World Sport News and Views FINE 111,XJ BOUTS 'DRAGON BRITISH COLUMBIA LAST NIGHT IS CRICKET WINNER WINNER Prince Rupert Boxer Score Three Knock-Outs Over Opponents From Warships Big Crowd Present Benny Wendle and Billy Bagshaw Hlo NoUble Victories Off Sailor Opponents Scoring knock-outs in three oil the bouts with their sailor oppaa-i cuts from HMS. Dragon, Prince Rupert boxen had decidedly the best enlng, Benny Wendle administered; severe punlhment on Ordinary, Seaman Storrle, welterweight , champion of the West Indies Di vision of His Majesty's Navy. Stor rie, however, proved to be a very game boy and. on account of this j gameness. wan a big hand from; the crowd. He was simply outclas-j sed. After being narrowly saved by the bell at the end of the third! round Storrie was promptly putt away by Wendle in the fourth of j the six scheduled rounds. j It looked for a while as though : iHlllv Rsrshflw and Tplcranhp1 VICTORIA, Auk. 8: British Columbia won the Western Canada cricket championship Defeated Prince Rupert City Team yesterday by defeating Manl- Score of SeVMl lo ne toba in the deciding match. ! READY FOR SWIM GALA SPORT NOTES Torn Adams, 200-pound Youngs- authorities will stage a 10-oared town, Ohio, meat-cutter and Abe cutter race in which Navy League Sussman, Bronx clerk, who has crews from Toronto, Kingston, Wei-made swimming around Manhattan land. Hamilton, St. Catherines and Island his hobby, are the latest en-' other points wll lcompete. The dls-trants in the Toronto Exhibition's tance of Ihls event will be one mile, 1031 race for $25,000 and world and the crews will start from the ( laurels. Another is Jim Tosaka, platform In front of the Automotive winner of the 12-mlle Kagoshlma Building and row a straight mile River swim in Japan in competition inside the breakwater. The wlnnlni? with 200 Oriental marathoners. The crew in this event will be presented Japanese star, nevertheless, is a with a trophy by Karl Jelllcoe, Ad-Brltlsh entry. Tosaka was born on mlral of the Fleet. The traditional British territory. His father was dress for this event in the British Japanese and his mother French. He Is a chef and his training rules, plain food, plenty sleep. Visitors to the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto on Saturday, August 29, Warrior's Day, will have an opportunity for probably the first time In Toronto to witness one of the oldest aquatic events in his tory. On this evening the Exhibition Navy will be observed and Navy Flattering Score Locals Should Have Had at Least One More Counter H. M. S. Dragon had an even big ger margin over the Prince Rupert II. M. S. Dragon to Send Thirty-Two reprsentative team in their second Men to Event at Salt Lake 1 nm when the naval hovs wan hv v - " r ' fnHoa onrt thin frnm Best Bout on Card connected with one of his deadly haymakers and Turner kissed the i canvas. With Prince Rupert pounders, put on a combination , ted of a smoker for both teams. wrestling and boxing bout. This) 1 provided a great deal of entertah -! City League mem even n mere was more wrestling than boxing. Dan Paron - Second Half was given the deetotoon in the four old Empress 3 round squirm. ?ikj, 2 Stoker Daniels and Officers j 8onJ of'canada 2 Steward Richardson, bcih of HM.I L. 2 2 3 Pet. .600 300 00 8. Dragon, 126-pounders, staged a, tmart four-round exhibition bout tlonal rugger, and Jack Judge were which was much appreciated. ' Judges. Referee for the bouts in which As a souvenir of the occasion, men from the warship partlclpa-' each one of the men from the war-ted was Principal Training In- ship who participated In the flaht struotor Stanbury while Douglas card was presented with a hand-Frizzeil was referee for the bouts some silver cup. The cups were fur-in which only local boys partlci- niahed by Owen Fisher, promoter of j he got 0Bray came to the rescue land then dgecumDe taesuea weu., iDorllng saved Irom Dickens