\\ November 26, 1019 ee —_ Commencing Monday December 1, 1919 We will sell a” CASH ONLY Prices Cut to Pieces eee ee It will be necessary to PAY CASH in store : . or pay driver on delivery or make a deposit to cover pur- chase. — — pried Prunes, 25e value..+...... 3 Ibs. for 60 Malkin’s Best Coffee 1-1b. Hny65e value fo; 600 or 2 for 4. 16 Malkin's Best Tea, 1-Ib, pke. 7¢c value i 650 or 2 for 1.25 Malkin’s Best Baking Powder, 30¢ value 2 tins for 45c¢ Malkin’s Best Custard Powder, 25¢ value, for. 20c Malkin’s Best Lemonade Powder, 25¢ value fo, 12! Quake Brand Standafd Peas, 25c¢ value, 3 tins for 50c Quaker Brand Toma, 2%8, 25¢ value. .3 tins for 65c Pacific Milk, tall ting, ®pecial. .9 tins for $1.00 Pacific Milk, baby size, Speeial few days only. per tin, 6¢ Eagle Brand Milk, 26c’value..... Ee? ee 2 tins for 45c s Corn Flakes, 15¢ value, Special few days only 10¢ r Flour, 49-lb. sks, $3.25 value for $2.90 pr. Price’s Baking Powder, per tin..... es 45c Kellog YU int Oe ES eee eee 70c two in One Shoe Black....... .2 tins for 25c Crisco SPOOTMs, GR COMO, POPID.. ic ccc cece 40c Nessicated COCGMMIUS,! POF IDG... . ce cece ccc ccccccce 40c Bulk Rolled OGG 0b cect ee cece ees wees 4 Ibs. for 25c¢ Roman Meal .. OOS MORO eee eres eeeeeude 3 pkgs. for $1.00 Kidney Beanaj SpeCi@t.....5.....s0s0'.. .3 Ibs. for 25c \y Bute, Wey Ps fo eee ec ihicvcccs, 30c oer | eS See 2 for 25c Cad Dutetiy De Were Oe & 6 OREO) 6 6 08 o Rha He kc cécccdeccus 10c Our Own Brand Butter—None Better—2 Pounds for $1.35 Selected Fresh Eggs, per doz........................ 85c S.C, New Geli tees MIs oon kc hivcccncacvcecs $1.10 SILVERWARE Seems Supreme LL over Canada more people have ‘bought Silverware the past year than ever before. Why this great demand? Do people want it because silver is harder to get or because they did not buy during the war. Anyhow we have a wonderfully complete stock of silverware ready for your inspection this Christmas time. Tea Sets, $20.00 up. Cake baskets, $4.50 up. Fancy Flower Baskets and all the little cute things which make the table look nice. We have the complete line of all staple and odd faney pieces in Community, Adam and Sheraton patterns, at Vancouver and Seattle prices. Compare with any catalogue. JOHN BULGER Jeweler The Gift Store TURKISH BATHS AND SANITARIUM NOW OPEN Everything modern and up to date Give us a trial LIM’ We guarantee expert service 722 Fulton Street, formerly Klondike Hotel OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Phone 309 FIRE INSURANCE POTARY PUBLIC 4 Room House and Lot 7th Avenue $1600--- Cash or Terms “EF DAVID H. HAYS General Real Estate Agent P ‘are HONE 57 Cor. 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. P.O. BOX 1535 Georgetown Lumber Co. PHONES 130 ot 423. P. 0. BOX 1632 Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. ©. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR CEDAR Consult Us. THE DAILY NEWS | : i Aa EE Basar es on AMATEUR ATHLETIC | CLUB IS GAZETTED, Current Issue of Official Govern- ment Publication Gives Notico of Incorporation. Ché current number of the British Columbia Gazette gives notice of the ineorporation of the Prince Rupert Amateur “Ath- letic Asssociation as follows: We, the undersigned, Michael P. MeCatfery, merehant; Howard 8. Wallace, merchant; G. Perdy ‘Tinker, agent; @nd) Willfam 0. Fulton, solicitor, all of the City of Prinee Rupert, inthe Province of British Columbia, being desin- ous of incorporating the above- nevolent Societies Act,” chapter 19, R.S.B.C., 1944, and amending Acts, declare as follows: } i The corporate name of fhe Society shall be the ‘’Prinee Ru- pert Amateur, Athletic Asssocia- tion. 2 The purposes for which the Society is formed are a.) The promotion and en- couragement of amateur athlet- ics of all kinds, including the or- ganization of a Symnasium: b. For purposes of social intercourse, mutual helpfulness, mental and moral improvement, and rational recreation: c. To raise funds for all purposes of the Society by fees from members, by obtaining pub- lic and private grants, and by var- ious forms of amusernent, enter- tainments, and instruction, and otherwise, as the Society may de- termine: d. To do all such other law- ful acts and things relative or in- cidental to the saM objects as may be found necesssary om ex- pedient. 