FIVE 1 .' p.JE L' F'Ji! r fit 6c 4) l Deli F: K. . Lem FIov A. Ex J--"1' Honey April 23. 1931 tltt tSKEJt NEW! Why Not Let People Know Of Your Needs Today? Rent That .. Room, Secure Help, Sell Furniture, Real Estate, Etc., Through a Classified Ad. fll II I III ( E7 ' I II' FOB CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR RENT ,tnt Modern Apartment , Quiver Building. tl rofi l i NT Furnisnea 4 room nat buth fnone on. u ornod flat for rent, eteaJri , j'lione Blue 345. tf : i .nT Furnished Phqne Red 099. IU.E Table Lamp; 2 erlbt: :iir douWe bed, complete. Green 667. 101 WKEKS" ranoh at Terrace. 't'.iriiiK orchffrd, good five-house John MeRfte, Box nee Rupert. B.C. m-w-i-tf U ! cheap, lB-fcxrt oph : Uteboat style, 4 horse-J .i:hope etiftne, moveable ver Apply Daily News, n tf - .: or trade good btHldini '" 2x8. 2x6. 1x12; shlplap. mi loet flooring. This Is all "' mditton. Also 1800 used half price ef new. Ap-v m Berry, 19 Dyer Apart- ' tt WANTED Acetylene Welding Out-bl for garage, state full its and price to Box 81. ws Office 101 THE MARKET Fniiiiwing are retan prves current Mw today: Applrs Y' 'I ' n in (diwv kn tl tm Winesaps, fanjr box 2.85 fancy box ...1... 3.20 '"us. fancy . 3JS5 ''Mimes 20c to .85 Kunklst. dor. . .40" urapefrult ....Hftc to .7(o ' Grapefruit 6c to .10 1 i lbs. y.. Mi G i noes rjer lb. 46 i"ed honev. Der lar ' bulfc lb. RuiMiis bulk, lb. Dncd frulu- .11, , nrt ..1 ft tlg' wel'ZZZ "W.1U ApWe, dried , mches. peeled fn,,,,t. lb nnc .... 60-70, lb ""nes. 30-40, lb. p'unos. 40-50. lb. "ats- ruwi No 1, lb. Hion :,i,,ed r 2b 13ft . .18 id .15 .15 .35 .13 20 0 .20 .10 .15 JO 40 45 first grade 55 l ni('. flfgt trrhde 25 ' ' ill'. ,,.11.. Ii nn U. ' M HU Ven Chicken, . 38c and lb stle, illced. best crade 5 ,0W AO l situations Wanted RELIABLE woman wishes hotel iotk, cooking, or day work In or out of town. Phone Blue 629. Situations vacant GOVERNMENT POSITIONS 5roofn!Ati Letter Carriers, Mail Clerks tf : ! nt - FurnWhed foom firsired. Phone $41 101 IthNT -4-roorn house, 1023 .: ( Avenue, call 645 of 150 101 Fan RKNT - Five-roomed furrt-tij i; npurtment. Apply Mussdl-i, , . I' 18. tf ron fnt -Clean, well famished : apartment. Palmer Ap- Phone Red 444. FOIt I K-NT Nice cosy completely f . tt apartments downtown :i itfs from" fish dock, tre-r Apartments. 140 Second Av- Phone 943. tf W ANTED TO RENT WANTfd 'd rent, tor two months, : 28 to 36 feel. View i : ,iir Phone tied 730. 109 FOR SALE Customs Clerks, Stenographers, Typists, eft., are constantly vacant all over Canada. We are the oldest and largest Institution In Canada specializing In preparing candidates by mail for these posttiens. Booklet free on request. The M.C.C. Ltd., 491 Kensington Bldg., Winnipeg, tf Public Stenographer MURIEL MORRIS, office Westen-havej; Block, Phone 782. tf PRIVATE Stenographer, Ex-ln-slruetor In Commercial Subjects. 816 6th Ave.. West, P.O. Box 303. 18 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT A UCTION MART I We buy1, srtl or exchange any) kind Of furniture or household j good's, musical Instruments ma- j chlnery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Juiti phone Blaex 120 and we will TAXI & MESSENGER! TAXI and Messenger Serviee. ; Phofie 678. Day and Night. Dar-roW & Bert. tf .AIA'A(JE AND TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do it-Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. FulVr Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work I Agents lor EASTHOFE