I'AOK iOUR THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenu' H, F. PULLEK - - - Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word Locl readers, per Insertion, per line . ..... Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone DAILY EDITION Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations 1.40 .02 .25 M Saturday, August 29, 1931 BEAUTSQUEST BRIEFS ELKS. RETAIL MERCHANTS. GYROS ALL CONFIDENT bounds and leading the race. In th sale of tickets on behalf of their candidate, intending to horn thetr DOES NORTHERN B.C. EXIST? way through to the finish- and Judging from some of the Vancouver-newspapers, Nor- believe it or not eikdom win b.-them and Central British Columbia does not exist. There the ,Qre- n of the eiw is no such place. One newspaper tells of the proposed trans- JnS.tSri S i" sues an invitation to all and sun- itft 1 M S 1 1 j Canada highways and suggests three, all of which lead to dry appear at th(. rm v Vancouver. The highway from Jasper to Prince Rupert is be staged on Sunday August :o not mentioned. in support of their candidate, and 1 One of the southern highways already exists but it is "sgest that this includes au proposed to have it brought up to speedy motor transport committee and supporters ponsor-efn,lo.rlc TV,nefl.rrHcTv,nfJnl l,in-l,.0xr,;fV, o Kolr ln candidates, even to the Old iuu.. Litwuu M u.w.wm ,.6. u Mariner who should dron anchor between Revelstoke and Golden which is to be connected and rotat inland to th aiii Pnrv by the federal government. The third route runs Up the to really see how tickets should bejOyro candidate a send off at North Thompson River to connect with Jasper and Ed- sold. The fifty smacks Well the boat. Now the sale of UckeU; monton. Work on this route is to be pushed ahead. . .. , I he Vancouver newspapers do considerable business i throughout Northern and Central British Columbia. They are keen after that business but they hardly give the people of that part of the country a fair show in return. No slight such as the one mentioned should be passed up without a protest. tr. i. EVERYTHING UP TO STANDARD These are days when people are keen to'see that all their neighbors do their duty. The milkmen have been investigated and found to be doing wonderfully well. Milk was awy above standard and higher than in most cities. Next came bread. People wondered if they were getting full weight in their loaf. The local loaves were tested and were found to be full weight with a little on the side of the customer. This is all very satisfactory. Apparently we are getting "what we pay for. w EXPORT OF TIMBER If some local timber can be sold to the Japanese and the provincial government will permit its export, ainuraberof men may be employed in the woods in thU neighborhood and the unemployment relief list be cut down considerably. In addition there will be money coming in which otherwise we could not secure. As soon as something definite is heard from the Japanese, the matter will doubtless be taken up with the government and it is difficult to conceive that they will turn it down. These are unusual times with unusual conditions and unusual lines of conduct are necessary. CHURCH NOTICES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Uev. P. W. Dafoe, DOJ, Minister Morning service at 11 k.m. Subject, "SPIRITUAL DEUT-ORSHIPAND TRUSTEESHIP OF THE GOSPEL." Evening' service at 7:30. Subject, "THE SUSTAININO ARMS OF THE ETERNAL GOD." The Prince Rupert Male Quartet will sing, "Promise Me" aud "Beautiful Land." V6u are cordially CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (Christian Science Society, SIS Second Avenue West) This Society Is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston. Mass. Sunday Service at a o'clock. Subject. "CHRIST JESUS." Sunday School at 12:15. Testimonial meeting. Wednesday at 8 p.m. Reading Room, 245 Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 5. Auto and Truck Branch Eng nnes II to (0 Horse fewer. Suitable for Marine or Stationary Use. Batteries and Generators. Lowest Prices, Write for Information. VANCOUVER AUTO WRECKING