3. The names of those who are to be the first directors of the Society are: Stewart P. MeMor- die, police magistrate, Michael P. MeCaffery, merchant; Henry McCall, railway superintendent; G. Perey Tinker, agent; Howard 8S. Wallace, merchant; Clifford G. Olementson, clerk; and Wil- liam O. Fulton, solicitor, all ne. siding at the said City of Prince Rupert. CHARGE THAT 0.B.U. BEING FINANCED BY THE INTERNATIONALS lo discover to just what extent funds of the legitimate § inter- national labor organizations are seeping through to the coffers of the One Big Union for the ag vancement of their propaganda which is opposed to that of the international unions, is to be the object of an investigation by the exeeutive of the Victoria Trades and Labor Council. A. 8. Wells, of Vancouver, of the B. C. section of the Defence Committee for the Winnipeg strike leaders now on trial, sent a letter tothe Vietoria Council explaining the plan of raising a “Liberty Bond” issue of $75,000 for the Winnipeg defence. Under this scheme, Eastern Canada is expected to contribute $50,000 and the four Western Provinces 25,000. But of this $25,000, British Columbia is set down for $20,000. 4 Christian Sivertz, secretary, wanted to know why British Co- lumbia should be allotted $20,000: out of the $25,000 for the whole of the Western Provinces. irginia THE POPULAR SMOKE OF TODAY CAT Cigarettes MEDIOM 5 cents eee EEK RE ERSEE ED * IN THE LETTER BOX * RE HERR ER ERED WHY UNDESIRABLE ro the Editor,— I notice that one of the argu- ments in favor of the change in school site is that the Acropolis overlooks an “undesirable local- ity.’ Apart from all questions of the erection of a sehool, why should it be necessary for any part of our city to overlook an “undesirable locality.’ Two efii- cient morality officers could make things so unhappy, not only for the harpies themselves but also for theim visitors, that such a locality could be reformed in a month. . T. H. NUTTALL. NOTICE OF GANCELLATION OF RESERVE. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that the windbreak Reserve covering the belt of Opposes Propaganda. i. 8. Woodward, president, said he was in favor of supplying money for the defence of the Win- | nipew men and for the support of |i their families while the bread- winners were held-‘in jail. But he wanted to know whether it was proper when these men wre al- lowed out on bail and were travel- ling through the country propa- gandizing fon the One Big Union that they should carry on this work on funds supplied by inter- national organizations. “As a matter of fact I believe this O. B. U. propaganda is thus being actually financed by the international unions,” said Mr. Woodward. “This and similar information the Victoria Couneil is entitled to receive before fur- ther subseriptions are asked for. The matter will be investigated, \lex. Munro, chief engineer of the Prince Rupert, returned here last night on the train after hay- ing spent three months visiting in Scotland. Mrs, Munro 1s still in the Old Country. * . 7 Mrs. Phil MeDonald left on the Princess Mary yesterday after- lnoon for a few months’ visit in her home state, ilowa land ten chains in width and situate along }the north shore of Graham Island, notice lof which appeared in the “British Columbia Gazette’ of the 28th January, 1909, \s cancelled in so far as it relates to that portion lying between Indian Reserve No. 1 end Indian Reserve No. G. R. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands Department of Lands, Victoria, B, C., November | i7un, 1919, VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT-—DISTHICT OF COAST, RANGE Ill, TAKE notice that Emma ©. Smaby, of Ocean Falls, B. C., occupation married wo- man, intends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands:-— Commencing at a post planted on the north end of a small tsland on the west side of Choked Passage, west of Hunter Island, thence south 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to point of commencement and containing 160 acres, more or less, EMMA ©, SMABY, By Mark Smaby, Agent. tate September «ih. 191%. MINERAL ACT. CERTIFIGATE OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE. “Mohawk,"' “Mohawk No. 1," “Mohawk No. 2” Mineral Claims, situate in the Naas iver Mining Division of Cassiar District, Where located: -— Between Lime ane Roundy Greeks on south shore of Alice Arm. TAKE NOTICE that so", KR, Naden, Free Miner's Corvinee aes c. in- tend, sixty A rf, to apply to the Mining yy OA te r = "Cortia cate of Improvements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of each of the above claims. And further take notice that action, un- der section 85, must be ced before the tssuance of such Certifeate of Im- prove Dated’ this 23rd