2y April 30, 1931 ui. THZ DAILY HEWS F2UJ3 ITT3 W hy Not Let People Know Of Your Needs Today? Rent That Room, Secure Help, Sell Furniture, Real Estate, Etc., Through a Classified Ad. IT classified advertisements t It . S : nmn Hnnr,- i W. m fill m ll AllTI FOR RENT SITUATIONS WANTED KENT-- Modern Apartment RELIABLE woman wishes hotel Wc utwer Building. tl work, cooking;, or day work In or! of town. Phone Blue "room 629. IOR IMTNT- Furnished 4 Hat wl'h bath Ppone 547. . tf ITVE Domed flat for rent, steam J hcA'd- Phone Blue 345. tf milicz RUPERT AUCTION MART T iB IFNT Furnished 5-room We uy. w U or exchange any t , r .,o . . Phone Red 099. tt kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments ma- F,.,j: ,: knt - Furnished room chlnery, etc. General repairs, K if desired. Phone 543. 10 crating, packing and shipping. FOB KENT -4-room house, 1028 1 Workmanship guaranteed. Just Pe Black 120 and we will St... mi Avenue, call 645 or 180 101 call. d. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, Federal Blockjj tf FOB RENT Five-roomed furn- i - - - ' ' 1 ? 1 !' J TTtm- App,y Mussa!; TAXI & MESSENGER Ic.j Phone 18. tf Fob CENT Clean, well furnished TAXI and Messenger Service, t d ni apartment. Palmer Ap- Phone 678. Day and Night. Dar-lS .. !i:s Phone Red 444. row &. Bert. tf um 1 j . i FOB RENT Nice cosy completely nil vmpv tU rRIVniVP lillliMJIMi Cj m lied apartments downtown ' ...antes from fish dock. Dre- i xc: ApartmenU. 140 Second At- Oet your cutlery sharpened t.r i- Phone 943. tf knives, 10c; scissors. 15c. Variety . ., , tf Store, near Post Office. (78) FOR SALE gpE KF1,AIKS Fun ALE Table Lamp; 2 crtbil 'S7Z ,. 4 . ,. , V..,. -hair: double bed. complete ?rk try ? hlb' 33 Bd Avenue Wert. Box 30 F n, Green 087. 101 . . Prince Rupert, B.C. tt F ir SAKE cheap, 18-foot open :.. i i li lifeboat style, 4 horse 'i . : Ethope engine, moveable-! v.- cover. Apply Dally New, ' n tf J! or trade good building b 2x8 2x6. 1x12; shlplap, . 200 loot flooring. This Is alj "..(I condition. Also 1800 used : ut half price of' new. Ap-v M. Berry, 19 Dyer Apart- tf WANTED CIKI. wanted for housework l ! . Green 272. tf W v :td One hundred "Ring-Permanent Wave cutom-1 $4 )0 Nelson's Beauty Par- 103 WANTED Acetylene Welding Out .nable for garage, state full uUrs and price to Box 81. i.' News Office. 101 Public Stenographer Mi ! ax MORRIS, office Westen Block. Phone 782. tf THE MARKET Fallowing are retan prfces current here today: Apples a Nt-wton. fancy box $3X)0 s' Win box 2.85 -.us eta pa, fancy : P fancy box 3.20 DtUc us. fancy 3.35 Nav oranges 20c to M Ltir u 8unkUt. doz. .40 Flurida Ornrwfm iiRr. In .70 !"u Grapefruit 6c to .10 i.is. 2 lbs. ... ,3a Orapes per lb. .... . .40 Fxui ted honey, per Jar 55 I'wib honey . .35 " bulk. lb. 12Vj R m bulk, lb. . .15 Uried frults-"ni ri and orange peel , SO g:k rooking figs, lb. . .15 . .15 Ci'r;n peel , .35 ywe llgs. lb. . .15 AM'- dried .., , .20 , 50 Aprir.'.ts. lb. , .20 Prunes, 60-70 ih .10 Pmnrs. 30-40, lb! . .15 "unpj, 40-50. lb, .12ft Mrnt. ! No. 1, lb 38c and oa ting Chicken, ib. pollers . Ulced, first grade ":" Picnic, first grade ""wroin, lb a"m side, sliced, best grade e. loin .. k Khoulder "..1 Pk dry salt .35 .40 .45 .55 55 .30 .53 .40 .3) M 56. t DRESSMAKER MISS N. ROGERS. Phone Black 236. PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK, Palmistry and Crystal Reading. Waltae Block. Telephone Black 637. SALVAGE AP TOWING 'If it's on or under the water we do It." Pacific Salvage " Co. Ltd. ' . rury iviippea tor uitiiib Oeneral Salvage Work Agents lor KASTIIOfE ENGINES Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains In Gas Enrines Northern B.C. Dlstrloutors Coolidte Propellers Band and Gravel In any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Pbone, Day or Night 5CI rn nx iw Feed - Vegetables-Wheat, No. 3 Alberta 1.95!Tejcas New Potatoes, lb 15 No. 5 Alberta' 10 j Potatoes, netted Jems, 9 lbs.,. 