1 PAGE FOUXi. TEAM IS Executive of Football Association Names Players For Anyox Series The executive of the Prince Rupert Football Association, at a meeting last night, named the following team to uphold Prince Rupert's honors in the soccer series against Anyox in connection with the exhibition next week: Goal, uosu, Ted lea Smith. amtin. D. Jack Right half, J. McKay; centre half, E. Webster; left half, S. Currie, captain. Outside right, George Hill; inside right, Charles Baptie; centre forward, A. E. Dickens; inside left, J. K. Murray, outside left, C. J. Nor-rlngton. H. Douglas was named manager of the Prince Rupert team and J. Johnson referee for Prince Rupert. Prince Rupert is down two game with 10 to 4 points against the local players as a result of the opening i two games of the series in Anyox : this week. Prince Rupert, however, will be able to field a stronger team j 'next week and the locals are conft- I dent, despite the handicap, or re- j trlevlng their fortunes. J. S. Wilson, manager of the team j which visited Anyox. presented a re- ' port to the association on the series there. DYSENTERY IS DANGEROUS CHECK IT AT ONCE b the remedy you should use. It is not n experiment, but a tried and proven preparation that has been used in Canada for the put eighty year for all bowel conpUinu. I'rire, 60c. a bottle at all drunicti or dealert: put up only by The T. MB-burn Co., Limited. Toronto. Ont HUGH L. DICKEY, MJ. SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Eyes Tested Olasses Fitted No. 1 Royal Hotel PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Free!' LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone 619 -ts O J2 MAGNUM 12-OZ. SIZE SPLIT SPORT NOTES Brother Bills are la king anxious- to demonstrate his speed for the ly at the clouds this afternoon won- Single Men. Alex Mitchell will be dering if the Weather Man is going : their burly receiver. For the Bene-to be kind and let them get in that diets, Fred Stephens has sworn to mech-hcralded baseball ccnflict to- rline 'em pretty. Reuben Scherk, morrow afternoon lietween Married who, like the rest of married men, and Single men. There is so much ; is, no doubt, used to having things enthusiasm that this game ought 'thrown at him, will be the Married to be awfully good maybe the Men's backstop and he will have at baseball classic of the year, who least the advantage of knowing knows? Miss Vivian Hxkey. fair about when and where the missile Beauteaueat candidate of the Elks, is coming from. All fans present will , R the Jlnt We were bc expected to purchase an attrac- Rlght back, M. Watson; left back, j wondering whether she confer Itive score card which can be kept her favor upon the married or the; as a souvenir of an affair which single men. promises to be, indeed, long re- imembered in sporting annals of Brick Skinner will go in the box ! Prince Rupert. j JACK GOES 0M Country Soccer OVER BIG Bowled Over Vancouver Orpori-ents on Exhibition Card Last Mint VANCOUVER, Aug. 23: Before an excited crowd of 3,000 fans here last night. Jack Dempsey, former world's heavyweight box-in; champion, daring a four-round exhibition, knocked out big Frank Sawyer of Vancouver lesi than two minutes after the start of their boat, then floored Tiny Lamar, husky Tacoman, in the second round and pounded Del Wolfe of Bellingham for two rounds. SOFTBALL CONCLUDED The Canadian National Recreation's Softball League has schedule play for- the Baseball Standings National League W. L. Pet. Sf. Louis 82 44 651 New York 68 53 .562 ! Chicago 70 59 .543 Brooklyn 66 60 .524 Boston 59 63 .484 Pittsburg 58 68 .460 Philadelphia 54 62 .459 ! Cincinnati .44 82 .349 American League W. L. Pet. Philadelphia 88 34 Washington 73 New York 71 S5Hl'ttveiana oi 8t. Louis 58 Detroit 50 Boston 47 Chicago ...48 49 52 60 72 74 73 76 , (I full itsmt) . (Plus 5 bettU dspotlt) (2 f ull glaiMi) s (Plus 3c bottls dtpotlt) . (Individual tits) , (Plus battle dtpoilt) .721 .603 .577 04 .419 .403 .392 .387 Big League Scores National League Pittsburg 4, St. Louis 6. American League New York 4. Philadelphia 5. St. Louis 1. Cleveland 13. Wednesday 6. Blackpool 2, Derby County 1. Bolton Wanderers 0, Westham 1. Everton 3, Birmingham 2. Huddersfield 1, Grimsby 1. Manchester City 1, Sunderland 1. Middlesbrough 0, Chelsea 2. Newcastle United 0, Liverpool I. Sheffield United 1, Portsmouth 2. Scottish League First Division Plymouth Argyle 1, Portvale 3. Southampton 3, Burnley 0. Stoke City 2, Chesterfield 1. Swansea Town 0, Leeds United 2. Wolverhampton Wanderers 4. Tottenham Hotspurs 0. Scottish League Second Division Alloa 1, Boness 1. Armadale 0, King's Park 1. 