fAUE BIX GO y go GO go GO GO GO go go go GO GO go go go go GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO WALLACE' Dollar Day Specials FOR Saturday & Monday Selling Household Goods Hemstitched and Embroidered Pillow Slips. 2 for Plain Hemmed Pillow Slips, nice A A pvpn weave. 4 for V'"" Linen Table Cloths with colored borders, 54x54, each ; Turkish Towels, some with colojed borders, others In Jacquard weave, also brown 4 AA utrine all larire towels. 2 for J)AUtl Cushions in bright coloring '2 for . : Vanity Sets Pure Linen nicely edged fl4 AA wiffi "corTlfastihiz edclne. tier set PX.W Mlowsl'f&ther filled, art ticking covers, each Hosiery Children's Fleece Lined Waists 2 for Children's Sleeping Suits, 2 to 5 years, fleeced, each Yard Goods An Assortment of Silks in light and Dark Shades, 2 yards for Shadow Cloths, 50 Inches wide, values to $1.50, per yard Crepe de Chenes in a big range of colors, to $1.95, per yard Towelling, pure Linen Plain or Striped border, 0 for Wool Dress Goods in Serges, Etc. 2 for 1.00 S1.00 S1.00 81.00 Ladles' Full Fashioned Hose, pure silk Q-i AA all newest shades, per pair tpX.UU Silk and Wool Hose in all shades QQ P'' pair . Children's Cashmere Hose in fancy Q-i A A and nlain stvle. 2 for pX.UU Men's Fancy Sox, splendid values 3 pairs 81.00 Ladies' and Children's Wear Fancy Bloomers, lace or motif trimmed, to clear at per pair 81.00 Dobette Bloomers, values to 95c. all CI Aft $1.)V colors. 2 for : Corsolettes and Girdles made In pink Q4 A A brocade with elastic insert, 4 garters? Coolie Coats In gay patterns QQ Quilted Silk Baby Jackets or Buggy f A A Covers, each t?J..UU Babe's Eskimo Cloth Winter Bonnets g A A values tn 41.75 earh 81.00 81.00 81.00 81.00 81.00 81.00 81.00 SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR OTIIKR SPKCIALS Telephone 9 Third Ave. & Fulton St. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO SHIPYARD UPKKATINU O. T. V. 20,000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Engineer. Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc EI.ECTRIC An ACETYLENE WELDING s Our Plant Is Equipped (o Handle All Kinds of MARINE1' AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 Daily News Want Ads, bring quick Results WELL KNOWN COUPLE WED Miss Mollic Watson Became I! rid' of William McLeod at Interesting Ceremony Last Evening Before a large gathering of friends the marriage of Mss Moi- li m nr a 1 1 . ' j 1 a j lie ai. waison, eiuest aaugnier 01 Mr. and Mrs. John Watson, Fifth Avenue and William McLeod. son of Mr. "and Mrs. D. McLeod, Sixth Avenue, was solemnized last evening at 7 o'clock, in the First Presbyterian Church. Rev. J. W Kennedy performed the ceremony and for the occasion the church was beautifully decorated " with daffodils and pussy willows. Dur ing the signing of the register Mrs H. N. Brockelsby sang "All Joy Be Thine.' The bride, who entered thr -hurch on the arm of her fathei was beautifully. gowned in a frosk f rose petal French chiffon co:n-'ned with lace and large ptct ir; 'at to match. She carried a sho ver ouquet of roses and IVy of the valley. Miss Janet Watson, the bride's ister, was maid of honor and vore a yellow flul crepe erisem-le suit with hat and shoes to natch. Her bouquet was pink and vhlte carnations. Miss Netta Me-Tjeod, sister of the groom, the bridesmaid, was beautiful in pale reen French chiffon, with plct ir at to match. Her bouquet also as of pink and white carnations Murdo McLeod, brother . of the room, was best man, and Howird Ilbbard and John McLeod acted is ushers. After the ceremony recept'on as held at the home of the bride's arents. The couple received the uests under a lovely arch r.nd vere assisted by Mrs. Watson, mo-her of the bride, who chose for ier costume rose beige cr-pe nousse trimmed with egg shell Tain. A buffett supper was ser'ed .nd Mrs. H. McKenzie, Digby Is-and. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson p welded at the urns. A three-tiered 0 for SUNLIGHT SOAP per carton 35 for From March 1st Will be known as THE DAILY NEWS wedddlng cak centred thu bride'; table. Mr. and Mrs Mt:Leod later sailed for a honeymoon tour to southern; cities and were v followed to the! t wharf by a large gathering of Elks and many friends, prpvlng the ' popularity of the young couple. ' , They will take up residence in the Rand Block upon returning to I the. city. Major-General Douglas Mac-Arthur, scion of fighting stock and much, decorated warrior, who Is new chief of staff of United States army. DEATH OF SAM HILL (Continued from rage One) children. Mr. Hill was president of the Eastern Railway of Minnesota; St Paul Minneapolis and Manitoba railway and Montana Central Railway, part of the Great Northern system, from 1890 to 1900. He wa likewise president of the Minneapolis' Trust Company from 188 to 1803 Other business connections included: .president of Minneapolis Union Railway. Seattle. Gas and Blectrtc Company, UJS. Trust Company of Seattle, Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Portland, Ore.; director of the Great Northern Steamship Company He was overseer of Harvard University from 1900 and 1006 anl vice-president of the Minneapolis Athenaeum library since 1880. I 1bbbbbbT'bIbb1' 'sJ MTttTiTTlTTI iumggaBmauKmmmmmar ' Mussallem's Grocery, 5th Ave. Economy Cash and Carry No. 2 OPENING SALE You benefit by this policy change. THE FOLLOWING PRICKS APPLY AT BOTH STORKS Sliced Pineapple 2's 4Ap each XUl Pure Strawberry Jam tZIZg 4-lb. Un tit) I per lb. Peas No. 4 stove 3 tins J. 25c Quaker Oats China OAp premium, per pkg. , Juicy Bulk Dates I 2 lbs. for PAUMOLIVE SOAP 19c, lor Shaker 8alt per pkg 15c 50c 55c Finest Indian Broken QCp Ut,i' Pekoe Tea. 3 lbs. MAI.KIWS UEST.TBA AM) COI I LK 50c Tomatoes Large site OCn 2 Una . JUICY NAVEL ORANGES 50c 10 c COMBINATION SPECIAL One 10-lb sack D.C. Oranulated Sugar and one lb. of our QCJp I tit) bulk Coffee, regular value, $1.15. both for FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER 3 lbs. for CHOCOLATE BARS Large variety w, ior Li, .-.i, 51.10 10c Mall Orderit Receive the nenefiti'of These Low Prices CASH & CARRY STORE 31D THIRD AVE. 417-413 FIFTH AVE. E. Phone 360 P.O. Box 575 Phones 1 8 & 84 'FINE PLAY II! IS STAGED Mclvina's Courtship" Is Hit United Church Repeat Tonight in Another one of those delightful plays which are staged occasionally Under the auspices of Firs'. United Church took place last nlaht in the presentation of the three-act comedy "Melvlna's Courtship." There was a large attendance and all present voted the play one of the best that has been so far staited. It will be repeated tonight and, in view of the delightful impression made last night there should be ( another large turnout for the sec-, ond performance. Much credit Is ' due Mrs. John Manson for another success at the hands of her dlrec- J ' tion. At the conclusion of thn play last night she was presented with t a beautiful and well deserved bou- quet, by Board of Stewards Eight young people take p:irt in the cat of "Melvina