TAXI Day and Night The only reliable service in town j n Call 66 LONDON. Feb. 27: The eovernment's hiirhlv imnort-: ti un oi tne.Liioerais in joining witn me umservatives in r Mmittee yesterday to delete the phrasing of what confutes a legal strike appears to threaten tne government , : ' 'f. An amendment, carried yesterday in committee by fra vote of 37 to 31. cute at the very . . . heart oi the bill. uvuiu nOmh imuniiiu IhrnWnin ! Premler Ramsay MacDonald is understood to be entirely agreeable Qoofilo RoL-orv 10 drPP'n to bU1 wnlch he h UCdlllC JJarvCI J never peraonally favored. Labor's kit wing has Been aroua- Two Men Sustained Minor Hurt in Wast Last Nljht plant VANCOUVER WHEAT "t party last night and Sir Oswald Moseley is expected to announce shortly the formation of a now party pledged to draettc proposals MCOUVER, Feb. 27 Wheat for the relief of unemployment and (luoted on the local Exchange other problems. Oliver Baldwin la at 59 3-8c. expected to Join Moseley. Government Finances Are Given Airing; Liberal Members Claim Reserve Funds Used Improperly virmiMA Voh 97- Fpplinir engendered in the nub- V A s - rzt accounts committee yesterday llareu mio a neaiei ne-' i ( in the Legislature. H. D. Twigg, chairman of the ' 'iMinittee, declared that the suggestion that $1,000,000 bv the government was not only rv wrong but very improper and quite untrue. He eaid j the !i t ComDtroller General J. A " Cor ' u had shown the exact state of ; RiUh on han(i. u was true, said Mr. I glum) 'ury and there waa nothing to M i mi l any suggestion that $1,000.-Pf" "i liquor board funds has dls- 1 1 " .) t d, - i I) Pattullo, leader of the Op-r mn said that, by taking fi- uiven by Mr. Craig, it would ' i n that Uiere should be ap-inmtely 18.000.000 in the trea- eral had stated that $1,000,090 of liquor board funds was now represented by assets. At the meeting of the public accounts committee yesterday, Liberal members of the committee claimed that a $1,000,000 cash re nirrc hki,,crs will Have unarge oi . hv -ovnment halibut. Fund For Co-operative Handling of Fish imu ubwi r I mnntlnilPd OH IV kP IW DEATH OF Did Fortland TKANSI'OKT EXPERT Much Toward American-Ca nadian Friendship PORTLAND. Ore. eb .2, uel H!H of Seattle vevcrun wil ed br the Liberal attitude and ! builder, lawyer. linancier. railway plainly warns the Liberals that tfioperatoi and intimate o. 1 i.aiy they want war. they shall have it. i passed away in St Vinccn; - Ho.- , Left winters, who have been drift- 1 pital here last night after an j,-. .r fu, ta aZT iwL iLt. tag further and further from the eighteen week Illness with ntes (..olden Rule Bakery t -7.,. here last V... rmknrtt. h-a w. .;.,' , .,, : ,md two men were sllfjhtly in-:-'! when vandals threw a bomb v, : a chimney of the establish i ' The infernal machine h d in a bake oven and the h lie back was blown out of the HIVUVISiW MHnMIMi HIIW WV Mr n t,UIC 111 ti JvTI AfSSl il tUHJUt U)A-AaMUl developsnent to be strengthening their claims that the Socialist party Is not socialistic soough. Oliver Baldwin, son of nt. lion. Stanley BaMwla, Conservative leader. jvtthaw-frm 'the - Lafeorf war periormed last week but it failed to save Mr. Hill s life James N. HU1 of New York, de-; ceased 's son, was at the bedside as bis father passed away. , Am8n whose every underMMns ' was a hobby and whose every hob by was an enterprise. In 1916 wfeen transportation Russian war munitions across Si beria was hopelessly congested. Hill was called upon by the allied powers to untangle the traffic imbroglio at Valdivottok and restore or der in railroad movements across Siberia and Russia to the northern front. With years of transportation experience, Hill, In a single summer, reopened the port for the receipt of supplies and reestab SAM HILL ltii iraues uispuie uiu appears 10 oe cioomeu ana the ac-. veteran uoadbuiidfr and Finan- f . 1 T M 1 1 M il n cier of United States Passes Away Last Night in A.B. and received the same degree from Harvard the next year, and later he was made LL.D. by for a period pending distribution perm College, Iowa. Admitted to -,iH he Bovernment nao imu " ' i. " ... . ' . knrmu, to nav the munlclpaUttes ''ir Canadian Halibut vessel ,h.n the Droflt giuires became due. I paul and Northern Pacific RaUway Mi'-rs' Association, at a meeting . . . ...... , nr.ri., and fhr the' Minneapolis Minnnnfti nnd and sf St.' Tt Louis ntuht in the City Hall, appoln-1 The Uberai WJTZfr Craig was lea f l- AnHrnw f?hritinnsfin. troller General , : :r::.wr : n paniio and a. m. Manm. w . ia 1 mum unuerauiu raani ana unu upv. on, - --- -via Ritchie as trustees for the Craig, In reply wu-" In 'Hiatlon In connection with the, Hit , that v... Liquor ' uoaru Railway, serving in that eapacttyt'" from 1880 to 1888. In Uie latter year he married Mary Hill, daugh- , ter of James Jerome 1IUL "the Em- j ..11 J ...V, . t . fi,H ... ...u u. , a fi. 