55 Oats 155! sack 2 JO Bran 1.50 Shorts - Leo Middlings 2-10 Barley - 1.75 Local new laid, do 40 Laying Mash - 3.10 Oyster Shell 1 .9 J Beef Scrap 3.95 Oround oil cake 455 Fine bat chops 2.00 Crushed oats 2.00 Fine barley chop . US Nuts-Almondsshelled Valencia .50 California soft shelled walnuts J5 Walnuts, broken shelled 45 Walnuts, shelled halves i0 Peanuts - BRINGING UP FATHER i wnw i I v I V iii- AMVBOCrV "WHO ToWM MUST BE WAMTEO PER CRIMEA TUEV 1 Khomder .25 iurk(7 J5 Potk. loin , .40 C itll. t t iMlw rvltf Im Onl artiii n r4n cnntoi'KACTic ! 'itSSsJs. I I 11 1 II 111 1 I lV I Sunshine and Ked Kay Treatments ll Nervous,, Female and Children' Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) Pbone Green Z41 ti 7 Exchange Blk. tOpp. Orme's) FURRIER MRS. Q. FOWLER, 501 Sixth Av enue West. Phone Blue 153. tf TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone IT7 Dry Birch. Cedar and Jack Pine tf RED'S TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. tt BOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red 129; tf LODGE MEETINGS ELKS' meeting nights First and; Third Mondays. Metropole Hall. ! FLEET CAFE i BARBER Shop and Shower Bath will open In Nelson Trading Co building on waterfront April 1, under management of H. A. Nelson. a28 MIST.RW. ACT Ortlflfat id Iniprmrnirnt NOTICE ret-fpa rrtcUootl Uiocnl aira. -wt tn Um AUIn MiaiDf DlrWoa ot C4r Dktftct. Where Ioc-AmI: Abaat on mtJe Norttv-rljr rrau tbc Bftnatr MUM and lJolntc Uh Sfwul-tloa StMUkr and Iron Maak UlneraJ CI tiro. TAKE NOTICE that I John Dunham Fttt Mlnefa OrUHcat. No. 3S44S D. UitMU. ality day troat th dl hroi 10 to lh Mlato Rcor'".r " Crrurltau of Impraraneata. tot the Furpaae of sbtalntnc Crown Ortnt oS ihe Hxat CMim. AM further take nUce that action, under aeotton 8S, mut be comnencea before the toanee of auh Certtfioate of Mtprormento. Dated tMa !t dav of Mir AD. 1931. H. Mel. FRASER. . Apant C N. R. TRAINS From East Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. 3:30 pjn. For EastMondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. 11:30 a.m. ; Potatoes Ashcroft, 8 lbs 5b sack 2.50 Sweet Potatoes. 2 lbs. 55 ! Parsley, bunch .10 1 California Celery, head 55c and JO j Spinach. California, 2 lbs. 55 Oarllc, imported; per lb .40 Leeks, bunch . 07 ! Parsnips, 4 lbs. - 55 jCarroU, 5 lbs. - - 55 Beets, lb ... , .0j Cabbage, California 08 Onions. 4 lbs 55 California head lettuce, 2 hds. 55 Victoria hothoufte tomatoes lb. .45 Oreen Peas, lb. 50 Rhubarb, outdoor, 4 lbs 55 acy' THEV CORFCW TH TcrwMjMmm COMMTT5.D Si sj OTHER T Of TOWMS- V 1 I Mill BBS m IBtt V BBS IT A (0 m H Mi II I IB Phone 857 Room i.a 15 Besncr Blk. ll ' 1 V 11 II IVWnWWW jr I f I 1 Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payment! As low as $3.00 per month Cneaper to Buy than rent All makes of machines re paired. SIcRAE BROS. LTD. INTERIOR DECORATING, PAINTING AND SIGN WRITING Very moderate prices. Easy Terms JOERGEN P. MOLLER Painter and Decorator Phone Red 802. 