The Daily News "Classified" is the Poor Mari s Advertising Column A Few Words in this section is the Cheapest Way of Reaching the Mass of the People. CLASSIFIED For rent, for sale and all other small advertisements in this section charged at the rate of 2 tents a word per Insertion with six insertions' for the price of four. By the month the charge Is 25c a word. No advertisement taken for less than 56c. FOR RENT in' 'ICE apartment for rent. West-vi r BrOs. if i h FOB RENT 5 and 6 rooms i bath on Sixth AVenue West. , .in-Blue 802. . tf F"ir KENT Four-roomed moder.i nirtment, . partiy furnished, i . iii- Bed 607. tl FtiR RENT Pianos, phonographs :ri'ing machines and can, Walker's, cor. Second Avenu? u,id Fourth Street. , tf F ;' RENT Modern apartment in ; i.dIcx house, heated, three largo . i! 'ims. large living-room, el-; i- range. Apply Bazelt-JonW, entrance, upstairs, at 722 '. Ave. W., or Phone 793. FOR SALE v. ALE Good used cars at ir prices. Kalen Motors Ltd. U -AI.E Fully equipped trolltnat t heap. Enquire Wm. Man' ' ry. 209 Third Atehue. Phod 336. it v 'TT FOR SALE With licensed i i parlor, situate at Uk, on 1.62 if cleared land, under eul-i'1'in, rrhe four-roomed partly - i lied cottage also on the wry A wonderful opportuh-' f-r a married couple to handle ior ale,at a sacrifice price. i K 8 D. Johnston Co. Ltd. - (208 J help Wanted W(5men, make good living Mens. Ladtei', Children's My. Underwear. Shirt, etc. i value. Liberal Commission for catalogue. Alliance ling Co.. 108 West Wellington onto. Ml Aimee Calls Off Seattle Revival TTLE. Aug. 27: Almee ' Mt Pherton of Los Angeles, iu,in Gospel evangelist, has "i"od plans for a huge revival ! city. Halibut Landings Canadian Rpit. 9.000, Pacific, fl.5c and : "i. n, e.700, 8torage. 8.5c and 3c. ' 'hut H. 5.000, Storage, 6.5c and The Weather ! i'le Island Misty rain, fresh iv wind; sea moderate'. ' :i "iira Island Raining, soutfi- u nd; sea smooth. 1 "' Tree Point-Cloudy, light 1 ' -it wind; barometer 30.10; n in l ature, 64; light swell. Sniitlicrs Man Fined On Traffic Charge !:MfTHEH8, Aug. 27: Arthur ' 1 'd Mcintosh was fined $ld here wi ck on a charge of driving to 1 tnmon danger. The charge Mcintosh was the outcome I 1 "lllslon on the Lake Kathlyn 1,1 between ears driven by Mctn- II nd Herbert Wallace LeacH. r,i' Phllllpson of Osland U In t 11 with his gasboat. Mrs. Phil-11 arrived In the cltjr by train ""ernoon. They will pay a I visit here. r "'ruction Is well Under way "r " fine large new residence be ' built by John R. Mitchell tor ;' home ori Allln Atenue he end of Westvlew. It is two 'Aoreys m height with full etnent foundation, ADVERTISEMENTS PATENTS SELL your patent or Invention by exhibiting your model or drawing at the Second and Greater IffTERrMTiOKAL PATENT EXPOSITION, CHICAGO. Thousand ol manufacturers and patent buyers will inspect hew device and natenti for marktln" Very low rates. If you have rtf model, drawings and description will do. Send for free pamphlet. B. Hamilton Edison, Managing Director, International Patent Exposition, Merchandise Mart, CHICAOO. 213 SALVAGE & TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do H." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Diving and ' General Salvage Work iAgcnts for EASTIIOrE EN GIN Eft Boats and Scows of all descrip I lions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire BARGAINS IN GAS ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers Band and Gravel in any quantltr delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Night 56 1 P.O. Box 1S64 TRANSFERS ' ' ' ' I '., d, tt R. TRANSFER, Qartige and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. tf BOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red 129. THE INLANDER 'Board or roon Phone 137. HIGH School glfl would like home in town. Would assist Ih housework and pay a little toward board. Apply Red 390. 202 wanted , ! WANTED- Stationary 2icyllndr; Oeu Engine, 20 horsepower. Qo Porter; Terrace, B.C. 21)1 WANTED 4 or fire room unfurnished house, Clone in. Apply Bo : 98, Dally Newt. SITUATIONS VACANT BARN money now taking Orders for Perianal ChrlHtnaa Greeting Card. Fittest line etet showtt. Buy to sell. Writ lot particulars. Real Art Co., 91 Gould St . Toronto. tf CORRESPONDENTS WANTED LADIES and Gentlemen In South Africa. Europe, etc., seek Correspondents. I Writ Bonafide Correspondence Bureau. Postbox 1C6?. Johannesburg. 8. Africa. tf j HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rtiperx's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. PRUDIIOMME, Prop, dor. of Fraser and Fifth 8ts. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll, ITop TIIK HOTEL WOKTII WHILE Iot St Cold Wwr; 8tm Hel 75e PER DAY AND UP Trlrphont tl Knox Hotel Are OUf MEALS Good' Our Qqesta Say They Are, CniROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous. Female and Children' Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASPINALL (Graduate Chiropractor) C and 7 Exchange Block Green 211 Black 283 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPEPT AUCTION MART We buy. sfU of" exchange any kind ol 'prnlture or household goods, musical instruments, ma fhinery, etc. General repair, crating, packing and shipping Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Biacx 120 and we will call G. i. DAWKS, Auctioneer, federal B'kvVi tf MISCELLANEOUS HAVE a good stomach and be healthy. Use Purity Brand Ollv.' Oil. Is guaranteen absolutely pure under chemical analysis. ( Price $2.25 per gallon. Pete Bruno Distributor. Phone Red 720 of write P.O. Box 831, Prince Rupert, ii PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK. Palmistry and Crystal Reading. Federal Block. Phone Green 761. rAPERllANGlNG Sc TAINTING PAPERII AND INO and Painting Rooms papered from $5.00 up. Material furnished. Phone Rcc 444. ' tr SHOE REPAIRS MAC Shoe Hospital. Shoe repairs of all kinds, Second Avenue West. tt SHOE REPAIRS Best materials-finest work prices reasonable. Sharman Co., opposite Post Office. If - i . Auction SALE OF TWO AUTOMOBILES SATURDAY, AUG. 29 AT 2.30 TM COR. 2nd AVE. and 4th ST. Instructed by Walker Mqtor Co , Ltd.. I will sell by Public Auction one PLYMOUTH FOUR-DOOR SEDAN, year model 1930. and one CHEVROLET, TWO DOOR SKU.tJT, iyear model 1926, both cars licensed for 1931. Terms 1-3 cash, balance carl oo .arranged on monthly payments 'with very reaaonable flnante fee The Plymouth has only run .6, 000 miles, both cars can be seen 'and tried out at the aboveaddre. any time before the sale, and must be sold irrespective of pride, on above date. a28 GEORGE J. DAWES Auctioneer Phone Black 120 Your Figure Studied Lines Symmetrical Arranged MRS. THOMASSOtf Dressmaker & Ladles' Tailor 415 Green St, Phone Blue 901 MISS S. OLAFSON 'a. t. c. m. Associate Teacher of Miss Way Teacher of Piano, Theory. Harmony. Counterpoint. Telephone: Red 390 i l Auction "I SALE Extraordinary FRIDAY, AUGUST 28 At 230 P.M. AT 408 8th AVENUE WEST ! iti strutted bythe owner I will sell by Public Auction the tohte'nts of the home at the above address consisting of the following: One 8-PIECE BED ROOM SUITE (Solid Walnut;; 1 Carpet 9x9; On: Cut Glass Toilet Set; THREE-PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE upholstered in Russian Hide; four chairs to match above; one combination Library Table and Card Table In Mahogany (solid); on. Walnut Library 'Table; one SOLlfi MAHOGANY BUFFET with bull' in wine cabinet; bronze statw-bronze table lamVr two cut gla!;r mlrrows; one oxidized sliver m!r-;ror;' pictures; one long mlrrOv: ipuffa; three stools; one cut glass Punch Bowl and doz. glasses; one 'glass Candelabra; one Wilton Car pet 9x12; one Mohair Rug; 7 small rugs; three chandeliers; window! shades; floor lamp; pair of English Whitney single blankets and one boat model. I can truthfully say that I hav" never seen the equal of this superb furniture and would adviv people who appre&late articles that will last for generations as well as th&,arttsUc aotiea ranee to see thl-. . ;AgativT say this is all solid as described, no veneer. GOODS CAN BE VIEWED O.V ! TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, or On THURSDAY, ANG. 25, 26 and 27th. at 408 8th Avenue West. G.M. Hunt I Auctioneer PHONE RED 673 QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C. Our Prince Rupert Prices: No. I 5x per M $3.75 NO. 1 3x per M. 3.25 No. 2 per M 2.75 ROBERTSON Sc .SIMPSON Massett, B.C. Agent: Hyde Transfer. Thone 580 Silversides Bros. PAINTS -a WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue 1? - C. TOOMBS Radio Service Radltf Sales and Repairs All makes of radio work gutrar teed. Phone Blue 901 508 4th Av. E. Typewriters for Rent by day, week or month Rose, Cowan & Latta "Phone 234 IlOUSHPAlNTINfJ Inside and Outside PAPERHANOINO KALSOM1MNO Reasonable Prices JOERGEN P.MOLLER Call Red 802 between 5:30 and 6 pjn. or before 8 n.m or call 64 at any time. Prince Rupert pALL pA Opens Closes Number of jugglers, Equalibrists And Contortionists to give Clever Performances Bevy toi Dancing Girls. Two Bands in Attendance, CHAMPIONSHIP The sporting events at the Prince Rupert Fall Fair this year give promise of surpassing those of former years. The visiting teams have won distinction in their respective districts, while the local bqys.arcjnthe be$t of form . . . . BASEBALL: FOOTBALL: LACROSSE: : a International Beautequest The most beautiful girl in this district will be chosen to Visit Los Angeles dnd compete in the htigc competition, and the candidate will be chosen" dlirlriff fair week at the filial ball." Exhibition Features Flower show, the largest in Northern British Columbia. Individual farm exhibit, most important yet ever made in district. Dozens of Midway features every afternoon and evening. maammmmmU. ' .""HBWraWSMMaWBSaBaHDSMBIII II lllllll I II l. M COAL Buy the real Coal our fa mous Edson and Cassldy Welllnrton In any quantities. Also Bulkier Valley IUy, Grain and Robin Hood Flour Prince Rupert Fed Co PHONES 68 AND 558 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR S KEEN A BRAND Creamery Butter 6 Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delltery Throufhout the City Tuesday, Friday, Hazclton, the champion one more to its string of against Prince Rupert. ANYOX VS. For the championship dian football contests, 'riricc! Rupert arid two championship fceflcs. i TheFish which made if t ' iii' 1 til "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. (Jet the habit of reading the and taking advantage of Sept. 1 Sept. 4 SPORTS team so far, Will try to add victories by playing a series Also Indian baseball games. PRINCE RUPERT Of Northern U. C. Also Inf Naas River teams will play i Prince RupertFamous advertisements in this paper, the help they bring you.