Canadians as a rule prefer quality , and ' f i i t If. mostly drink Salada. Try our new Yellow Label SIM (Fresh from the gardens' FREE! lit FREE! Large Tube of Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste With a Hottlc of Cara Nome Perfume AH for 75 cents Ormes Ltd. Dfia Pioticcr DriizslsLs Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St THREE GRADUATE PHARMICISTS BLANKET SPECIAL Have your blankets washed with mild soap flakes and returned nice and fluffy. SPECIAL PRICE FKOM MAY 1 TO 15 Single Blankets, each 40c Double Blankets, each 60c Pillows .. 50 c PIONEER LAUNDRY LTD. Phone 118 and Our Driver Will Call CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. I'. 20.000-TON FLOATING MtYDOCK tnglneein. Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Paltern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL AVOUK PHONES 43 AND 385 UNION STEAMSIIll'S LI,M1TEI)'' rf - II .rfir I , Arriving Vncoiivfr, vl Otn JHU. ThufKUjr Nooj spprox. " l AKDKNA EVKUY lltlll.VV MIDVKIIIT Arriving Vancouver Suivdiy midnlfht Mra. 'kl ntuingi to Port 8lmpoii. Alio, Arm. Anyo. SMwirt tA NM Rlvrr point suncUy 8:00 p.m. ".lift Information rrgnrdlng nil tallluga and ticket at 'KINl'l-; lirhriiv inrvri'. ...i i,h, IMuiitu &KH tlic habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, and taking advantage of the help they bring you. Local Items Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware, Ileilbroner's Store. Don't rgeV'llie fr ree public May 11HcM$, twice aaAy, 2:3 Mai kin's Best Tomatoes 3s per tin 3 Offp OOK' 6 tins tins per tin 3 4"J0 6 tins AVy tins Soap Chips- !., Campbell's Soap Tomato per tin Otter Varieties 1 Uns Hall 30 to 4:30 and 8 to 10 p.m. Prizes at every session. 102 Morley Shier, who has been on one of his periodical business trips to Anyo and Stewart, will pass through the city aboard the Prince George tonight on his way back to Vancouver. Mayor C. H. Orme, who has been on a trip to Ottawa In connection with affairs concerning this port, is expected to return to the city on Sunday afternoon's train from the East. James Martin, postmaster, merchant and general factotum of the town of New Masaett, arrived, in the city on the Prince John this morning from the Islands for a brief visit to town. Bringing passengers, freight and mail, CNJt. steamer Prince John Capt. ban McKtnnon, arrived in port at 2:30 thta morning from Vancouver via all Queen Charlotte Island points and will be here until 10 pjn. Saturday when she will return south over the same route. ' ANNOUNCEMENTS Gyro Hoedown May 1. Moose Whist Drive and Da nee Friday, May 8th. Girl Guide display. Cathedral Hall, May 8. S.O.N. Vlruand No. 26 Independence Day Daaee, Moose HaH. Mv 15. Canadian National Recreation Association Monte Carlo night. May IB and IS. C.N.RA. Badminton Courts CANADA'S TOMATO WEEK April 27 to May 4 Eat and Enjoy Canada's'1 Most Healthful Vegetable Cottage Rolls Boned Smoked SOOUlders. average . iJCTp Bulk Coeoa 2 M Jel Mont Pineapple Crushed or Sliced Off o No. 2 tins, each . Hp. 1 tin . each :. Lux Par fine laundering 2 pkgs. ...4.. 1 Crabmeat- Soslgtt, Vt per tui 12c 67c 14c 79c 25c 12c 27c 35c 14c 19c 25c 't 1 Picked lh Prlnoe Rupert) WheaWThe -I -j qlfeddeo per- p feet breakfast food, pkg Salad Dressing Dutch Maid, blended to a creamy smooth- CAp ness. per tare Jar,Ui" Choice Pink Salmon Yacht 4 Hn Brand tf tfn AUO I i-jj VfJIl O 1" v vmm, .. Libby's Urluxc Peaches Sliced or I Halves. No. 2M, tins 97,r per tin Watts' Grocery I'llONE 55 PHONE 66 Till W'ST FOK LESS" THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, April 30, 1931 ryi Bkl for tnonitii. Kothtoi helped m T !t T UA TUm 4tr V npllntlon ended Itch ad Mia. Pllei coot.1 B. C. Arlty. End pm'.n quick. All drungittt. Classes Tittcfl t' Jr registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Phone 32 Taxi for special rates, day and night, 'for large parties Experienced drivers. tf This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3:30. was reported thli morning to be on time. The Gyro C3ub' requests your patronage for their. Hoedown Friday, night. The proceeds will be applied to the Gymnasium Fund. 201 The Annual General Meeting oi the Prince Rupert Rowing Si YaelK Club will be held on Friday, May 1, 1931, at 3 p-m., In the City Hall. Alex McRae, Secy.-Treas. 