r i I 4 'ITV aflt ll PAdl BIZ THE DAILT NEWS it Prince Rupert Lodge No. 46 B.P.0.ELKS Presents their Greatest of all Show Successes Matinee Evening performance, performance, FOItD DELIVERY CAItS FOIt MA2VY I'UIIt'OHKK Mint different bodies arc avail nhle, adapting the Ford ram rnrrrUl "A" chassis for lite in m vide variety of businesses. Anion them arc the light delivery, panel, canopy, ftation wagon, de luxe delivery, and many others. All of these are in widespread ue, bring Ing Ford eeonomy, reliability, safety and value to their owner In nil parts of Canada. Among the important lea tore of Ford commercial can are the 4-evlinder engine, whirh develops 40 horse-power at 2200 r. p. m.j the .implicit?- of the electrical, ignition, cooling, lubrication and fuel systems torque-tube drive 1 fully enclosed. Internal - expanding, mechanical bralesi and shatlerless glass wind shields on factory models. Come in, let us show you these features, and explain how value has "TUB CANADIAN CAR- been built into every part of the Ford chassis. S. E. PARKER, LTD. Dealers anty George M. Cohan's Brilliant Musical Comedy One Night Only (With bargain matinee for school pupils) at the Capitol Theatre Tuesday, June 9 3:30 8:15 PM. IUW. CAST and CHORUS of 65 Admission at Itargain Trices Matinee Public and High School Pupils. 35c; Adult, 75c Evening Loges, $125; All other seat. $1.00 AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT and get your tickets EARLY from Bill HafoM. C.N Jt. Ticket Office. Third Ave., or any member of the BIks Lodge or the cast. Ticket exchange at Orme's Drug Store commencing Noun. Thursday. June 4. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING 0. T. I. 20,000-TON FLOATING DKVDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Dlacksmlths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 Jet the habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, und taking advantage of the help they bring you. ! Heavy Freight Shipments Delayed by having heavy freights' to discharge at various waypointr Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Andrew Johnstone, arrived in port at 3 o'clock this morning from the ; south and sailed at 4:30 ajn. on ; her return to Vancouver and way- ports. Uncle OAKAZUS is coming! Rheumatism? Quick relief Irom rheumatic pains without harm: EL To relieve the worst rheumatic isin ii a very simple matter. Aspirin will do it every timet It's something that you can always take. Gtnuine Atpirin talUt$ ore hormltw. Look for th liayer Cross on each tablet AS PI It I IV TRADE MARK RKQ. Made in Canada NATURAL PURE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our own cows. Four successive years Government Grade A certificate Health and Sanitation. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PRINCE RUPERT DAIRY Box 89S Phone 287 Rupert Motors DODGE DEALERS Oarage and Service Station All Modern Equipment 12-Hour Battery Charger OUR. TOWINO Si WRECKING CAR WILL HANDLE ANV JOB Phone SCC 1 Night Calls Phone 161 1 WATERFRONT WHIFFS Seal Protection Discussed Nootka Company Takes Over Langara Angling Season Opens Among the rank and file of the practical people here-, abouts is to be heard considerable criticism of the drastic B methods being employed by the government to protect theg seal herds on their migration north each spring. One newg .ircniment which has been heard is that a noisy airplane, i at Tow Hill as well as several fishing boats and scows and leases on razor sea clam beaches on the Queen Charlotte Islands. The salmon cannery was built in 1936 and Anglers Arc Out United States and Canada. In spite of large catches that trailers have been making at North Island, many of the boats are not is otu of the most modern plants of anxious to make a start owing to Its kind in this district. The clam the very small price paid for the cuntH-ry was built in 1925 by the 'salmon. Quite a few, it is reported, i late Capt. E. II. Simpson and Is the 'are not bothering about going out only plant of its kind in . Canada. ' at all ! The Nootka Packing Co. operates a j ii'duvtlon plant, salmon cannery How closely halibut halilngs i, met pilchard cannery on the west check out with dealers' weights Is kuU of Vancouver Island. The two a question that has often been ask-I concerns were formerly allied al- ed around fish exchangee but on though separate