PAOfi FOUR. HAD LARGE SHF.F.P HEAT) Major Workman, Belfast builder, Here Yesterday After Big Game Hunt Several Good Bouts Expected Connection With Deeth 'vs. Bagshaw Main Event In The program of preliminaries In Connection with the Hiry Deeth Vs. BUlv- R-iirshftw hnrlnir hnnt n! the .Empress Social Club thU eve mrig 1s announced 'as followsV Seml-flnal, Dan Parent vs. Babe Button. ' Jack McRae vs. J. Bowen. Pete Holm vs. Tiger Boulter. Chuck Hlckey vs. Alex Walters lilgj SPORT CHAT 'j The great Interest which was taken In the annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Basketball Associa I tlon on Tuesday night should augur 'veil for the success of the hoop Major James Workman, member' fame t?clt?v,thU com,!g 1 i Ipr ler. PrtCJtlrilv Possibly thoro there una was never rtover o a of-a. firm Df, prominent Belfast, Ireland, shipbuilders, Was a pas-1 senger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon en route south after a successful big game hunting trip into the, Cassiar district out of Telegraph' Creek. Majo'-Workman was proudly bearlrr? with him the sheeps' head with horns measuring 45 inches In length and said to be the world's record for sire. This was only ons of. the trophies of his hunt. Major Workman was so lmpres sed with the north country tha; he Intends to come out from Belfast asaln next spring to engag; In grizzly bear hunting. Preliminaries Are Announced larger attendance at a basketball annual meeting here than there wHs at this one. If there ever was such a large meeting. It was certainly a long time ago. It Is particularly gratifying to observe the Importance which was attached to the development of Junior players and teams. Junior and ladies' games always prove Interesting adjuncts for the activities of the seniors. Basketball seems to be once again definitely on the map for the coming winter after the lapse of last year. The primary object of reviving International competition arming the flrhlng schooners that ply between the Grand Banks and North Atlantic ports Is to stimulate interest In an Industry now at a low ebb, accord - lng to trustees of the International fishermen's Trophy. Complying I urlth a 4tfrit fAtitvaf fivmi (Via fnnn nv u jvt&at. tcuvab Ail vise dumi council and board of trade of Lunenburg, home of the famous Bluenose, the trustees announced a series to be held off Halifax this month for the trophy and supremacy of the North Atlantic. When the international races were inaugurated in 1930 the Industry received widespread attention, and the series of 1921, 1922 and 1932 followed with untold benefit to business. And the race are of direct benefit '.to the competitors who receive, besides fame and a trophy, money prizes and reimbursement for the cost of putting their vessels In shape for the contest. The first race wil! take placp this Saturday. ..from $2.50 and many other changes and Improvements for your comfort and convenience. 320 view room ... all with bath. Special low wetkiy and monthly rate. VANCOIIYEIt'S RRAUTIFIIL Motorists! Prepare for Cold Weather! FREE SERVICE Every Tuesday and Friday for the balance of October we will without charge flush your radiator, Inspect and tighten or replace hose connections, tighten or repack water pumps, Install or test Anti-Freeze. and fit chains. Materials will be charged at regular prices. PARKER'S GARAGE Third Avenue lUst Phone 83 TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - 'v Prepared Daily Dy ' ..Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, K.C. 1 . .. . . r TOBEY TEAM IS WINNER Earns Kight to Meet Ted Smith's Nine in High School Softball Playoff Bill Tobey's team won the right to meet Ted Smith's team in the final playoffs of the High School Softball League by defeating Dido Stinech's team by a score of 9 to 5 at the High School on Wednesday afternoon. ! Stlnech drew first blood by scor line two runs In the first half of the first Inning. Tobey, however, scored four runs in his half of the Inning. After the first Inning both pitchers. Allen and Stlnech, settled down and there was no scoring un til the third inning when Stlnech made a desperate attempt to tie the score. However, only Stln-eeh himself crossed the plate. In the fourth Inning St'ns?.h blew up. allowing six hits which