1 )' i' 41 ! Wl PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS m i ii -i i now go i Keep s s my figure? "I eat Shredded Wheal but instead of cream I use whole milk just as it comes from the bottle. That kind of meal gives mc pep and strength. It's delicious and nourishing, and easily digested. Sometimes for variety I add sliced bananas or other fruits, but I like it any way at all." , THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. HREDD I Ai LI ill ED AT WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT KX -CI IB 'W ISM k. V) 1 V SSk WEST PROCURABLE fa w URE SCOTCH WHISKY RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Dottlrd and iuarntm by Willi, m Rrnt It Son limltrd GW-nfiddich nd Balvente-filmlivrt IMnUllrrir, Duff-Iowa & GIfow, Srotlind. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or the Government of British Columbia. TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED JACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WE ARE OFFERING: DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Rate of 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $13.00 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 RECENTBOOKS AT LIBRARY Volumrj Suited to Students centlv Added to Shelves br Librarian The following books or studious nature have recently been added to ' the public library collection: Religion and Philosophy j Pacifism in The Modern World, ,by Devere Allen. New Challenges to Faith; by Sherwood Eddy. What Mrs. Eddy Said to Arthur Drlsbane, by Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy. Understanding, the Adolescera Girl, by Grace L. Elliott. Jelling Fortunes by Tea Leaves, by Cicely Kent. , Sociology New Book of Etiquette, by Lillian Elchler. Master Man Hunters, by Josep.i Gollomb.. Rights of Man, by 1 nomas Paine. Murder of Belly Butte ana other Tales of the Mounted Police, by T. M. Longstreth. Famous American Poison Mys teries, by E. H. Smith. 'Science and Useful Arts The Mysterious Universe, by Sii James Jeans. The China Collector, by II, W Lewer. Principles of Mechanical Refrljr eration, by H. J. Maclntire. Perennial Gardens, by II. S. Ort loff, Story qf Steel,' by J. B. Walker. ' Literature Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers by W. E. Aytoun. Ballads &. Lyrics, by Bliss Car man. Saddle Songs, by II. II. Knlbbs. Wet Wit and Dry Humour, by Stephen Leacock. Complete Limerick Book, Dy Lanford Reed. Successful Tea Sale Yesterday ByJL 0. B. A, A very successful tea and sale took place yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. S. V. Cox, Seventh Avenue West under the auspices of the L. O". B. A. Mrs. Rolls, worthy mistress, received the guests who attended in large numbers. Those In charge were: Convener, Mrs. Robert Murray assisted by Mrs. S. V. Cox. ServReurs. Miss Hilda Beal, Mis D. Smith and Mrs. Fowler. Home cooking, Mrs. Moorehouse and Mrs. II. Smith. Cashier. Mrs. Vlerlck. THE TRUTH Our growing list of satisfied cus tomers is proof enough that our prices and quality are the best. Come and convince yourself! Creamery Butter per lb. '. B St K. Pastry Flour 10's per sack I Lump Sugar 2's per pkg Malkln's Best Strawberry Jam, 4's, per tin Malkln's Best Tomatoes 3 tins Malkln's Best Spices 2 tins ....... Crosse St Blackwells Mixed Pickles, large Jar Hothouse Tomatoes per lb. Cahtelpupcs each . 