PAGE BIS Creditors' CLOSING-OUT Don't Delay! Many Shoes Below Cost! Make It Snappy! Creditors Close-Out Sale at McArthur's Shoe Store is still in progress. Hundreds of people have saved money at this sale! And there are still a large-number of BARGAINS to be had. Boys' School Shoes L'-ckicV Red Stitch. Canada's best boys' shoes, reg. $5.00. Closing out price CO AC Sizes 1 to 5'i V000 Ladies' Hartt Sho es We are clearing out this line of high grade ladies' shoes at less than cost. We have them in different styles. Closing out price . 07 Off From Scribblers-Exercise Books-Loose Leaf Books Leose Leaf Sheets-Drawing Books-Drawing Portfolios Pencils and Erasers Compasses and Rulers Protractors and Squares-Ink, Paste and Mucilage Crayons and Paints MatLran's Pads and Pens Blotting Paper-Pencil Boxes- Girls' Shoes In black & brown straps & oxfords; in many patterns; cut to half price. Sizes Q-f QC 11 to 13 ... Vit7J Sizes Q4 Off 8 to 10 ....Vlwtf Tred-Rite Boys' Welted Soles Fine dress shoes; reg. $6.50. Closing out price Sizes l to5 .. Sizes 11 to 13 4,45 $3.75 Men's Work Boots Good shoes with Panco soles, all sizes fi0 QfT Closing Out. A First Class FOUNTAIN PEN With eitlier clip or CAp ring. Special, each0"' Ready-Rite Pencil 4P each Xul Flour per 49-lb. sack Rupert Motors $1.25 Granulated Sugar fiJJJ OCT per 100-lb. sack vw0tf Best Creamery But-QQ fff ter. 14-lb. box vO.OI Mllk-Any brand QC 4 A pex case 1 ?1U Erriprtsrt Strawberry CAp Jam, 2Vi-lb. glass Jar3"1' Telephone Your Order and Pay the Driver WE GUAKANTEE EVERYTHING! WE SELL Q & S GROCERY Phones: 227 & 228 COO Seventh Ave. East NEW LOW PRICES Our prices on Good Tires are the lowest In history. You'll be amazed when we quote prices on your size. Exclusive Goodrich Dealers Phone: 5GG-Night Call: 1C1 Astoria Shoes A mi WW, 9 We are slaughtering prices on this famous line, black and brown calf oxfords . $7.85 Black & 07 QC brown shoes Boy's Valentine & Martin Shoes Sizes 1 to 5 QO Qff Closing out McARTHUR SHOE STOR! Rt Rev. Peter Trimble Rowv. Episcopal Bishop or the Yuk was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoo i bound from Juneau to Victoria. Mussallem's Meat i ' , Market i Spare Ribs QCZn , 2 lbs .. O D 1 Shoulder Pork 50 C Leg of Pork OC I perlb. ... " Loin of Pork ncn pcr lb Shoulder Lamb Cn f peftlb. ADC Lamb Chops Qftn I per lb.- VL Stewing Lamb or- 2 lbs Stewing Veal t) e n l 2 lbs x. Shoulder Veal -f r0 I per lb XDU i Leg-of Veal QlZn per lb. ' ajuv Veal Chops OCT per lb AOI T-Bone Roast OET per )b.v SC Sirloin tip op- "per lb UO, Round Steak AtZn 2 lbs ttDL, Rump Roast 20 C Phones 18 & 8! 417 Fifth Ave. E. THE DAILY NEWS Thursday August DRAMATIC IN THEME "Doctors' Wives" Has Entirely Novel Background Baxter and Bennett An unusual dramatic theme play cd against a background seldom If ever before featured on the screen makes "Doctors Wives," current attraction at the Capitol Theatre, a picture of exceptional Interest. While manypast novels, stage plays and screen dnmas have featured the.. heroic serv ices of doctors, this one depicts realistically the hopes, ambitions, conflicts and Inner doubts of th&r wives to attention. The story revolves about a tern pestuous romance and marriage, which goefi on the rocks when the young doctor's wife falls prey to the suspicions town in her mind by her mother who Insists that women pat ients seek out her husband for other than medical attention. She is fin ally made to understand that her suspicions arc unfounded in fact ind that a doctor's duty to humanity is greater than his own personal life. Leading roles are handled with distinction by Warner Baxter as the successful and ambitious young surgeon and "by Joan Bennett as his demure and emotional wife. Victor Varconi, who has not been seen .dnce he played here as Lord Nelson In "The Divine Lady," has an important part. Admirers of Miss Bennett regret that she will be off the screen for many months If not permanently because of a recent horseback accident whejvhe broke her hip and sustained serious back injuries. LOCAL ITEMS Attend the Anniversary