brought Tobey five funs. Stlnech again tried to rally In the fifth when he drove out a two-bagger, scoring two men but the rally fell short when the other batters failed to ret safeties. For Tobey's team Tobey himself, was notable in the . infield. He worked two double plays, one ir. the second, fourth and fifth innings. Allen, Olllls. Morgan. Fulton and Ivarson also gave good .support For Stinech's team, Stlnech was the outstanding player while Welle. Marshall and Buxanlch were also useful.' , Teams: Tobty-AUen p.. Olllls lb., Morgan c, Tobey ss.. Walter Smith It., Dungate 2b., Fulton cf., Ross rf., Ivarson 3b. Stlnech-Klrkendall rf., ' Welle 2b., Stlnech p Church a, W!lon cf. Marshall 3b.. EmmelmRn Jf., Bu.anlch lb., Nakamoto ss.. Obuchura rf. Umpire. Carl Smith: baseum-plre. Ted Smith; scorekeeper, William Murray; reporter, Olof Hanson. First Inning Stlnech Klrkendall up, singles past shortstop. Welle up. Singles past Allen. Klrkendall out for taking a lead off. Stlnech singles to third. Church runs after third strike and Welle and Stlnech score on overthrow to first. Wilson fans. Marshall up. He filed out to RosJ. Two runs, three hits, one error. Tobey Alien- up. He hits a three bagger to right field. Olllls single J past second scoring Allen. Morgan un He hits to left field. Tobey Up. I Flies out to Stlnech. Walter Smith out on fly to Welle. Dungate up. He walks. Fulton up. He hits a two bagger to centre field scoring Oil- : lis Morgan and Dungate. Ross files out to Marshall at third. Four runs, four hits, no eiVors. Second Inning j Stlnech Emmelman thrown out at first. Dussantch up. He singles to right field. Nakamoto hits to j Tobey and Busanlh Is caught on' first for a double play. No runs, one hit. no errors. Tobey Ivarson urv He tingled to 'eft field. Allen filed out to 8tln-' h. Otllls up. He filed out to1 Marshall. Morgan up. He filed out! to Nakamoto. No runs, one hit, no errors. Third Inning Stlnech Klrkendall up. He hits to centre field. Welle filed out to Tobey. Klrkendall out for taking iead off. Stlnech singles and clev erly itole second' and third. Obuchura hits to centre field and stlnech scores. Obuchura Is caught off second. One run, three hits,. no errors. ( Tobey Tobey up. He is thrown ,out at first. Stlnech to Bussanlch. Walter Smith filed out to Klrkendall in left field. Dungate safe on ; first after running on third strike. Fulton up. He hits to first base-i man, Bussanlch. No runs, no hits, ,one error. Fourth Inning I SUnreh Leslie Wilson up. 1I fouls out to Catcher Morgan. Mar shall up. He wo.'ks. Emmelman hits to left field. Bussanlch up. He tiled out to Tobey and Marshall Is caught at third In a double play. Tobey to Ivarson. No runs, one hit, no errors. Tobey Ross singles past third Irarso singles past second. Allen up. lie nit to ie:t iicia scoring Ross. Olllls fanned. Morgan hit a three-bagger to centre field scor- fat HaXL riTWS He singles, ,scortng Morgan. Walter Smith walks. Dungate hits to cen tre field scoring Tobey but is out for leaving first base too soon. Five runs, six hits, two errors. Fifth Inning Stlnech Nakamoto fans. Klr- ikendall up. He singles past Dun-Igate. Welle singles past second, i Stlnech up. He hits a two-bagger i to- left field .and Welle. Obuchura hits to To ibey ahd Stlnech is caught In a ! double play, Tobey to Dungate iTwo runs, three hits, no errors. OFFICIAL IS LAUDED A letter from E. S. H. Winn, chairman of the Workmen's Compensation Board, read at last night's meeting ol the hospital board by Frank Dl'ob. chairman of the finance committee, was loud In its praises of the very capable way In which finances of the Prince Rupert General Hospital were handled by; H. W. Birch, managing secretary. Mr. Winn gave Mr. Birch a large measure of credit for the fact that the local hospital was one of the very few in the coun VICTOR RADIO Kit Ahumiii ytlumt-Coim, DtHfSluttJ,J Ck.,.u V ! inj Ivarsoh ana Allen. Tobey j tfl7'Eir,lC10 C ARE NAMED . William Itance is New President of Canadian Legion, Succeed ing Harry Thrupp William Ranee was elected pre .scoring Klrkendall , sident of the local branch of the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League, succeedlm? Harry Thrupp who was unable t ) ttand for re-election. The com plete list of