.Til ill .'Is FADE 3- i I F0TJ3 ENTIRE MAMMOTH STOCK OF MONTREAL IMPORTFRS SLAUGHTERED IN SALE STARTS Men's Caps Buffalo and other standard brands. Never before offered at my big value 1.19 price of only BOYS' CAPS Here is a real bargain for the young fellows. Latest styles, very best quality. I am pricing them at (jQ A FEW' ONL.- Men's 49c Caps, broken lines, at PLENTY OF CLERKS TO WAIT ON YOU GOOD KEKATOL BAGS Very good quality. These have always sold at S2.95 Q-t QQ They're going t t?X.A7 DRESSES FOR THE HOE- DOWN Good quality 69c from $1.25 down to MONARCH KNIT COAT SWEATERS Jumbo knit. Re gular to $5.95 S2.95 My price MEN'S COMBINATIONS Spring and fall weights. A regular $1.50 value HtZn going at iOKs WOMEN'S HOUSE DRESSES Assorted styles and sizes. Regular $1.95. In this Afn sale at 57 BATHING SUITS For men and women. New before old at my low price of OQn per suit OVX Women's and Children's Shoes - ... 1 "WOMEN'S SHORT ZIPPERS . Regularly sold here at OQp $1.50. They're cut to OV MISSES' STORM RUBBERS Atlantic Brand. These sell regularly at $1.00. Have CAp cut price in half, pair'"' WOMEN'S FANCY RUBBERS Goodyear Hl-Prcss, web-rim Cuban heel. Others sell them at $125. My price Qp is only, pair OUKj I promised you Bargains. Well, here they are! Space only allows me'to list a very few of the thousands I am offering in this wonderful sale. I have started out to completely Reorganize and Modernize the business of Montreal Importers. To do this I have moved it to a new and better location. I have rearranged the entire stock and then have gone through the establishment and marked the price of every article right down to bedrock! Some of these goods are actually prictd at 25 less than cost! Former selling prices and cost marks have been disregarded. I have cut everything down to below present-day values, and feel certain that at the price quoted each and every item is an actual Bargain Value. This is all new and saleable merchandise. But the stock is overloaded in nearly all lines, while some few lines are short and broken. Therefore I am going to SELL every item! ; " ' GOODRICH HI-PRESS RUB-BEK BOOTS For men. Best quality, :U -length boots. Always sold at $7.50 Q or Now marked to v"Ow BLACK DIAMOND FISHERMEN'S SUITS Now reduced to the special price CO 9GJ of, per garment QOiv EXTRA HEAVY BLANKETS Mixed wool. Double. A remarkable value at my G price of only .t?xx57 SMALL SCHOOL SUIT CASES Regular $1.00 AQf Buy them now at "vv A GREAT ASSORTMENT Of Hoys' Jumbo Knit Sweaters. These are lop quality and a regular $3.50 value Q4 ACT marked down to tJfJW'XU MEN'S FULL LENGTH RUBBER COATS Miner make, all fresh goods. Keg. $3.95 $6.50. Now BOYS' TURTLE NECK SWEATERS Regular $1.25 value. Prices cut to "5c BOYS' UNDERWEAR Spring weight Combinations. OQp Reg. 95c. now cut to O 57 1 OUR SPECIALS FOR WOMEN If the group are Patents, Calf, Satins, and Fancy Trim Shoes; Straps, Pumps, Ties and Oxfords. Snike, Military and Cuban heels. Medium and wiae fitting. Sizes 3' to 8. Not all sizes in each line but all sizes in the group, MY FEATURE PRICE $1.95 WOMEN'S TENNIS TIES Rubber soles and heels, sand color, brown trim. A regular $2 JO value. I have 1 Off cut them to, pair