3 for 24c 40c 20c 59c 40c 15c 45c 15c 14 c 40c Mussallem's Cash and Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 360 319 3rd Ave. l'hone 18 & 81 417-423 5th Ave. Ohe cow hAs four '4 fiTQMflCMS ' - . V SJs' Vs V. ft XX. J ), OOUR PLEASURE SMOKE BUCKINGHAM'AND SMILE I Send in ten cents in stamps and we will mall you a complete set of "Do You Know ' cards siity cards of knowledge and curious farts printed in color (size H' x 1') Or twenty cents will bring you the sixty cards accompanied by an album in which I he cards can be placed as a permanent collection. Address Dcpt.13, Tucket t Tobacco Co, Ltd, Hamilton. Buckingham Cigarettes a smooth' refreshing blend of choice tobaccos, sun treated by powerful ultra violet rays. There is no more mellowing influence than the sun. Buckingham, treated with giant sun lamps, are remarkably. cool and mellow an all-pleasure cigarette, never varying in quality, packed for freshness in the patented sealed package; SCHOOLS HERE ARE SUPERIOR roronto Woman Speaks Highly ofi Canadian Institutions ! TORONTO. July 17: After visit-' ng open air .schools In Greece. Italy, 3ermany, Belgium and England, Mrs. Frederick Minkler, newly elec-. . . . . - i i j i vi'u president, oi ine uume ana i school Club at victoria Park, de clared at the annual meeting of that organisation that Toronto's Forest schools surpassed them all. 'After seeing all the schools." she said, "I C,r say that nowhere hive I seen a school which for natural beauty and loveliness of location can compare with the Victoria Park School. We see the children come iown to the Victoria Park Forest Chqol at the .beguiling of May. below weight, under.par, and In a few veeks their, rosy cheeks, dancing eyes and added weight are abundant evidence of the benefits to be ierived from this type of educa- lon." Mrs. Minkler visited an out-of-ioors school in lta:y which she characterised as "Mussolini's pet ichool and one which he often vis-Its." The school is situated Just outside of Milan, and has accommodation for 1,200 children. It is equipped with a swimming pool, outdoor gymnasium and a model real-slw house where the girls are taught house-keeping and domestic sci ence. Were Married Last Tuesday Miss Norah Itivett Became Bride of George Arnold at Christ Churclt Cathedral. Vancouver Announcements have been received in the -city of the marriage of Miss Norah Rlvett to George II. Arnold on Tuesday last at Christ Church Cathedral, Vancouver. Ills understood that Mr. and Mrs. Arnold will make a tour of southern cities before returning to Prince Rupert early in August. They will then take up' residence In the house formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. George Tlte, Borden 8treet. Former Rupert Man Visitor In Very Fine Yacht The very fine yacht Croesus, which arrlyed yesterday afternoon, left this morning for Stewart for the celebration after which it will continue to Wrangcll on a cruise. The owner of the yacht is Harry Haskamp of Vancouver, proprietor of two hotels In Sskatoon, the manager of which with his daughters was aboard the yacht Mr. Haskamp was at one time in the real estate business In Prince Rupert and owned property in the city.. The woodwork for the new footpath up the hill beside the Metro-pole Hall to the Anglican Cathedral Is completed und the path i imy now be used although 1 Is ! mm! ..11.. rikh..rt TVia iiau nalh JlUb 1UUJT lili.-i - 'wn - Is built wholly on city property. ( French Spoken IMAKE PLANS C. P. R. Steamer, FOR MINE University of Montreal Party Was Met This Morning By Local People A number of local French-Canadians were at the Government Dock this momin" to grcot members of the University of Montreal touring party who arrived at 6 a.m. on the C. P. R. steamer Princess Charlotte on thetr way to Alaska for the round trip. The party numbered 03 but on the dock and on board the . hip the French language seemed to predominate. The ship brought 206 passengers in all but only D. C. McKechnle and W. C. Slgrrson left her here. Most of those aboard were bound for the round trip to Skagway. District News REMO Felix Batt or Prince Rupert is the Mis es Margaret and Sophia McLaren and Bertha Moore of Terrace are holidaying in Remo. Dewey Atkinson. Remo's ferryman, made a business trip to Prince Rupert on Monday, returning on Tuesday. Over '30 cars rnade the trip over the Terrace to Remo road Saturday evening and reported the road in fair