officers for the ensuing, six months is as follows: Honorary President, Col. C. W. Peck V.C.. D.S.O. Honorary First Vice-President. Major John McOrcgor V.C. Honorary Second Vice-President, Lieut. Col. S. P. McMordle D.S.O. President. W'.'llam Ranee, First Vice-President, William Wilson. Second Vice-President, J. S. Wll son. Executive Duncan Borland, Robert ShrubsalL R. T. Anderson, 0. L. Barker, Henry Smith and S. B Marshall. Trustees S. A. Bird. J. 3. Wilson and Thomas Silversldes. Auditor. C. V. Evitt. Secretary-Treasurer, A. J. try which were able to show con-1 on a recent visit here was parti- slstent surpluses. cularly appreciated. Mr. Winn also expressed his ap-f O P. Tinker, chairman of the preclatlon for the fair way in board, expressed the opinion thai which the local hospital always the hospital should be proud of met the board. Courtesy which had having an official so. capable and been shown members of the board i efficient as Mr. Birch. 2T Complete n ub 10 tulvs This Greatest Radio'Has. ll Automatic Volume-Control S 10 Tubes (Including i Sufrr-Cenlrolt , 2 PtntoJtl) r3. Doubly-Shielded Chassis , - (Ex(lkiitt) Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert The C.P.R. steamer Princess Bea-I. MrwirtpH nxhnre this aftcr- tlllC o I noon on Noble Island, half-way between here and Vancouver. The 'princess Royal is standing by. Ihe first regular service In the new Presbyterian Hall on Fourth Avenue East was conducted this morning by Rev. F. W. Kerr. During the past few months services had been held in the Empress Theatre. ; The marriage took place last night at the home of the bride's brother. Dr. W. T. Kergln, of Miss Hester ; Kergln and J. Charles Halsey. Rev. 'O. R. Sing officiated and the bride WM given in marriage oy ner (brother. Miss McMaster was brMeematd and J. Thompson was groomsman. Little Fred Kergln 'acted as ring-bearer. Mr. and Mrs. Halfey left this morning on the Camosun for a honeymoon trip to Vancouver. On their" return to the city they will take up residence on Fifth Avenue West near McBrlde Street. a 1 50 fomfortableRooms Super-Heterodyne Radio with Entirely New and exclusive FEATURES A receiver that definitely brings better reception due to elimination of interference and background noise W nuke great fat H tximfsgm diito foe the fwrformsnce of thu Mfcett Victor Supcf HcifJrnc, R-21. It i extraordinary rtcrivrr . . . the fin, we Wievt, ever kMwn mJ. Actual prffomwnct tnt in the continent's most confttted areas have convinced u of ihe truth of (hn swttping statement. In iclcaivfcy, stmiuvity nd tone Victor tot we art confident that it stands alone, unrivalled. In the Jokblj-tbiiUtd chassis cf Mfxkl R.J1 ire tntorrtoratsd all tadio's ntwest developments, representing the mott advanced design that engineering genius can bring to the Supcr-heteroJjrne circuit. Automatic votame-conttul . . maximum range tone-control . surplus power of two pentode tubes . . noiseless operation and tonal purity of three surt4ontrol tabes ... in s cabinet of rare and aristocratic beauty. Double shielding, an txtUtm juinti, is a tangible factor in the established superiority of the R-21 retHm. Tim wu shielding is Urge!; responsible fof a degree of-selectivity unprecedented in radio history ... at the tanw time fortifying the instrument against picking up background noise. Your Victor dealer will demonstrate the amazing value of Model R-21 t $119 50 ... also other Victor Super heterodynes from J89 50 ill pricel complete with tubes. Convenient terms. ' Victor radio VICtO TALK1NO MACHINI OOMANt o CANADA IIMITID-MONTM Al a.. 4St IX out.1.1. rooma, romfortaMa at 1 1. 1, low prU-a, II.S0. T OrwwLl i. Ideally ailuatml IIMu two Uorkarf lh. Imt thrtl atnl alorva. HmllZ lounn and quirt ferlting ruom. .tcrlWnl ruUln. at nuoaabU mlutp and aurc -rT Ghmrhrt rosvenoi -niejrieiidhj Hotel VANCOUVER. D.c. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING Ladies' & Gentlrmen's Tailoring Reasonable Priors M. T. LEE COMPANY 323 3rd Ave. W. Phone CC1 Aiivi-rtlse in the Lallv New? C TO K -MASTER BUILDERS OF RADIO- mil " ' :ilW.IM3iar3Ji:iBillimis;l1EBIilIliIii:Kl WUMtM wmSMMtMtMtitaumism xMn.1.. . '" 1 - -4 a ai r,m w m xMiulm f microoynenronous Victor RnrKt McRae Bros. Ltd. Ortliophonic Victrolas and WltfVA Record,