PAGE TWO Price 5 Co a box Palpitation Of The Heart Nerves Were All Gone Mis Rob Griffin, Athern, Man., writes: "About five yean ago I wai troubled with palpitation of the heart, caused by a shock, and my decided to ttrfi .them. After I had taken three oiet I'wai'frtlnij fine again. I think they are a wonderful remedy, nl 4itall tUerwho suffered as I did would g)e them & trial." Sold at all drug and general ttoren.' or wailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milbu'ra Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont THE DAILY NEWS. I'lUNCK RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMRIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue . II. P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Edltor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail 01 carrier, yearly period, paid in advance 5.00 For lesser periods, paid in advance, per month 50 By mail to all parts or Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period 3.00 By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year $0.00 By mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 .ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion .r- 1.40 Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word 02 Local readers, per Insertion, per line 25 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line 15 DAILY EDITION REDUCTION REQUESTED FOR AUTOS i Chamber of Commerce Would Have ; Rate to llatelton $20 Instead I of $10 as at Present i At the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce last night the freight rate committee reported that the provincial government should be asked to secure the cutting in half of theurate between Prince Rupert land Hazeltbn. The present rate is $40 each way and the committee recommended that the government should be asked to try to secure reduction to $20. The committee consisted of Q. W. Nickerson, Russel Smith, Harold MeEwen and D. O. Stewart A reply to this effect will be sent to the department at Victoria. Watch the Want Ad. columns-they always are interesting. A strong, reliable, FOItD battery for your car ' i ! Priced at tho Ford 13platc battery is a remarkable value. Will give excellent eer-vice for an extended period of time. Rigidly tested atu fully warranted. Wc will mako ail'' allowance on your old' battery. Conic in and let us install tills fine nevr; battery in your cnr S. E. Parker Ltd. Dealers "rtf&ii1 Saturday. April 11, 1931 PROTEST AT LODE LINE Objection is Voiced by Chamber of Commerce A formal protest having been made by the Chamber of Commerce against the setting of the lode line regulations in a manner which will affect the port of Prince' Rupert adversely, the Chamber also took the matter up with various people of influence and asked for their cooperation in securing a revision. Atthe meeting of the chamber last night letters were read from Alfred Durenleau, minister of marine and E. A. Warren, vice-president of the C. N. R. The former said he would bring the matter before the parliamentary committee and the latter said he would take it up immediately with Montreal with a view to having such representations made as will be favorable to the port of Prince Rupert. Julian Ordered to Produce List of His Assets OKLOHOMA, April 11: C. C. Julian, notorious oil promoter, was required In Court here to produce on April 16 a list of his personal assets as well as the assets of the C. C. Julian Oil and Petrolium Co. Julian is charged with extortion In connection with stock dealings. WEATHER EXTREME Atlantic Coast Has Snow While Heat Comes to Mid West NEW YORK. April 1 1 : While the ground on the Northern Atlantic' Coast of the country was covered "with a fresh fall of from three to 115 Inches of snow, Chicago and other cities in the mid west were basking In temperatures as high as 80 above. BRINGING UP LETTER BOX OBJECTS TO NOM DE PLUME Editor, i Dally News: note with a ' degree of gratitude that you'.'clo net 'intend to plac1 me upon the biaeklUt. and in deference to the apparent ethical code upheld In the newspaper) world I would state that hence-' forth, I shall atiuress such crili-1 cism your sole publication, fully expecting that you will ajree to i print the same, which, at all times shall be couched in gentleman1; ! language. j .Your nom de plume corrcspon dent however, I consider as almost beneath recognition, and in reply to "Interested" would request him or her to come out into the lime-, light, append his or her actual' signature to the communication, and I will undertake t6 answer any query which in my Judgment, will be of Interest