8. Edinburgh City 4, Queen of South East Stirling 1, Arbroath 0. Forfar Athletic 3, Dunfermline Athletic 2. Montrose 1. Dumbarton 0. Ralth Rovers 1, Brechin City 3. St. Bernards 2. East Fife 3. St. Johnstone 7, Albion Rovers 0. Stenhousemulr 2, Hibernians 1. NO TENNIS TLAYKD Owing to the rain, no games were played yesterday In the city tennis championship series and. from the looks of things , there will be no games today either. TnfllTliiaiTlBaMMif THE NEW 5-GLASS MAGNUM C A NX D A D THE CHAMPAGNE OF GINGER A 30c 20c 15c St R Y L ES TlfZ DAILY NEWS TORONTO. Aug. 29: Mar- garet Ravolr of Philadelphia, for the second successive year, yesterday won the women's 10- mile swim marathon at the ra niflUn Miflnnol TTvHIHIHrtn mU 1 baseball. In the good okt days the ''spotlight of the diamond pastime In this northland was focussed upon 1 Hazelton and her stalwart warriors season after season went forth and I jdld battle with all and sundry l with much ill effect upon the said tall and sundry. They were credited I saying, "go west, young man, go west," they have cast furtive glan-ces at Prince Rupert with the view to reproddclng the wonderful re- Cord of their illustrious predecessors of the past generation. Whether they will be successful or not Is the issue to be decided in a three-ame series between Hazelton ai)d an ail-star Prince Rupert team which will take place at the Prince Rupert Exhibition. Stern Competition Mindful of the sternness of the fnmmtiHnri tn Via mt In th rrwet . baseball played lrt every town is fairly consistent and It la much faster than it is ever given credit for. Whatever the. outcome of the series might be, Prince Rupert may rest assured that when Hazelton goes into action they will see a team imbibed with more than iU share of that do or die spirit. More than that, they are crowd pleasers, and the characteristic hustle of the Skeena River boys is that something which .ends the far away satisfied. They even have their own clown alone 'vith them, and providing he is in the tlsht mW b" ctvnly will ! make the crowd that way. I Th-y say thai anything can nan-, inen. ani no doubt It freimntlyi 'does. The Weak have a lot to do In i decidln' which way a ball game; i goes, but providing they get their j fair share, Harelton has a good ' chance to epnv out on to i In the i Rupert fracas. Anyway, there will .be plenty of HaifUon fans andt '.Hazelton money v&vrn there to say I so. Neel Boxes During Walk Contest Frankle Nctl. formerly of this city, boxed three rounds with Bob' iCameron of H. M. C. S. Skeena dur-1 Ing an IntermLtslon of a walkathon 1 contrst Wednesday night at the, Canada stadium in Victoria j Track Competition Planned for Today Presentation to President ' The Spartan AtWctic Club heid here, covering the course in 'a meeting last night in the Toe fnr hn,,r and 5 mim.t and winning (5.000 in cash. Thirty- five women started. HAZELT0N CONFIDENT Coach Wickwire Says Ball Has Been Victorious Everywhere and Fans Bringing Money tnsmn Lwsur-nrsi umsmn HAZELTON. Aug. 29:-Not since Arsenal u, west uromwicn i. ih himo hj. nt mntmoinn i Aston Villa 3. Leicester City.2. R .,3 and .,4 ha, Northern B. Blackburn Rovers 1, Sheffield c. -..need so much Interest in n. rooms wun-ine presjaeni a. vi. ' Plommer, in the chair once more, after an absence of nearly two months. Plan were completed for I the track meet which is to be held this afternoon, weather permitting On the results of this will depend the choosing of the medley relay team tc compete against the C.N. R. Athletic Association on Labor Day. The president gave his impressions of the High School athlete Team whom he had seen during his visit I in the south and told of converts- tlons which he had had with Duncan McNaughton. the high Jump star, and other well-known athletes. He declared that he believed that some of the local boys could Tommy Loughran. former light-heavyweight champ!,: world, is going to be cooled off and no foolin These b:; are going to make sure Tommy takes his daily dip wr,;,- LOCAL ITEMS Mrs. William McLeod and Mrs. M. E. Prehdergast. who make Just as good a showing as have been holidaying at Terra o. the Vancouver High School stars returned to the city on this after- If given a really good track and noon's train, similar advantages with regard to I coaching. Mrs. Desroslers of Saskatoon ar Before adjournment of the meet- i rived in the city on this after bring him and Mrs. Plommer much business In connection with hh afui chances on nw to meet Game Bryan Williams, who is due hers ISe. tnd Jfte.