m. - wno u excellence FIVE ROSES FLOUR S.Uffie w th.e PU7? Pr?duct of Specially YVhesL Canadian Hard Spring Mpert.Und" 0,6 8Uperv,,ion "Ming Rigidly tested to ensure the same satisfactory results In all Canadian kitchens Used by the majority of Canada's housewives because of its hleh quality and Uniformity. An An all-purpose all-purpose flour flour equally equally satisfactory, for Bread, Cakes, Pies, ladings and Pastries. Still "THE WOHMi'S UEST" I'OH SLK IIY THOS. McMLEKIN. Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Ltd. ' D. & W. GIBB'S FINE SOAPS XoIdCream Soap Superfatted, small size, cake 25c Cold Cream Soap Superfatted, bath size, cake .35c "Nooinie" Lemon SoapLarge idze, each 35c "Otto de Rose" Soap Cake 50c Koe Geranium Soap Hath sire, cake 35c Shaving Cream Tube 40c Shaving Stick In new patent holder case, stick ,50c Ebony Shaving Howl Each $1.00 Shaving Bowl lief ills Each 50c (Slbbs Dentifrice Per tin 15c and 25c Qrmes Ltd. Z7ie Pioneer DrttrjrisLs l'lionos 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St TIIKKK GRADUATE PIJAUMICISTS Coastal Steamshid Sekvhce S.S. "riUNCK c:iiahi.es, I-atra I'rinm Ituiert Sundays I. 0.00 p.m. for Yanrviitrr. lor Stewart Saturdays l;lK)p.ni. S5. "I'KLNCE KUPEHT" Ibarra Trinre ltiiert Tliumlays 10.00 ,m. for Vanroinrr, rallinK at Ocean Kail and Powell Hlfer. Kor Anycx and Stewart Wol-Bnulaya at t.00 p.m. t'orlniflitly aertlre to Nrlli and South Queen Charlotte Islands-Particulars on request. THI-UTY SEIIVICE S.S. "Prince llrnry" Irate. Van-router dally at 2.00 p.m. for Victoria ami Seattle. THAIN SKItVICK Tasseiia'cr trains leate Prince Kiinert for Klnionlon, Winnipeg and point East rrry Monday, Wednesdar and Saturday at II. 30 a.m. Cani&idliain! W InfnrlMllim ntll m ur.lr tmrml asral nr H- r MiMli.lllllv Dl.i Vmmm. m. 'rtr Hnirl. li t". UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Strainers leave ITlnre Itupert f or Vancouver! 1 f,T.tU F.VIIIV TIK!I"AV. I JO l'.M. Arriving Vancouver via Ooeai. Fallo. Thuraday Noon appros. TSS l.VIIKKNA KVEIIY r'KMAV MlllMdllT Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight approx Weekly tailings to Ton Bunr"". Al" ro. 8t't d River pouiu. Sunday B OO p.ni 'ir')icr infornutlon regard me all allinu ami tickri at --rillM'i: uri'KiiT AiiKNTY: Hrooml Avrnue. Phone WW Kaien Motors Limited Antral Garage and Service Station CHEVROLET and HUICK Open Day and Night Phone 5 Third Avenue PRINCE RUPERT. II C COAL Ituy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-We lllniton In any quantities. Also llulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 358 H your paper docs not arrive, telephone the office Local Items Diunerwarc, china, crockery, glassware, Ileilbroner's Store. Pay $5 and get the Dally News for 15 months. This week only. 123 James Scott sailed this morning on thejPrincess Alice for the Atlln district where he will act as census enumerator. George Grosvenor, sailed this morning on the Princess Alice for tne Telegraph district where he will ait as census enumerator. A. A. Efl.aann sniloH thla mnmlnJ on the Princess Alice for a brjef trip to Ketchikan. He expects to return to- the city on Wednesdar afternoon next. Prof. Oh as. Hill-Tout will give a lecture-sermon in St. Peter's Church Sunday evening, at 7:30 All welcome. 126 This Is the last week for securing the advantages of the special offer to annual subscribers. Thos paying a full year get IS monthi for $5 If paid on or before Satur day. Mall cubscirptions can be sent up to as late as Sunday night. 