'Hip hnnds Of the treasurer - pire oiuiuei, uw uc nc wuitii IM w ue iuiiuvu iu v..- - ,u. -, , . , .. th co.nnoriivr murketlnc of reserve fund 01 Ji.UUO.U"" V' , had been. The ir-vT ,,.y.M .'i, I Lleutmunt - Governor who is leaving soon for trip to Europe NEW WOOD l'UODUCTS By a purification of wood cellulose, it is now possible to produce rommercially. a series of wood proaucis aisiuiuuy uuin uwn counle had two (ConUnued on page six.) jortnary wood pulps. NORTIIERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUM BIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C ., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1931 SSTiS 351 Hansen, ,.re.ident of the Hant Vessel Owns ocm- the batUe front. His services as unofficial counsellor in road building and in supplying relief to the allied powers during the World War and in subsequent rehabilitation brought to him decorations of four nations. lie was decorated as an Officer of Legion oi Honor (France). Commander of the Crown (Bel- Member of the Queen's ust funds In the hands of the i pattullo. that the comptroller-gen-! Body Guard (Rumania) and Or- ! nf , k. C a n TpMaiiM I To. pan i, and was likewise given a medal ot thanks by France and Rumania. Hill's efforts toward international friendship resulted In hi being named honorary consul-: serve set up to provide against ! general of Belgium for Idaho. Or-ih i.tauor Board had been egon and Washington In 1916. in special accounts including nt by government and that ' An ardent advocate of exten-t.tquor Control Board reservc,'the resme standing in accounts sivr ijood roads. Hill became presi i iiuiuatton funds and other i representecl investments in the Li- dent oi four highway associations il accounts which were not uor Board.g business assets. Ion the Pacific Coast Extending lit re and. as against that, ap-, . 1L , . - the pnmmit.. , his artivitles In this line to other imutcly $474,000 was shown asi TRUSTEES j APPOINTED tee also claimed that more than sections of the country, partlru-$5000.000, representing superan- larly the south, he became vice-niiation funds, money deposits and president of the American Road Liquor Board reserves, were spent Builders' Association in 1926. by the gcvernment with cash de-1 Mr Hill was born at Deep River posits showing only $1.86,000 at j Randolph County. North Carolina March 31 last year to offset these May 13. 1857. He graduated from expenditures. ' Haverford College In 1878. with an It was also claimed that the mu- fti . ... sin 1 finalities share of liquor proms Premies Ru.usy MacDonuid who faces overthrow as result of detecf .-i among hi;: fullawers. Halibut Bringing No More Than Five Cents on Chicago Market; American Boats Are Tying up KETCHIKAN, Feb. 27 Eleven boats have arrived here in the past three days and sold more than 38,000 pounds of halibut at 12c to 15c per pound. Capt Ingvald tlon, leii ior me nauoui uaims $ve.viuy. nc sum. c fieure it is beet to allow the most of our boats to remain in 'I:."" rather than catch and sell fish HON. K. K. BRUCE at a loss. Mot of the sea food sold now Is for local consumption and does not affect the eastern market. The association has received word rom Chicago that a large distri butor of fish predicted that halibut on the eastern market would sell for not more than 5c a pound at the present time." Shareholders of Puget Sound Loan Waive Receivership SEATTLE, Feb. 21: The shareholders' committee of the defunct Puget Sound Savings & Loan Co. yesterday waived a receivership in sonal charge of proceeding. Adotih Linden, former head the company, charged with em- besalement. Is about to arrive here ; from New York under police guard. J TriA WpufllPr ! JL SAW curbed to the very minimum. Mayor C. H. Orme presided oyer the meeting. Among a number of matters dis cussed was that of the school board secretary's salary which lajtl year was raised from, $50 to $75 per month and this year from $75 to $80. Aid. Collart considered that, under existing conditions of stringency, the secretary's salary should not have been raised, particularly as most of the work was done in the City Hall anyway. Mrs. Spencer, chairman of the school board, referred to the mul- to use his car a great deal In connection with work for the schools. She did not think that the secre tary was overpaid. Aid. Pillsbury thought the light bills of the schools were too' high. The school board will take this matter up to the proper quarter. Aid. Collart protested at the proposal to house two classes' In the basement of Borden Street School. The quarters here, he considered, were entirely unftt for such a purpose. There was no ventilation and he quesUoned their sanitarlness. Tomorrow's Tides Saturday, February 28, 1931 High 9.55 ajn. 19.0 It. 23.16 p.m. 17.1 ft. Low ... 