- . package '-alio In faftound trrru-top tin 0m nurses training duties at St. Joseph's Hospital. Victoria,, to spend Louise from Victoria and whom Ut .If!fln h" ?"nts' n ductor and Mrs. Murphy. Get aulck results with a want ad TURRET A good, cool smoke ' Loughran Gets Cooled Off f 1 O II r 1 1 News and Views or the bport World : i ;:r !Wm.r,pml. PHILADELPHIA GIRL : SPARTAN I jBfc;$PS- c jta WINS wins SWI.M swim AGAIN again j Hrr,rTIM' AlFv .A-. v j , fiSL yHW p i ni l boKn' luuiracior manes Will When About Take Final Leaf "Judte," said the - his lawyer, "Doctor v a month to live. I i "Fix It so my overdraft Dante goes to my wjc m." tag. .Phil Edgcumbe. on behalf of .noon's train from the prairies to tai to i f"! iboil the members of the club presented pay a visit with her mother. Mrs. ..My equity jn mT automnbOi W T-l. IJI - rl4lr AMt u ftir. noininer a wcuauiK gut oi,"". want to BO to my son Hi hlTi with victory in every section of the a handsome brass tea stand, inmp- to go to work then u mer ti Grand Trunk, from Prince George preclation of his many services to M. Valentin returned to the city payments. rnnce, nupen. Ana now, twenty , me cjud ana m aomg so exprewea J nuniwin irum nam -ajve my unpaid b:i - ta Alrdrionians 4, Dundee United 2.jyears later, there seems to be a re-1 the wish that the .future would Vanderhoof where he has been or. bonding company: thi Ayr United 1. Rangers 3 Celtic 6, Hamilton Acads 1 Cowdenbeath 2. Morton 2. Dundee 4, Queen's Park 0. Hearts 2, Clyde 0. Motherwell 3. Aberdeen 0. incarnation of the battlers of old, and Hazelton appears to be once again coming Into Its own In the world of baseball. Already the maroon atidrwhlte ball-tossers have defeated every team as far east as Partlck Thistle 2, Lelth Athletic 2. Prince Oeqrge. and mindful of the St. Mirren 3. Falkirk 7. Third Lanark 1, Kilmarnock 3. English League Second Divlston Barhsley 1. Bradford City 2. .Bradford 3, Manchester United 1. Bristol 1. Bury 3. Charlton 3, Nottingham 1. Notts County 2, Millwall 0. Oldham Athletic 2. Preston North End 2. l:i id saci .ii.t! lire k-I happiness. The president, taken hv creamery operations at that point, titled to something luprtte. voiced hb sincere thanks That new-fangled nu'!.:::t c to the dub for the gift. Mrs. Carl Johnson and son and the job. I want the r.'.sid.:!.' (r.r4 mlt. . . . daughter, who have been spendin? eer to have. He nwd. i.:etul ' the summer at North Bulkley wiih maybe ne can mase it It was announced this afternoon "Mv retained gtve relatives, returned to the city fro:n perrt'nt.a- that the meet, scheduled for this the mterior on this afternoon'i the State. I never expected i r. evening, had been postponed, on ac- tra,n awav they bad a verv anyway count or rainy weatner. ana would .,.,,, mftt. trtn ta Armllrnn. -My eoulpment give t the ari be held Monday if conditions per District Game Warden T. Van Dyk, with headquarters at Prlnte metropolis. Coach Wickwire of Ha-, J t"1" u" a zelton has built up a smooth work- nterior- lfav,n next Thursday ing outfit. Further than this, he has coming. put his creation to stringent tests. , The team has played as many as six i games in a single week, every one in a different place and under vary-1 Ing conditions. On top of this most I of the travelling was done by ear at night. The result speaks for Itself. Hazelton has remained undefeated in Its last 14 starts. Many belittle this record by saying that the op posing teams have been weak. This is not true because the brand of Kamloops and other- southern interior points. m Mrs. D. E. Murphy and daughter Miss Marie Murphy, returned to the city on this afternoon's train .irIS Commissioner JSV A. Ml Murphy is here from her! PIPE TESTED by an ARTIST man. He has had his eve on it ton several years. "My keg I want to co ta e;I bootleeKer. I hope n -3 much to keep it wet ua '. na:- "I want you to handle :hfl teal for mc. Judce. Any und- Ar: Z do. but I want these -ix materfcl nun for pallberers They Uveea ried me so long they tragi;' -l finish the Job." Tt ti Inmtr rlrM ffll itcAtr nvare of 'u; nwii' Dr. Carl Jung. "I Hinoko a pipe, ami In my t I sniokn Turret, tho rrul ilj)e loltatfo. I like, it, nn.l I'll till ou uli! It Jiu a llauiur ..anil srutna that I like i it li rixtl Mmnklng, wml it hum a long time. Tliri! arc tlio iuallllci I vant In a jIK" toltiirtii. My hanil rimh to my Hck(-t fur nty ll n',fr lirrnkfitHttuKuin ufter Intirlit tlien, In tliervrninK and In lx'tiH-n tlim? very mK-clnl time, other iiK-faU ns well. I'm u rutlirr lirttvy Hiiu"r but villi Turret )i!kj lolmcco it really mules no lllTerciir hcrutixc llirrc no liltc, no mutter hot much I ntiiokr." PIPE TOBACC Pipe tested Turret In cm! Jar that uho rail their ottn 0