s rmn hit)' and all acquit themsclvii with credit In their various rolo The title role Is taken by Mis-Edna Vickers. It Is the chxi actcr part of a country girl and l Pr trayed splendidly by Mlsb Vickers Other feminine parts taken equally well are tliose of Miss Winnie Dlbb 'he hero's mother; Miss Cathie Irvine, as a city girl, and Miss J Sdgectnnbc, as an antique seeker 3-5b Irvine takes possibly the heaviest men's role as a rustic hustler ind docs very well. Sharing male .lonors are Bruce Stevens, as un in-ienlous knight-of-the dusty .v: 1. Barl Barrie. who is a sen iro th; village tightwad, and P Mi son as a city slicker. The full cast is as follows Bill Walker, a friend in n ::cJ B. Stevens. Bud Weston, a rustic hustfc r R Irvine. Squire Belcher, the village nnht- 1 wad, E. Barrie. Jay' Crest, an easy-money nhark. R. Morrison. Melvina Perkins, the bcllo of i Perkins Corners, Miss E Vickors. Mrs. Weston, Bud's mother. Miss W. Dlbb. Minnie Darling, from the city, j Miss C. Irvine. Jane McCracken, in search of antiques. Miss J. Edgecumbe. W. J- E. Barrie was stage manager. Ushers were Mary Mftcfie and Margaret McKay. John W. Allen, superintendent engineer for the fisheries department, aftr a two-day visit on official business, sailed by the ss Prince George last night on his return to Vancouver. HZ1 Week-End Specials Wagner C Grade Apples Q- rjl? wrapped, box t?J.tl Orchard City Royal Anne OOX CTCTp Cherries, 2's. 3 tins Malkin's Best Fruit for Oftn Salad, 2's, Un out Malkin's Beat Sliced Peaches 9 A OUC 2ys, tin Malkin's Best Pumpkin 2'2 s. Un r Libby's Sweet Gherkins-Royal Jar Libby's Home Made SU11 Pickles, Royal Jar Llbby s White Onions i Royal Jar ! Libby's Queen Olives ! Royal Jar Sunnybrook Creamery i Butter. 3-lb. brick tBrookfleld Creamery Butter Eggs Fresh Extras : 3 doe 15cj 25c 25c 30c 35c $1.15 1.00 Oranees 8wcet and Juicy QQp ! 5 doz. , Swift Premium Bacon . sliced, per lb 50c Swift Premium Cooked Ham IZtZn sliced, per lb. 00 Swift Premium Bologna-- 9f sliced, per lb. AtlU Alberta Market V. GAMULA. I'roprfetor Fifth Street. Phone 208 1 mm W Friday and Saturday vy,u im H TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 VM. . You have never seen one like Walter Huston in "THE BAD MAN' With Dorothy Revier and James Rcnnlc. A Ctomcdv n the Mexican HnnUr f'"nna M a COMEDV OUR C.ANjB in "SCHOOL'S OUT iu,ii nvitivio hi nib uuuiLiii i mjULffV FOV r 3 Admhsion 20c Si C5c Feature Starts at 7 o anH . B SATURDAY .MATINEE at 2:30 15c & 40c Feature Sta.1. -,l5:M:li , " 1 B S aion. & Tucs. Norma Shearer in 'LET US HF Fv i suaatt m. : m m mm iiia ua tm w tmsm ::n.'i -g x rNgHHHSgtBgtgtgsSgtaBgtgtgtg sjjajBBt4KgaBBgMl w r 1 1 T" g w f Ti' 1 1 vJ gM fB if ifOtrJa Jfi AiTsgSgfl gC?JL fr9i J ptl Cgggg gsgsKuuSSEEsssBSXiS gtBSis9Bg52C3iglggsgs55BB Battrrteb Tubes Ree&onatur McRae Bros. t ; LIMITED Dr Alexander X-RAV SERVICE PIIONU 575 lil'SNLR BLOCK DENTIST ft ,t The Fish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD 4ri'pii red Daily Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCK KUPKRT, U For Sale-Here are some Snaps FIFTH AVENUE EAST 4room'tl house With lu' cash, balance ananKed. EIOHTII AVENUE WEST Lot. aud 4-roomcd h" $1,000. Balance on easy term-v IIuuscs on Ennllsh 11111, Summit Avenue, Bordrn -s' part of the city ut'reasonable prices and ' MtCAFFKUY,.(iIHHON & COlXAUT TIIIKII AVEM'I! W. nut a. as" COAL bnous Edion and i Welllntlon-lnahvaosnlM AL Hulkler ValK" - flrftln and Robin Uood f Priflcc Rupert Feed Ca ..Lukc r.o iMl 55' '