THE DADLY NEWS Tuesday VeMbeap oe a a We mention two —— , = oa eS : oa = = oe as ae en ; a aeons pena ree ae . : ee ee ee a Oe Nt et Ot re 4, a é 0 nee Companies insure ; —— HE reason that Fire Insura e Pp { Local News Notes — your property so cheaply is because they have a W (li. } emotes = a great number of properties insured in - great _— C ucsuay Fon Messenger phone 202, tt Store News f ‘. localities in many different cities. Thus their risks are inti ial Piano® correctly tuned. G. C. () pe | subject to the law of averages. The individual who Combination Spec Walker. Phone Blue 389. tf v earries his own risk (in other words does not have his a The “Dinector” Corset. Menu. In preperty insured) cannot possibly so diversify and scatter fectured in Prince Rupert. Phone eres ee ly to his ye ts —___ his risks 7 aw ~ =" ” ee = ron 9 Tins of Milk (Maple Books at the Jumble ‘Table, W GOODS property. Therefore the insurance companies can carry teat ob Pacihe? with precttatins katies Ais tae N® { are coming to hand by ey your risk cheaper than you can. H. G. HELGERSON, 1 Ib of our Regular 50¢ Thursday. cain cemine es rapidly. LTD., are writing insurance carefully and in fhoroughly|f Bulk Tea Tiss teres eek Sb ta y of attention. ‘ ; goods and toys opened up and at reputable companies. Phone 96 and we will be glad to $1.50 a, «lll LADIES’ ey quote you the rate on your risk. Prince Rupert Ory Dock & Engineering Co ie Tae apy _ Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. boats can te docked together on one smail making fees light. Large stock of repair materisls is ‘being laid in. Foundry Work Castings in fron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reasonable Prices. Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds Jumble Sale at the Presbyterian Several Ladies Aid Sale Thursday. section, Westholme tonight. “The Heart of Humanity.’ Don't miss it. ‘bea! Teal! A cup of tea at the Presbyterian Ladies Aid Sale ‘on Thursday. . o e For the home fireside; the comi- fort of an easy chair and rocker. Tite’s store for holiday dis- counts. tf * >. > Three free prizes. One ticket with every dollar purchase, com- mencing today. See window at Wallace's. 275 Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries Solicited. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. At last night's council meeting r COMMUNITY PLATE. The gift] letter was read from D. M. Pey- | ric «t}ton asking that his $2,500 grant le luxe, at eastern tices, «t ', = eo manor Laer , . trjunder, the housing scheme he | ka i «@ :* transferred to his brother, H. ©, —_— ye 7 Carpet squares, congoleuin| Peyton. The transfer was recom- 7 : rugs, floor civerings at special] mended by the Housing Commit- Your laughing little boy or girl in a few years will be a serious man or woman. A very small sacri- fice will help greatly to make the pathway more smooth that they must tréad, If, for example, you are 40 years of age your child 10 years, a saving of less than tee, so it was formally granted by the council. Furniture Store. Tite’s Christmas Drawing. Every $2.00 cash purchase en- titles you free to a ticket. First prices. Barrie's 7 * > >. Ald. Casey, City Engineer Cle- nents and Mayor MeClymont are Alpen ae MA ae oar tesa prize, brass bed, coil springs felt; zving to make a trip up the Thortow. Tarpon oe ame eeve fo: J | mattress and pair of down pillows.|Skeena River this week to look in proportion, Second .prize .ladies’ desk andjinto the granite deposits there We can issue Policies on. the En- chair, mahogany finish. Thirdjand the practicability for their dowment Plan between th es one : e ages one use in a street surfacing scheme. The trip will be made at the end of the week and an invitation was extended to any other alderman who might be interested, at last night's council meeting. and fifteen years. these as a Christmas gift for your Why not one of prize 24-inch Kewple Doll. tf M.M.Stephens Notary Public Conveyancer boy or girl. Suecess or failure— anxiety or happiness—so much in vears to come may depend upon the possession of even a comparatively small income. Let us explain more fully the “Childs’ Endowment and Income Policies” to you. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF CANADA. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Limited, Agents Phone 11 - 3rd Avenue Snirella Corsetiere, Phone Black 257. Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf CRSP RSE RBS HES FOR SALE * TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * CRRA ERE SE DENTI STRY Seven-1 oomed House ixperienced Bookkeeper wants 3 . employment evenings. Apply with two Lots, on Graft Hill P: O. box 760, 277 Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9. . DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT St. Regis Cafe Special Menu, 50c. Wednesday, November 26th Closed in sleeping porch, fireplace and range, concrete pillars and wall in basement, and stationary tubs in kitchen M. M. Stephens Real Estate Insurance Financial Agent Luncheon 11 to 2 p. m. Dinner & to 7:30 p. m. Soup. English Split Pea _—— ee Wise People | Wear Rubbers Whether the day brings frost, snow or rain, keeping the feet dry and warm is plain, ordinary common sense, From the head of the house to the youngest child, we have rubbers to fit. Plain Rubbers,-Storm Rub- bers and Rubbers to fit the highest heel made. We have them, as well as Rubber Knee Boots for father, mother, son and daughter. Boiled Halibut, Exe Sauce Boiled Pig Shanks Spanish Individual Rabbit e Special Small Steak Calves Liver and Onions Potted Sirloin Tips with Vegetables Atkins’ Sausage, Mashed Potatoes Roast Lege Pork with Dressing Mashed, Boiled or Baked Potatoes — Lemon Pudding Custard Pie Jam Slices Tea or Coffee, & WATCH FOR THURSDAY'S MENU Boston (jrill The Best Place to Eat MENU ON THE COUNTER We have You will get quality, wear and value for reo canoe a N 0 50c Lunches We employ All White Help Open all of the 24 hours. Jabour Bros., Ltd. Corner Third Avenue and Seventh Street Look out for Tomorrow’s Menu in the same place Children's clothing a specialty at the Presbyterian Ladies’ Aid Sale of Work Thursday. . * > “The Great Heart of Humanity” the biggest picture ever. pro- duced at the Westholme tonight. . . * lite’s special discounts for eash until Christmas in our fur- mitune, rug and drapery depart ments. tf Good program at the Empress tonight. Klsie Ferguson in “The Marriage Price,’ and Keystone comedy. * . All members of the Symphony orchestra are requested to make a special effort to attend practice this evening. Secretary. . * . J. F. Smith, CG. A. Caulson, A.B. Caulson, and D. Crocker are over from Port Clements having ar- rived yesterday afternoon, . >. * The sons of Canada and the Drydock Basketball teams will play in the Agricultural Hall to- morrow evening at 8 o'clock. . >. * The current issue pf the B.C Gazette records the appointment of William Reinhard, of New Mas. set, to be medical] officer of health for Bella Cooola. . * > The tenders for the new tele- phone directory were opened at last night's council meeting. Two were received for: 1,200 copies as follows: News Publishing Co.., $192.20; A. O. Franks, $195. The work was granted to the former as lowest tender. . > . Wallace's Xmas Drawing. ticket with every dollar purchase in any department, First prize, EKiderdown comforter: Second prize; Ladies’ Silk Sweater; Third prize, pair of Ladies Shoes. 75 * > Christmas One Barrie's drawing. Every two dollars’ worth pur chased entitles you to a ticket free. Starting Wednesday, No- vember 19. First prize, Daven- port bed; second prize, fumed oak table; third prize, wicker rocker. The biggest picture ever pro- luced ‘Hearts of Humanity” at the Westholme next week. tf Reds, springs enc mattresses it reduced prices at Barrie's fur- niture sale. tf Queen Chartotte Islanders can- 1ot do better than mail their printing needs to The News Print shop and get the work done ‘romptly and well. TIMBER SALE X1114, Victoria, Nov. 4th, 1919 ,, Sealed tenders will be received by th finister of Lands not later than noon on the 9th day of December, 1919 for the purehase of Licence X1114, to »ut 3,635, '00 feet of Spruce, Cedar, Balsam and Hemlock on an area situat@d on Infram Lake, R.3, Coast Disirict. Three (3) years will be allowed for re ‘oval of timber. Further pertioulers of the Chief Pores ter, Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C. ELSIE FE i “The Martian hee ABARTCRAFT Picture At the Empress Theatre tonight.] * WAISTS .:*\, We can not begin gf) to describe the beauty whew of these dainty crea- ‘ni 75 tions made in Georg- ette, Crepe de Chine, Silk, Etc. Be sure to look them over before the besi are gone. } Priced from $1050 $21.00 Ladies’ Poplin Silk Shirts These are values indeed. Made in the very newest styles, and in a beautiful grade ot silk Poplin. Colors are Rose, Saxe, Peach, Grey Myrtle, Black, etc. : At from $85 to $/ ] 50 H. 5. WALLACE (0. 11D. Corner Sixth and Fulton RW .Cameron & Co, Beg to announce that not being able to obtain their old corner on Second Avenue, at the head of what The used to be Centre Street, they have opened on Old Third Avenue, No. 626, with a carefully selected . ° Firm Come stock of Back Jewellery, Watches and Clocks, Toilet Re. quisites, Cullery, Cut Glass, etc. All fresh from the factories, and are now ready to welcome their new and old time patrons in their new store at No. 626 Third Avenue 7 Opposite Dominion Telegraph Office Georgetown Lumber Co. PHONES 130 ang 423. =x» P. 0. BOX 1632 Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. ©. - FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY FIR CEDAR Consult Us. SPRUCE A name that all America has learnt lo know and rely upon “Rexall Remedies” are successful because of the high standard of quality that is rigidly maintained in compounding formulas based on proven principles. Confidence has been established because of the conservative claims made. . ** Rexall’’ does not in any sense stane ' “‘Cure-all.’’ Instead there is a nature-aiding preparation for every human ill. * “Rexall Remedies” do not contain harmfu! stimulants or habit forming drugs. ‘Rexall Remedies’’ are sold in this city by and for Ormes, Limited Two Phones 82 & 200 Al Y our Service