3 t a r . 4 FA02 FOUK THE DAILY NEWS Institutional Building Why Not Build A New Hons? Now? Entrance to uisli:jW f hrals'.ry Hebrew I ..v;: in whose interest.- Ca.uc.'ruUiir J dxn I Ma;.rae three-month tout of the country BIG JOB IS STARTING WASHINGTON. April 21: Final contracts in connection with the great Boolder Dam project in California were signed yesterday and work on the enormous $49,000,000 project will i tart at once in full swing. FREE FROM THE MEDICINE HABIT Surnxras from constipation will be interested in Mrs. Van Horn's letter below. She wrote us Yohintarily to express her appreciation for the wonder-fnl rewflts Kellogg's All-Bsan brought "I have been using All-Bkan for one year and have a move-meat every morning. Before I was taking medicine every three or four days. Now I never take jay. Masy thanks to Aix-Bra.v. I ean't praise it too much." Sincerely, Mas. C. W. Van Horn (Address on request) TWt let constipation sap your health and strength. Guard apatmt it now. Just eat two taMwpoonfals of Kellogg AlX-Bjak daily in chronic cases, every meal. Relief is gusr-raaieod. At all grocers in the ,TJd-irreen package. Made by Kellogg in London Ontario. All-Bran John Bremher ft 't; Contractor- . Plastering, Tiling & tOrnamental Work Fire Places a .Specialty Estimate Furnished 323 5th At. E. Phone Green 137 Letourneau&Co Sheet Metal Works and Plumbing Sfey Lights and Cornice, Tar arid a ravel Rooting, Job Work a" Specialty. All Work Quaran- teed, Estimates Free. Corvee 8th Ave. It Fulton St. .iPrjncs Rupert, tt.C. WORK rrusalem rnalang a FILMS ARE ENJOYABLE Parent-Teachers Association Has Interesting Meeting in Booth .Memorial School A display of films loaned by the Canadian National Railways ; tirew a record attendance to the regular . monthly meeting of the Prince Ru-tpert Parent-Teachers' Association 'at the Booth Memorial School last j evening. The films were entitled, ! "Down the Spanish Main," "The ! Triangle Tour" and "The Lake of ! Enchantment." The photography in all cases was of the very highest calibre and the choice of scenery was in every way admirable. Probably the first one. dealing : with the trips among the Bermudas land the West Indies was the most i attractive In as much as it dealt with sub-tropical and tropical countries with their wealth of fol tax, the native life and exquisite (Islands In sunlit seas. The commer cial valuffef these islands to Canada was also well brought out. The well known triangle tour was partleu larly well shown and the views of the Lake of Enchantment centering. around Mallgne Lake will last as long as memory itself. On the motion of Kirs. Blance, a very hearty vote of thanks was accorded the Canadian National Railways and the local representative, R. McNaughton. W. Crnlckshank and W. Harold who operated the machine. In the business meeting preceding, letters of thanks from the prin cipals of the different schools for 1 donations from the funds of the j Parent-Teachers' Association were read. There Is no definite word re-j gar cling a speaker from the Univer-Uy yet but if sufficient requests sre received from various points In 'Central and Northern British Co lumbia, a speaker may be provided. In view of the fact that there was still a substantial balance to the credit of the association, )t was decided to increase the grants to the various schools and also to make donations to the home economics tsnd manual training departments, An appeal was made by Mrs. D McDHurtsf. president of he club. to the ladies to attend tne women's Canadian Club meeting to be held in the Commodore Cafe on Thurs day afternoon. The subject will be dental hygiene. Preliminary arrangements .were discussed for the June tea and sale of home-cooking. Mrs. R. Blance, president of the Parent-Teachers' Association, pre sided over the meeting, following which refreshments were served. Daily News -Want Ads" I quick results. and Roofing m brfi SHEET METAL r na HOT AIR HEATING and VENTILATION Alexander Murray's Approved Roofers. Work guaranteed for 10 and 20 years by bonding company. Steens Limited -PjO. Box 92 Phone S The question of the condition of Prince Rupert from a housing.point.Qfc. VQYfjas .been b6h3ide'rbIyttdiscusedof, late..