fifllTHOTi THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, August 29, 1931 ' ' 'I M l Sine quality has Glasses fitted b registered Its optometrist at llellbroner's store., Local Items won leadership Hall Scandinavian tonight. dance Metropole ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF Yellow label Salada 60cts a lb Brown label Salada 70cts a lb 'Fresh from the gardens Salada Tea is sold by Mussallcm's Cash & Carry Stores week-end CANDY SPECIAL Chocolate Covered Dates-Special, per lb Boxed Chocolates Special, 1-lb. boxes Boxed Chocolates-Special '-lb. box SUMMER SAILINGS Fr-itn Prince Rupert for Vancouver. 'Mondays . 4.00 pjn. Wednesdays 9.30 a jn. Thursdays . . . 2.00 p.m. Saturdays 7JDO pm. ciu it cwm r,n. j rm, wwt. For Ketchikan, Juneau and Skacway iclbn at WtMksatt, southbound only) Wednesdays and Saturdays, 3.00 p.m. For Stewart anJ Anyox Mondays 8.00 p.m., Fridays 300 p.m. Weekly service to Mastctt Inlet and fort-niKhtly service to South Queen Charlotte 'lands. Particulars on request 35c 40c, 65c, 75c 35c JJio Pioneer Druggists Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Fulton St. WE ARK OFFERING; DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Rate of 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $13.00 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 Trl-Clty Service Daily from Vancouver at 1 45 r or "T for Victoria and Seat. Train Service Passenger trans Wave tinea Rupert dady p.ts. foe Edmonton, Win-niptf "X P04" For Ulprlloi' rjJloc ri II. Mtr.WKN pUirKt 1-rHtht and auMigH A4i' rriK BPl- B r- V-IU UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Stfamrrs eTr Prince Uuptrt t r Vantour: "h,rTAU BVntY Tt'i:SI.Y. 1.SO P.M. . Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday Morning. TJ CAIIDKNA KVi:itY 1 KID AY MIHMI1IIT m.. Arriving Vanoouver Sunday mtdnifht approx Uj aaUinja to Port SUnpaon. Alice Arm. Anyoa, Stawart ana t Itlver poiiita. Sunday. 8 00, p.m. lf 111 fm 1 1 .....Jin, .11 . 1 1 1 1 , ir mnA tflmtM fit riUNcr Itl I'l.UT Atll.M V: Hrt ond Arnue, Phone tn Dinnerwarc, crirna, crockery, Swimming glassware, llellbroner's Gala tomorrow Store. at 2:30 CASH AND weather permitting, DE JONG'S i i Charles Balagno will resume hit CARRY piano classes on Sept. 1. cf. A. W. .Harris and J. R. Morgan from were Port arrivals Esslngton. in the city yestprday Third Avenue - Next Thompson's Hardware The Westholme Theatre here Is again being advertised lor rent in the Vancouver Province this wee. Mrs. H.W. Birch and daughter, Beryl, who have been holidaying In Vancouver, returned home from the sou(h on the Cardena yesterday afternoon. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Andrew Johnstone, arrived in porf at 5:20 last evening from thp south and tailed at 12 midnight on her return to Vancouver and way-polntc - Capt. E.' E. Ted lord of Montreal, general marine, superintendent fur Canadian National Steamships, is on the coast for the purpose of at-' tending the marine Inquiries in-Vancouver into the mishaps to the steamers Prince Rupert and Prince David. Father E. M. Leray, O.M.I.. after spending the past couple of week3 in Prince Rupert, Fraser Lake and Jasper Park' sailed yesterday afternoon on. the. Prince Rupert for Anyqjc where Jiewfll pay a brief visit before proceeding to 'his own Hist at Stewart "It is Regulating Me," ibt says 5agrV SfeCTgaggggaggfl Smas mgggHggpfl BJQSI q&y :!i?2gggggggggtfl 1 It SI - m A "II I I. II i A beet U rie a. "T TOOK Lydia E. Pinkham's JL Vegetable Compound for painful and irregular periods. I had no color in my face and fell draggy. "My mother told me about the medicine last summer. Since -tak. ing it I suffer less and it is regulat ing me. "Mr color is normal and I feel like different woman," writes Mrs. David Thomson, l"Mlh Street, N.W., Portage La Prairie, Manitoba. Won't you try bottle? aXSSSBBBBBBMBXSBlBBBBBBaaBBmE III mm FKO.AI SIONTKEAL 10 (iLASCOW-lirLFAST-LIVEK-POOL 9tpt 4. xOct 3 Montrlarc aSopt. IB xOct 17 Mi:tft Sfpt. 35 Oi t. 33. Duobc of Rlohmond Oct 0, Rot. 6 Ouchew ot Ddfora xNit cailliiH at Ltvaapoot. TO LIVEKI'OOL Sept. 2 ,. DooIkm of Richmond rpt. 9. Oct,. 