Sale Open Friday, Bryant St Company I Ltd. Mrs. J. Farquhar, who has been visiting at Terrace with her moth er. Mrs. T. J. Marsh, returned to the city from the interior on this afternoon's train. John W. Splekett, well known theatre owner of Juneau, and Mis. Spicket: were passengers aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon bound for a trip to Seat tle. E. E. Gregg, assistant district forester, returned to the city on this afternoon's train from one of his periodical trips to the Interior on official business. He was accompanied, by Mrs. Gregg and the Vancouver, who have been holidaying at Terrace. Week-End Specials Alberta Rose Bread Flour Q-4 f)E 49-lb. sack Robin Hood China Oats 9 ft n UL per pkg. Australian Seedless Raisins 2 5 ( Swift's Pure Lard AXo 0' 3-lb. tln Malkln's Best Sliced Pine- J lul ftp apple. aVi's, per tin Malkin's BAst Clams (fp per tin Malkin's Dest CusUrd oyn' Qflf Powder, per tin Campbell's Vegetable Soup Off 2 tins ::. Woodland Creamery Butter OAp OUl per lb : - Sunnybrook Creamery Q ft P Butter. 3-lb. brick ' Italian Pruhef 04 -Iff tJJ..0 per crate,, Field Tomatpe 4 Ul ftp per basket ., Ripe Bartlctt Pears "Ul Iftp per basket Remo Cabbage- Od 6 lbs :..' Fresh Orecn Beans 25C Nice Swe"ei 6ranges On S doz wOl Alberta Market f. RAMUI.A, P-oprfetor I Jfth Street Phone ?.0H CHECKING GLACIERS Governor Parks of Alaska Guest Recently on Canadian Public Works Boat JUNEAU, Aug. 26 Will the retreat of Grand Pacific Glacier eventually give the Dominion a Canadian port in ihe heart of th? Alaska panhandle? This has been the principle topic of conversation among glaciologlsts who visited thi territory this summer and the point has not been relegated into the discard yet. Rumors that Canadian contemplate the establishment of a tourist resort at the head of Grand Pacific Inlet have been rife of late. The question was put to J. P. Forde, divisional engineer for the department of public works of Canada, who arrived in Juneau recent ly aboard the Canadian yacht Wal ronda. Capt. II. Aidren, from Vic torla, B.C. "We have had our eyes on Grand Pacific for some time since 1925; nt least." Mr. Forde said, "but Just what use we can make of the three-, quarters of a mile of land which retreating glacier has left for us is yet to be determined." Glacier Quits Alaska During the summer of 1025, a arty of surveyors found that Grand ?adf lc Glacier, which has been try-ng for a good many years to decide a nether it wanted to be an Alaskan r a Canadian glacier, had finally nade up IU mind to change Its na-ionallty. It has now withdrawn al-nost a mile from the International Boundary Line, giving Canada a port of entry into Northern British Columbia. "The Canadian government has withdrawn this strip of land from the public domain," Mr. Forde said. "We don't know what use we can make of It, at the country beyond it Is practically unexplored. It is doubtful, however, If we can ever use it as a means of ingress to the Whltehorse country there are too many toe fields and high mountain ranges." Governor Parks a Guest W. A. Oourlay, senior engineer for the department of public works of Canada, Mrs. Oourlay and John Yarrow, of Yarrow. Ltd.. shipbuilders of Victoria . are Mr. Forde's guests on the cruise. Mr. Yarrow Is the grandson of Alfred Yarrow, the THE TRUTH WINS! Our prices are the lowest and our quality is the highest, consequently our business Is increasing D & K Pastry Flour 10's "" 4 Op per sack Empress Tea -Fresh stock 4Q per lb Swansdown Caka Floor JJ QQ Malkin's Dest Raisins -f Cn per 15-os. pkg XtJC Malkin's Dest Peaches and OfTp ApricoU, 2 8-o. tins 01 Golden Dntam Corn 2's per tin 12c School Supplies Scribblers- per dos Paints 3 and S colors per box Phone 3C0 319 3rd Ave. 45c 38c All other supplies at reduced prices Fruits & Vegetables' Fresh Mushroom Just arrived' from Massett per lb Rhubarb Upriver 7 lbs .. Terrace Apples 6 lbs. Crab Apples 5 lbs I Iothouse Tomatoes per basket Cucumbers Largo 4 for 55c 25c 30c 25c 40c 25c! Mussallem's Cash and Carry Stores "Where liollars Have More Cents" , Phone