but' later missed his clearance. Rowbot- tom turned up from nowhere to clear leisurely off the goal line. Dor- ling punched away Norrlngton's cross. Clever halfback play gave Wilcox a chance and his hard drive went off La Idler's hands for the seventh goal. After Laidler bad saved the ball was returned and Mason picked up a centre in the air pated. Commander C. A. -Kershaw the fight card, and were presented , j-. .... ocoreu guuu t.w t nm.i ui tiMS). uruguu, nuveu imcrna- ay Acung ivmyor w. a. rmsuuiy, to fire a lightning drive that caught Laidler full on the face the ball went back into play but the local goalie was out for a few seconds. At la at Pnnrt. pnt. Oirnvtph nrt Rnntip BIOLOGICAL ' BOYS WIN Defeated R. C. N. V. It. in Softball Lcafue Last Night The Biological Station last night won its first game in the C. N. R. A Softball league by defeating the R. C. N. V. R. by a score of 6-4. Both teams played good ball, but the Biological Station was evidently in tent on piling up a few games to their credit, and managed to get two more runs than their adversaries. Batteries were Brocklesby and Tomorrow j B1 'or he Biological Station and seven to one last night. Still, the ' Pitcher and Peterson for the R. C. flattered the visitors score as a ner- H. M. " B. Dragon is to send a dele- t f fectly good goal by the local boys N- v- R- nf tho r5nir in th Hnviiuri . . " ' tln rf m tMlntMl AAitl nth.' j i . i 1 - - m . Z TJSX SL Tr letes t0 Uke " ta the pr08ram y home defence gave the Club. It nn. of press Social was one the swlmmlng gala wnlch wlll be iMtors two goals. There Is no doubt j?1 ean6St"cuJ boxlllg held at the Salt Lake by the Prince that their first goal was well off-cards that has been seen In man Rupert Swimming Club tomorrow. glde t0o a day in Prince Rupert. There was swimmers will ah Prince Rupert Th W was nnlv in nrnwsa n Fifty-yard dash. Distance swim. Distance plunge. Underwater swim. Twenty-five-yard breaststroke. Twenty-five-yard backstroke. Obstacle race. Fancy diving. Eight-men relay race. Water-polo exhibition. TROPHY IS made his team's total three. Baptie gave Norrington a through pass and a corner followed. The ball ran along the bar and was barely fc rambled away. Murray spoiled a .... ...... wfw.Q.. C. N. R. A. eoftball team arrived on the train (rnai the e-st today and will play one game tonight and another tomorrow afternoon against the local association, with a game between a large attendance and all present also take part in the gala, it is ex-:COUpic of minutes when Robinson ipr,nce George and city all stars inl wcjc liiuiy iirttKu wiiw wc onuv -pectea. me iuu program 01 evenvs scored with two of his Inside men"c "iis- that was offered. will be as follows In the headline bout of the ev-i Twenty-five-yard dash (offside. Mason missed an easier op- ! nce oeorge team consists S. Heavysides. H, WMls, H. Rog-Iwith jening Just after. Baptle was wide -of his shot and then Smith made ers. E. Numa. C. Izowski, F. Lee, J. it two for the Dragon. Baptie and friend and A. Robertson. Russell made headway but Russell i finished weakly. Laidler saved welli rf,T' IfMC twice but with Watson slow Mason Dill WflJiJ SOFTBALL 5QT got revenge from Sand Pit ,good chance by handling. Later be Uor prevloiu reversM TV. T .... . 7 1 End Softball League by winning u run by Wright and Ogilvle cleared. J. . ... I . . ,, . .. . , ,, . n ' last evenings ' game " with a score :Caldwell handled the ball to spoil' . . -. a . PBEQENTEH RussellbUt the wfen m not n- Z L Z the issue at of pro uaiawen s . ., .. " . Turner were well matched. For ai . ,T . . the Gyro .Ball Park M. S. Dragon Receives Cup For .tree. Wright tooK a free i kick irom, little while. Turner nut un a good Batteries for the iwwcn smitn neaaea a iourin goai .n,n- a Blliyi nit., Winuiiir Football ComDf tition in the East Sand Pit were when the Rupert defence checked Ferguson and Darrow Casey poorly. Half