123 Misses Olive Gordon and Mary MeHOA nf tlwt PrinM T?nrarf nn navt j luminal gjuuunu: nursing staff, who have been visiting in Vancouver and elsewhere in thi i south, returned to the city on tht Cardena this morning, t John Newtek, who has been at- , tending the remit United Church Conference In Victoria, arrived In the city trom i.ue soiitii on the as I Prince Charles this morning ar.d proceeded by train to his home t. . Haselton. Capitol Theatre programs for June are being distributed' through the mails. Watch for tbajm. The Management are givi j. tour free passes for a show every week to those lucky enough to receive pro crams with numbers rorrasponri- ' tog with these posted at the Box - unjce wiogqw. i i ariaiuon, mere is a 9a.uu Lasii iTize tor ine one sending ui the best answer to the Cartoon on Front Page. 128 mi I sin 'I'S'aysiiis aiaiaaaaaaaii FROM MONTREAL TO GLAStiOU-nSLFAST-HVER-POOI. June 5. June 30 . . Ducbeaa of Bedford 'im- 1" M-vitrlare June 19. July IT, Ducbeaa of Richmond sJiuie S7 sJuly i MsItU sNot call'ni? at Liverpool To Cherbourg-Southampton- Antwerp June 10 Duelwaa of York To CHERKOIIRO.snirrilA.MI'TON IIAMI1URG June IS MonUoM July S Mootoalro To Ilarve-London-Antwrrp Jmw 4 Uoasoalm FROM QUE1IKC TO CIIERIHIURG-SOUTIIAMPTON Junr S. June 97 ..Imprau of Britain Jure i:i. July 4 . . ..Emprass of Trani-o Jur 30 July 11. Impress of Aatraiia FROM VANCOUVER To llawll-JaBii-CNnii-PliHlpf)lnrs LOW ROUND TRIP FARES TO ORIENT Annlv to Aaeai evervwhers or J J KOII.HTMt Btranuhlp Oenl. Paaa Aeent C P K Station Vancouvor. Telephone- Trinity Hit SAILINGS FKOM PKINCE 11UPEKT To Ketchikan, Wransell, Juneau and Skasway May 30, June 8, IS To Vancouver, Victoria and Scaltle Jane 3, 13, 20 , PIUNCESS MARY For Rutcdale, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Hay, Campbell River, Vancouver. Vittoria Friday, at 10 pjn. Full information from . C. Orchard, General Aitent Cor. 3rd Ave. & 4th St. Phone 31 rv.rvirvi'niJU Till! DAILY NEW8 Saturday, May 30, 1931 Qhe horse steps on , jfiffiw, f?vou smoke W-z&Ss&X invoyu-KEvsR' , -0k -rc r mmorse" I MOUNGrHAM 7. CAsuN-'rRiiro ARE SMOOTH- Lmj' Wj THOROUGH. Wfl 'JSvJi Send in ten cents in stamps and we will trull you a complete set of "Do You ; know cards sixty audi ot knowledge and curious facts printed in color (site tW Hi'). Or twenty era Li viH brine 70a the sixty cards accompanied by an ! album in which tbe cards can be plved as i a prnnanent collection. Address Dept.35. j Tuckett Tobacco Co, Ltd, Hamilton. I Rockingham Cigarettes a smooth refreshing blend of choice tobaccos, sun-treated by powerful ultra violet rsys. There is no more mellowing influence than the son. Buckingham, treated with giant son lamps, are remarkably cool and mellow an ail-pleasure cigarette, Beyer 'Tarring in quality, packed for freshness in the patented sealed package; Uncle GAZAZUS is coming! Norman Wilks piano recital, Un.- ted Church, June 2, 8:15 pjn. 123 Glasses fitted u registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Phone 32 Taxi for special rates. day and night, for large parties Experienced drivers. tf Ladle' a roup of Sons of Norway Danee In Metropole Hall Saturday, at 8:30. Ladies 25c' Gentlemen 50c. , 123 Miss Jean Robertson will play the part of "Vivian" in the Btks Show. "The Beauty Shop" at ttv Capitol Theatre, June 9. 23 Loots Schults: well known AUm merchant, and Mrs. Sehultz. whe have been on a business trip soutl) were passengers -aboard the Princes? Alice this morning returning north. Mrs. II. A. Breen and son. Jn'': returned to the city on the Prin- I cess Mary yesterday afternoon from Claxton where they were th: euests fo- the past week or so oi Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McMillan. F S Bushby. formerly chief inspector of customs, who has been on the retired list for the past few years. Is paying aj .visit to the city having arrived on the Prlncev Alice this morning from Victoria W. Ooodrlck of the Post Offle Sjiaff, who has been on his annual vacation trip to Victoria, returned to the city from the south on thn Princess Alice this morning. Mr&. Goodrick will be returning later. P. J. Ryan left on this morning' train for Hazelton whence he will proceed Into the north country to act as census commissioner. H-wtll have to travel by saddle horse and canoe and expqeia to be away a month or six weeks. Rev. II. T. Allen, United Church minister at Terrace, arrived in the city from the south on the Princess Mary yesterday .afternoon attei ha vine attended the resent Conference ln victoria and . proceeded to the Interior on this morning's train. Arehblshop-elrct Isaac O. Stringer of Rupert's Land, passed through the city aboard the Princess Alice this morning