than THREB FREE! ow a FREE! One Tin of After-Shaving Talc With Every Purchase of One Tube of Klenzo Shaving Cream 50 cents OrmesLtd. Ptonccr Drt-igtisLs Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PIIARMICISTS UNION STKAMSIIII'S LIMITED Mrmin-fii Iruir I'rlnif Kujirrt f or Vmituum: TflA.tAT.UA fVKKV TITMUV, I.SV I'M. Arriving Vancouver, vu Omi. rll. Thursday Noon awjroi Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight appro Wcfkl) Uingi to Port BUnpnon. All- Arm. Anrox. Stewart and Niu niver polsU. Sunday. 8:00 p.m Flu 'iici information regarding all wlliiuja and ticket at fHIM'i; III TKKT AUKM'Y: Km ond Avriiur. I'lionr Sfi N XEAR GUARANTEE on the General Electric Refrigerator .,.1. UT of an unrivalled record of expense-free performance conies an unqualified 3-Year Guarantee on the General Electric Refrigerator. Canadian General Electric also makes it easier for you to own this most modern of refrigerators. Now a dotcn pay ment as low as ten dollars delivers a General Electric to jour home . . . and you can take over two years to pay the balance! In hundreds of thousands of homes the Ceneral Electric Itefrigrrator has performed faultlessly economically uilhout care, attention or service expense on the part of any user. The secret of this remarkable record is found in the Monitor Top Mliich contains all the mechanism pernian ently oiled and hermetically sealed against air, dirt and moisture. Tliis Monitor Top makes possible the 3-Year Guarantee on flie Ceneral Electric Refrigerator a warranty which guards you against any upkeep expense for three full years. Inspect the General Electric Refrigerator and know the facts about its -i zones of temperature . . . the All-Steel cabinet . the quiet, economical operation. And remember for a small down payment you ran have any model delivered to your home at once. , Local Items Dlnncrware, china, crockery, glassware, Heilbroner's- Store. j Ruth M. Brown of Willow. River I was among those who participated in a girls' sewing contest conducted ! recently by the Canadian Child, an Ontario publication. j Rev. Henry Flores, now stationed J at Kltwaiga in missionary work of the Anglican Church, arrived in the city from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train for a brief visit in town. Mrs. M. A. Burbank and two George this morning. C. N. R. steamer Prince George, w5(Brr.v.v.w.Ta(S'rt, THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, AprH 8, 1931 HEADACHES Needless pains like headaches are quickly relieved by Aspirin tablets as millions of people know. And no matter how suddenly a .headache may come upon. jA-pu, you Can always be prepared. Carry the1 pocket tin of Aspirin 'tablets with you. Ktep the larger size at home. Read the proven directions for pain, headaches, neuralgia, etc sons, Allan and Hugh, who havt " been an a brief trip to Varicon-i Provincial Constable P. B. Smith iver and Victoria, returned to the returned to the city on the Prince city from the south on the Princt i Oeorge this morning from a brief trip to Vancouver on escort duty. C. P. R. steamer rrlncess Alice, Capt. A. 3. Gilbert, arrived in port Capt. Thomas Cliff, arrived in port at 10:30 this morning from Van- at 9:30 this morning from Vancou-couver, Powell River ,and Ocean ver and sailed about an hour later Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this for Skagway and other Alaska afternoon for Anyox and Stewart points. The veaMfctyd quite a large whence she will return here south- passenger list Including many Alas-bound tomorrow evening. The ves- ka and Yukon people returning ael brought north a good sized list north after spending the winter in of passengers. ithe south. r iiiiiipii ,f Classes fitted b registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. United Church Easter Sale will be held in the Church Parlors tomorrow, April 9 from. 3 to 6. Come along. 82' Rev. E. A. McCarthy. Anglican" Church rector at Terrace, is paying f a biW Visit td'e:c'ity, having ar- j rived from ihe interior on yesterday j Mr., and Mrs. George Ross, who were. Recently married in Bulgaria, arjjyed, in the city on the Princess AJicje Jhls morning and. will take up residence. They are, receiving the congratulations and best wishes of many friends of the groom, who is the proprietor of a well known taxi firm here. A. A. Conrons Easter concert had its second stand last night in the Moose Hall and was again enjoyed by all present. The program was the same as on the first night except for the addition to the program of Ipie Presbyterian Church male quar tet consisting of John E. Davey, J. A. Teng, 8. J. Hunter and Alex Clap-perton. After the program, those who took part in the entertainment were entertained with a party at the Commodore Cafe. nnmrtmm. m i awvA sr.. ijvi i w 11 1 11 kss jbsk m S&aaws.'