PAGE iWO THK DAILY NEWS i-4 n f r rfc Price 50c a box H. Suffered From Heart Trouble Became Weak and Run Down Mrs. ffn, Diotte, Glenaandfleld, Out, writes: "fr a long period I suffered from heart trouble, icd became my weak and ran down. I tried various remedies, but they did me no good. One day I met a friend and told her of my trouble. HU said aha Aad 3ad heart trouble for two years too. but after using IDlburn's Heart and Nerve Pillt for a short time she had been ttHew$'-t her trouble, so I got two boxes am after taking them I was again feeling fine, and elways recommend K. k X. Pills to anyone complaining of heart trouble." Soli t aS irvr "ti r'l tor, r auiiU ilnct M receipt cf price hr 'Tke V.ttkara. ,Ca, IU.. Tweaw. Oat THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenu P. POLLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or canter, yearly period, paid in advance . 5.00 For lesser petted, paid in advance, per month o mati tn nil rmriii nf Mnrthem and Central British Columbia. Contract rates on application. Editor and ReDorters' Telephone G Advertising and Circulation Telephone DAILY EDITION Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulations ..98 Saturday, May 10, 1131 THE AGE OF MAN The intensely interesting lecture given yesterday to the ladies of the Canadian Club will doubtless start some con case- preier a uozen iresn eggs to a pound or halibut. Many business people find that they have not anything ,. TJB ' ! i 9k ' SEA HERO IN FILMS Capt Matt Peasley Coin; to Sea In Command of Moving Picture Expedition I SEATTLE. May 30: Captain i Ralph : Matt i Peasley Is going to sea again. But the tall, robust old sailorman, i one of the most romantic figures of . the ocean lanes, known In every Pa-jclfic Coast port and hero of Peter IB. Kyne's stories of the sea, will not pace the decks of some dancing ; square rigger running before a ! heavy breett for distant climes. Captain Peasley, who first came to the Pacific Ocean in 18S8 after several years- at sea along the Maine Coast, will head a whaling expedition into Alaskan waters, starting from Seattle July 1. In years past this port has seen sturdy steam "killer boats' sail for 1 the northern wtaaUng grounds for paid in advance for yearly period - SjOO By mall to all other parte of British Columbia, the British Em- " and ?,he Pd- Dire and United 8tates, paid In advance, per year $.: n Captain Peasley will Join is of bv mall tn nil nthr onnntriM TWr war 9M ' a dlllerent SO ft. Its members will ihunt whales, not with harpoon however, but with cameras. The I ("cargo" they hope to bring back ! will consist of reels of motion pic- I rn4 atllla f Wm nkufiil fin. la, ... aini w nil jjjniui .i backs enjoying themselve In their native haunts between Glacier Bay and Mount Falrweather, near Cordova. Snap of Canvas The snap of canvas filling before a breece will not be lacking on this voyage of the old master for a 44- foot auxiliary sloop Linda, is beint troversy locally between the Fundamentalists who profess j outfitted here for th cruise. to believe that man was perfect until he fell in huen and' captain Peasley win be mutter of the Evolutionists who claim that man has made a gradual ; vessel with a crew of your nsrpnt. frnm n Imvpr fnrm nnnt npppssnrilv nn nnp unrl thnr ixslenttatt. including F. W. Scnrnoe, he is still making progress although rather slow. TJt 5 JSpSISS cf Professor Hill-Tout, who is an Anglican clergyman, has demy of science. Seattle; Samuel been writing and lecturing on anthropologiear subject ior .iiarby. Columbia university. New many years. In his lecture yesterday he did not mention Yort; Leonard Jones. Beaingham relimnn. hut trtmnrrmv hp-will snonk twipp. in thp mnminrr WMh student; IL L. See- at the Cathedral and in the evening at St. Peters, when he f"; itJSil?AW will doubtless deal with the religious aspect of his subject, school bovaFi - 'SaaMbt . . A.,, 1T!it .i a. i i! llIIUlv (VllkUl IIIL IU VC4IVV UUV IC41 t. Ill a I.U1U1U V VJL DJ . I II vilfl'SSB!9HSJSJBPI may suggest that the subject is very interesting and one numrous pt Unt ...nti,.. r u i ....!.. !!.: .: dftc. the Isstnai