CO. ' 1249 Granville St, Vancouver Yard at 330 Ave. East Second KINGSLEY SCHOOL North Lonsdale, U.C. A Boarding and Day School for Boys from 6 years of age and upwards-Located In North Vancouver - n thf advantages of the suburban surroundings and immediate touch with the great city. Splendid location-spacious grounds healthy surroundings. Separate houses for Junior and Senior boys. Course of studies to Junior Matriculation. Special attention paid to Athletics and Physical training. School Re-opru Sept. Ilh For full particulars write Headmaster, King&Uy School, North Lonsdale. B.C. THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, August 29. 1331 Pair Board to save time can Jus: hand it over to the tits' candidate. "We never lose." John Bulger, heading the ReUlr Marchants. whose candidate, oi ready officially recognized in tr-' contest Is going strong, has this tu say: "Handicapped by a number or their members being busy with an-nlverray. ctoslng-out and birsa:i sales at the beginning of the con- Commenting upon the reported test they were a little slow n Interview given by Captain Armour starting, but at the finish wath about the Rotary Candidate. Frd the Merchants. Dealing with tfte Btevenj says Paul launched they public gives us the edge over the ship with a bit of a splash alright other sponsors when it comes to but his crew were without slicker! (salesmanship. We cater to the puta-and consequently they are ALL I He and you know with them In WET. Now. says Fred, the Antlered' quality every time, and when it Herd noted for Its fleetness. at" comes to picking a winner--wl speeding along by leaps and Just leave it to me," said John, as he sauntered down the street tg 41 a few more tickets. Charlie Mills says his Ottos " rto'n gmt team wark. and. behvr gymnastlmHy m:lTd will turn hand springs over all others. Now this Armour frllcw running aroun! tooting his whittle Is surely stm t n a fog bank. Our boys kiow thi ; and are salvaging all the best bets "hero ticket selling Is concerned. Why the only thing bothering tne Qyros, remarks Charlie, is where the other fellows will be place! with their candidates when the parade starts to give our winning ths well J n IMtf H Cmtl Elulrlt 41 futliUt wryrMiion- n MADE with M 1 EDISON MAZDA what eyestrain can mean THINK in headaches and nerves I And how easily avoided if you banish gloom and glare with Edison Mazda Lamps. Use these dependable lamps freely throughout your home. don't worry well put It over In aj Mrs. W. J. Wakefield and ehtl big way, and, as for Cap. Armour dren, who have been visiting her; its Just too bad, for In the parad; for the past few weeks with Mn Its the rumble seat for him. Wakefield's parents, Mr. and Mrs Special Prizes Offered at Prince Rupert Exhibition HOME COOKING SECTION Best Pen in the show ; silver cup by Canadian Bank of Commerce. One-half dozen Tea Biscuits baked with Blue Ribbon Baking Powder; $3.00 cash, first prize, $2.00 cash,.ecbidj--prize, $1.50 cash, third prize, $1.00 cash, fourth vcizej donated by Blue Ribbon Limited, Vancouver. v ; Lodf Bread baked with Five Roses Flour; one 98-lb. sack", frst prize, one 49-lb. sack, second prize, one 24-lb. skek, third prize, donated by The Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Ltd., Winnipeg, Man. Loaf of Bread baked with Robin Hood Flour; one 9fMb;. sack, first prize, one 49-lb. sack, second prize, one 2 Mb. sack, third prize, donated by The Robin Hood Mills Ltd;, Calgary, Alta. V Greatest number of points in dairy and culinary clasf; silver cup donated by FrizzelPs Limited, Prince Rupert Best Iced Layer Cake make with Magic Baking Powder-; one 5-lb. can Magic Baking Powder, first prize, one 2-Ib. can, second prize, donated by Standard Brands, Limited, Toronto, Ont Best Cake made with St. Charles Milk; 25 tins St. Charle Milk, first prize, 15 tins, second prize, 10 tins, third prize; donated by The Borden Milk Co., of Vancouver. Greatest number of first prizes in the dairy and culinary class; one box of assorted biscuits, donated by Ramsay Bros. & Co. Ltd., Vancouver. Best Chocolate Cake made