JxltJ W OMEN'S EMERALD TENNIS OXFORDS Crepette soles and cushion heels. These have been standard at $2.50 Q-9 Q I sell them it. pair?Xu THE SAME AS ABOVE Except Black & White OO Check, also at, pa!tJX0 WOMEN'S HIGH LACE BROWN CALF BOOT Goodyear welt. Only C1 Off a few at. pair ?Xt7 WOMEN'S BLACK CALF HOUSE SHOES Wide tittlnr. Solid leather soles Q4 OC and heels, at ?X.tJ The Northwest's Greatest Sales Event! Peppy Ties SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Just unpacked, you've always paid 75c and $1.00 for these. I feature them at 25C BOW TIES THESE TIES Have always sold at 50c. Tyd-Well, Arrow, Princeton and other fiQp famous I rands. I ask Xtl EXCELLO TIES TOP GRADE Wonderful values at my bargain OCp price of only Owl Miscellaneous COTTON STRIPE WORK GLOVES Reversible. A great value at only 20 C WORK GLOVES Cotton stripe, knit nrtit or jersev. I special these at 4Cn pair XUC 1000 ONLY Seml-seft Collars Van Heusen and other too brands. All sizes and styles, I will sell you all you "I ftp want at .each xU MEN'S STIFF COLLARS All standard brands, broken Cp loU. Special at, each BLUE SERGE SUITS Art-Craft Blue Serge Suits. A qualitr brand that has sold here at S32. In this sale I have made an Extra Special Price of only $15.95 PANTS BARGAINS YOUTH'S FLANNEL PANTS Made of best flannel bv Western King. All sjzes Q PJP Reg. to $3.95. Now ?XIU MEN'S FLANNEL PANTS All sizes and good quality. Price raure from $3.95 Q-f QC down to JA.7tJ HEAVY WORK PANTS Blue's famous Reliance Brand, none better, always a QQ Ql $C50 value, at OO.ilU THE DAILY NEWS REORGANIZING and MODERNIZING ON FRIDAY, MAY And when I say "Sell," I mean SrM.LM I have just come from Vancouver, where the greatest sales in the history of that city are now under way, and can truthfully assure you that, at the prices I have marked these goods, they make those southern sales look like Pikers! Remember, I am in absolute charge. I MAKE THE PRICES! I do not ask you to take my word, when I say I am offering you the dreatest Bargains you have ever seen! All I ask is that you read these prices, come into the store, shop around, see the "Value-plus" prices, plainly marked on every article. If you will do this, I am certain you will convince yourself that this is truly a sale from which history will be dated ! Yours For Bigger and Better Bargains! V. EARLE MacCARTER, Adjuster In Charge. Bargains IMPORTED ENGLISH FANCY MERCERIZED LISLE RIBBED HOSE These are woven seamless and are special value at my cut price of QQn pair, only 0J PENMAN'S ALL WOOL KIR-HW MLF HOSE A mifhty feature value at the 59c special price of. pair PENMAN'S EXTRA VALUE Full Automatic ' hiavy work Sox. I am offering QQn these at cnly, pair Ouo w omens Hose WOMEN'S WHITE HOSE A special value at these. prices. Per pair 25c 20C LADIES' VHREAD SILK HOSE - -With runstop. A regular 75c seller, I have marked 49c down to WOMEN'S SILK AND WOOL HOSE Form-fashioned at a special bargain prire ALL CHILDREN'S SHOES AT BETTER THAN ONE-HALF OFT! Dress Shirts BLUE SHIRT SPECIAL Assortment of Blue Dress or Work Shirts. Separate collar. Mostly Electra brand. Sizes 11 to IT j. Reg. $2 JO and more. I have cut the pric? JtZt to onlv Itl MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Bllt-more. Turnbull, Rlalto, Windsor and other noted brands. Separate collars. Sizes 14 to 17'.'