Today's Weather prince Rupert- part cloudy. r, ti south east wind, barometer, ;:i Oa: temperature 48; sea smooth. ft5 XU . No. 101. d O - ( n?o. April Wh Forty-one per-1 and not 61 as at first announ- if killed yesterday when the Alexandria express train 'if Hie. The engineer did not ' Mut his train was on fire but cinving It at full speed. Many in n lives while struggling to through the coach windows mm moving train. officersof" rotary club c II Munro Llected President at Luncheon Today Rotary Out! tfceted officers the ffltfowtnf beiiui the ' ident. George Munro. 1 ifinry. Olen QuHck. ' 1 asurer, B. J. Mellish. titive: Harold De Wolfe, Wei-Mr Alec and George Woodland. HALIBUT JSS0LD of 137,000 Founds Auctioned I t Independent Buyers at Local Exchange Today 'iilibut sales at the local Fish 1 1 itnge this morning totalled 1 ' "'Mi pounds, five American vea-: hHKMing of 91.000 pounds and 1 Canadians, 45,000 pounds. fl iff., of 8c and 5c and 8.1c and 5c paid. The arrivals were as fol- I'tlVs American N.irrona. 28.000, and Dalllc, 10,-0nn Cold Storage,' 8e tlnd 5. Brothers'. 17.00V,Oold Storage, 8 if and 5c. 1 mslng, 15,000. lloysl. 8c and 5c. Kfllance 1, 19,000, Atlln. 8c and Canadian Awnes n 8,000, Royal, 8.1c nnd 5c. l'"venant, 18.000, Cold Storage, 8c ""ft 5c. Helen II, WOO, and Alice May. 2,-Atim, 8c nnd 5c. Sc. Johanna, IMOO, Atlln. 0.1c and not Sthe seasons has, no doubt, been disap- iKrintlng to the people of Prince Rupert but we are of the opinion that our organisation Is quite capable of utilising the port of Prince Rupert in the handling of grain over a per iod of years as any other grain handling organisation. On such ba sis we have -no intention of relinquishing our existing lease in con nection with Rupert terminal as now In effect with the Dominion government which does not expire until August 33. "In regsro to the movement of the 1931 crop through Prince Rupert, at this stage I am not in a po sition to make any prediction as a-areat deal depends upon the nature of crop harvested in Alberta as well as market conditions but, witn rea sonable conditions prevailing, we feel satisfied that an increased handling can be anticipated this coming season as compared with the past two years. "We are of the opinion in having moved over 13.000.000 bushels of grain through Prince Rupert during the past five years that such contribution to local shipping con ditions should not be overlooKeo. when discussing any disappointment as to the light volume handled during the past two seasons. Insofar as our Alberta Wheat Pool is concerned, such represent over 43,-000 wheat producing farmers of Alberta or approaimately one half of the fanners of our province and. In spite of criticism which has been broadcast during Tecent months against our organisation arising principally out of the 1919 slump in wheat nrices which condition ap plied to practically every other raw commodity, our Pool members have Indicated that they Intend to continue to support their marketing organisation and have no intention of reverting to the grain trades system of msrketing their product. Undoubtedly depression In wheat prices aver the past 1 months has been very disappointing to the far-mn of Western Canada and gen eral conditions on the prairies are far from satisfactory, esvieclally so having In mind that a targe percentage of our farmers Incurred heavy nhiinations during the period of Ihlgher wheat prices In anticipation of a continuation or sucn Improvement In prices Is anxiously hoped for in the marketing of the 1931 crop although prospect are particularly encouragnm this stage." tit WAGE CUT BYC.P.R. Continued Operating Losses Make This Course Necessary, Says Reatty MONTREAL. April 30 Owing to ma iked operating losses of the line all round, both in passenfrr and freight departments. President K. V. Realty. K.C of the Canadian 1'acific Kail way announced yesterday that there would have to be a cut of ten per rent, in the salaries of all offleial and employees of the supervising staffs. In addition, effective May 1, it has been arranged that, throughout the general offices of the railway company, employees will lay off three days a month