ENGINES Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains In Gas Engines Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidce Propellers Sand and Gravel In any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or Ntjht 564 P.O. Box IMU Feed Wheat, No. 3 Alberta No. 5 Alberta Oats - Bran 1.85 1.80 1.85 1.50 ShorU 1-60 Middlings 2.10 Barley I-75 Local ne lfckl doi 40 Laying Mash - 3.10 Oyster. Shell - LM Beef Scrap -B5 rtentind nil Bttke 2l chmavitAcric Suhshlne and Red lUf Treatments Nervous, Femals and Children' biseise-s Specially Treated W. C. ASPlNALL - (Chiropractor Pbone Green Z41 & 1 Exchange Blk. tOpp. Orme's) FURRIER MRS. O. FOWLER. 601 Sixth Avenue West. Phone Blue 153. tf TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone lT7.j Dry Birch. Cedar and Jack Pine. tf RED'S TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. tf BOARD AND ROOM ROOM 129. AND BOARD. Phone Parsley, bunch OarMc, Imported, per" lb Leeks, bunch Fine oat chops - 2.00 j Parsnips. 4 lbs. nnmhed oats . . z.ou .carroia. o ids. Fine barley chop I-85 Nuts-Almonds, shelled Valenclas 0 California soft shelled walnuts 3i Walnuts, broken shelled 45 Walnuts, shelled halves M Peanuts - 5 I Red tf LODGE MEETINGS I 1 ELKS' meeting nights First and Third Mondays, Metropole Hall. MISS 236. KNIFE GRINDING Oet your cutlery sharpened call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, 1 lw ". iac- vaneiy Federal Block Store, near Post Office. 78J SHOE REPAIR'S fOR Finest Work try Louis Shltrtg 311 Second Avenue West, Box id. Prince Rupert, B.C. t? DRESSMAKER N. ROGERS. Phone Blar PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK, Palmistry and Crystal Reading. Wallaee Block. Telephone Black 637. FLEET CAFE BARBER Shop and Shower Bath will open in Nelson Trading Co bu Doing on waterfront Aprtl t, under management of H. A. Nelson. a 2s! Vegetables-Texas New rota toes, lb 15 Potatoes, netted Jems. S (bs, 2i Sack 2.30 Potatoes i Ashereft 8 lbs. u 2$ sack 2i0 BRINGING UP FATHER VOO MAKE M6 SICK VOO HOME TO DiMrJEfV VJhKT $ THE Of fOU p' SWELUCUUB? HOW DO I VMO 1 .10 California Celery, head .25c and JO Spinach. Caw&rnia. 2 lbs. 5 Beets, lb Cabbage, California Onions. 4 lbs. California head lettuce, 2 hds Victoria hothouse tomatoes lb .0 .07 2i is .04 .08 2$ i5 4S Green Peas, Ifc. 0 Rhubarb, outdoor, 4 lbs 2i 6AVs Frank H. Coon PALMER GRADUATE Doctor of Chiropractic Office Hours: 11 to 12 2 to 5 7 to 8 Saturday and Sunday by appointment. Consultation free. Phone 857 Room 15 Besner Illk. House, Rlue 529 Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS - GLASS Third Avenue Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payments As low fts $3 DO per month Cneaper to tmy than rent All makes of machines repaired. MdtAE BROS. I TO. INTERIOR DECORATING, PAINTING AND SIGN WRITING Very moderate prices. Easy Terms JOERGEN P.MOLLER Painter and Decorator Phone Red 8021" 7th Ave W. BLASTING AND ' EarthWork NELSROKKJAR 8M Fraser Street Phone Blue 823 Evenings FURNITURE USED CHESTERriELD.AND TWO CHAIRS FOR SALE CHEAP MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Phone 775 QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IX B.C. Our Prince Rupert Prices: No. 1 5x per M $S.7S No. 1 Jx per M 35 No. 2 per M 2.75 ROBERTSON & SIMPSON Maseett, B.C. Agent: Hyde Transfer, Phone 580 BH1A. nNK HOSE. OOiftSt CLIFF. . KBY, LAT CHANCE Of THE FINK ROSE OROtfP Of MINERAL 0LAIM6 8HOld la th CoH Mininjt OlvMoa at bMd at KMune .faM. Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs. .25 take notice r w. h. mmoii. tr nvlnrr'i crrtlflcstr tin.- RtMi nicou. Itr ikx'i eertlflraU tWtSD AWIW- &rr MoUad. tre m emtfloaiW S4-tAtS, tT A. Honeyti, fr llncr't oer-fleat J47MD . itifna. atsty dtya from MiU hrrrof to applv to tbt mlnloc rr-nrr fr etrtiflciiiM ( ImprwHmrnU m pvtpmm ' Aiatatoc orown CTkfeM tor the stKv sHmm. And tttrttxtr take aottee that action undrr Sootton B6 J Uk Mineral Act HiHt be emuMiKMi brMt Uw Imtaw of MMh rerHUetw f tajrotimiU Dwtcd tkit 17th (lar tt April. 1M1 det the AO ia,dihg nablt. II i " '' ,M. I Shtim SiW knuit n(tu Mml DO IT NOW! This Offer Will be Withdrawn May 30, Special Offer 15 Months Subscription For the Ordinary Yearly Price of $5.00 in Prince Rupert -or- $3.00 Anywhere in Northern B.C. Outside of the city limits Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Sunday ss. Pr. Charles 10 pjn. Tuesday ss. Catak i:30 pm. Thursday ss. Pr. George 10 pjn. Friday ss. Princess lary 10 pm. SS. Cardena, midnight. April 1 as. P'flncese Korah 5 pm. April 12 ss. Princess Alice 5 pjn. April 22 ss. Prince Alice 5 pm. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala 4 pin. Wednes. ss. Pr. George 10:50 am. Friday . Princess Mary 4 pm. Oardena pm. April 8 ss. Princess Alice .. .am. April 18 ss. Princess Alice . .am. April 2966. Princess Alice For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday ss. CaUla 8 pm. From Naas Rivrr & Port Simpson-Tuesday ss. Catala ...11:30 am. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday . Catala 8 pm. Wednesday ss. Pr. Oeorge 4 pm. 6H0Uf' jr3UWer S LATER WHAT M"rkgVORLO (1(1 ft - kduT J MP FREE! To the fortunate holder of each Twenty-fifth receipt as" advertised above, on subscription accounts and issued from our office we will present a cheque for $5.00 PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS LTD. This Offer Will be Withdrawn May 30' From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Catala .11:30 am. Thursday ss. Pr. George 8 pm. Fof Ocean rails-Tuesday ss. Catala 1:90 pm. Thursday ss. Ft. George 10 pm. Frldayj-ss. Princess Mary 10 pjn. From Ocean Falls Wednes. ss. Pr. George 10:30 am. Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pm. Friday ss. Cardena pm. For Queen Charlotte Islands-April 4 ss. Prince John ....10 pm. April 18 ss. Prince John .10 pm. From Queen Charlotte Islands-April 2 ss. Prince John am. April 16 ss. Prince John ...Am. April 30-hss. Prince John For Alaska-April 8 ss. Princess Alice April 18 ss. Princess Alice AprU 29 ss. Princess Alice From Alaska-April 183. Princess1 NoraH .pm. AprU 12 ss. Princess Alice pm. April 22 ss. Princess Alice pm. From Skeena River-Friday s. Cardena pm. Mail Schedule For the East Monday. Wednesday and 'Saturday i. i ,...,.. itzb am. From the East ( Sunday, Tuesday and -Thursday ,.,.... 4is J3ir pm. 1 V . For - Tuesday Thursday Friday April l, 12,22 ...... From Vancouver-Sunday Wednesday .. Friday April 8, 18, 29 . For Anyox and Stewart Wednesday ..... Sunday -.i.mriii. ,-., WtUU HERtfb A, DUKE - HE TRIED TO QT OOT OP COMlfsf- 50 I MIT HIM tM THE EVE - I t6ld HIM Me HAO TOCOtTjE.-v W SBBBBBV KrS BBBtSlBill It IB M m ,;k 1 .III fll tl B"Wl. I.IJTT IflBH X 1 tliOBSr :..9?pm. .... 12.30 9 pm. .. 11 torn. pm. . 4 pm 1020 pm 4..4A.... pm. pm. 3 run, 7 pm. Fr6m Anyox1 and Stewart Tuesdays 1U0 a.nt Thursdays 8 pntf . . . .. . ... ,. . By George McManus ' T ; ' It " ... fMb "lOL i s 1 t, V ...