122 There was no speaker reguliy weekly luncheon Hi at the of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club today, it being a business session for th election of officers for the coming year. Destroyer Will Pay Visit Here II. M. C. S. Vancouver Due on May 8 and Will Kemain Here For Three Days In the course of a coast cruise. H. MPS Viinnnimr will h in Prlnrp Rupert from May 8 to May 11. local headquarters of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve have been advised. The destroyer, which was last here last fall to pick up Hon Donald Sutherland, minister of national defence, and take him to Vancouver, is now on her way up the coast. Summer COLDS Almost evrnbody knows how Aspirin tablets break up a cold but why not prevent it? Take a tablet or two when you firtt feel the cold cooMnc on. Spare yourself he diirtomfert of- a ttramer cold. Read the proven directions in every package for headaches, pain, etc. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot ind cold water In all roonu A. J. I'HUDIIOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser.ujd Fifth SU Savoy W. O. Valpy. city. New Royal Hotel I. 7Jirrlll. 'Top Tilt: HOI EL HOKTII WHILE Hot it Cold Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Trtrhii tSI Royal D. Nelson, cin Boston Grill Thone 4S7 I'rinre Rupert Large Cabaret SI'DCIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Nisht, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private rarties S. E, Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Cars Trucks Tractors Tiros Accessories Qas St Oil Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Avenue Phone 83 Boys' Sweaters Size 28 Sit Sale Price OlrL-,' Oxfords Sires 11 to 2. Sale Price CIAL SAL to 75c Ladles' Sleeveless Silk and Wool SweatersSizes 34 to 40. Colors green, red, (awn, blue, white. fg-fl nff yellow, reg. $2.75 visit Child's Pure Wool Pullover Sweater Sizes 4-6-8. All colors. Reg. Q4 OP $2.00. Sale Price VittJ 1.95 Child's Sunsca Bunbaek Bathing Suits- Of AQ Sizes 2-4-6. Sale V ""V Snagboc(t May Not Operate This Season It is reported here that, in order to curtail expenses, the new snag-loat Esslnston. built at the local Jry dock recently, may not be plac- jd- in operation at all this summer , xi the 81teena or Naas Rivers. I If the government takes this, course, it will, be the first season In nany years that a snagboat has not been operated 00 these rivers. Any j iuch proposal will meet with criticism since this necessary- work will not be carried out on the rivers and i failure to operate the boat will re- j nove employment for several men. 1 MUSSALLEM Meat Market NO. 1 STEKIt Rump Hoast 5 lbs T-Bone Roaat . I per lb. ! Prime Rib Rolled f per lb i Round Steak . 2 lbs Sirloin Steak I per lb I Boneless Pot Roast 1 P?r lb Good Corn Beef 4 lbs POKK shoulder Pork 6 lbs Loin of Pork 4 lb. Leg of Pork per lb Shoulder Lamb lbs Back Bacon per lb. Boned & Rolled Hamper lb. Ayrshire Baron per lb. 1JEEF S1.00 25c 20c 45c 30c 15c 50c: si.oo 81.00 25c S1.00 35c 40c 30c Glrta Pure Wool Pullover Sweaters Colors fawn, green, blue brown. Sizes 6 to 12. Reg. Ct QC 90D $2.76. Sale Ladies' Summer Weight . Sweaters Sh6ft sleeves. Sizes 30 to 40. Colors, blue, brown, gold, fawn, green. Reg. $255 Sale Price $1.50 Ladies' Summer veight Pullover Sweaters, silk St wool, long sleeves. Colors green, blue, yellow, fawn. Sizes 36 to 40 QO Off Reg. $3.50tSale'0 Spun Silk Sleeveless Blouses Colors blue, white beige. Sices 32 to 40 Sale Price S1.75 FRIDAY & SATURDAY Ladies' Leather Coats All sizes, brown only. Regular $10.50 Sale Price Curtain Scrim Reg. 30c a yard. Sale Price A A 5'yards for VlUU Listed Below are only a few of our OUTSTANDING SPECIALS Ladles' Leatherette Coats-j-Slzes small St med. Colon black, blue. green, reg. $4.755 Curtain Scrim White and Cream. Sale (? A A Price, 6 yds. forV Frill Curtain Sets Colors blue, yellow. CI A A green. Reg. $lvlvU Ladies' Sunsea Sunback Bathing Suits Sizes 34 to 42. Pure wool. Colors. Copenhagen, navy QJ? and scarlet Dull Finish Chiffon Hose-All shades and (SI AA sizes. Sale Price UU Ladles' Blonde Shoes Tie and plain. Odd a Aff lines. Reg. $7.5uVttJ Dress Material Reg. 60c a yard, Sale price A A 3 yards for VioVU JABOUR BROS., LIMITED THE BEST FOR LESS SEE OUR WINDOWS manoBSBamm: Flexible Power Where You Want It 'CaterpiUar, Tractor Uoadwork farmwork lumbcrinj construction - jobs "Caterpillar" offers you sure, dependable power all the time- Our JS'ew Booklets offer users many new hints sent free. "MORRISON" An institution built on Service. SHINGLES! No.l-3xatperM.. $3.25 No.l-5xatperM ....$3.75 No. 2 -at per M.. . $2.75 St lTOKT HOME INDUSTRIES MADE AT MSSETT HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 ; COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Kdson and Cassldy-Wellinglon In any quantities. Also Bulkier Valley Hay. Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Pnnce Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 Kaien Motors Limited General Garaice and Service Station CHEVROLET and IIUICK Open Day and Night I'hone 52 Third Avenue II ' ' V