entitles. J. J. Pet- which no definite answer had been rich, vice-president and general devised until just recently when a manager of the Nootka Packing Co., report was made by the Interna-visitcd the Queen Charlotte Islands Uonul Fisheries Commission. The a Jew weeks ago prior to final con- commission's studies of unit catches summation of :the deal. arc based on hailing fares, lnvestl- f gallons having shown them to be Having taken on stores and arms sufficiently accurate for all p meat Vancouver, the fishing patrol tlcal purposes. Checking 257 trips steamer Oivenchy is to start next week for her annual raid of sea lion rookeries around Queen Charlotte Sound and Islands. The vessel will be out for some weeks carrying- landed at Prince Rupert during a certain period, it was found that the trips were hailed for a total of 4,112,580 pounds whereas the dealers' weights for these same trips ag- death and destruction to herds at gregated 4,176.141 pounds, showing all the rookeries. the hailing fares to be l& under Ithe amount weighed in. From this. it is apparent that the halibut fish- There was an unusually large ermen estimate their catches with turn-out of local angling en thus-1 arruuing accuracy. iaate on the Victoria Day double; holiday last Sunday and Monday. D. C. O. MacKay. who was here The water was high after recent , last year tagging crabs and who re- rains and those who essayed creek , turned a few days ago in connec-f ishing did not meet with very won-1 tlon with his investigations into derful results although there are no i crab life, was much disappointed in reports of anybody having been j not getting better returns from his skunked. Those who took to the tagging. Although between six and lakes, however, had pretty good sue- J seven hundred crabs were tagged cess and some rather large catches with brightly colored celluloid tags, were reported. There were very few 'less than a dosen have been rsturn- of the better known angling haunts (ed to him by fishermen. Either the hereabouts that were not visited, crabs have not been caught or the Weather was not very auspicious fishermen have been careless in nu. that, apparently, did not dam-1 making returns. As the intorma-pen the ardor of anyone. , tlon would be of great value to the " department, those who take tagged There wtll be practically no sal- crabs are asked to return Uvem to mon canning activity on the Queen the biological station. Mr. MacKay Charlotte Islands this summer as It is spending next week at the Naas will be the "off year for pinks. It River continuing his work in eon is quite possible that not a single I nectton wttb crab life, cannery on the Islands will operate. Very good reports continue toi come from the North Island troll-1 Halibut Landings lng grounds. Last week the trailers 1 Halibut landings for the week averaaed 80 uounds per boat which 'ending yesterday totatled 061.000 is not bad fishing. Capt. C. Nelson 'pounds, consisting of 3M.000 pounds Is reported to have made a catch of 1600 pounds in one day. Notice to Mariners Roberson Point day beacon has been moved to a new position on northerly extreme of drying line on south side of channel, 000 feet 282 degrees s. 72 degrees w. mag) from Du Vernet Point. The International Fisheries Com mission, at a meeting this week in Canadian and 356,000 pounds Am erican fish, bringing the grand total of landings, for the season to date up to 4377,310 pounds including 2,-306,600 pounds Canadian and 2,- 671,740 pounds American fish. Prices during the week remained at a low ebb, the top bid for Canadian fish being 8.4c and 4c which the D. 8. T. was paid for a catch of 4,000 pounds. Tlte low and prevailing price of the week was 6c and 3c. The high price for American fish Ottawa, endorsed a proposal to ' was 8.7c and 4c which the Anna J. establish a consulting committee received for 14,000 pounds. The low or advisory board of fishermen and price for American fish was alto 6c vessel owners to serve as an Inter- : and 3c. medlnry body through which a close ! nmtni n .1 ,r,Hnrafnnrtlnt- mlotit . 