3 ...... Duohesa of AthoU Sept. 1C . ' Duehfaa of Bedford pt 33 ..! , Duchaaai of York To llarvc-Lomlon-IIam'ourff Sept, 10 Montrose To llarvoSoiithnniplon-Antwcrp apt. S. Oct. l Moutoalm Oot. . 12 Montrose TUOM QUEI1EC TO CltEUBOUKO-SOUTJIAMI'TON -pt. 6. 8o)t SS Krapntaa of BrlUlu Hcpt l'J, Oct. 24. . . . Envprrw of lYanta Bipt 19 Empram of AuatraJU FROM VANCOUVER Tn lawitlMapaiirhlnit-Plilllpplnra Spt 13 aNov 7. anpreta ot Oanndii r-pi ir. Nov. 3i EmpwM or humu vOrt '0 ., ' fempraaa of Japan Oct 24 .i Bmprra ot Asia xlr-lu4ang call at Honolulu. Auulv to Agents evervwnera or i. j. toi(sTi:it Steanuihtp Oenl. Paaa. Aerlt cm station. Vacouvr. lV'eplionfc Trinity 1181 Basebal tomorrow. 2:30 pjn. Single vs. Married Elks. Hot Tamales and Fried Chickens at Vlcks all fair week. 719 Fulton St. Phone Green 170. 205 Mrs. It. B. Young, and son of Port Simpson embarked here on the ss. Cardena last night for a trip 10 Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Batcher sailed last evening on the .Princess Mary for Campbell River when they will start on a. holiday motor tour of Vancouver Island. Miss M. Wilson, of Kltsumkalun, alter a brief visit In the city as the guest of Mrs. James Farquh?r, sailed last night oil the Cardena for Vancouver. Mrs. Harper of the Amcrc:an Consulate staff here will rail on the Prince Rupert this evening for a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. All boys in the Manual Training Classes with work to exhibit at the Exhibition are requested to bring same to Eric Gee at the Manual Training Centre Monday, August 31. ' ' 203; H. S. Wallace, after a Vriet visit.', of a couple of days to the city in connection with his local business Interests, will sail by the ss. Prlnc Rupert this evening on his return to Vancouver. i- I R. H. Ourd, accountant at Car siar Cannery, and Mrs. Ourd and family will sail by the Prince pert this evening on their return to Vancouver after having spent the summsr on the Skeena River. The case of A. Donald, charged with being the keeper of a gaming house, after taklngjjevidence and argument of counsel rbcen completed, was adjourned from yesterday afternoon to Monday morning for decision. Mrs. R O. Cutler Arrived In the city on-yesterday's train ; from Terrace, where she met.her two children who have been summering there, and, accompanied by them, sailed later in the afternoon on he? , return to- her horaf In Anyox. ' F H. Hoadley. formerly school teacher at Alice Arm and now ap- ' pointed principal of the Stewart Superior School, arrived In the citv I yesterday by train after a visit In Smlthert and sailed on the Princ: Rupert yesterday afternoon for Stewart to take up his new duties there. ANNOUNCEMENTS! Elks' Dance August 28th. Eagles' Social and Smoker September 10. Eagles' Carnival dance Septem bcr 18. Ladles refreshment; Gems 50c. Catholic bazaar October 21 and 22. Moose Carnival and Dance Nov 12 and 13. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all roonu A. J. ritttniMMMK. Prop. Cor. of Fraser und Fifth Sts. SAVOY Mr. and Mrs. George Webstor, city; Mrs. N. L. Jones, Lewis Island; Mrs. CharlM E Hanson, New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll, lrop TMF. IIOTEI. UOKTII WIIIIT. Hot A Oold Water 8tfm Heat 15c PER DAY AND. .UP ' ' Telephone tSI ROYAL Mr. and Mrs. P. Wood, SeatU-Mr. and Mrs. II. Rrld and child, Port Esslngton. Knox Hotel Are Our MEALS Qood? Our Quests Say They Are. You will be pleased with the arrangement and ample floor space, providing facilities for our patrons to serve themselves, or be served just as they choose. It will be our aim to provide the Housewife of Prince Rupert with Quality Foods at consistently Low Prices for Cash, You are invited to be with us on our Opening day TUESDAY, SEPT. 1st Below are just a few of our Money Saving Values. A visit to our store wiiJ convince you that it pays to shop at DE JONG'S CASH and CARRY. Brunswick Sar- fij p dines, per tin Red Arrow Gin- 0f gerSnaps,21b. Finest Pink Sal- 4 Qp mon, tall tins, ea. v Loganberry Jam Of Aylmer, 4-lb. tn t,u" (New Pack) KelloggVCorn As Flakes, per pkg. . ux Entries for exhibits will be heH operi until 6 pjn. Monday. Mta Eleanor Patmore Is sailbvT this evening on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver to resurite her stu dies. ,C. P. R. steamer Princess Mary, Capt. James Flood, arrived In po t at S o'clock last cvcnln? from tne south and sailed at 10 p.m. on schedule on her return to Vancou ver and waypolntB. The vessel wa delayed In arriving through havlns lumber to unload at Casslar Cannery where a new wharf is beta built. DANCE WAS SUCCESSFUL Novelty Affair Stated Last Nitht Dy Eagles' Lodge Enjoyed Tty Crowd I of 200 Persons A large and happy crowd of about 100 couples crowded the capacity of the Eagles' Hall last night when a highly enjoyable novelty dance was held by the Eagles' Lodge. The affair was. in progress from 9:30 pjn. until 2:30 urn. and great merriment was occasioned by many fancy dance novelties Including horns, notsemakers and buttons. Snappy music was furnished by he Premier Orchestra members of which wore large Mexican hats. The hall was gaily decorated. Delicious refreshments were served at midnight. Oeorge Brooks made a Rental master of ceremonies and kept the crowd moving happily. R. O. Ford presided at .the door. '4 f The Dally News, can be pur chased at Post Office News Stand, 325 Granville St. Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Princ. George, B.C. ; R. W. Riley. Terrace, B.C. Qeneral Store, Anyox. Smlthers Drug. Stors, Smith- ers, B.C. Our Special Bulk Coffee Per pound 30c Swansdown Cake Flour Per QAn package ...... v Lux Flakes, small, 3 pkgs. 25c Haynor Brothers had charge of the funeral of Charles Calrd whlrn took place yesterday from thur chapel. Miss Elizabeth Smart Smith, wrn! has been doing dressmaking he:? for the past couple of yars, saus this evening on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver whence she wlir proceed to Montreal where, on Sep-' tember 11, she will embark on' the steamer Letltla for tier home In Glasgow, Scotland. She Is the sis- jter of J. Smith, proprietor of th i Empire Baths. On her way tj j Montreal Miss Smith will visit for a few days in Detroit. Mussallem's Meat Market ' Spare Ribs 2 lbs Shoulder Pork 3 lbs Leg of Pork i per lb Loin of Pork per lb Shoulder Lamb per lb Lamb Chop , perib. :. ' Stewing Lamb I 2 lbs Stewing Veal 2 lbs 8hoillder Veal per lb Leg of Veal per lb ' Veal Chops per lb. T-Bone Roast per lb. : Sirloin Tip ' per lb '. Round Steak 2 lbs Rump Roast Veal per lb. Phones 18 & 81 117 Fifth 35c 50c 25c 25c 15c 30c 25c 25c 15c 25c 25c 25c 25c 45c 20c i Ave. Eci Libby's Catsup ICa 12-oz. bottle ... L Peas, Orchard 4 City, No. 4, tin . AVi' Purity Oats per pkg. Bulk Ready Cut 9 Macaroni, 4 lbs. 27c (With China premium) Prunes, medium size, 3 for (Finest Santa- Clara) Aylmer Brand Tomatoes 9P Malkin's Best Orange Mar- QtZg T ow,fl.fin 11.. Rmnll 9 tint mnlnrlp inra oaoh Otf Phone Orders given the same care UtiiA il AB0VE SPECIALS are good until your personal orders would receive. ' ' lllllC tJtJtJ Saturday Evening,' September 5 THREE DOLLAR ORDERS OR OVER WILL BE DELIVERED FREE! TAXIDERMY Furs Made Up 18 Years' Experience All Kinds of Mountlnc J. A. LESTIN Prince George Miss D. Hogan Teacher of Piano Thompson & William Method Phone Blue 329 CLEANING & PRESSING Ladles' aniLGe n!tmen's Tailoring Reasonable Prices M. T. LEE CO. 323 3rd Ave. V. Phone C63 Next Benson Studio Demonstration of a Newly Invented BAIT LAY At Trinre ICupcrt Exhibition for purpose ot ctiaxlng fhh to assemble in any desired location in Ocean, Lake or Itlver. ; ADMISSION 23 CENTS IiiKvard Norton Eddisou Inventor.