. You'll have to hurry to get these at my re- Qp markabta price of only57t)l MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Separate collars. A few broken lints, assorted AQo brands, at MtO MEN'S COLLAR ATTACHED DRESS SHIRTS Whippet & other standard brands. I will close these at Ql 1 0 onlv JJL.Xt7 A large assortment of work shirts, at prices that will astound vou! MEN'S PANTS A special lot of assorted Men's Pants. Regular $2.95 &4 rye Cut to tJX.lD WOMEN'S KMT SWEATERS Light weight. Large assortment to choose from. Just the thing for Tennis and Sport wear. Regular $5.00 $2.50 A real value at CHILDREN'S KNIT PLAY SUITS Always staple, A regular $3 JO seller J J Qjj MEN'S FANCY MONARCH KNIT V-NECK SWEATERS Trult a wonderful bargain. A regular $3.95 value. S2.95 Ive ent them to aviT casfs Thew snifi regularly at $2.95. A sup- QQp trior value at my price 57571 Montreal Importers V. E VRLE MacCARTER, in Charge MEN'S WORK BOOTS Black and Brown, Box kip uppers. wide, Blucher cut. Mocassin toe, stitch down. Uskhidc sole rubber heels, full bi-llows tongue. Sixes 6 to 10. Regular $5.95. In this sale S3.00 at pair MEN'S GOODRICH RUNNING SHOES Extra hevy wcihf. A very special value Q- A at mv price of palrVX.TEU WOMEN'S RUNNING SHOES As above Off rut to. pair tyXiAD YOUTH'S $1.10 MISSES' S1.00 CHILDREN'S 75c LITTLE GENTS' 75c ALSO A CHEAPER GRADE MEN'S 75c WOMEN'S G.1c YOUTHS' 63c MISSES' 63c MEN'S FANCY DRESS SX Monarclt, Superior and other well known brands. .Alwavs sold at 65c to $1.00. In this sale I price them at only OQp per pair ii3s 1200 PAIRS IMPORTED FANCY SOX All colors and sizes. These are standard price at zuc Ty special price 25c is 2 pair for OTHER HOSE ALL STANDARD BRANDS FROM 15c TO 59c PER PAIR! Mens Coveralls, Overalls and Jumpers MEN'S COVERALLS Master Mechanic brand. These sell regularly at S3J0. I've made, -the price, only $1.95 ENGINEER JUMPERS Cut from 82.50 , jjq MASTER MECHANIC JUMP- I hRS A lot of small sizes; Were 11 .95. Featurrd Pftn in thh sale at OUC MEN'S OVERALLS - Master Mechanic, Kant Lose, Gold Seal, Pride of West and other well known brands. All sizes A feaure value at, CJ-f iym voiir choice vx.Ot) ?,0.S,v.C0VE,,lALLS-,tul" $1.95, ?ow selling g j THIS GREAT Special Values in Shoes This is the Feati re Shoe V..:.t of this ?Teat sal; : Bo-. :-rr.i Dress Boots, famous St & Campbell hand made Sc. J black leather. Sizrs iq f . I don t need to till vuu what a bargain these ar $2.90 at. pair WITH PANCO SOI , S MEN'S BLACK PATENT ( X FORDS Widi Htm tJ cher cut, solid hainrr zz: Panco heels. Thee ' '1 larlv at $5.95. Prire 3.75 slashed to BROWN AND BLAMl f M SKIN OXFORDS t ocd ai welted, solid leaCur Panco heels. .Medium and i 1 fitthigs. A ruLtr S3.S-; t.J -but I've marked ?Q fffl tiicm at pO.UU BOYS' SCHOOL AM) DRrss BOOTS Brown ami BbcX Box kid uppers. Wide tit -Elucher cut. Solid If athc ' z' ' a -id heels. Sizes 1 to , Thr : arc the famous Slsm.' n A regular $3.00 QS) Cf v.iht. cut to iyi0J '"ubj -juBjyf ', t,' iaff BOYS' WHOOPEE PANTS" A regular $1 75 article 'n at my special price Q5C of