17jtva i rs hnvo han nrimrilntosf nt. KV.IVfc.V nIU U1IUV,.W.....0 I," I ---f"-" '- WW.. WVIJIV.M I be maintained between the com-, the local dry dock on the Vancou-1 mission and men cngagea actively ver yucm 1110 iiomta, wmcn was In the halibut fishing industry. Now damaged a few weeks ago when she that the commission has authority went on the rocks near the entrance ; to make regulations with the force of Metlakatla Passage, and the fa;iincmtPMi;KKMiw:a;rM!T::s:i:iir & Friday and Saturday Two Shows 7 & 9 p.m jj '5 Do You Remember S "Reducing?" A Laugh and Thrill Hit. Two Great Stars in a Drama of Sunshi and Shadow, Romance and Tense Situations Comedy CHARLIE CHASE in TIP FROM riTTSIlUUG' Dog Comedy "THE BIG DOG HOUSE" PARAMOUNT Nrw. Number "AROUND THE SAMOVAR" darrintr hank and forth above them, is by no means theig Musical . Saturday Mav Here is Marie Dressier again and Wallace a m "The Bis House," in 5 N. V V I I . '' Bmy, the ur o( MIN & BILL" Feature 9:53 O w y i i 1 a 1 ! 1 i4aooa vmA-wv us, ojt ft catui c Starts riS Bl at 7 7'55 53 1 & best thing for the females who are about ready to delivery SAtukday matinee at 2:3o-i5c & 40c-Feature start, J J Ineir young. 11 IS just, an cirguiuuiib wmtu nua uccii uctuu and which may be taken for what it is worth. In any case, ithti are many who leei tnai mere : is little Justification for the govern- ; ment spending large sums of money 'in sending out warships and airplanes to protect the seals for the benefit of the United States. On the I other hand, if sealing were to be thrown open anain to Canadian ermen shall be properly and adequately kept before the commissioners and that the men on the fleet, on their part, may be kept fully and constantly informed as to the necessities of the fishery and the attitude of the commission. boots, Prince Rupert, and no longer (such a committee would confer with jiEi'rua, would be made headquar- ithe commissioners frequently, keep-lets or the fleet and probably a ins constantly in touch with both million dollars annually would J the progress of investigations and - thereby be brought to the city. It j with the conclusions reached, to would seem to be to Prince Rupert's i see that the men engaged in the interest to agitate for the abroga-ii'in of the seal protection treaty, fishery are kept informed on these matters and to present to the com the efficacy of which, indeed, is very ' missioners the attitude of the fish- doubtful. I ermen and their views as to most 'practical ways of maintaining the The Nootka Packing Cd. Ltd. of halibut supply. The plan under eon-Vancouver has acquired all the siderntlon provides for a committee properties of the Langara Fishing or board which would include mem-& Packing Co. Ltd. including the bers representing all principal dl-thrcc-line salmon cannery at New visions of the fleet and all classes Massett. the one-line clam cannery of halibut fishermen both in the MONDAY & TUESDAY "SIN TAKES A HOLIDAY gaiivxa saimgx:iiitri tvrausi jmsm sum tm ;.u xnzn zum , DELICIOUS You will taste the difference NUTRITIOUS "tlEUClOW D FREE! Newt Fascinating I Educational! Amusing! Ths Willarda "Chocolate Book" bsoutiful twenty-page volume giving the true history of the discovery and manufacture of chocolstt, together with the diverting adventures of Delicious and Nutritioua, the Willow Milk Twins. Loaded with jolly jingles and gay with many full page coloured pictures. Will delight everyone from even to seventy school teachers may order in lota of fifty. Write Dep p.R Wlllard's Chocolates. Toronto. SPECIAL PRIZE OFFER DETAILS INCLUDED I The bat that auVes esch WdUrdt Twin, Dfliciotu and Nutritiaui. grin? SMOKED of law for the preservation of the vessel will be leaving in a very short j - halibut supply, such contact Is con- time In continuation of her big New York and party on board, eidered mm essential thun ever to mime huntlnu voyage to Kodiuk Since the wreck and pending re-ihe enu thai Hie views of tue fish-1 Island with cnaries de Ganuhl of pairs to the vessel, the de Oanahl V The WUlow Milk Chocolateers No. 4 This is the salt sea sailor lad Who climbs aloft when the uatner'j bad, A rollicking, Toyjtering, jolly young tar With a cargo of beans for the Wi'liou Milt bar. etc LACK COD NUTRITIOUI" we 14 TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" Prepared Dally Dy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, R.C. SHINGLES! No.l 3xatperM $3.25 No.l-5xatperM $3.75 No. 2 -at per M $5 SUPPORT HOME INOUSTRIM MADE AT MASSETT HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE PI10NE 580 party has been on "H Whiiesall Lake count w Rums Lake hi llll'' " ...litl- 0