mat, is wen wuitnv ui. wie kiuscbl siuuv. iuurvini; itu&nv; . :, . r g i u: u u:i. jim..!.. e Vkgtlant. IaiW eomrJ! Anaa nnt aiita flio iivnhToni 'PvifDnw IIJll Tnf fnil.1na f . . . . .... T uuv HUKduiiu un. jiiuuicui. x luiraui iiiii-iuuk iav,jic it FTanK iioran. oeartw, nvinc from the scientific aspect and yet dods not relinguish any that vessel at Santa Barbara, of his rtligious convictions, or at any rate any that reallvi matter. EXPEL THE REBELS According to the despatches received today, Premier Tolmie Is about to arise in his might and expel the rebels from the Conservative camp. He will adopt strong arm! methods and will insist that those who profess and call inemseives Conservatives shall follow id hi footsteps or worship at his shrine.. -Itvill be interesting to watch developments, for the rebellion seems to have become deep-rooted in Vancouver and even in Victoria there have been many murmurings and upheavals. va. m ALL IN SAME BOAT Somfltimas PrlnP T?nnort Tuinnlo cnonl no ?f f Unr Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert May 30, 1911 W. D. Vance has been appointed secretary of the school board succeeding C. H. Sawle, resigned. Other applicants for the position were Janes Russell. Frank A. Ellis, L. auUock-WetMter, Fred James, David Thomson and D. C. Stnart. The board has received a report from F. Letth. inspector of schools, com mending the work of Principal D - a.,v i.uiiv USSHtk MeT" 14 1111 V . . . t , - tlniml, ut. u i ji 11 i . . jucu. aunver ana oiner mesHDers oi thought this was the only place in the world where times the teaching staff were bad. That is because they have not been outside. Jo- i pie who have visited other pails of the country return im- t There was a storm in the city pressed Vvith the fact that we are holding our own as well I council last night over the work of as any Other City. tae clty engineer's department. Aid. While it is extremely difficult if not impossible for fish- JSeeSrmhS ermen to sell their product at six and three cent and dolie was wrong while aw. c b. continue in the business, we received word only this week Clayton engaged in a stirring de-from Saskatchewan that farmers were in some places ee of the department. During goiiing oniy six cents a dozen lor eggs. Purchasers in most 1 3ne 01 AW B,wwn 8 lon oumMS .. . , 0 . ' Matmr Will in laninn Hison . f 1 a mm Mayor William in Manson got ami dlagus l ted and left the chamber. sine iimuv uAi.cuecB cina year, jauurers nave ueen out oi ; John MeLeod arrived here on the work or on part time. In fact, there are difficulties every-Princess May from phoenix. He where and umong all classes of people. All are in pretty bother of aeorge MeLeod. who much the same boat. ound t6 yrday on the It is useless to grumble for that never helps anybody. 1 Tr" toln,un aatf AH we can do is to carry on in the best possible manner un-' til conditions improve. Easy times have passed and we .now : have to face condition as they are instead of looking back. n i f ,1 f uranuiamer oi Local Man Dies George Mitchell Off For Corsica Big Fortune Awaits Local Man He. Cari Only Get It Uncle GAZAZUS Is coming! ssiaBSV &w sasH mmwa If George Mlt6hei: well known Hlnee Rupert young mart, expects to sail on the steamer Elk Maru on Tuesday. June 9, for Corsica, having received a eableram this morning that he had fallen heir to his unde'f estate which includes sev-1 eral oidtime'"Cfstle. a great deal of acreage, a vineyard, and casl and bonds amounting to more than one million dollars in Canadian coin. The cablegram from executors of the estate mentions only one pos sible flaw In the way of George get ting complete control of the estate and requests that he brine with him to Corsica. "Bill" Plommer, native Corsican, who as teller in a Corsica n bank several years ago was purported to know of another mysterious relaUve. Mr. Mitchell Is cleaning up odds and ends In hk local business af fairs connected, with the Big Bay Lumber Co. and Mr Plommer has arranged for a leave of absence from the local high school for the remainder of 'the present term. Oeorge says that, although he may have come into millions he will bring them back to Rupert with him and will probably present the city and local lovers of sport with the finest ball park in the province, a hobby of his for several years. Oeorge Mitchell, in an interview with a News representative, told the true story of his life, breaking Into tears at the conclusion. He said In part: "My real name is Dr. Arbutus Budd. and for a time I was vfoprletor of a New York beauty shop. Failure of society leaders to meet-then obligations promptly put tne In an embarrassing financial patten. I stole passage on a ir to Corsica where I got a with the League of Nations, $JA thejfcfor 1 :W J9!9fa rMitsimir lnhesjW Weft, ft time I leam- 1 a rich uncle. I plead- Bibelp me get back to ; he refused me work. However. declining years am now about and dough- salad diet." over George's will be for ust en mint and one afternoon at the Capitol Theatre. Tuesday. June 9. Mr. Mitchell is the leading man in I Channing Pollock s great musical comedy, "The Beauty Shop." which . is being presented under the aus-l pices of Prince Rupert Lodge B. P.i O. Elks. Mother of Anyox Woman Passes at Great Old Age The death occurred on Monday last-in Vancouver of Mrs. Mary Mc-Klnnon. aged 94. widow of the late John McKlnnon and mother of Mrs. William O'Neill of Anyox. Deceased was a native of Nova Scotia and had resided In British Columbia for 25 years. In addition to the daughter In Anyox, there is another daughter and two sons. a - VmT r!V mmmmmrKm SMSBSBW SBSBSBW eiSM mmm mmt ST SBi V m BH mm Basasasacar a. - II a ssJE? w5&Zh LZZW -rsryrsrs Milk of Quality U KiatfW 1 rtliHJ 1 r Anyox, passed away on Monday fl r -411 1 fSr BlllllllW ,Mt at hU 1,0me 10 thC SOUth- Th6 ,Urf' FM,,, IUW Sl L L fU1ral i001! 00 Wednesday Itandtod m , most k &!imS$ ,i" NCW We?tmln,teM,;n?ur ?raT W and see our mod- h mfim V SSmW9i. W, ata -Dw,dM the dauh- ern plant Oenuine satUfac- i ' Z:-'m 1 jsitt&ZSS&SSmmmml W ift ter at Anyox, deceased Is wrvlved tinn Uon .....mnted guaranteed. ial Ull I A 1 Vv AC iby four other daughtea and three jJfPJBv SS" V L LW M sons. Homer Clay of this city is a Phone Ited 608 for Free T f i GO0 ri. Sample No obligation whatever -fcir eMspppsspsji ,'fM?3 fcTl k JLw Jlsk skWrAKmNH tni""me0becceUto DOMINION DAIRY a "i mggXmKmjvmvmnTmi inj Ls tt n, running away with .... AW. WIIETIIEK WE LIKE IT Oil (Continued from page one) work has been discovered and stud-led particularly in the Doudogne Valley. He had himself examined the wonderful paintings and etchings made by these people in the caves and had seen their bone and stone tools. Most of the animals they pictured were now extinct. .Then came the Celtic or Alpine people with round heads who brdught Uie first knowledge of metals, their work being In bronze. j Predecessors Mention was made of the prede-icestors ot the Cro-Magnons, suh as the Neandethalers, the Heidelberg man, the Plltdown man and farthest back of all known, the Plthreunthorpiu Erectus of the Island ot Java, a man about half way u development between the apes and man as he Is today. One of the most Important links In the chain of evidence In favor of the theory which he propounded was Uie blood reacUon test, showing that the blood of the apes and man were practically the same. Concluding, Professor Hill-Tout suggested that the fact that man was closely related to the rest of creation "should make us all kind to animals." A vote of thanks was moved by Mrs. A. E. Bazett-Jones and seconded by Mrs. C. E. Cullln. Tea was served at the close of the lecture by members of the executive of the club, Mrs. Bazett-Jones. Miss Palmer, Mrs. Miller. Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. nice. Mrs. Good, Mrs. Stuart, Miss Hothwell nnd Mrs. Itussell SmlU). Mrs. Cade and Mrs. Woodland poured. Mr. Justice C. D. Macauley, ter-rltorlaMudge for the Yukon Territory, and Mrs. Macauley, who have been spending the winter In Toronto, wrre passengers aboaM the Princess Alice thb mornim-bound for Dawson I NOT .MEN AND APES AKE DESCENDED FHO.M TUT ; SAME ANCESTORS ! A ' Ladies' Orange Association Has Successful Tea A very successful tea and sale of home cooking was held yesterday afternoon by the L.O.B.A. at thr hooM of Mra. R.T. Anderson. 8ixi.i Avenue Bast. Mrs. R. Murray and Mrs. 8 V, Cox had change of the home coo : - Saturday, May onian s. assurance of Independence EVERY WOMAN who earns her own living either through choice or necessity can invest her money -safely and wisely in a Mutual Life of Canada Pension Bond that will bring an income when her earning power hag pasted the peak, and thus enable her to be independent. The Pension Bond is especially attractive to women he-cause it can be purchased either with or without the insurance feature. When your own future is your only care, the Pension Plan Without Insurunce(lcginniug at age 50, 55, or 60) will make your future safe and independent. At age 25 an average monthly deposit of $16.50 subject to reduction during second and subsequent years by application of dividend will .provide an income of $50.00 a month at age 55 for the balance of life. If you have children or others dependent upon your earning power, you need the Pension with Insurance to protect them. Take this road to financial independence. Sign and mail the coupon for full particulars. TIIE MUTUAL LIFE Assurance Company OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE -WATERLOO, ONT. ti lot .. 169 J. J. T. Collart Representative Prince Rupert, B.C. iPnOPESSOK DECLAIIE8 THAT The .Mutual Life Assuranr Company ..Canada. Vi alrrloo Out. ouim, I Uttr rod a particulars. Xao- AddrrM ... Otteof LSrlh JUSTICE IS DEAD (Continued from King s OoMege, Windsor Ns uw L.LD. from Dalhousn v ritv Halifax. He was a memtx .f the Board of Oavernors of m forroef Imiltutlon. He pvei P411 in the buskieas of the wr nU u at various times preside, oi t" Nova Beotta Steel and cj- pany, president of Uv Extern Trust Cofflpany. prewi i ! lot !Trindad Eleetric Compu P"1 dent of the Demerara tier' 1 1 com-, iianv vlcat-nreiident oi th' hztUW ing. Mrs. It. Anderson and Ut.,c. 'Car rniHlll, rnenrutw director director '- m in. Bant Moorehouse had charge of the tci NoV8 and wa, ,o--ntlfW room and Mrs. Oeo. Howe. Miss D wMh jndiwtn, rn- Smlth and Miss H. Beak serve.1 'until- K,uns. He was appoint! wVterttkK Clf r of N.-v.. s.-..iu , r of the Diocese S" ilXny .f 1808 0" many occasion, t t the raffle. The raffle-a set of Adnwuw Uce IUrrU u dtslies was won by Mr. C. J. Ora- w flM ln the .,t) . nrf of 141. tw W ",vv I. T M liam with ticket No. 72. PRINCE GEORGE i the Ueutenaut-Oovenioi - lOffiee during his term Hon. Joshua Hinchllffe, minister lis was a great tavet of th' of education, held a conference here fand simple country life H on Tuesday evening with school lerested In horltcultur' trustees of the city as well as those 'gardens of his home at M of Fort George and Bouth Fort:nU were a show piac Oeorge on the question of amalgamation of the school districts. John Peterson of Chief Lake was a visitor ln town this week. He states that members of a projected colony of people from Ohio have commenced to arrive at Shell Lake. mer. His Official resia-n Halifax. He was a keen n ship ln several provincial : I . . .tf..M, return The Canadian Engineering Co. i next. Ltd. of Vancouver, of which A: C. It. Yuill is president, has made an of-1 in fer ut of $92,000 iiri,wu to w Uie uie city civy council council for lor M . . , . r A If.n.dllVir ..held CUief .JtKUce.. 1 In June. 1883, he marm-: Minnie :f. Mnrafall of Annaonli Thert isw. tawieisiM wa f- ,:'floors nit Cle-u sam- Uroehu nule.i th? mm 'whim of morrilng on the Princess a brief trip to Ketchikan Six- . II. .11., on nn Wi-illK'SO" WYl!l"' to Uio city e the purchase of Uie local electric1' Th rwiiv News can be p"r' t T ..illlt.. ITU. ..... BiiuiiB, uvuikjr. I lie KVIlCCni pnjul- I lses a 20 reduction ln lighting t rates. chased lused at at , f Post Office News Stand. J t uranvuic dwh f Ksti Anderson. E. D. Johnson, deputy minister of George, DC. finance, who has been a patient In t U W. Riley. Terrace, U-C the local hospital for the past two 1 1 General Store. Anyox. weeks, has made such progress to- smlthers Drug Store Smu-ward recovery that he should be crg Uo able u leave the hospital b- the ' end of thla week I.,am, I