; jay, November 25, 1919. uesday, —_—— —— ie THE DAILY NEWS “ had no return of the ' : ar d smart- ing. : . : method, to qualify and earn big yse of the pain an 5. ‘ 1, Sit ainiihes ed : ; e = have betn almost unable The game was rx fereed by Edu} teyis me ka ‘ comune nd this money In one of the most profit- your sweet to continue your household Smith who kept the players from aes ng > . "Me HUG able and interesting businesses tooth. dnties ? Are you aware that getting too much latituds At the ! “a ves ; iH, f the present day. We teach : x, 6fo . ial size 25e it you would apply ee conclusion the winning tean wee ‘ : ; ; bu ee automobile repairing and driv WRIGLEYS: ter such an . : 7 we ‘ s or sent postpaid by . i ; ' I st it would prevent presented with a fine box of i-tives Limited, Ottay ing, Oxy acelelyne welding, chocolates donated by Miss John- son, which the boys much ap rebuilding, Vuleanizing and re Peuetee ANNUAL MEETING OF tvading om the latest and best There are five teams in tl! all that pain and incon- venience? Zam-Buk quickl yaee i pain out ofa burn mk the sting out of a storage battery repairing and ‘fa? \n the sealed packages. ' equipment. Thousands of ou cut or scrated, and the sore- junior league the Beavers, Cubs, SMITHERS CITIZENS | graduates are How holding ness and tenderness one oe Drydocks, Catholics, and Junior splendid positions and never Alr-tight and ise. esides, : ler oa. regret the time spent in tre cctiheg, SSE SAME A boil shay the Cotnolicn nn | mere Sieetee ond Pease Bolte | Ine themecives under our Os impurity-proot. teTin ood. will play the Catholics ne seives under © $V 5- eae etc. Try Zam- For Coming Year. tem, If you are interested in . Buk the next ime La weve BE meres ee ‘ Pe any of the above courses, write an accident a ee rhe annual meeting of the yf terature and catalogue Is merits for rere hn ' The Man in the Moon ' |} Citizens istitiinen Sos held in oe pt a ae rr tg SEALED TIGAT . t a 4 vil ’ ‘ a 7 for the moment you rs i ees {}the town hall last Tuesday night.) WeMPHILL TRADE SCIool KEPT RIGAT need it. Zam-Buk is equally } SAYS:-- I treasurer's report showed P'anehard & I rd Sts ood for Ss po ay me Bs re et ees ~~ that there was only 18ece in the Victoria, B. CG. ann @ ‘eal piles. ne That trouble has been “bruin’ ]tr. asury and bills against the Established r fifte yee rivers Bic. DOs for a long time in Russia. sociation were presented for|with branches at jak at our , ver $90, It was decided to double} Vietori Ydmontor ancouver FREE Try ce Bet out ible That while Japan is worried Smet 6. Viet Kam Vancou +} “Trertisement and send it with e membership fee to meet this.| Win; peg Regi: racoma, Wi name of Sage) to Zam-Buk Co. over Kolchak’s retreat she is not}, the association is working to-|(pleary Saskatoon Portland, Ore. seturn pow’ tree trial box i worrying as much as Kolchak. ards the incorporation of Smith- | - eer , . a Chat while someone sold dope|°!* 2%4 the provincial government | ; trem:the drug oe de Saturdes is at present being communicated night others went to church on a a pa sete : cre Sunday night. The following oflicers er ANTED—Young ladies wishing : ec e elected for 1920: to take a three-year course in hat “The Heart of Humanity’ Pre sident, A, Kilpatrick, | nursing. Write lady superin- is a real pitture. Vice-President, W. 8. Henry. | tendent, General Hospital, j ea estesligeapuiitininasininitinsingnaae ig MS al Secretary, Charles Reid. Prince Rupert, B. C., for ap- i rhat the only thing that seems Treasurer, J. G, Stephens. | plication forms and other in- G3 Synopsis ef to improve the streets is the frost. Auditor, J. H. Hetherington. | formation. 279 C : . e Executive Committee, N. P. patinineciapinenciyy attains tesominien land Act Amendments That while the mud will not/ Moran, W. F. Boyer, T. T. Dunlop,| WANTED — An assistant in the scrape off, it is still capable of |R. L. Gale. 8. H. Hoskins. W. J. Post Office, Anyox, B. C. Apply freezing on. O'Neill, and L. B, Warner. to the post an - ‘deh ts nal n . . . writing, giving fu detaus oO - ———_—_—_—_— Te Ja a. Trae Phat the new schoo! will surely Empress Theatre tonight Phe experience; also age and ey FOR SALE—Range No. 9 in good | "preauotieon now eontined to om | 2° Duilt, but where? Marriage Price,” starring Elsie) Teduired. -_—— 279) ondition. Apply D. Gibb, 209|? OUR SEPIA PORTRAITS are | veyed lands only. Records will be granted covering only That it seems like Aeropol Ferguson. ! ,.OUNG LADIES REQUIRED Fifth Avenue West. 276 ne ther yellow nor purple, but ¥ « At é PWPOLLS purposes \ >P.O.t ‘71 — - ) possess that delicate sepia shade il obics to center? Hill and a playground or Hays Dainty Xmas presents at the + ae . a es 4 “ar ot t! FOR SALE-White Leghorn roost- seashe Oe hel iad date bat partien cf ior more ‘our eiay wove: Cine Gnd te playground Presbyterian Ladies Aid Salk ee _? Ta ers. Phone Green 249. 78 but the result