3;15 ajn,, 10.9 It. 16.46 p.m. 5.0 It PRESIDENT HOOVER'S VETO IS OVERRIDDEN WASHINGTON. Feb. 27: President Hoover's veto of the ; t $700,000,000 soldiers' bonus bill, Triple Isalnd Clear with clouds. ) conveyed In a lengthy message fresh westerly wind, moderate sea. to Congress, was overridden Prince Rurt- Cloudy, light I-" Z ,"Xo: 4 PRICE FIVE CENTS GOVERNMENT THREATENED GOVERNMENT MAY TAKEOVER OPERATION BEER PARLORS i Liberals Go Over With Tories On Trade Disputes Bill While Radical Socialists Quit Labor Left Wins of Party Asserts That Administration Has Not Been Drastic Enough Sir Oswald Moseley and Oliver Baldwin Lead in Defection Fears Break Up of Party Drastic Scheme Under Consideration and Is Getting Much Support i j Conservative Caucus and Ministry Said to be in Favor of Province Taking, Over Beverage Establishments ; 1 May be Shelved For This Session j VANCOUVER, Feb. 27: A dispatch from Victoria to i the Vancouver Daily Province says: "That the provincial I government take over and operate all British Columbia i beer parlors is one of the proposals under consideration by i the government and Conservative members of the Legis-! iature. Whether the scheme will be adopted or not this ses- fslon Is in doubt. No final decision r-tryrrrfjiif has ben reached on the proposal 1 i4 N I I IVl A iTTTt I P S ; but it has strong support In caucus i-llJ 1 lllirx 1 UlJ and in the ministry itself. Even If discussed; At a conference last night be-jtween the city council and the I school board on school estimates I for the year, the board told the j council that it could not see where, it is abandoned for this year. Its supporters are hopeful that It will !be Implemented later." 1 School Board Cannot Cut Down Its W Bud-et But Will Spend as j GOVERNMENT WILL NOT I Little as Possible .DIVERT PARI-MUTUEL VICTORIA, Feb. 27: Van- couver city authorities started a drive yesterday against any 4 reduction in government grants to municipalities and It was stated, after they met the ,i uoo.w.c 4W iV .tuucv iC i caomei. tnat iney reii conii- estimates. Memoers oi tne noara, 'however, assured the council that 1 expenditures for the year Vould be dent that the proposal to dl- vert pari-mutuel taxation 4- funds from the municipalities to the provincial treasury f would be abandoned. TO PUT DOWN REVOLUTION Army Division is Dispatched From Lima to Scene of Disorders in Southern Peru LIMA, Feb. 27: Drastic military measures have been decided upon . TIT ;i Za by the admlntetraUon to put down to attend a to. For one thing, he had I . . less ineffective a more or ytt per sistent rebellion in the southern part of the republic against the president' and his administration. - An army division was dispatched from here to the scene of the disorders yesterday In the hope that a display of armed force may cause the termination of the revolt. WASHINGTON TAX BOOST There were present at the con- 'More Will be Perhed From Incomes ference Mayor C. H. Orme, Aid. T. i and Imposts on Autos Are to Collart, Aid. James Black, Aid. J. H. 1 be Raised Also Pillsbury, Aid. P. H. Llnsey and Aid. S. D. Macdonald, of the city coun-1 OLYMPIA. Feb. 27: The State ronnactkm with the affairs of theicU- and Mra T M' Spencer. J. J. senate yesterday approved of two board as well as O. VVllllamson, creases In the state Income tax A is here from Olympla to take per-1 secretary oi hh huhhm uwni. qui piuvtuuns mr un o uuiuiuuuuc of licence fee and a lc additional ga- tonne tax per gallon was aiso aa- opted. On the automobile fee matter, the Senate and House are in conflict, the tatter body having already approved a $3 licence fee and 2c additional gas tax. Catholic Church 'vote of 328 i A pre-tasier mission oi grcai J, rii i.imJ Mft 29 88 presentatives by a .1 broBMter io 75 or 58 more than the two- ; truths of religion by a Jesuit prtcst third rpntiirpd after a 4. will commence in the Catholic Dead Tree Pomt Part eiouoy, llfjit south east wind, barometer 10.8S, temperature 42 light swell. Langara Overcast, light westerly wind, sea calm. The Senate will consider the unurcn on aunoay. Mra i. ana vito twiflv nd u exnwited to continue for one week. Sermons: reject it as wnohaUeallv. Sunday. 10:30 a an and 7:30 p.m. Weekdays, 8 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. For children, 3:45 pjn. AU welcome.