and utHlty to the public at large. Should "Interested" be sufficiently "interested," and have enough red blood. I am willing to meet him or her on any public platform In no defense of. myself, but rather the principles, which I feel to b ' worthy of support. S' ., Until the time when he or she jjrttl comply with this request "In-'srested" may sjake .his or her 'hirt for knowledge in the methods most common to the side he apparently represents. Yours sincerely. CHARLES LORD, Citizen. Body of Mrs. Howe Is Coming Home Well Known Local Woman Will Be Buried Here Next Week lie-mains Due Tomorrow The body of the late Mrs. Joseph Howe, well known resident of this city, will arrive tomorrow after noon on the Cataia from Vancouver, where she died this week, accompanied by the widoower. The funeral will take place here next week with the B. C. Undertaken in charge. CANCER IS DISCUSSED Will Know More About it When More is Known of Old Age Dr. Charles Mayo LOS ANQELES, April 11 Too many people live too long anyway." declared Dr. Charles II. Mayo, one of the famous surgeon brothers of j Rochester, Minn., yesterday, In dls-1 cussing the question of cancer. "It ; Is no use having lives prolonged when the mind Is dead. We wtll be able to tell more about cancer when we know more about old .age " MAKE STATE RESPONSIBLE Fight in California Legislature Over Defunct Building and Loan Association SACRAMENTO, A fight is about to start In the state legislature over responsibility for claims of $8,000,-000 against the defunct Guarantee Building & Loan Association. Milton M. Holden, assemblyman from Hollywood, will seek to make the state responsible on the grounds of negligence in the supervision of the association's affairs. FATHER ! THS. WILL, vwca Jf "n-tfc J FROM I've "503 mewj to Rfipotrr- ifv TAKtMC'nn' fOR RUM IN The phk ?rtS Cor AWAW PROM Mfc AND Oi-c iisjtc the THE DAILY NEWS Saturday. Apu, III. NEIGHBORS TALK "I am employed in a theatre and it Is a problem, to make ends meet, as I help support my mother and isters..,I likftto dress well but haven! veryTnlich'tb spend on clothes. To 'give the appearance of variety, to my slender wardrobe I change the color of (i dress or stockings as soon as the things become faded. I always use Diamond Dyes for the work using them as dyes for dresses and as tints fr stockings. I Jiave always gotten such perfect results that our neighbors talk about the great number of new things I have. "I learned about Diamond Dyes from our wardrobe mistress. She ays she has tried all the dyes on the market but none do such splended work and are so easy to use as Diamond Dyes. I understand they are the world's most popular dyes and they deserve to be." LP., Montreal. POLITICS CONFUSED Uncertainty as to What Will Happen Following Lonjworth's Death WASHINGTON, April 11: Spe-cuUtlon and confusion prevails In political circles here as to the conse quences following the death of Speaker, Nicholas Longworth. It Is not even certain as to whether a Democrat or Republican will succeed Longworth, the standing of parties in the House is so close. Certainly, there is no definite idea as t6 who the new speaker raay be although John TUsen. Republican of Connecticut, Is next in line. The standing of parties In the House at present is: Republicans, 210; Democrats, 215; Farmer-Labor, 1; vacant, 3. President Hoover paid tribute to the late Speaker in a statement yesterday. ALTITUDE MARK SET Eleanor Smith Relieved to Have Made New Record at New York NEW YORK. Aprllli:-Eleanor Smith, who narrowly escaped death last week when she fainted while trying to make a new women's altitude record, may have accomplished her object Thursday although it Is not'yet certain. After a flight over Roosevelt Field Thursday, one of the young woman's altitude registers showed 32,500 feet and the other 25,500 feet. The former women's record was 28.473 feet, made by Ruth Nichols. Miss Smith was later credited with the 32,500 record. The former altitude record for men was 30.453 feet. DDD for skin disorders An arllve fluid that washes Into tbo slrk llfttie. Clear stainless, its wiotli-inr rlftwntu penetrate. Itrhlnc Mod on the instant eruptions disappear Hie treatment has do rlr&L W. J. MrCUTCIIEON. DRUGGIST OltMF.8 LTD. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIitT FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throuc hoot the City OMUt TfcRj I'LL bHED 8BTHEM T1VT COM LmSHir r x 'in l T Kit ln'iliiltif Iwim m Oti rwn m' '"' HVfi ... FOR RENT 1 ""OR RENT Modern Apartment Westcnhaver Building. tf 'OR; RENT Furnished 4 room flat with bath. Pnone 54ft tf j KIVE roomed flat for rent, steam heated. Phone Blue 345. it FOR RENT Five-roomed furnished apartment. .'Apply Mussal-ftm's Phone 18. tf OR RENT Clean, "well furnished modem apartment. Palmer Apartments. I Phone Red 444. tf OR RENT Nice cosy completer.' famished apartments downtown 3 minutes from fish dock. Dre-xel Apartments, 140 Second Avenue. Phone 943. tf FOR SALE SECOND-HAND McLarey Itan in good condition Including wa ter jacket. $25. Phone 778. JW ' FOR - SALE Rhode Island Red 'touting Sgs. 15 for 91.10. Law-, ten. Phone Blue -480 or Box 025. i ' 00' " : i FOR SALE 14 hjp. rjehnson Sea; Horse only used three months, and 16' foot, 6, boat, Phone 58p. (85) HOUSES WANTED WANTED 4 -Room House and' Furniture. Write dlscriptlon, lo-i cation, price "tsk,M Daily Newt. ! SITUATIONS VACANT MAN of Experience tn office wk and accounting wanted. State .qualifications, experience and ! references. Box 78. Dally News, j GOVERNMENT POSITIONS j AS Letter Carrier, .MU. Clerks Customs Clerks, Stenographer, Typists, etc., are constantly va cant all over Canada. We are the oldest and lamest Institu tion In Canada speclalitta in preparing candidates by mail for these positions. Booklet free on requect. The M.O.C. Ltd.. 491 Kensington Bldg Wfaanipeg. tf HOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red 129. tt Public Stenographer MURIEL MORRIS, of flee Weoten-haver Block, Phone 782. it FURRIER MRS. O. FOWLER, 601 Sixth Avenue West. Phone Bloe 103. tf FOUND FOUND Circular plate off outside of auto wheeJ. Dally News. tf AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy. sell or exchange anyi kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments ma rhlncry, etc Oeneral repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed Just phone BlacK ISO and we will call. G. J. DAWKS. Auctioneer. Federal Block tf t'UL TSUU EM I AM' TOR HOV -LOMC l ' DOMT KMOW 8UT IrA HAPPV NOW DKKSSMJKKU MISS 'N. KOOEIIB. Phone Black 23&V ' SHOE REPAIRS FOullPiest Work try Louis Shibis-. j iil wonu Avenue wrsi, uu o.t hrinee uupcri, u.u. -j LODOI3 MEETINGS ELKS' meeting nights" First and Third Mondays, Metropole Hall, CHIROI'KACTIC Sunshine and Ked Kay Treatments ; Nervous, Female and Children' Disease Specially Treated W C. ASPINALI. (Chiropractor; Phune Green 211 & 7 Bxdhange Bin. tppp. Orme'si TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone ITT Dry Birch. Cedar and Jack Pine tf RED'S TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204 KNIFE GRINDING Get your cntlery sharpened I knives. 10c; scissors, 15c Variety Store, near Post Office. 78 PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK. Palmistry and Crystal Heading. White i Ilouae 23S Second Ave.. Tele phone 707. SA ! "If It' on or under the water we do It" Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Pol'y Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work leents for KASTIIOPE ENGINES Boat and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Cano for Hire tiarsains in Ga Entines Northern B.C. Distributors Coolldce Propellers Hand and Orarel in any quantity, delivered mywhere by water Phone, Day nr Mtht 564 PO Box 1564 FLEET CAFE BARBER Shop and Shower Bath will open in Nelson Trading Co j building on waterfront April 1 1 under management of II. A. Nel-j son. a2S Kaien Motors Limited General Garage and Service Station CHEVROLET and nUICK Open Day arid Night rhone 52 Third Avenue By George Om JABUA . THERK.'b Silversides Bros. !1 PAINTS jj WALLPAPERS CI.VSS H Third Avenue Ml WMW W IUMI Bill 111 i ai HhJM Cow Bay Rdachine Shop II. Hlanchard. havin" sol.! terest in the Cow Biiv l Shop, formerly Blum in: Fasolo. all accounts sr ... paid to the undersigns! RICHARDS & FA SOLO P.O. Box 300--Prince Ru, Singer Sewing Machines On Kav Monthly Payment An row as $3.00 per -Cneaper to tiuy than t All makes of machine rc . paired. MrltAi; BROS. ITI) INTERIOR DECORATING, PAINTING AND SIGN WRITING Very moderate pi ht Easy Terms JOERtfENP.MOLLER Painter and Drmr Phone Red 802 7th A1 BLASTING AND EarthWork NELS ROKKJAR 811 Fraser Street Phone Blue 823 Evenini FURNITURE Of F.very description for sal See the AIR-WAY CI.KAMJt . Varetim Cleaner For K nt MACKENZIE'S FUKNITT'RE rhonr 775 Phone 566 Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station DODGE and RANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER AND BODY WOltK A SPECIALTY COAL Buy the real Coal our Is moan Edson and Cassidj Wellington in any quanliUr Also Uulkley Valley Hay. flrain and Robin Hood Floor Prince IJiiperl Feed Co 'MONKS 58 AND 558 MeManus MOTM- I rsii