dey of August, A. D 1019, LAND REGISTRY ACT i (Sections 36 and 134.) Re Application No. 10493-I, File 6072, TAKE NOTICE that application has been | made w regisier John tH, MeMuillin, offic ial | administrator of the estate of 8. E. Steb- bins, deceased, intesthte, as owner in fee under two Tax Sale Deeds from the Col- lector of the City of Prince Rupert, bear: ing date the 28th day of November, 1917, of ALIZT AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Prince Rupert, more particularly known and described as Lot ten (10), Block sixteen (16), Section eight (8), Map 023, and Lot thirty-one ($i), Block thirty-four (34), Section eight (8), Map 923. You are required ta contest the claim of the tax purchaset within 35 days from the date of the attain James F. Marten SIGNWRITING PAINTING q DECORATING Phones 544 and Black 507 ° P.O. Box 514 Workshop: 329 Second Avenue service of this motiee (which may be ef- fected by publication in a daily newspaper and your attention is called to section 4 of the “Land Registry Act’ with aimend- ments, and to the following extract there- from :—— “and in default of a caveat or certin cate of lis pendens being flied before the registration as owner of the per- son entitied under such tax sale, al) persons ‘so served with notice, . and those claiming through or under the m, and all persons claim- ing any interest in the land by virtue of any unregistered tmstrument, and all persons claiming any interest in the land by descent whose ttle is | not registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever estopped and debarred from setiing up any claim to or in respect of the land sv sold for taxes, and the Registrar shall goons the person entitied un- der such tax. sale as owner of th Hi Mrs. A. W. Clarke R. A. M. Lon, Eng. Formerly teacher at the Presbyterian Ladies College, Melbourne, Australia. PIANO, ORGAN, ETC. Has opened a Music Studio, No. 333 2nd Avenue. Address Norfolk House Phone Biack 329. land so sold for taxes.” made for @ Certificate of Indefeasibie Tithe to the above-mentioned lands, in the name! of the said Official Administrator. ' AND WHEREAS on investigating the title it appears that prior to the 13th day of October, 1916 (the date ou which the said lands were sold for overdue taxes), you were the registered and assessed own- | er thereof { FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the! same time I shall effect registration in) pursuance of such application and tissue a! Certifeate of Indefeasible Tithe to the said! lands in the name of the said Official Ad ministrator unless you take and prosecute, the poqper proceedings to establish your P| claim, if any, to the said lands, of to pre- | vent such proposed action on my part } DATED at the Land Registry Office, | this 2ist day of No- |} Prince Rupert, B. C., vember, A.D. 1918. AND WHEREAS application has bh en; oe + Joe Brown’s Motor Transfer and Passenger Service StandjEmpress Hotel Phones 176, Black 334. SEND FOR JOE H. PF. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles. - To Garfield 8. Sileox, as to Loft 10; Archibald MeKechnie,eas to Lot 31 NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an application for the issue of a fresh certifeate of title to part of Lot Eight hundred and forty-eight (848), Group One (1), Cassiar District, satisfactory roof of toss of certificate having beén Mled, notice ts hereby given that it ia my Jntention, at the expiragion of one month*from the frst publication hereof, to issye & fresh certificate of title in the name of Thomas Richard Tomlinson, which Certificate of Title is dated 8th February, 1913, and is No, 3067-1. Dated at the Land be Set OMfice, Prince Rupert, B.C., this day of October, W. E. BURRITT, TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail General Contractors and Labor Exchange. Prince Rupert, B.C, Phone 547 — P.O. Box 725 Acting District Registrar Qu REN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIS- TRICT—RECORDING DISTRICT OF SKEENA. TAKE NOTICE that I, Peter Piombo, of Prinee Repert, B. prospector, intend to apply for @ lHeence to wonpees for coal, oll and petroleum over liowing de- serthed lands on the West Coast of Gra- bam Island:—- Commencing at & post planted at three miles north of the north east corner of Lot 2437, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chain’ south. thenee 80 chains east to point of com- meneement. PETER PIOMBO, a oe Located July 27, 1019 Dated tember 25th, 1019. ‘ Phones BLACK 367 .. GREEN 394 Save Money in Lamps.