7th Ave. W. BLASTING AND EarthWork NELS ROKKJAR $11 Fraser Street Phone Blue 823 Evenings FURNITURE USED CHESTERFIELD AND TWO CHAIRS FOR SALE CHEAP .MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE 1 Phone 775 , QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C. Our Prince Rupert Prices: No. 1 5x per M $3.75 No. 1 3x per M 353 N6V2 perM.' 2.75 ROBERTSON & SIMPSON Massett, B.C. Agent: Hyde Transfer, Phone 580 JJELLA, PINK ROSE. COPFBB CUFF. KEY. LAST CHANCE OF THE PINK ROSE GROUP Or MINERAL CLAIMS. Bituated In the Oooat ekeeaa Mining DlvUlon at head ot Klekaae laiet. : TAKE NOTICE w- W. It. Maaon. fr.' mlner'a certificate 4W. France. Nlooll.l free ratner'a certificate S531SD, Aleian-tier Uetcod. free miner, certificate 34- j R A. Honeymin free mlner'a cer-1 ?29D, incite S4TJ4D . InteM. aixtjr daya from I date hereof to apply to tne mining re. torder for orrtifirntes of unprorements tor the purpose of obtaining crown KTant for the above clatina. And further take notice that Mtlaii Under 8ect4on 88 of the Mineral Act muirt be oommencKl before we laauanct Dated this 17th day of April. 1931. Oet the Aa. reading nablL III pm. vww time do ) RiKlC THE . BEU. IM j ( THEV Of)Bol rm 1 RlM5 T r J AT MINE-BUT IT C 'TOKETHE ! T PEOPUE'OP So 81 This This Offer Offer Will Will he he Withdrawn Withdrawn May May 30 30 Special Offer 15 Months' Subscription For the Ordinary Yearly Price of -$5.00 in Prince Rupert -or- $3.00 Anywhere in Northern B.C. Outside of the city limits FREE! To the fortunate holder oC each Twenty-fifth receipt as advertised above, on subscription accounts and issued from our office we will present a cheque for J PRINCE This Offer Steamship Sailings For Vancourer Sunday ss. Pr. Charles 10 pin. Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 pin. Thursday ss. Pr. George 10 pin, Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 p.m. SS. Cardena, midnight April 1 ss. Princess Norah 5 pjn. $5.00 RUPERT DAILY NEWS LTD. Will be Withdrawn May 30 From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 a.m. Thursday ss. Pr. Oeorge 8 pjn. For Ocean Falls-Tuesday ss. Catala 1 :30 p.m. Thursday-ss. Pr. Oeorge O pin. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pn. From Ocean Falls-- , vWednes. ss. Pr. Oeorge 10 JO fin. Friday ss. Princess Marjr pm. Friday ss. Cardepa . pjn. Anril 12 ss. Princess Alice 5 nin.'For Queen Charlotte Islands-- April 22 ss. Princess Alice 5 pjn.j April ss. Prince John ....10 pin, From Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala 4 pin. Wednes. ss. Pr. Oeorge 10:30 a.m. Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pin. Cardena pin. April 8 ss. Princess Alice .. .a.m. April 18 ss. Princess Alice ...Am. April 29 ss. Princess Alice ...a.m. r ki ithwr imi Prt Elmnun " ' . m ouujr oo. k"- From Naas River Port Simpson- Tuesday ss. Catala ...11:30 ain. I For Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Catala 8 pin. ' Wednesday ss. Pr. Oeorge 4 pin. WELL-WMERC ARE AU.I I OH " The CiAMBLER M . THIS TOWN)? April 18 ss. Prince John .10 p.m From Queen Charlotte Islands-April 2 as. Prince John ain. April 16 ss. Prince John ....ain. April 30S3. Prince John ...am. For Alaska-April 8 ss. Princess Alice ... a.m. April 18 ss. Princess Alice ....ain. April 29 ss. Princess Alice ....ain. From Alaska April 1 ss. Princess Norah . pin. April 12 ss. Princess Alice ..p.m. April 22 ss. Princes Alice ..pin. From Skeena River Friday ss. Cardena pjn. ME Pi WEMTTOM For Vancouver-Sunday Tuesday Thursday . Friday April 1, 12. 22 From Vancouver- By George McManus I'LL, GO OUT A.N' CT ARRESTED' Mail Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday and Saturday jo JO aim. From the East-Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday . 3.3U p' m. : t . .. ?tf.m. .... 12ip - 9 p.'rh . 11 Diri. ... p,hV pjn n rh Sunday .... , , . 4 Wednesday . 10 J0 Friday April 8. 18, 29 ..- For Anyox and Stewart Wednesday 3 Sunday 7 From Anyox and Stewart Tuesdays iuo Thursdays 8 pin p.m njpi. pjft. a.m. pin. i