-Eor;-this-reagpn.:ihe. Daily News has made a few investigations with the result that it is found that most of the houses in the city are occupied and that the condition in that respect is just as healthy as it was a year ago. One man who owns four teen houses and some apartments says he has them all-rented and all the occupants are paying rent. The condition he considers is better than it was this time last year. A local man advertised for a house, furnished or unfurnished, expecting that possibly some people might be going away who would be willing to sell out everything at a fairly good bargain. He states that he did not get one offer that he could begin to consider. Every owner who replied to his advertisement asked more than the place was worth and more for the furniture than he could buy it for piece by piece, in most cases twice its value. . . m , If a person wishes to rent a nice little bungalow he finds a dozen oth-ers after the same place ana sometimes two dozen. That seems to indicate that there is a demand for nice modern cottages or bungalows and that this is a suitable time to encourage house building. Those who already have houses to rent must remember that if there is no building in the city, the men employed in the .building trades must leave and that lessens the demand for buildings. We suggest that the man who has been looking forward to some day owning his own home would do well to consider the present time to build. j AN ENGLISH STYLE SEMI-BUNGALOW I'M j K j BY ARTHUR E. CUBBIDOE, ARCHITECT rPHE last few years have witnessed .bathroom ''may be reached from red slate shingle roof. These last two A great advancements in many pheres, but few are of more impor tance to the average man than the development of true comfort, beauty, and efficiency. In the home. .Ownership of a little house such is that here illustrated is the goal toward which thousands of people now aspire. They wish nothing more pretentious; realizing that efficien cy and comfortable corneas are apt to suffer, while' the type of simple beauty exemplified by this little bungalow Is practically impossible to attain In larger houses. Although an exceptionally small lloor area Is occupied by the hall it Is skillfully arranged - to form the pivotal centre of this highly effi cient plan. each bedroom, the ease of cotnraun-1 materials contrast yet harmonize icatton. betwficin.-Utt kitchen and the j in a very attractive manner, stairs or front door, and we have but , This house was actually built on a started to - realize the advantage i 60 foot lot but with its overall width which this plan affords. I of 38 feet, six inches, it is obvious Throughout the house the floors are of oak or maple, but the treat- been left 'to the owner's taste and discretion. that 50 feet would be ample PT1 ij VttftnbftH j With hot water heating this home ment of the walls and ceilings has j cost approximately $4,800. exclusive of lot. Readers desiring further lnforma- On the attic floor are two good Uon regarding the plans and sped- sized bedrooms and a Mnen closet, flcaUons of this house should corn-while provision Is also made for a jmunlcate with the arc hit ecu direct, future additional bathroom. This Address Mr. Arthur E. Oubbidge. 406 whole floor, of course, could be fin- j Boyd Bldg., Winnipeg. Manitoba, ished as finances permitted should j Copyright, 1927, MacLean Build-such a procedure appear desirable, j lng Reports, Ltd. The construction Is sound and en-1 '" during and comprises concrete I PRINCE RUPERT dealers can NoUceJhow conveniently the tiled foundations, white stueop walls, and supply your house building needs. I "' ' Isa ' " ltixctf3 Dining ttt ' . - ' - le... Ik... (LI. .1 gX-JJ -I ten soon btoioonffi ttiloonf TTT'kau II I II I rr.. UAywr' L( j Living laodly 1 'J I1 ClOUriD 1 tl snrT-tsBli Vlooi ... :1 WE ARE OFFERING: TIMBER DIMENSION, pei M. SlHrLAP, per M. No. 1 SHINGLES, CEDAR, per M. It, 0. PORTLAND CEMENT, per bbl. 1 J:i Compare these' prices With 1929 and you will find a redmti,, over twentynve per cent. Albert & McCaffery, Limited YOUR HOM0 Phones 110 and 117 REWIRE YOUR HOME Why put up with those unsightly wires? They an no nccesl We rewire your home, placing sockets tn tne de in ...... cealing wires ... In short, doing a first class jod low cost. Since you have electricity, use it to br' nit, us help you get the most benefit and pleasure fi- ... 1 dollar. " Radio Service Radio Sets service: ti j-J Expert. Satisfat i; u ( ar We carry onl hih A Parkin & Wari Electric 319 Third Avenue Modernize Your Bathroom Nov Keep in step with modern Improvements. Plumbin f.- A be had, in many ootors to blend with the eoloi -. . ,1 balferooM. Les us quote on your rjuiremenU aim . .: j r. time payment plan. , Smith & Mallett Ltd. P.O. Box 211,. (Est. 1911) C. II. Elklns, Slrr. FRED SCADDEN . painting Interior decorating Estimates Furnished fGef Your Interior Work Done Nov) Telephone: Green 92 BUILDERS' HARDWARE PAINTS , f' iEor Inside and Outside Finish Kitchen Ware Our stock has all been repriced. Come In and lool it KAIEN HARDWARE P. O. Hox 1646 TflfP1""' OUR COAL IS IN A DRY SHED When von ar i L .. .l.le of you buy net coal, you are lolng 10. So start today and qry coal and see what 10 means to you, PKMBINA EOO- Delivered, Per Ton Mv!!lrJ!l f:I(fvered, Per Ton Jg AIIM.IIHA1) I Itll 11.11 j n- HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 1'IIONE 580