m i "1 it FADE BIX THE DAILY NEWS i 1 in 1 Mm irr IP ..nf ONLV Mm.. 9 Quarter Flour 1SMW "A wonderful iucccm," tayt Mr. F Matthews of Abbot ford, B.C. IT'S easy to make bread by the Quaker Method. Just imagine no kneading, no setting the sponge I You actually bake lighter, more delicious bread, in half the time . . . and at less cost I But you must use Quaker Flour and follow instructions in our booklet "The Quaker Method of Easy Bread Baking." Quaker Floor is of unvarying high quality because milled of the very finest wheat. Tested at every stage in the milling. Samples are baked in our own kitchen every day. If you're not satisfied that Quaker Flour is the finest you have ever used, your dealer will refund your money. Write us for the booklet ... or ask your dealer. The Quaker Oats Company, Saskatoon. 1 I Week-End Specials 2 tins Tomatoes. 2's, Malkln"s Best 2 tins Orccn Cut Beans 2 tins Corn, 2's 2 tins ePas, Siae 4 ' Value $U0 for 1 tin Cherries, 2's Value $1.20 for ., - 1 tin PJurni, Ift's ll tin Peaches, 2ft ' 1 tin Apricots. - ,1 tin Florida Grapefruit, 2'i j 1 for Value $1.20 95c 1 tin Peaches. 2's, Malkin's Best 1 tin Tears, 2's 1 tin Apricots. 2's 1 tin Pineapples, 2's 95c 1 tin Aprioots, 2's, Malkm's Bestr 1 tin Strawberries, 2's 1 tin Pears, 2's- 1 tin Loganberries Value $120 t 95c 95c Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street Ph.m 208 1 LETTER BOX PROSPERITY Editor, Daily News:" I not per your editorial remarks that the business element of this I city has regained its normalcy, and I that we snail in the near future be like Alexander the Great, looking for new worlds to conquer. I trust sincerely that you have read ..the horoscope right, for contrary to some suggested opinions, I desire , nothing better than prosperity, if it At the rttk of offense by continued repetition. I would say that this city will not climb to Pisgah's heights, unless the proposed pros perity has Its origin in the workers, ! and then the business element Ih its turn will benefit accordingly. It appears to me to be foolish to erect 'any superstructure, without laying a sure foundation. I oresume that because the old established fish buyers of this city 1 arc in the saddle once more, it is considered in rertain quarters, that the promised land lies Just around the corner, and considerable propaganda has been engineered to bring this about. I desire to remark, however, on a matter which Is brought to my notice as secretary of the Northern B. C. Salmon Fishermen's Association, by members of that organisation, who unfortunately are compelled to view the immediate horison, and discrm clouds that are blissfully invisible to you. Salmon which brought eighteen cents per pound on the fishing grounds m former year bring only nine cents per pound at the present rtMUlfliwl, 1 lu Match your tasteful ioom with C 1 UTp J tasteful Mugs Tbuh "SPRING" Congoltum Cold Serf Rug No. CI) 1 sealV) t aB gold i I '-ligl 1 ll CtlAPANTTf. ll I Wi ttkli iiLH t XuniTAcnoNCwuNTCZo'1 ine avp iitfiil dollars I : A smart new CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Rug, with its harmonious colouring, will give your room a festive air you will bo proud of. For CONGOLEUM Cold Seal Rugs come in such splendid, colour combinations, such attractive, authentic patterns. And, what is more, they retain these distinctive qualities even under the hardest evcry-day service. Inexpensive too priced well within the range of every purse and easy to keep clean and bright. No sweeping or shaking. A simple ruh-over with a damp mop is all you need to keep them spotlessly clean. Sen the new patterns. Look for the Gold Seal. Your floor covering problems are then at an end. lt G GOLD m-grTtOaR 1 i B The COLD SEAL I on the face of every frnulne Con- aC T )B ff HTL LH I jHlHTHhs hat k-laH SoleumRug.ltUaRiiarantre m gf.m U . Wj V HlT I 'll Mn uf..tUfcUon r money l..ck JJUtmy .H.aV.'m -1 i'1 jH quiuyTuuB.ceuriie"T,er Tc World's Best Value in Home Furnishings CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED - MONTREAL cereal in soups? iiL Yes! JUST sprinkle in some KcIIogg's Rice Krispics next time you have soup. Adds the flavor of toasted rice. Delicious! Rice Krispics arc the "different" cereal. So crisp they crackle in milk or cream. Wonderful for breakfast, lunch or supper. Order a red-and.grccn package. At grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. 