT pleaded wUh STu LlTnLn SA-rS ve f !!VWhICh WU1 bC ShWn agalniand Haan since 1920. Their ground I I n lAHAtAyi Aknut llira v Has .it (Via creek from the main road and the character of-the great financial, . . . tUelm 9nmAm M oen genius who was President Oeorge I m.e,n S E Washington", SecreUry of the ZuwiW nVIV CAAlillltCVI OVJSJib fell til, ttbU wj Douglas Lay, resident mining engi- "Gold Mine and Their Communl- A New Westminster correspon- Hr," will be the title of an address dent to the letter page of the last to be on Tuesday nleht of this Vancouver Sunday Province, ma- weck at a Board of Trade dlnner at gazine pection, urges that the Van-stewart by wllliam Asselstine. mill couver . radio broadcasting staUoav-upcrintendent or the Premier Gold 1 t I m t ijiouta De maae poweriui enougn Mining Co. Ltd. o compare with such American Utions as Seattle. Spokane and The Big Missouri property, being Portland as far as reception in j operated by 'the Consolidated Mln-N'orthern British Columbia is con- !Ing & smelting Co has had extcn-cerned- jsive diamond drilling ot the sllicl- HALLOWE'EN SPECIALS Hallowe'en Apples and Candy All on Display at Our Stores All at Reduced Prices 1 f icd area continued according to the 1 report on the property by Dr. Joseph !T. Mandy, resident mining engineer. ln the annual1 report ot the minister of mines. The primary purpose of the mill established on the property was to ascertain by careful run of mine sampling through the mill whether the erratic distribution of values indicated ln the slllclficd zone by diamond drilling might con stitute a large-tonnage, low-grade commercial ore body. Should the Dig Missouri operation materialize into a profitable undertaking. It will riflMt ereat credit on the efficiency Mcintosh Apples, Household pack, j and peistcnc of the Consolidated JCT I Mining tz Smelting Company's v ineerina staff and will be of utmost Mcintosh Apple, Q Off imrjortancc to the progress of the U Orade. per box vx"Jtlminln industry ;n the Portland Hallowe'en Candy all colors, Ofto! Canal area. The Consolidated Co. per lb hocokte Bars, aaaorUU, 7 for Chocolate Bart, assorted, 21 5c ban, per box Uwl i ft. Ka tnm wsartrfer1 fn raw I Ctrl nrr 25c through the medium ot the public ores misleading statements that Q ftp I have been published regarding this Of'! property. The general rock forma- This U good for the children and tion of the Dig Missouri ridge con- Is always appreciated. Popping Corn, 3 lbs. for Pumpkin, 2-lb. tins Pumpkin, fresh, per lb Hubbard Squash, per lb Fresh Routed Peanuts, 35c 15c 6c 6c 25c slats of horneblende andeslte. ande site and horneblende andeslte porphyry. Generally low grade gold and silver values occur in the slltctfled porphyry rones in apparently small, scattered and detached areas In association with pyritc galena and zinc-blende. The main :slliclfled zone which is being explored strikes generally north and south with an indicated length of 1 awut indicated width nraid'a Bert lBlue Labtl-Wllh eup and aaucer. A cn i " VT. . . J, lh ffi D C bo-t 300 feet ln the central section , ' and about 300 feet at the northerly We have only o limited quantity end Tne zones haVe been exten-ot thU deal. Buy now and get flvely explored by drifting, cross-thU cup and aaucer free. cutting and diamond-drilling. From Malkln'a Beat WaterglMi, Qf0 the resulU obtained through test- 2's tins, two for I JLJ Malkln's Best Baking Powder. 12-oz. tins With ona package of Malkln's Beet Jelly Powder 25C Malkln's Best Extract Ail flavors, 2-oz. bottles, 1 0n each We have a full range of fresh Fruits and Vegetables at prices greatly reduced. We solicit mail orders, and prompt attention is always given to these out-of-town customers entrusting their requirements to our care. Mussaflems Cash and Carry Stores work the policy of future operation will be decided. Officers Are Entertained Delightful Dance Held Last Evening at Naval Headquarters in Honor of Visitors The officers ot the wardroom mesa of the local unit of the Royal Cana-idan Naval Volunteer Reserve en tertained at a delightful dance at naval headauarters last night ln i honor of Llcut.-Commander F. O Hirt and officers of H.M.CJ9. Van- Where Dollars Have More Cents" couver. Fine music was furnished I Phone 360 Phone 18 Si (I ! by the Blue Bird orchestra and 319 3rd Ave. 417-423 Mh Ave. dancing was enjoyed by some eighty persons from 9:30 pm. until 2 a.m. At mldnlKht delicious refreshments were served. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Itupert October 30, 1911 The Dave Williams Company will give a special matinee at the West-holme Theatre tomorrow afternoon cf the successful play "The Swee-teat the constitution of the United . -.M" Olrl From Dixie. Tonight "Dora IhnJ irSS'VM from an idjacent ledge. Haan be P- ha JS fn an 5, JS 2S and strba convinced that they ' ShII,? vrnrJ S2 1 now close upon discovery of the A meeting of the Graham Island nSiriSI "Pledge. If this is discovered a' Oil Fields Co.. Ltd.. will be held moment to the tost, the fortunes of , ... - ,t ln th dlatrlct ton, ht t the offlce of L w Pat. , j J4L.'' ..jI. may ensue. more. uuunu ana mere are many aramaiic , scenes with a stirring anu-climax. Barber of ta. ie?.n0 ?y;,th? "Idal police has been successful in ui mi. Auua u itawitrw uuuuaaiiiut. . . t , While Mr. Arllss dominate, the , 'Th-nrX ! r1,ows: "onorary P"Went. J. F. dure, excellent support is given h??.! Pre8,dent- deD" Ho he of the Con-;vell. frora , .JLw.wlnUy camp flrst Vlee-nreldent. J. Fall: A V, "Olidated Mining & Smelting Co. at I vlee-nreiident. . - d Dr II C actor, as George Washington; r Doris tecona vice-presiaeni, ur. ai. t-. u .-iri -in- in vi he rvtM i-v,' Kenvon as Bettv Hamilton Mon- i tl,e Eraerald mine ln ? otsaLa! e ; Wrinch; secretary. C. H. Sawle; tagu Love, as Oencral Thomas Jef ferson; June Collyer, as the alluring Mary Reynolds, and many others. The Overseas Club has been or ganized at Hazelton with officers as . - i oYoriinvp k ii mrirn iiparn k. v. During recent months there has stephensoni Rev. Mr. McLean. Major ucru a way. U1 uiuib ui w.av u- l,,. Ernet price AUan Wyley an(j triCt. I TT W Rhnrn 7ew MODERN CHINA in This Package NO one ever imagined that China like this would be placed in packages of rolled oats. Robin Hood Mills once more has broken all precedents for giving value. The New Robin I lood Rapid Oats Package with the 4,Red Spot" label contains the same high-quality "PAN-DRIED" Oats you have always known but the Chinaware is new and different, The pattern is the fashionable, modern, square shape, with richly coloured rose decoration and gold line edge . : i imported from a well-known English pottery. The cups and saucers, plates, porridge bowls and other pieces are individually trade-marked with the name of the manufacturer . ; i WEDGWOOD & CO. Start collecting a set of this lovely China for your table nt TODAY! Atk your Grocer for the Robin Hood Package with the "RED SPOT" Label Robin Hood Rapid Oats Best Because Its 'PAN-DRIED Car Owners Our repair service is prompt, efficient and courteous. RUPERT MOTORS Distributors ot DOUOK & PLYMOUTH CARS riione SG8 Calls 161 CAPONE GUILTY Chicsso Gang Leader Faces Severe Penalty Sentence Coming Tomorrow CHICAGO, Oct. 19. Al Capone, Chicago gang leader, was convicted here Saturday on charges of evading payment of $1,000,000 ln federal income taxes and will appear again today before Judge James II. Wllkerson for sentence. Capone may be sent to penitentiary for a term up to 17 years in addition to a heavy fine. Immediately after the conviction had been announced, Capone's attorneys intimated that they would appeal the verdict. Oeorge II. Halse. president o'. the Northwest Telephone Co. and chairman of the board of directors of the B. C. Telephone Co., disembarked here from the steamer Ca-tala this morning after having made the round trip to Anyox and Stewart and will proceed by tral.i tomorrow morning to Prince Oeorge. This evening Mr. Halse will have a conference with the city council on the possibility of in cluding Prince Rupert ln long dis tance radio telephone communication service. Monday and Tuesday Feature starts 7:40 and j-i. TWO SHOWS - 7 & J fjl That Extraordinary Genius GEORGE ARLISS in "Alexander Hamilton" A man of power a romance I inst mauc nisiory. Scandal! Intrigue! Conspiracy! Comedy ANDY CLYDE in "TOO MANY lIUSrJANDS Cartoon "China Plate" Scenic "In the Mountaini" Wed. and Thurs., CONSTANT! ntwrrr In xnm-r.ii-. Price of Coal Reduced for Cash Nanaimo-Wcllinjiton Single Screened, CJ i fifi delivered loose, per ton vAAaUU Nanaimo-Wcllington Single Screened, Q-i O OC delivered bagged, per ton ipXuuv Sootless Stove, delivered bagged, j 50 Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phone 116 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famou "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, U.C. Thank You for the hearty co-operation extended Our Little Merchants in their first financial endeavor. In case of any error or misundcrstandlnp Ix-tve" subscriber and carrier boy, please phono 9S or call at the Daily News Circulation Department and we will gladly attend to it. Work for Prince Rupert Patronize Prince Rupert Merchants Read Their Ads in The Daily News Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised.