mmamm iV7'-! " mm Pag 2 rorra THE DAILY NEWS and Views in World of Sport from Far and 5ft- 8 1 HI ft if IN ) DRAWING IN SWEEPSTAKE Two British Columbia Names Come Out in Lottery on Irish Hospital Sweepstakes DUBLIN, May 30: Two British Columbia tickets were drawn today In the Irish Hospital Sweepstakes, that for Elixir Valerln under the name of 'Canadian - American Steamship Co., Vancouver, a pool of employees, and for Camelus, held bypercey Thomsett of Victoria. Bach will receive at least $4,000. and Indeed the city, can 111 affoitf to lose this unassuming . and effective player. Jimmy never spoke on the field. He played the game. took the knocks that came his wa? and went on playing Big League Scores BUFFALO FOR PEACE RIVER Mrs. Emily Crawford. Fort St John, Will Carry Out Experiments the city authorities to Mrs. Emily L. Crawford, pioneer rancher of Fort St. John, for crossing with her Canadian Legion Beats Regiment By Score of Two to One in First Senior Soccer Match of Season Senior football got away to a good start last evening when the Canadian Legion football team won over the Rerriment bv two troals to one. There was a big crowd in to be drawn. j raid Into Regiment territory. A nice The horses will run In the Derby bout of passing between Woodslde, at Epsom Downs on Tuesday next. JIMMY ROSS IS LEAVING Well Known Local Football Player li Away to Scotland to Reside Jlmmle Ross, who has play'. 1 football for the Regiment Team slnrp hp ram to town nlavfd hU Smith and A. Hodgkinson was stop' ped by Kelsey. Edgecumbe put In a fine shot for Murray to head the ball past his own goalie to give Regiment the first goal. Howe got away and forced La Idler to make a fine save at full length at the expense of a corner. From the result ing kick, well taken by Bussanich, Canada time, the players showing lack of training that might be expected In a first game. Legion had rather the better of the game and, from a cor- jner by Bussanich, Smith headed a fine goal. The Regiment attacked Th hMt uHcR.. nt h nrfmnf I strongly and Wilson centred welli and of the football public go wlthjbut baU was cleared. Cross de-hlm and his family and they arjl"1 to Kore a lne wished all good luck In the landillme snot xiiat J" missed the up-that Wilson tested Smith but the breeds so many good football-1 rISnt- .r. uauer ciearea ana iun imie iouna the Regiment attacking but unable' to score. Teams: Canadian Legion Johnston Smith; Skinner, Jack: W. Murray. American League iw- Murray. Woodslde; Bussanich, Cleveland 9, Detroit 2. Only game. 1 F- Hodgkinson, Howe, p. Smith, A. National League Chicago 4, Pittsburg 3. Brooklyn 3. New York 2. Boston 5. Philadelphia 3. Cincinnati 9. St. Louis 14. HoagKinson. Regiment Laidler; Ross, Kelsey; Edgecumbe, Watson, Thurber; Wilson, Lyons, Cross, DeJong, Wlngham. Referee, W.' Barton; linesmen. ! Blake, Kelly. Some Comment The Legion team was well served by Smith in goal. Jack at 'back never put a foot wrong throughout the game. Skinner kicked strongly but was erratic. Woodslde showed neat footwork at times and the Murray boys used their height to advantage. Smith was the pick of VICTORIA, May 30: British Co- I; . ' ' " tt 'hearted Howe ; his lumbla's first herd of catalioes. half game. was cattle, half buffalo, are expected to!"fual bi"st18 and "odg; ofTyoung ! trotn"f and Bussanich result from the shipment buffalo 6uH from Beacon Hill Park ihwed,lup "mea: , . For the Laidler . tim, H.M,. Regiment. was a safe goalkeeper. Ross tackled well tvii. nim.i i. ki nr.,(oj u " This animal is being presented by . Vm Kelsey , began well , but , weakened w , towards the end. Watson also seem ed Vancouver Island. He has become Miss Elhrt ormbrah Becomes Bride too ambitious, lately and has taken 0I itaph prton to attacking his aged father. The parks authorities are glarl to get' t marriage took place Satur-rld of him before he does any real day May 30( at Watun Rlveri Queen harm ln the family. FOOTBALL May 30 Booth vs. High. DDD Sor skin aIections It cools, oolites Instantly. A flul that actually dors tvash the MeniMted skin clean. A bad kKlii Is iitifortunale, rinliarraMlug, uuneresMiry, with Ihls foruiula w rich In liealiog ek-ucutt. ' OKMES LTD. W. J. McCUTCIIEON. DRUGGIST DR. HUGH L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Eyes Tested For Olasses At St. Elmo Hotel Charlotte Islands, of Miss Ethel j Ormbrah of Watun River and Ralph For Vancouver Sunday ss. Pr, Tuesday $3. Catala 1:30 pjn, Thursday ss. Pr. George 10 pjn. c BASEBALL SCHEDULE Following- is the schedule for the first half of the baseball league: . June 1 Millionalrs vs. Sons of Howe equalized the score. Cross hit June 4 S.O.C the upright with a beautiful header from a corner well taken by Wing-ham, At the other end, Smith tried out Laidler with a high deceptive dropping shot but the Regiment goalie was all there and saved well, last game tan evening as he leaves I The second nalf for for Rfifttland toflav The Reimenr, scrappy a Season Starts on Monday Millionaire Meeting Sons Canada vs. Elks. With of June 8 Elks vs. Millionalrs. June 11 S.O.C. vs. Millionalrs. June 15 Elks vs. S.O.C. June 18 Millionalrs vs. Elks. June 22 Millionalrs vs. S.O.C. June 25 S.O.C. vs. Eiks. June 29 Elks vs. Millionalrs. July 2 S.O.C. vs. Elks. July 6 Elks vs. S.O.C. July 9 Millionalrs vs. Elks. WILL NOT CUT PRICES B. OFFICE WINNER a NV ft. Softball Fixture Last Night Ended in Score of 17 to 4 Offices defeated Round House by a score .of 17 to 4 last night in the Canadian National Recreation As- attendance when Mayor Orme officially opened the season jsociation's Softball League. Batter With a kick worthy of the mayoralty. es were Boulter ana Arney ior ui- With the hill in their favor the Regiment attacked and , T"11 and Peterson for Wlngham crossed a dangerous centre. Howe made a good run but Ross cleared. Regiment attacked and Wilson was close. Smith show Tickets for minor prizes are still I ed clever footwork to lead another iKouna Mouse, me league standing to date is as follows: 'Station 'Offices Round House W. L. 5 3 SPORT CHAT Pts. 5 3 1 The game last evening between the Regiment and the Legion foo - ( ball teams was well worth seeing j and. If the teams can put up sin.-, I liar displays for the season, football Is assured of a successful yea -. Next Tuesday evening the Merch- i ants' team is due to meet the Le j iglon. With the veteran Sam Gur-J jrle in charge of the Merchant V , team there Is every prospect of this being quite equal to the other I teams. In goal there is a choice ' nt Crm f"ltrr!h sit Tn Vf arr am Both of them are good. Styles Is slated for one of the backs ardi ! Douglas the other. The latter I .t j newcomer from Scotland and Ws ; form will be watched with lnte-1 est. Sam himself will hold down the centrehalf position. Geoiv? lichell and George Hill are the! iwlng halves so there will be no- C. Paper Mills Will Not Follow weakness mere. Tne lorward line Example promises to be the best in town i but fortunately for the other teams It is announced from Vancouver promises, particularly in football, that there Is small prospect of Pa- are not always fulfilled. The threr dfie coast newsprint manufaetur-j Dlekens brothers are all clever, era following the example of eastern ; wttn Jim McKay and Chenoskl lo The attitude of I. Zellerbach, pre- l treu,a "'.."vwa.c U1 uuuyuiK ; sldent of Crown-Zellerbach CorpJ11- p "Bob"),Isblster. Mr. Isblster, of which Pacific Mills, -Ltd, Is the ! resldent of Hamllton. OnU one of Canadian subsidiary, is that thethe immortals of Canadian rugby., eastern mills have merely come , big man and when he hits any-, down to the level established on in,n n- mere is one the Pacific Coat last fail -There is i Impudent bear, somewhere near Lac , ( nnfhtnir In h. .lUnllnn tr, maPraf ; SaUVage Who COUld Support thU. the world for some months and there Is no reason why we should reduce prices any further merely because the east has come closer to the basic price we set for the Industry last fall." When Powell River Co. MtablUh- Interior s Oldest Plow Presented to VICTORIA. May 30. -Over : This Is ft tale of a cannibalistic j pickerel whoso name might very well be Legion. Eddie Trafton went lavishing near Norway Maine. 'Reaching theshore of Pennessee-; wassee Lake, he saw Bud Dunham rowing frantically towards land. AirVllVPC flf R P "See lf 1 navc driven a big pickerel nillllVCO Ul U V i ashore," cried Dunham. "It's a ! whale," shouted Trafton. peering 100 Into the shallow water. He ran to Pelton of Kundats Island. The years old and considered to be the; his parked automobile for a land coupie wui reatae ai fori uiemenis. iim plow brought into the Interior Ing net. The huge pickerel obliging 1 of the province, a hand forged, Pi V C ! I wrought Iron plowshare weighing OteamSnip OallingS til pounds, has been presented to I the provincial archives by Mrs. D. IMunro, of Terrace, widow of the , , late Duncan D. Munro, the first 10 p.m. ,...i.,. n .i,. ..iii partment of agriculture In Central ly awaited his return and allowed itself to be duly landed. Then the ponderous mouth disgorged a black bass, one-pounder, which Trafton returned to the lake little the worse for its adventure. He squeezed Mr. Pike to see It more finny Inhabi tants could be given up, and out of the mouth came another pickerel " T-lirrr.r V'r , It la believed to have been forged : nearly a foot long. DO. WBlUCUd, nuuiJlglll. l h hlai.Vmlth' Ihnn of VnrV I I !. Additional vVuil'l' ctory. Hudson's Bay. more than I sun fUh. The cannibalistic pickerel May if-ss. rnncess Aiice. sp.m. a century ago, and was brought Into i weighed four pounds. All the fore-From Vancouver ,the province by traders arriving at (going was solemnly asserted to be 8unday ss. Gatala 4 pjn. Fort Fraser. For over 50 years It was "gospel." Morelembelllshment than Wednes. ss. Pr.Oeorge 10:30a.m. jn active use ln the Chllcotln 'veracity, perhaps, was a statement Friday ss. Princess Mary i p.m. country, being later taken to Prince that the bass nodded appreciatively SS. Cardena. pm. George. when given Itsjrecdom. uaiuraay ss, wince cnaries 1 it will be placed on display by the ! J3 10 30 a.m .province at the World Oratn Show; There will always be an unceas-May 0- ss. Brincess Alice a.m. in Reglna in 1932, in contrast to the inn cron of new controversies be. II... AA ... . . . r iay u- as rnn. a.m, uitra-mouern macmnery tween nations. Herbert Hoover PIPE TESTED pie s Society held a campflre meet- , ...!, .., i ,i ... Mr. ISDISier. Wim E. ll. UlCKinSOn. ' ...v- an an entertainment cukiwuiwciu wi hibiiv iWl ..ttn- we 70nrK.Ph . mintsH i ' Toronto, and W. F. Close of Mon- nKlat evening on a beach near the members of the lodge and friends. ciiciuai.ii u quoicu nallownv Rnnlrla hrttm vHth 11 t,. e.i. u. " It I A A. rm Enjoyed By Young People of Church It U a serious matter to hare pita and oht person in four has them at one time or another. Te annoyance acd distreas la great, itudimtultto obtain luting relief. So much so taat a surgical operation may be considered necesaary. That is ualesa your phyiidan ia familiar with Dr. Chairs Ointment for many doctors recommend this treatment to their pitienti. For nearly half a century Dr. Chaae'a Ointment has been the never failing relief for itching, bleeding and protruding piles. It ia now very tt nerally known by the medical pro-lesalor., and the public generally, aa the standard treatment for this totturlng ailment. Aikyour friends about Dr. Chaie'a Ointment for "uiers are boosters" ln this cue. Relief comes quickly and you can obtain the ointment at any srug store. Auto and Truck Engines 10 to CO Horse Power, Suitable for Marine or Stationary Use. Itatteriea and Generators. Lowest Prices, Write for Information. VANCOUVER AUTO WRECKING CO. 1249 Granville St Vancouver Branch Yard at 330 Second Ave Entertainment For Eagles Is Happy Affair! The United Church Young Peo- The Eagles' dancing class staged The coast has been the irBi" weni w "c oauvage a snori "'"r rZ as saying. ""V.:' 'TJL,. , V ,V T. T , members present. President w. J E. Hall and .u there la . i . time aeo to fish one dav nftpr was a ate on shore. Mr. Isblster lay down truck- A lare bonfire was made and corn ted for the occasion. to tire. Thurber made a very,he sold on reasonable terms 'bear's snout, knocking the animal PromUm tart ln KnUr ' P11 " the lnto cattle. He wUl be the first buffalo football.; Production is running along at liberated to tWi nrovlnce outside a CA1Ketai"uc wus KOOa vros5 maae a about the usual rate, with Pacific wl" 13 Jcei oeiow- ic.erinCm- parreSme fine Impression and this boy should M11U operallng only five days a be f the party, hearing the here underXnd? ' o Lyons Is also a good pros- weelt. but PoweU rivw Co. Is utUlr- Ph' hurrtad back, arriving in CatalloMi,hae" been bred at Wm8ham a not up to his mK lts new Ula Rlver development tlme to see the dlscomfltted bear Dariff and used for beef but their !f$uaI iom though he took corner and seven machines, B. C. Pulp & :Me -M production I riever a tmp- kick We,L sh0wcd cle"t Paper Co. U operating at capacity ln Into the woods. Mr. Isblster 6topprd rWmml.1 befwe to91 but nd on to0jan- W"' turning out sulphite pulp O. Jer- " at Mantreat ,0n his way home. excellent beef antinals to the Peace ,lfe and U dangeroug-. !Pny. U now in the Orient investl- J l S ,hSL!2S 1ea evidently consider themselves River country and wlU not feel the ... Z! ffng trade conditions. Japan and cold of winter there as keenly as Vatllll KlVPl4 !chlna are ong the company's wuuea. as wen m aogs. ordinary cattle. Tiie buftalo bull to be shipped to Prtnlrt We1 Mn. Crswfdrd hactl distinction of VOUDie HCU being the onlv or ever bom on beat customers. the Aerie large atten- lowest puce wjnc ior newsprint ui - ----- ------ Barrie took th memhnea nut In hi. ,i. ,w..,. luiicn wmcn trie party cuokcu ana n-mm Mmuuj uc- for a nap on a rock which fell away community wngmg was enjoyeo. Dy Tne program, opening with "O sheer In to deep water. Awakened aIL Bruc vena told a campflre Canada." and. closing with "Ood suddenly by a noise, he saw before 8ory Btu? tl? meeUng came to a vc the King." IneJuded vocal him a halt grown bear. Surprised, clos wlln tne rvlng 01 "trtah- by R 8,, and Mre. Fred he threw out his right hand. The menU- Hunter, eemle sketch by Mr. Cook, ed a price of $48 a ton, It was stated , bear aPPl at it. raking the back by officials of that corporation that !of hu hand wllh four snarP Xttth-this fleure renresented the absolute Suddenly very wide awake. Mr. Is- mlnlmum at which newsprint could I Dteter Put over a le,t noolc t0 vocal duet by the Misses Roma, ln- Have you pala your suDcrlptlon stmenUl duet by Master Cameron to the Dally News this year' Hemorrhoids Or sUi r quickly ttlltvtd y Dr. Cki'i Ointmint and Miss Feero and comic songs by W. E. Funneil After the proerem. there was an informal banquet. Tlie winner In the raffle of a $10 gold piece was Hoy Becker with ticket number 164. LOCAL ITEMS Unrk OAKAZUS Is eotnlnct Mike Menntett well known log urr of this (tlitrlct. left on thr rmrnlna's tntto tnr Mayo aiflte lii-herur. Mlnjrjfsota. where he will eerj; treatmeiH at the hands of specialists. Frank Merit and daughter, Eva. left on this morning4! train for Usk where they will spend the week-end, returning tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. Morris, who hat been visiting there for the past week with Mrs. Sam Alger. Staff Sergeant Alex McNeill, provincial police, left on this morning's train for. Edmonton when he will take charge of William II. Dahl. who waj arrested recently at Red Deer on a charge of burglat -Izlng Joe Brown's store here. Of ficer and prisoner are expected'; back ln the city next Thursday Iter Rutherford of Kelowna. dls- i trlet governor of the Qyro Club I passed through the city on the Pxlness Alice this morning en. route to Ketchikan to pay an of ficial visit to the club there. He will return here early next werk to pay a similar visit to the local :lub. Near LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER. "Last treek a alxtynlne mile pale council considerable damage to our supply boat, delaylngiher visit to the Inland by four day. I don't mind living on canned gtxuU, hut to go without Turret pipe tobacctrtrell, tt'a juit fix much for any man. When the boat turned up this morning, 1 filled my pipe ulth Turret pipe tobacco. You ran ratify imagine hoie good It tatted after a tolmcco fast of four day a' Try ShU better lp tobcr made from the lineal of selected lraf and Mended to perfection. mill operators In reducing prices, ! complete ms tme. opposing a-- " """" 65 "M ut " ire ! Campf Meeting JJc. iMektife cvntaint i pukrr Kaiult 20V IMckafe ran taint J ftokrr humli i'Pmnd tin contain 12 uW handt TURRET TOBACC A good, cool smoke Pipe tested Turret fine cut for ihoir w n rlf their own o r HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupen's leaoi. f : liy holeL Hot and in all roonu A. j. rnunuoM.ME n Cor. of Fraser f : ' Sarov Miss R. LelghUm M New Royal Hotel I. Zarelll. ITop Hit: hotel mouth whim Hot H CM4 Wtcer r. 75c TEH DAY AM) IT Teleahan '-: Iloral C McPhee. Vn;-. Memtiett and Frvd i Boston Grill I'honr t.V7 Prini e Hap' ' Lartc Tartar SPKC1AI. Diwn Thnnrlars and SatnrJa l)AN(lNt' Kvery Saturdav Nleht- ia 1 Dance Hall for 11 Arrcmodatlon for rHv to Parties SUITS Made tt Your Onl-T $27.00 TOP NOTCH TAILORS "! l 11 One price through" ' 1 Vour measure tuK" LING THE TAILOH 81: Second Ave. Phone TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN OAIftV FOK SKEENA BKAM Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese ntF.SirPASTEURl7.F.M'LR AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery THroWUcst MIC tl