1 IlICE ki;isimi:s RICE WISHES time, and for the consumer's inf'-mation. who purchases the Friday dinner, let it be known that the fixhr-mcn on the fishing grounds .;et ,this nine cents per pound for the best grade of red spring Sainton, while the consumer pays in the Retail stores of this city 25 cents per pound, regardless of the grade, providing it is red in color. (I have at the moment of writing verified this retail price per telephone.) One hundred and seventy-five per cent is rather a large spread between producer and consumer, and I yet you cheerfully advise the public i to patronise home Industries. To add to this already heavy bur-iden of the fisherman, I might add that the old established buyer, who we are all glad to welcome once . more, is milking the fisherman drier ' than ever, by charging three cents more for gasoline than it can be bought for, by the oonsunnir In Prince Rupert. The cost of conveyance of gasoline to the fishing grounds has m past years, never been more than two cents per gat-Ion, and has more frequently been one and one-half, and one cant, t i It is thus evident that the prover-ibial fly still contaminates the oint-itncnt and that t&e potential pros-: parity may be only a veneer, and not the genuine artiste. SECRETARY, KMC. Salmon Fisherman's Ass'n Clever cartoons having as their Uatyect the recent marketing sit uation here have been drawn bv J. Preedstad. a local fisherman, and presented to the Daily News Considerable talent is shown lit the drawing TOMATO WEEK I tins SPECIALS Malkin's Best Tomatoes 2z's, 3 tins Malkin's Rest Tomatoes rs, 8 Uns Tomato Juice Aghcroft Tdmate Ketchup 1 M-os. bottles . 40c 34c 40c! 45c Malkin's Best Pineapple Sliced liced or crushed, 2's, per tin Robertson's Geld Shred Marmalade, 12-oz. bottle dark's Corned Beef-par tin Jutland Sardines S lor Batter -lb. brick Peaches & Pears a'a's per tin : ' Heavy Syrup) or' 24c 23c 19c 25c $1.06 23c Chocolate Bars Large 1 Ao variety. 8 lor - xu Holland Herring CI 1 ft per keg vx.xw Economy Cash and Carry Stores 319 3rd Ave. 411-413 8th Ave. Telephones 360 and 18 gH . t . 9 ; ; ; 'L J ittmmf&ffi&a' Ranger Company Is Being Formed Senior Organization in Connection With Girl Guides Movement Heine Organized Ah enthusiastic1 meeting was held intbeiI.'0.D. Et.Halllastmlghtto j extend the Girl Guides movement in this city by the organization of a Ranger Company under the auspices of the Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire. This branch of the Girl Guides corresponds with the Rover branch of the Boy Scouts and is intended for all young women over the age of sixteen. Its chief objects are recreation and public service' for which the Guide training prepares its members. However, one does not need to have been a Guide in order to become a Ranger. Members of the I. O. D. E. Girl Guides Association present at last night's meeting were Mrs. . John Man son. regent of Municipal Chapter, Mrs. H. L. Landry, Mrs. J. A. Teng and Mrs. C. J. Norrlngton. Charles Booking , president and general manager of the Granbv Consolidated Mining. Smelting Sc Power Co., after a visit to Anyox. will be a ptasengej, aboard th? Prince George this evening bound from te smelter town to """day April 30 J ,B two snows iT.f. The Beautiful StarTj JOAN CRAWFOKUi 41 With Robert Armstron J nunc rr vust Railroaded to nr. nn i crime she did not .-ommii si wanieu revenge bat lor- ail Urst, l aoie j i ui )xx ADMISSION Feature Start-, n THI RSOAI HTi:,i;i- , I5c & 40c 1 aturo i.u Friday and s .i irja,! GARY COOPER h "Fighting Caravans The Salvation Army Annual SelE-Denial Appeal MhJMW 7 ri iw -7 11 m&M 'wit S Mm fiffl'2 Plesne Help Thr Army ef the Kelpinr Hsnd. The Salvation Army claims your assistance in its world gainst wrong and social misery. Your rtft will be pane i :. t lick and suffering and sinful and thereby help to make a betur .: J Make your reiponse your utmott effort Campaign From April 25 to May JO. TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily Ily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIrtT FOU SKIENA It It AM) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese I UI.SII PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Phone 566 jrt Motors Garaee and Service SUH DODGE and HANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER AND nOlV W0 A RPr.CIAl.Tl