with Rawleigh's Baking Powder and Cocoa; $2.50 worth of Rawleigh's products, first prize, and $1.50 worth for second prize, donated by E. A. Evans, Rawleigh Retailer, Prince Rupert. One-lb. Home Made Candy, 4 varieties; 24 tins Carna- One-lb. Home Made Candy, 4 varieties; 24 tins Carnation Milk, first prize, 12 tins, second prize, donated by Op-penheimer Bros., Fraser Wood, Limited, Vancouver. Home Made Fruit Cake, dark, not less than 4 lbs; Hotpoint Flat Iron, donated' by Canadian General Electric Co. Ltd., Vancouver. Home Made Fruit Cake, white, not less than 4 lbs.; $5.00 worth of merchandise donated by the Hudson's Bay -Company of Vancouver, B.C. Jelly Roll ; 12 tins of Carnation Milk, first prize, donated by Oppenheimer Bros., Fraser Wood, Limited, Vancouver. Collection Canned Fruits in quart jars, jelly in jelly glasses, 10 varieties with no wild; Fuller Duster for second prize, donated by the Fuller Brush Company Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. Collection Canned Vegetables and Pickles, in quart jars, 10 varieties with no wild; two half gallons of Satin-GIo, donated by The British America Paint Co., of Victoria, B.C. :. f Best Qake made from Empress Baking Powder, first prize 5 lbs. Empress Tea, 5 lbs. Empress Coffee and 2 12-oz; , tins Empress Baking Powder jsecond prize, 3 lbs. Empress Tea, 3 lbs: Empress coffee and one 12-oz tin of Empress Baking Powder; third prize, 2 lbs. Empress tea;' 2 lbs. Empress coffee and one 12-oz. tin Empress Baking Powder; donated by Empress Manufacturing Company, Limited, Vancouver, B.C. Lit CANADA CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. LIMITED R. F. Perry. Second Avenm v. sail by the Catala tomorrow v : lng on their return to their lum in -Stewart. FARM AND GARDEN Greatest number of first prizes in grains and seeds, and roots and field cropa sections $5.00 worth of seeds donated by The Atlee Burpee Co, of Philadelphia. Grealesl number of first prizes in the fruits, garden Vegetable and flower section ; $10.00 worth of seeds, donated ' by the Atlee, Burpee Co. of Philadelphia. Best display of garden cut flowers, first prize, $20.00 cash ; second prize, $10.00 cash ; third prize, $5.00 cash. Best bunch of mixed sweet peas, $5.00 worth of seed3, donated by James Brand, Florist, Vancouver. Collection Garden Vegetables, cash prizes of first, $7.50; second, $5.00; third, $2.50. One Window Box; $5.00 worth of merchandise offered by McFayden Seed Company of Winnipeg, Man. Sweet Pea Collection, six varieties; in six resceptacles with sweet pea foliage; first prize, three $1.00 collections of sweet peas; second price,four 50 cent collections; donated by James Seeds Ltd., Duncan, B.CJ. Three Roses, one variety of -color; half dozen rase bushes, first prize, donated by B. C. Nurseries Company Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. Six Roses, variety of colors; one yearly subscription to the , Prince Rupert Daily News, donated by The Daily News of Prince Rupert. Six Roses, named varieties; first prize, six rose bushes; 3 White Roses, named; first prize, three rose bushes; 3 Red Roses, named, first prize, three rose bushes; donated by H. M. Eddie & Sons. Ltd., of Sardis, B.C. One Rose Bloom, any variety of color; first prize, $2.00 worth of seeds, donated by Brown Bros., & Co. Ltd., Vancouver. , Best Pullet in the show; $5.00 worth of chicken feed, donated by Thos, Trotier, Prince Rupert, B.C. LADIES' WORK Greatest number of first prizes in the ladies' fancy work Fection1; two half gallons of Satin-GIo, donated by the British America Paint Company Ltd., of Vancouver, B.C. Sofa Pillow, felt, made up; first prize, special covered cushion donated byRestmore x Manufacturing Co, Ltd., of Vancouver. Pair of Pillow Slips, white embroidery, first prize $3.00 worth of stamped goods, second price $2,00 worth of stamped goods, donated by The Dollar Store (Miss E. M. Earl) of Prince Rupert, B.C. Greatest number of first prizes in the domestic science section; and the most distinctive individual project in the manual training section; medals donated by the Bank of Montreal.