.wavuJi GENERAL v S10 DOWN Now yon tan own Ceneral Elrttrle Rffrigrralor for only ten dollar down, and over two years to pr the balance. You will find that the imall monthly payments ran bo practically covered by your savings in food bills. ! iii i. , 1 i.tii i; i iwi:- ELECTRIC w REFRIGERATOR For Sa Av'U- : Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited I'KINCE KUPEUT, K.. l I ' .-i l l!. AM-) t ; CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC "CO. limited Eagles whist drive and dance tonight, 8:30. Snappy music, good cats and prizes. Admission, 50c. (82) L. H. Hlnton B.CXJS. sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for a business trip to Vancouver. Anglican Cathedral Eister Sale. Thursday, April 9, 3 to 6. Fancy work, aprons, home-cooking, candv md plants. 81 Hill GO I.OX). Children's party Thursday, April 9, I.ODJI. Hall. from 7:30 to 12. Admission 25c. Refreshments. 32 Arthur 3kelrfcfne, 'jlrid engineer for the Mining Corporation of Ca nada, sailed from, here on the ss. rineess Alice this morning for Ketchikan. H. F. Keraln, MIA. a passenger aboard tor Atlin, is the Prince Icorge today bound for his home in Alice Arm after attending the re cent session of the Legislature in Sictoria. U. N. Brocklesby, acting director at the Prince Rupert Fisheries Ex- lermintal Station, sailed yesterday tfternoon on the Catala for Vancouver to attend Biological Board xecutive meetings. Oscar Wingham was fined $10 by Magistrate McClymont in city police mtrt this morning on a charge of Irfaring to the common danger and vas assessed another $5 for driving rithout a licence. 1 3. H. Rogers, agent for the Vu- con & White Pass Route at Sxxg-i way and in the early days agent; here for the Union Steamship Co. j and the Pacific Steamship Co.. j and Mrs. Rogers were passengers aboard the Princess Alice this! morning going north, for the sum-1 mer after having spent the winter! n Seattle. 1 At a special meeting of the city xMincll last night, the Mayor took counsel with the aldermen as to natters that he should take up with ?renuer Bennett on his arrival In HUwm. He announced that he had Uready been jpplied with a quan-lty of data by the Chamber of Commerce and others, all of which oukl be carefully studied on the ray east. ! Catted away on account of the orioas illness of Mrs. MitcheU's 6-year aid father. Ocorgc Cowie. nsbe to well known here, having visited the city some years ago. i and Mrs. John R. Mitchell and ; on, Oeorgc C. Mitchell, left on oday's train for Nemtecan, Al- bnta. Word of Mr. Cowle grave ittesa was received yesterday llSTLIt SI'ECIAL I'KltftlANKNT WAVE $5.00 Mi Lady Beauty Shoppe Phone 655 EAT ANNOUNCEMENTS . Moose Whist Drive Friday, April 17. its Catholic women's League Spring b'ale April 8. United April 9 Church Kaster Dazaai. - Anglican Cathedral Easter April 9. Sals Crib and Whist League Banquet Commodore Cafe April 10. and Dance. Presbyterian Easter Sale April 10 Gyro Hoedown May 1. The case of Chin Yiag or King Tal, charged under the Weekly Half Holiday Act, is being heard by Magistrate McClymont in city police court this afternoon. The representative of the Omen win De at Bulger s Limited Thursday and Friday with a full line of samples and cordially invites you to come in and see the very lateet styles in watches. 83 told Mtribtt uiih while rinfi ... is a smiling saltwater diplomat, who sees that sll your iff in run smoothly while on bosrdi Your entertainment, your comfort, your general well-beins are his charge. He is an expert in dcesn travel and his fund of knowledge is always at -your service. Satllnii wttkty from Montrtal Cabin faWi from .... 1130 Tourtit Third Cabin . . . St 05 Tkird CUu Round Trip $155 Special Statonal Third Clan Round Trip Eicurtion Rale $1J9. Information from 622 Halting! Straal W. (Fhona Saymewr J64SI Voicouf or any steamship agrnf The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BUCireoD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I'KINCE RUPERT, R.C.