. ae, nest Metianeiies martha .:2. ears ones : é Ase Ss > Chet” Der acre, “including © acres That the ratepayers are the We trust our handsome Catalogue ee ea B. H. painted on stern. Finder|3 Ladies’ Ready to Wear oa aaa 2 years are — judges and not the newspapers. has already reache 4 a he oF FOR SALE kindly communicate with C, C. Fancy > sgpemoata. “emptor holding wn t = Mail Dept. is flooded witt Si ee Perry, Indian Agent. tf etc. may record another pre-empt T jers—but we can handle yours if . ; ? sala, sateen Made to Order Fequires land in conjunetion with his PRINCE RUPERT LADY sag Oi scatlpnns ont tant FOR SALE—Small pleasure boat ti y » you will let us have it in goo¢ , : vided Ttatutory egeeeeeee ied pene There's every advantage in early with new four-cycle 4 h. p SCA Aae | oe sonn maintained on Crown The wedding was quietly sol- selection—-and there’s ‘a great risk marine engine; or will trade |CASH PAID for old postage Mrs. ; PONZO Unsurveyed arees,~ uae ing 20 | emnized Monday, November; 17, at of disapt tatment a - ‘ eens, te for piano or afiything of value stamps of the provinces; old 5 LA i Fourth St. title to be sbint be as hom $ St. Mary's Church, Oak Bay, by eet . \iso for sale fishing and hunt- collections; Hudson Bay Com- ; tain “4 ° ’ ’ Ge ests : dential and lnpreveanans’ aan the Rev. G. H. Andrews, of Mar- ORDER EARLY! ing boat and one 12 h. p. gas pany tokens and so fonh,.| —_—__ehehfHe ‘om areas exceeding “60s am may be | aret A. Morris, formerly of engine cheap. See MeGowan Reference, Beaver Bottling ; Z if { ustrial purposes ’ 7 - . 5 Mil “Factory amnen, gr company, | Prince Rupert, and Sydney Brodie ° the cyele man, Second Avenue. Works, W. Kelsey Hall, 1050 The ‘Sartland Boarding House », ‘d timber land hot exceed hen stow, of E Only a few Near MeBride Street. . Phone Hamilton Street Vancouver, ati 40 Stow, of Edmonton. nly ¢ ear | ‘ sl payment ay chased: condi inelude immediate friends were present. | Blue 421 ti B. C. 416 pet orn aa ho “tural hay meadows inaccessible a . 1 ‘ ee — Drydoc a eodaiating roads may be purchased Victoria Times. C ancouver, B.C. FOR SALE—Cornet in good con- We put pep intg our printing Board by Motith or Week. Phone Red 25 them Rebate of one taut fond : dition, $35, phone Green 249, ad, not exceeding of Brice, is made half purchas~ : usiness at The News Print Shop. 4 Advertise in the Daily News . 7 FREE cr. GRANTS an sisi Milgram Gene Byrnes Says:-—-“Ain’t It the Truth?” Si vane reemptar Sara 7 der this Act ox Such person, *,”"", from the death of Year after tho conc nergy, until one war. Thi nelusion of the present Ta tect * privilege f also made re- = © fees relatin pre t “ ons are + KI payable y soldiers en ° ns cord Axes are coed after June 26, i918. : > remitted for gryen lon for return ff ee no 4 tots: Ne aad been paid since & tances, ~ cunt of payments, fees w steer bers diet Foret oF depend erneety of ect or indiree mitted’ trod \Wetment to March tiene asl NO-PURCHABERG OF CROWN - Provision = q made for — Tame to oub-purcennee of = as = a Purchasers wh. “aUlring rights fro: 7 Purchase", who tailed to complete ARCHIBALD MENEIL, FINANCIER iment of conn o® forfeiture, on ful- “CONTRACTS TNE GRIP lerest conditions of pure! in- CONT : and taxes. Where sub- 4 — a Cel, Durcha i, Whole of original men. —- “, @ be Secrinn price due and anes par == F or Whole “area * ,PPaportionately over , fe 0 » » eg - “ mate by May 1, {dag S10M# must bbe Z/*) red ve er Gras: GRAZING, og Uereiopnrent y 192% for systematic - Video fent Of livestock industry pro- oo ‘) gee Sdmin ig: Sew districts and range —* $ Me ual galion Under Com , RUSH») petal > Riameers vateed” pre isaued i ; > 2 RRY od own teed: priority for eo. ae; , D Asnitte. iilock-omnate eam s Ly, oe JE MALONEY ant. ree, or partheule 9 . \ NW THE LONG SHORE MAN le et ~ “ S ir eta cniartnaly Aro \ GEIS’ THE oRIP a " “” one TWo.co) iis a “ ¢ we lhl’. RS. wr © Window cards take MR MENEIL ¢ ; News 7. ¢kly. See them at the c e 5 W ils ERTIME See jeBek COOLLAR * dob Department, THE ORUGsISTS BOY WORKS OVE ian