condition. No matter how severe, you can always have immediate; relief: Aspirin always stop pain quickly. It dora it without arty ill effects. Harmless to the heart; harmless to anybody. But it always brings relief. Why suffer? ASPIRIN TAA0C MARK RIQ. Made in Canada Week-End Specials Swift's Pure Lard 3-lb. tin Swift's Pure Lard 3-lb. tin Malkln's Best Coffee l's 2 tins Malkln's Best Tea l's 2 pkgs. 50c 80c 95c 95c Malkln's Best Sliced Peaches 1Cf, 2's. 2 tins MOU Sunnybrook Creamery But- QA ter, 31b. brick Out- Eggs Large sise, fresh extras, in carton, 3 dot 80c Apricots For preserving Q4 ?n 18-lb. box t)J..aU Plums Red or blue 6-lb. basket King Oscar Sardines per tin Kalen Brand Crab Meat ft's, per tin Helm Sandwich Spread per 17-oi. Jar Empress Red Plum Jam per 4-lb. tin 70c 15c 25c 45c 45c Alberta 8weet Clover Honey QCTo 5-Ib. tin OOK Red Arrow Soda Biscuits per pkg Fels Naptha Soap per pkg 20c 75c Alberta Market I. GAMULA. Hflh Strort oprletor Phone 208 jeol'-ji-.ts Making Kxperi examination of Uig Missouri and Big Development Expected a !3 STEWART, July 17 -An expert 'amiriation of the Big Missouri mine Is being made by geologists mil mineralogists with a view to leading what action to take now 'hat the small mill recently erected has proven a success and has shown that the ore has good milling value It is stated unofficially that as , soon as tlr present examination is completed it Is possible that a bis development scheme will be commenced prior to the erection of a large mill. Just now th face of the ore Is being wa-.hed down and Dr. Hanson, assisted by two Dominion Government geologists and two geologists from the Consolidated, are checking up on the formation with a view o initiating a policy of development. The new mill, when erected, will undoubtedly be built at some dis tance from the mine in order to se cure a proper supply of water. The local airplane Is leaving tonight with one passenger to take guest of Mr. ana Mrs. A. Y. Wilson, part m thc celebration at Stewart and made the trip to Kltsumfcalum Lake with Mr. Wilson at the week end. and Hyder tomorrow. Sunday and Monday. I 3 H 'P. m m Friday July n t;.:,i.. . aumiy unci ?sa hir,!,. "V" SHOWS -7 ,;; i Worry limited, Gloom In p,, WIIEELRR and WOOLSEIi "Hook, Line an Sink 11'! 1 1. t , i - er ,iiu wuioiuy i,ce, Kalfcll,.! old, Jobyna llowland, N,uJ moorhead Turning a Droadwar notch.! a nut-house, running wii-j I riot or sum banc fim lsJ whirlwind whom Comedy "llir.ti CUM Carloon "THE MALE Sll I'AKAMOINT NEWS ADMISSION ! i el Feature Starts at? 15 1 1 SATURDAY MATINEE at .i 15c Si 40c Feature Start J l MONDAY and Tl'ESDAI "DISIIONOItED- THESE CASH PRICES WILL SAVE YOU MONEY RIPE OLIVES Pint tin MALKIN'S BEST TEA Per lb: STRAWBERRY JAM-Aylmer. New Seasons Per 4-lb. tin SUNLIGHT SOAP Per carton GRAHAM WAFERS Fresh Per lb Q. St 8. COFFEE An excellent blend that will give satisfaction. Per lb. AUSTRALIAN SLICED PEACHES Large tins .t .' MALKIN'S BEST PEAS No. 3 Sieve, Very Tender Per tin CHOCOLATE COATED DATES A Delicious Candy Per lb.' MIL 1 Pkg. Gold Dust 1 Tin Oold Dust Scouring Powd' Both for Q&S GROCERY Phones: 227 & 228 19c 43c 55c 19c 20c 15c; 35c 30c i Telephone Your Order and Pay thc Driver "WE GUARANTEE EVERYTUnu WE SELL" COO Seventh Ave Dst CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD UI'KKATINU (J, T. I. 20.000.TON FLOATING DIlYIHK'K hnglneen. Machinists. Hollermakern, Hlackmlths, I'attero Makers, Founders, Woodworker. Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 . NATURAL PURE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our own cows. Four successive years Government Grade A certificate Health and Sanlta-tlon. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. riUNCK RUPERT DAIRY " 893 Phone 287' S.E..ParkerLli Ford Dealers Cars - Trucks Tiari Tlro ArrAMfirieS 0& Oil Flat Rate Repair' - Wrecking Service Third Avenue rhon,