without pay. The dividend policy of the company will be considered at the next meeting of the board of directors, it was announced by President Realty. NEW ISSUE OF BONDS $450,000,000 Conversion Issue llelng Planned, Rennctl Announces OTTAWA. April 30: Premier R. B Bennett announced today that the government was preparing plans for a new long term conversion issue for the conversion of part of all issues maturing between now und 1934. It Is understood that the loan will be for approximately $860,000,000 at 4ts."f Interest. The Weather Triple Island Overcast, frcah south east wind, moderate sea. Langara Cloudy, easterly wind, culm sea. Lxnd Tree PointPart cloudy, fresh south east wind, barometer. 3.B3, luiupcrature 50, heavy swell NORTHERN AND CENTRAL JJR1TISH COLUM BIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., 'THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1931 fcgegeMOWMsMSisBMieaMessswsijjjjjijwsiiMe"eowa'ssMowsewM m Mile Gabru'Ui C':..uii:. iamo.o f rcoxu .usluoi. uuti'.c SClC l !: DfUUMlll. at iiotcl Pierre ABifi'Kan Riil.') to br nuiniiequut . ui un Pris atlier Premier Bennett Makes Guarded Announcement In House of Commons Legislation Can Only be Submitted After Careful Inquiry and Fullest Information Has Been Obtained OTTAWA, April 80: The government hopes to submit to Parliament at the earliest possible moment legislation providing for some form of unemployment insurance, Premier R. B. Bennett stated in the House of Commons yesterday. At the same time, the Prime Minister made it clear that such legislation could be submitted only after careful inquiry and the gathering of the fullest information! rue (IrauY Rprnnfinn For Seiji Yoshihara, Japanese Aviator, on His Goodwill Flight SEATTLE, April 30: A great civic welcome is already being planned for the Japanese Tokyo to San Francisco flyer, Seiji Yoshihara, who is expected to arrive here next month in tlie course of his flight. Plans for the reception are primarily in the hands of the Japanese Society of Seattle. whicli 18 asking the co-operation of the city in addition to pubiii and aeronautical bodies of the community. While the program has not ye been definitely decided upon owing to the uncertainty as to when Yoshihara will arrive and how long he will remain, plans are belnp, made for a public luncheon or dinner In honor of the flyer a j well as othei form of entrti ment. May 13 was tentatively set fni the date t Yoshthara's arrival but 'It is in'' expected he wtU arrive by that date. One of Yosiilhar' local countrymen ltft lure yesterday to make arrangement along the British Columbia and Alaska coasts tcr refuelling th plane of the long distance tlyu. LABORATORY EXPLOSION RIO DE JANJBRO. April SO -Half A four hundred employees in the naval laboratory at Nlchtheroy were reported killed or Injured today when an explosion wrecked the plant. Rescuers have begun removing the(muUlatd bodies and tho Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. April 30 Wheat was quoted on the local exchange today At 59T,c. I STOCKS ADVANCE NEW YOItK. April 30: The slock market ended a month of declining prices with one of the sharpest advances of the year today as bear traders found themselves pinched and bid, actively to cover their short sales. There were numerous gains of $1 or more and Auburn Motors shot up nearly $30. Vancouver Stocks I Courtly S. O. JehMtOtfeOo.l Bayvlew, nil. 1. Big Missouri. 38, 40. Cortr Province. 1. 2. Dttthie Mines. 5. . George Copper. 51, nil. Oeorgfef River, 3. J Oeorge Bnterprise, nil, 3. Ooloonda. nil. 10. Orandvtew. nil. 4. Independence, nil 1. Indian Mines. 1, 14 Kootenay Florence, l, It,. L. A L n. l. Luck Jim. 2. nil. Mohawk, 2. Marmot Metals, nil, H. National Silver. 3j. Noble rive. 4. 5. Oregon Copper, 10, 10. Pend Oreille. 1.00. 1.10. Premier, 76. nil. Porter-Idaho. 5. 6. Reeves Mucdonald. nil. 35. Rufus-Areenta, 3, 3. Snowflake 24. 3'2. Tooley Richfield. 1. nil. Whitewater. 4. 3. Woodbine. 1. 1',. OiLS Freehold, 4VS, 8. Ilargal. 6,2. TV, A., P. Con.. Wk. K. Merlaad. 13. 14. , Mercury. UV, 30. Calmont. IOV4. 11. Dalhousie. 30. 34. Fabyan Pete, 24, 3'a. Home, TO, nil. United, nil, 11 Roallte. nil. 10.00. Eastern Stocks Noranda. 28 25. nil. Int. Nickel. 14.60. nil. C P. R, 34.25, nil. Tomorrow's Tides Friday, May 1, 1331 High , 0:14 a.m. 22.6 ft. 12:51 p.m. 21:0 ft. Low 6:44 a.m. 1.7 ft. 18:50 p.m. 4:4 ft PRICE FIVE CENTS 1PL0YMENT INSURANCE MOOTED POOL MMDS TO CONTINUE OPERATION OF ELEVATOR Grain Official Hopes Prince Rupert House Will Be More Active All Will Depend on Conditions Existing in Trade Plant lias Handled Fifteen Million Bushels in Last Five Years Tnat the Alberta Wheat Pool has no intention of rolin-t ,i l.injr its existing lease on the local Dominion elevator was the statement of R. D. Purdy of Calory, trtneral manager of the Pool, in the course of an in-,'rVw this morning. Mr. Purely would not commit him-. !i as to what extent the local house might be used'in the i in : of grain this year but, , lu less. expressed the probab- aln deaUa oi our gr?ln hftrMUlnB op. r. v. it would be more extensive jeraUon at Rapert terminal and ,r, the past two years. A ,atao intention of completing a i(ic)cnd.aaUhaddonelntheh,pmw,u of our pre.sent Kraln ,n existing condition In the ,tock In store during the next 30 visit n prince Rupert at : in connection with cer- FORTY-ONE days." said Mr. Purdy "Since ray arrival In Prince Rupert. I have been advised as to certain rumors being in circulation that our organization Intends to relinquish our interest In the local terminal as soon as shipments of present stocks have i X l-i rp t,r I been compieiea. we appreciate uie A It U 1 1 i) i - A-1 II Ifrer- trmr "4hniif 'of grain .TAJLJ UlurU Ihmuoh nmwrt over the nast two More Particulars Urrrivrd of Dbas-tram. Train fire in Egypt Yesterday American Beauties To Go To Paris LOSE LIVES INCRASH iTwo Yotin? Men Killed on riunging i From Height of 8,000 Feet at Brandon 1 BRANDON. April 30: William : laik. aged 21. owner of the plane Und the son of Ool. and Mrs. F. J. i lark of Bran .jn, an ' William i 3tftten. aae1 27. th? pilot, of Wawa-nesa. were InstanUy killed when a lane crashed from a height of 8,000 feet near the local airdrome last night TWO GRAIN I BOATS IN Haxby Arrives This Afternoon and Troutpool Sails For Old Land With Full Cargo The third steamer to load within the last week or so at the local elevator, the Ropner Line steamer Haxby. arrived in the harbor shortly after 1 o'clock this afternoon and at once took up her berth at the Alberta Wheat Pool's elevator where , aheAIUuitagktemorrttw jnornlng. to Toflra!urTca7ko of grain for the United Kingdom or Continent. i The Ropner Line steamer Truut-!pool. having completed the loading of a full cargo of grain for the Unl-I ted Kingdom or Continent, will sail I at 4 or 5 o'clock this afternoon, i Capt. C W. Wearmouth handled both ships as pilot, bringing the I Haxby in and taking the Troutpool i out. It was the first time In the last I few years that two grain boats had jbeen In the harbor at the same 'time. i There is no definite word of a ! fourth which, it is expected, will be I coming here before long to load an- other full cargo. Ten Cases For AssizesHere Five Criminal Hearings, Four Divorce Petitions and One J)am-age Action Coming Up In addition to the five criminal cases which were enumerated yes terday, there will be five civil actions at the spring session of the Supreme Court Assises to be held here next week. Four of the civil eases will be divorce petitions while the fifth will be a damage acUon In which Carl Halvarson Is suing Joe Brown and William White for Injuries sustained by his young son a few years ago when he was run down by a taxi car. Mr. Justice W. A. Macdonald wUl be the presiding Judge at the Assise session here, It is understood. His Lordship, together with other court officials including A. M. Johnson K.C. crown prosecutor for the murder cases, will arrive here on Saturday or Sunday from OMJ AMI HALF MILLION POUNDS OF FISH SOLD f HF.Iti: IN MONTH OFWirRIL Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the month i or April, ending today, totalled 1 1,551,790 pounds. It is slgnlfl- cant that or tne total some l,- 4- 000,000 pounds was landed dur- tng the past four days since re- sumed selling their catches on the Pish Exchange. 4