time came with the ' ?OT Felix Batt and Vic I Menzle Menzie. -une-ups were as iouows. leadlne four eoals to nil. f t ic f niv,- f,-,Draeon iw ituuv ui iug k UIUV O i w w Knii trnntA nttiraan tt m A nrannni The cltv team had the hill in the . Band nv-Murray, Darrow. casey, JrT: d Prince Rupert. playersoftlcU second halibut LaWler made a sad White. Ran. Kroc , Oeorge Casey ZZ a 7 r rZ C, . L, and others proceeded to the Armorylmes er a low snot ann Komnson ry xSui hands of Chenoski ,1 Pete of SSSlicoTfA. Vei-B hard drive was SOT- Batt. Menzle. Joh Rupert. Johnson, the cup to H. M. S. Dragon for hav-, luckily blocked and then Baptie Murdoch,' Brown, Klnslor. BarUett, inr won this annual soccer comne- i shot past. Laidler did well to save Kelsey and KirkendalL Able Seaman Neicho of H.MiL tjtion w conducted. 'Mason's header from Wilcox's cen-. The score by innings: Dragon, having suffered inlury., Bert Morgan, president of the ! tre. Dickens was badly fouled in the : I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'pt. was unable to appear against Pete "prince Rupert Football Association. 1 penalty area-but the referee did not Sand ... 0 00012000 3 Holm so Dan McMillan, husky na-'Was in the chair and the cup was check it up. Taylor made It six fol- !50T 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 7 x 10 wve uoy, was suosuiuiea ana a presented by Brigadier General J. ' lowing ciever last iooiwo te Dy we turned out to be probably the best jsutherland Brown C. M. O. D. S. O., navy that had the home defence In bout on the card After a lively; general officer commanding, mill-! a tangle. Rupert attacked and had six rounds in which McMillan, nev-jtary district No. 11, the trophy being the ball well over the line before erihelMs, put up a strong fight j received by Sergeant Rowbottom R.Dorllng cleared but to everyone's the decision was awarded to HolriiM., captain of the H. M. S. Dragon ! astonishment the referee allowed who undoubtedly, was entitled toj team. Others who apoke included i the play to go on a very bad deci-lt owine to his surerier rine een- Charlie BanUe. caDtain of the lo-!sion. Then Norrington scored but erabhlp. He was fifteen pounds cal team, and J. S. Wilson. I the goal was properly disallowed as lighter than McMillan. I There was a musical program and j three of the Rupert men were off- j Dan Healy and Dan Paron, 170- ' the rest of the proceedings consis-1 side. Jack was playing a rare game 3. and Webster was giving as gooa as OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL Scottish League First Division Aberdeen 2, Cowdenbeath 0. Clyde 2. St. Mlrren 0. Dundee United 0. Hearts 2. Falkirk 2. Ayr UnHed 2. Hamilton Acads 2, Third Lanark Kilmarnock 4, Alrdrie 2. Leitb Athletic 0. Celtic 3. Morton 1. Partick Thistles 2. Queen's Park 1, Motherwell 5. Rangers 4, Dundee 1. Big League Scores American League Chicago 2. St. Louis 0. National league St Louis 8, Chicago 0. Pittsburg 9, Cincinnati 3. Boston 3, Brooklyn 2. Philadelphia 13, New York 5. roal Russell cot uguvie h v xujr wc u,m mm. r sbw nnaky n r nm nitin i .u 11 wpii wii m M.r nrii.i. Twnind fnr a a clever half, tackling well and nev n. f,',i h..t th. hot wi HmwH ! er wasting a ball. Rowbottom used nm fmmd ihe tjt u-inninir ! his height and weight to advantage by the big score of seven to one. I Wright completed a fine trio. The . 