IS & 81 417-423 5lh Ave. S Weds. & lhurs. ml 5 TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 P.M. MMjWlCOSti S Admission 20c & 63c MfSWmfTSSJiC 5 B i 5 I la ! lis H M N n H Feature Starts at 7:40 & 9:10 THURSDAY MATINEE at 2:30 15c & 40c Feature Starts 3:10 Warner Baxter and Joan Bennett in " DOCTORS WIVES" A .1 1- - 1 . t iv untma oi a uocior, nis wne anu nis patients and now ins pauenis try ner patience. Comedy 'WINDY RILKY GOES TO HOLLYWOOD' Novelty, "HITTING THE HIGH C'S" FOX NEWS Wives of Local Doctors Admitted Free S Friday and Saturday W. HOYD and W. FAKM'M J in "FAINTED DESERT" ujMim tmivraii mux murrsmrraisni mrwrfTrarri! inventor of the torpedo boat and the I Company, and H Wh-. r um-j todpedo boat destroyer. tend urn of the White v ,s .i,m Go. George A. Parks accepted Mr. kon Railway, also wen i:U( ..lto Forde's invitation to accompany the party on the Walronda on their: cruise to Glacier Day. P. R. Bradley, F. R. Wilson of Invrrm-ss u u of the Alaska Juneau Oold Mining overnight visitor ;n -own WHEN THE BUSINESS GIRL COOKS I had such an interest in(t letter this morning from a typical business Rirl JeanetteT . She lives in Montreal, spends her daytime hours in a big in-VMtmentcompany.andhoIlajoution of responsibility, liut. wbsn the clock hands point to dosing time, she becomes another person a typical home maker, even if her borne is only a tiny apartment. When she cooks, she wants not only delicious results, but she wants to get them firily. surely and economically. Moreover, she has an open mind to pew ideas, and keen judgment in valuing them in cookery as much as in tusness. She tells me that she uses Carnation Milk In all her cookery. Her straight-lirward comment Is: "I like the way the food tastes with Carnation Milk. . Very generously, she pasnea along her discoveries to her friends, and asks me to send ray "lovely cook book" to others in the office, and to keep her supplied with my latest recipes. Iin't that rfuirarf Htl lr litr? I know that what she has found out about Carnation Milk other women will rind that it gives better results in cookery than even the best of bottled milk, that it is the njot convenient and economical form of milk, that it u absolutely dependable as to richness and punty, and that Its double cre.imim vt and finely broken up cre.-im partle ; I Etve a fineness of texture a:id nrlincvs of flavor to every food in which C nation Milk is uvd. t',i:- .i'i Mat, remember, is simply the Iw ndmii, protected at the sourer. It r'imrtba clean herds, houaed in dnn tins, milked by clean hands r r . c v-m am sils. This safegiia.'di-rl ;m n mp Stcd to double nciuievr .md ktcriad for safekeeping. I want you to trv or- "( the mips which my Montna! i.-i. ,.l r-ulj like. And 1 wai.t wi -fullni wliole hxik of renins i- '' Ja Writ for the fleet'.:; -.iu .-.t toCarnatkMiCo.. I :mi;;,. AbouC St., Vancouver, li i . fJarnationMacarxni 1.-1 :;tc acaroni. 3 trxp. iv:t;. U -nr per. chopped, 1 cuji m- i ; nedl. 3 tbsn. iVwr. 1 ts i.;. fW 1 can chicken w M I LK Beciuse the cresm Is broken up minutely. Carnation Milk gives to sny dish a smooth, velvety texture which even the best of bottled milk cannot equal. Through the services of Carnation "field mm", dairymen ar encouraged to build up their herds snd taught strict standards of cleanliness thus safeguarding Carnation Milk at the source. And this protection continues until Carnation Milk reaches you in its hermetically sesled contsiners. (Set rtcipt Above.) Milk (rem CtmdUn cows, picked In CantdM in Ctatdita cans aad cases.. i p. liquor. 1 cup i. n M emo, chopiied. wiink.i . roni in boiling saltiil 'a tender. Drain and r: watvr. Saute the ti" mushrooms in tin- lu" (about lOminutrs) . errd whilecookink. i ; mums and ;ici-;i ! i ami aonini;i i!, i thesoup, mush".ni li . lion, t'ook until t' I'oiiKtantlv. Ci'mln'.' v rum. tirri'n W : pimicntn, paprika. In . ; t"'i mtw tn a t.i'i' rrut ii S , ind .-I'lHB ; m i ' t Ti-aa--f ;K t . add ., ll'JT ii ivr. we W ,,-i vA nmjhiyial ..n FRODUr BBlllllllllllllllVBHilllllVSHSBSBSMSBSBSBB9BHKjBn3taSS m