bound for Dawson to close his ecclesiastical charge as Bishop of the Yukot prior to proceeding to Winnipeg where, as Archbishop of Ruperts Land, he will make his future headquarters. During his brief sUv In the city, the well known northern cleric rerdved hearty congratulations from many friends here on his ckvatlon. He was accompanied by Mrs. Stringer. . r Hffi ANNOUNCEMENTS Eagles Social and Smoker, Fri day, June 5. Elks' Show "The Beauty Shop," Capitol Theatre. June 9. Moose picnic, Dlgby Island, June 21. "I 4 Canadian Legion Picnic July 12 Furs remodelled, cleaned and repaired. An experienced, cutter. Goldblcom's Fur Shop. ; tl Mrs. Irwin Bruyn and family will sail on the Prince Charles tomorrow night for a visit In Seat-, tie. Elks' Flag Day June 3. Big Pa rade for kiddles starting from Westholme Theatre 1 pjn. Boys' Band in attendance. 12fi Subscribers whose subscription expiration date is several months ahead and who wish to take advantage of the present bargain counter rate of $5 for IS months may do so and have the 15-month period commence at the expiration of their present subscription. W. J. Barrows, pilot t): the Pacific International Airways, was a passenger aboard the Princess Alicj this morning bound for White-horse where he will take charge of one of the company's planes whicii he flew into the north last fall. Barrows will engage in commercial work in the north. Making her final run north on spring schedule, C.N.R. steamet-Princr Charles. Capt. Dan McKtn- non, arrived in port on time at 10:30 this morning from Vancou ver and will s&il this evening tor Stewart, whence she will return here southbound tomorrow even ing. Nett week the Prince Charles will be replaced by the ss. Prince George which will make one voyage on spring schedule after which the summer service will start. FASHION HINT "How to make my old short skirts conform to the new length was a problem to me until I bit on this plan. I dropped the hems; and as the part that had been turned under was darker than the rest, 1 redyed the entire dress, after having bleached the Roods, following directions ia the Diamond Dyes package. "I used Diamond Dyes for the red yang, of course. I nave dyed many things with these wonderful colors. They have saved me many dollars and nave never failed to give perfect results smooth, even colon fast to wear and washing. Friends think my things are new when I redye or tint them with Diamond Dyes. They do give the most gorgeous colors f Mrs. G.C. Levis, Quebec SAVE' MONEY lly Dealing at Our Stores Lux Toilet Soap 4 cakes for hOVj Jornecl Beef Armour's 4 XOC Qp No. 1 tins, per tin .vlalkin's Best Fancy Hawtian Pineapplesliced or crushed )lr No. 2 tin, per tin n Jreamettes 9P 3 packages for jiggs. Fresh Extras in HAn cartons, 3 doa (Tlie market is advancing, now is lie time to nut down in water glass) Malkln's Best Water Glass 4 C iul per pint tin Cheese Chateau. Velvceta AOl 4Dp Kraft. Vi-lb.pkg Ontario Cheese Mild 20C No. 1 Japan Rice 25C Malkln's Best, Florida AZn Grapefruit. No. 3 tins, 2 fwt,l Peanut Butter Bulk OCn A0 2 lbs. for T Aylmer Boneless Chicken OQ ,i-ib.tta Whole Wheat Fig Bar Bis- )fw OOK cults, 2 1b Corn Flakes tJCf, 3 pkgs tolled Oats Bulk QCn 6 lbs Dutch Maid Salad Dressing lOp 33-oa.. bottle Del Monte Peaches Halves OCn MOK 2V,-lb. tin Singapore Pineapple--2's Qf 3 tins Llbby's Olives O C 18-oa. jar Malkln's Best Jelly Powder OC All flavors, 5 for Mussallem's Cash and Carry Stores Where Dollars Have More Cents" 310 3rd Ave. 417-123 5th Ave. Telephones 3G0 and 18 Its fine quality has won leadership is mm Yellow label Salada 60 cu a lb Brown label Salada 70cts a lb 'Fret h f rem the gardens' j II. C. Hughes, field engineer for the Consolidated Mining it Smell-ling Co., arrived in the city on the I Prince Charles this morning en-route I to the Interior. I Mrs. F. O. Dawson and sons, Fred 'and John, will leave on Monday morning's train for Park River. Jforth Dakota, where they will pay, a visit with Mrs. Dawson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson re-; turned to the city this week after Ivlattlnir In the Rulklev Vallev bl- tween Topley and Perow with Mr n Johnson's parents. They spent a week there very enjoyably under ideal weather conditions. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ross ani child left, on this morning's train for Montreal where, on May 5. thev will embark on the steamer Ath-I j enia for their native home In Scotland. Mr. Ross has been In the cm-ploy of the Canadian Fish & Coll Storage Co. here. I After hearing the evidence yesterday afternoon. Magistrate Mc-iClymont. in city police court, re- 1 served until Monday morning ci decision In the case of three boys of Juvenile age who are charged with theft from the dwelling on , Eleventh Avenue. Rev. Father E. Allard Oil!, sailer) this morning on the Prin-ress Alice for Wrangell enroute to I the Stlkine River and Dease Lak? ; country where he will spend th? j summer engaged In missionary I work. Father Allard was accom- panted by E. J. Lcchford. J Rev. T. H. Wriht. United Chure'i minister at Hazelton, who has been , attending the recent conference In j Victoria, arrived in the city from the south on the Prince Charles I this morning and proceeded by I train tc the Interior. The Confer- CHURCH CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (Christian Science Society, 213 Second Avenue West) This Society is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist. In Boston. Mass. Sunday service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "ANCIENT AND MODERN NECROMANCY ALIAS MESMERISM AND HYPNOTISM DENOUNCED." Sunday School a 12:15. Testimonial meeting, Wednesday at 8 pjn. Reading room, 249 Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 5. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. W. D. Grant llollingworth, II.V Sunday School at 10 am Morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "THE BLESSING OF POVERTY OF SPIRIT." Evening service at 7:30. Subject, -SHADOWS OF INFLUBNCE." Male voice quartet, "My Anchor Holds." FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson. 11. A. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Sunday Sehool at 13:15. Evening service at 7:30. Subject, "THE STORY AND MESSAGE OF THE TE.DEUM.". Anthems, "O Day Spring" and 'Te Deum." ST. ANDREW'S (Church of us ence gave Mr Wright a year's leave-of-absence from the mlnic- try. He will spend the time in study and travel. Dan Jabour, who has been on a business trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Charles this morning. Alex Macdonald of the Summit Apartments returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morning from a business trip to Van couver. Harry Thrupp of the Canadian National division freight office here returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morning from a brief trip to Vancouver. , Mrs. P. B. Valde arrived in the city on Thursday afternoon's train from Winnipeg and is visiting with her son and daughter-in-law. Mi. and Mrs. B E. Valde. Clifford Valde accompanied her. John W Allen, sutierlntendent engineer of Dominion Fisheries, arrived in the city last night, being here to inspect local boats which will go in fishery patrol service this season There was a long rtring of these boats tied up at the fishery floats this morning. With a good-ateed passenger list including returning northerners and the vanguard of the season's tourists. C.PJl. steamer Princes Alice. Capt. Thomas Cliff, arrived in port at 9 o'clock this morning from Vancouver and sailed an hour later for Skaaway .and other Al aska points whence she wiP return here southbound nxt Wednesday afternoon. It is thr company's last sailing of thr season on spring schedule. Tbe Princess Louise will be the next of the company's boats, inaugurating the summer schedule In which the steamers Princess Charlotte and Princess Alice will also be used. NOTICES CATHEDRAL England) Very Rev. J, B. Gibson, Dean TRINITY SUNDAY Sunday School at 10 am. Morning prayer and Holy Communion at 11 a.m. Preacher, Rev. Prof. C. Hill-Tout Tenor Recitative, "Thy Rebuke Has Broken His Heart." Evening prayer and sermon at 7.30 Anthem i unaccompanied i , "Tliuu Wilt Keep Him hi Perfect Peace." is JsP! IjfhawJ m m