1 i all hb4 v ssi hnll rrnr Rnnort Tjilrt W- Watjtnn lorwaros were an ioai ui. uon ' ' . . . , a i Tm ...k. ur.v,... r tn.. ana biiol naru uiiu nuwi JUbA, LU,CLUillW, I1CU9K1. i.UU, j . n..t.n ntnti nirkin Mnrmv dianotcomeupxonisauvttirceiio vices, nowever. jviuhuu m imi uu H. M. B. Dragon-Dorllng; Ogll- 10 nDC , u" fed hlm . and their Smith and Taylor vie, Tit, O-Bray; Wright. ......... - Rowbottom. . tju PIPE TESTED if a. PROSPECTOR "At the end of a ttay there nte Ixxcon anil Itrann, cttffee and lant, but not leant, that gmtid and gtorum ettation oj contentment catmed by a point jt'tjntJUb d iril Turret pipe tolfacca. It lHinihen tlte trearine of tio trail, ntimulates the figuring out of plan for the next day' jmutp"ting ... una entabUshes good felUnridiip tpift your 4 ' JT7iI it Is wonderful to knotc you hai-e another 'pronjtect' it is slid more wonderful to knotc you have a flood pipeful of Turret pipe toltacco to off net the rigorfi of the work und cheer yon on yithr way." Thrrr's vurld of etijoyntrtit In yuur kni Jim use Turret J")" Ivlwocv itlrodnl hf riWTta. TURRET A good, cool smoke EXTENDING Should .Winter, in West indies to Occupy Themselves with Fruit and Vegetable Growing NASSAU, Bahams. July 8 Ap proval of a scheme advanced by a Canadian, H. E. Vlpond of Mont real, that during the winter when Canadian farms are largely unpro ductive, farmers should come x the Bahamas to occupy themselves with the growing of fruit and veg etables, Is given by Hon. Charlei Dundas, Administrator of the Col ony of the Bahamas, In a state ment released here. The scheni? already has the support of the Canadl&n-West Indian League In Montreal. The administration believes a double purpose would be served n that the Canadians would be ac- tlvely employed in congenial sur roundings and climate and would aid the Bahamas in their alin or supplying the Canadian market with the produce of the south. I do not say that this idea can be carried out with a stroke of the pen but J do believe that it Is fea sible and at least not fantastic ami Caldwell; Robinson. Taylor, Mason., ng men w to Ja'u"n t worth to ' just 000000. so that "ap v tlnsornwho played here a coTSple of, Smith. Rmith wi! Wilcox. Referee1, Austin vey, Atklnwn. linesmen. Har- yea aB for the Despatch was fast. Laidler gave an unequal aispiay, ....t .... -ma rrnnrl nnps hut. mfu. oui fcww .- --ing )avujiiiK others. Watson was not up to The game was a rasi ana mier-ihls usual form and Jack was the ' estlng one to watch with the Navy strong man in the defence. Webster alwavs the faster team, faster onlfuiiv lusttfled his selection at cen- fallen "" irom qycr jt ft, million milium pound-, uuuua porently we transferred to Canada almost half the custom we hnd formerly given to the United 8tutes. , could pass the ball. Halfbacks and only fairly successful. The forwards saiisiacuon tnat wc saw a start - pick, foraging for the ball and play- the close of 1030 and the beginning pearinc on the Caaaaian market. "We can produce largely of el'- rue, pineapples, guaras and winter vegetables of all sorts all we need is a market and we know that the Canadian market is the one to which we mutt look. We have olhtr ing aggressively, russcii was not up oi iuji when we shipped close to Phlladelphl to expectation and Dickens got lit- 100.000 crates of tomatoes to Ca- Washingtor tie room to do much, though at that hada. New York the Navy defence adopted question- ' "We hope that therewith an en- Cleveland able tactics to stop him at times, during trade in one commodity St. Louis . by his Inside man but made the most Of his chances. prove to have been the forerunner Chicago of other Bahamas commodities ap- Detroit National League W. L. Pet. St. Louis 67 29 Chicago 58 "So far so good, but it Is our .New York ... 54 ambition that this trade should I Brooklyn' 57 reciprocal arid from this Dolnt of Boston 50 the ball faster in getting rid of the ire half. He was good with his head vlew the situation in the past has Pittsburg 48 ball, tackling first time, clever with . and tackled well as well as opening Ml much to be desired, for we j Philadelphia 43 their heads and always able to find ; out the game. DeJong was off color exported extremely little to : Cincinnati 38 a man uncovered to whom they I and Edgecumbe played hard but was 'Canada. It was therefore with reu-T 46 46 50 51 53 52 68 League crews will be stripped to the j forwards Interchanged places with I were disappointing. Baptie was the rnade in the direction desired at' American League 1.1 ,ttl J A 1 . 1 I I. .... . 1 . ... . . ..... 1 1 . .1 -1 . . . ' waist. Widespread interest has been . facility and each man played his aroused in this novel event and the position. The local fans enjoyed the various Navy League centres arc extremely anxious to present a winning crew to Earl Jelllcoe. All1 the visiting Navy League cadets will be the guests of the Canadian National Exhibition during their stay in Toronto. demonstration. But they were nut so well pleased with the refereclng and the home team was penalised for offences Uiat the visitors were allowed to get away with. Doriing again showed his class in goal though he made one tumble. .632 W. L. Pet ft 76 29 .7M1 64 39 .02l 1 42 .5Mj .50 54 43 58 .420. 41 03 .3D I 40 62 Jill J9 67 Mi lie. ami IQc. In '4-poimJ seme-tup tin. PIPE TOBACCO Pipe tested Turret fine cut for those irho rmll the It 0FTRADE Suggested That Canadian Farmeis WRITING . hardwoods, turtle shall and canne-1 under xht impn .MIL NEW YORK Auf looster ana lurue . uon. unor- wotmn wrHe les says. women will euju r. , The greatest asset, however, was nat a fact Tin climate, he eeatiaued. a climate the Spokane a : which enabled the production of a gon. writes in tht W' maximum of trait SHt0 vegetables u 8 profession ur at the time when Canada needed write society .k bu' them most, from November to vanced bis field May. Making Buttons From Milk New Industry In York enabled his pap that field as p; ' There ta nothim ashamed of ' 1 'would rather cu J write society Th..; cxpcemin 'f the caaoo' compete vocal ion that is i "Newspapers would be bcttci ery reporter, wii- YORK, Ekig.. Aug. 8 - The old poaition,. would n city of York has established a new tion. Let him Industry. It is making buttons from for a time th. i. mUk. As Eboracum. York was fa- departmtnt mous when Roman legions held the assignment tow province of Britain In tribute. The fer the directum Emperor Hadlan visited It. Several csrvered the m t-" died there. Now York has a factory .reporters must h which is described by the Depart- pay groat attcnuoi meat of Overseas Trade as "prac- .tniu Detail" Thu' I would dearly like to see It trled'P81 iue." for not oJy does it uaein. It is poui out," he continued. manufacture finished goods; it'p,rter can not uw: Expansion of trade with Car.- Produces uie raw material. The ,conncU'i wiU: i ada was one of the foremost alms I"1"1 milK irom wn,cn Ine raw,ttMln of weddn u of the Island colony, the admlnls-,matcr,al ta madc produces a powder vtQ1Kli the rhm trator fays. So far as imports from whlch te wiih dya' and by nd tne iPP'lnini' Canada were concerned the trade ! means o! he1 uke UP sbeet Iorm Iter the weddlim ' was highly promising and wanjTne "heeU arB Impregnated with not nvrrh rnu7in mHh . v, Tn i o f ormaldehydc, which by hardening, in lu. reKiilu' Imports from Canada amounted in value to no more than 160.-000; by 1030. which was not a good trade year, -the value swelled to over half a million pounds and in the same period of seven years Im ports from the United States had renders then unresponsive to di- 'ments. matlc conditions. The present weekly output is buttons. Baseball Standings "The society (top its vry natun tot everyday contact v. cannot use the sum'' thods that are ac v 1wlth his own ' jteous; .he must h..-' 'bollv. he must h-be firm yet not ine must mm ' those of others n tnr hi nanri 1 ' 'sire. "It may be nof .473 .153 2b0 five former 'men the news stuff "f Jioldlng good pi clety news a out' .stylet in women ' . it Mt.vj.rlV team ine """ and know the pa'"' describes that mvk Is the main rw" are writing o styles, the dress tn knack of desrni- frocks are natui u woman society ect she Is writing a"' enter that field of observation on" ' ' nrt : x L It trxr- pi 'A. .... Mi ii on' i fl! 1 J ir .-tr- .'11 . 111"' 1 ..n.Jt1 , .jt ti,fi; .XI I, stuffl ..mi: II' l 0