PAUfi lWO for the kiddies' evening meal you couldn't serve a better dish than Kellogg's Corn Flakes with milk or cream. So easy to digest. Extra good for children 8 CORN S. N. Boyle, accountant for th Canadian National Telegraphs her will sail tomorrow evening on the Prince Rupert for a holiday visit to his home in New Westminster. SUITS Made to Your Measure $30.00 and Up Cleaning & Pressing for Ladies & Gentlemen Sliarman Co. Phone: Black 78 Opposite Post Office Thit adverthement It not pub lished or displayed by the Liquor Control Board orbyth Covtm-menl oj 'British Columbia, CORN FLAKES Sold by M grottri. Serttd bf hottl; mtaurantt, ttHeritu on iintri ' SAND PIT WON GAME Defeated Seal Cove 48 to Night in Rupert East IS Last The Sand Pit defeated Seal Cove by a score of 48 to 18 in the Rupert East Softball League last evening, the game being played at the Dry Dock field. Batteries were D. Casoy ,and P. Ferguson for the Sand Pit j and M. Colusl and T. Beryl for Seal i Cove. I Line-ups were: Sand Pit J. Murray, D. Casey, W. i White, J. Murray, P. Krook, O. Ca-!sey, Geddes, P. Gomes and P. Ferguson. j Seal Cove M. Colusl, T. Beryl, ! McLean, J. Reynolds, J. Wood house, 1 B. McLean, J. Dixon, J. Colusl and A. Hedstrom. i Score by innings: Seal Cove 3 1 0 5 2 6 0 0 118 THE DAILY NEWS ORE FIND IN SABINE Important Discovery Made On Rainbow Croup, 1C Miles From Smithrrs SMITIIERS. July 31 Reliable news has been brought in to the Omineca Branch of the Chamber of Mines, together with mineral specimens from the find, of a new and important strike of ore made on the Rainbow Oroup, on the routh west slope of the Babine Mountains. 18 miles from Smlthers. Development work being conducted during the past three weeks by the local syndicate owning the pro-petty has shown up, according to this report, a vein ten feet In width. Of this the hanging wall side shows no less than 7 feet of chalcoprite ore. In addition to values in copper and silver, this ore has In the past been found to ontaln important gold content Samples are being sent for assay and others will go forward to the Chamber of Mines in Vancouver to be shown there. Although this syndicate of local people are very short on funds at the present time they are continuing the work. They feel that they have now established that which I they have been seeking for years, to uncover. James Wright, head cf ! the syndicate, la president of thlv branela of the B. C. Chamber of! Mines, and was one of the first! locators (back In 1883) of what lsj now ine Monarch Mine near Field Merchants Back Fair Board In Los Angeles Trip r The merchants of the city are getting behind the Fair Board in connection with the sending of a candidate to the Fiesta in Los Angeles and an announcement will be made tomorrow or Monday as to the aid the candidates will receive out- Sand Pit .3 3 711 5 2 6 6 5 48 side that already published. as Pine-Laden Air FOR A BIG THIRST... What a relief to get a real quencher like Carting's IHack Isabel Lager Beer as refreshing ns a sudden shower after scorching heat... as invigorating as an October day... as satisfying aan job well done... as cooliiigasthehrcczeoiTthchtke... Cnrling's Black Label Lager Beer With all its quality it costs no mora. V&rling's Black Label Lager Beer Tm ZhE extra extra quality quality goes goes PfrSJ PUC, into into Arabela Arabela Cigars Cigars at at the the ffjM ''W&M sunlit, airy factory . . . that is why you get extra enjoyment when you smoke them . . . the fragrance and freshness are sealed in . . . try the pocket pack of five. Plans Solo Flight Laura Ingalls. St. Louis, Mo . .avtatrix is in New York, preparing foi her prosperiexl solo flight attempt of the Atlantic Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert July 31, 1911 Germany is preparing to with draw from Morocco following an ul timatum by the British government that she vacate Agadlr. Parliament has been dissolved; aod an flection ta called for Sep- 1 Umber 21. , Canadian cruiser Nlobe struck a ; )Oi tfd in danger. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel I'rtnce RuperTl loading family hotel. Hot and told water In all roonu A. J. I'RUDfhUlME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser uul Fifth Sta. SAVOY O. Olson, C.N.R.; H. Johnson city. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll. Top TIIK IIOIM. WOKTII WHIM! Hot A Ooli Water: Sttsm Hut 75c PKIt DAY ANU UP Trlrpli.n. tftl KOYAL John Dodda. C.K.R. Knox Hotel Arc Our MEALS Oood? Our Guests Say They Are. CHILDREN'S ANKLE SOCKS Lots to choose from; patterns and styles to suit everyone; sites 7 to 8Va Q-fl A A 3 pairs for JX.UU SILK UNDERWEAR SPECIAL Vest Si Bloomer Sets; lace trimmed St tailored styles; assorted shades; Dressier & Bloomer Sets; laee trimmed Jtyles; per set Night Oowns; Pyjamas and Combinations - each by far the greatest value 4ta LVUZTsssHH -Y Mil W , nnTTTTIITTTnmTl THim TT1 S1.00 S1.00 23 Dozen pure Irish Linen Tea or a Us Cloths; ready for use; size Jlxtt-rh f a a worth 35c each; Dollar Day, 4 tor-"" SILK CRYSTALLINE 3 dhades attractive designs; this cloth is very popular now for the long style dress, both for street and nvenlng wear; reg. Qf A A $1 50; Dollar Day, per yard $ILUlf s SATURDAY at FRASER & PAYNE'S A fortunate purchase of over $3,000 made from the slock of R. J. Whitla, Winnipeg wholesale manufacturers, uiio recently went into liquidation, on sale Saturday less than manufacturer's cost, lielow are a few of the items for Saturday selling. You can rely on every article, quality and quantity being in slock as KAYSER HOSE 25 Doz. Semi-Service and Chiffon Pure Thread Silk, full-fashioned. This Is a superior quality to anything we have sold yet, all new shades, every pair perfect; this Hrve on f A "" A sale Saturday only at. per pair LADIES' XON-HUN BLOOMERS 25 Doz. Extra good heavy quality In shades of i naize vhite. nlle. peach, orcUiU; staes. small, medium and large. 2 pairs for $1.00 ANKLE SOCKS. SILK PLAITED 10 Doz. Only Ladles' Ankle Bocks; sizes 3'2 to 10: new styles; sell colors, maize, blue, fawn, dark fawn and white; regular QQf values 65c pair; Dollar Day, per pair'' 150 YARDS BLACK Dl'CIIKSSE SATIN Beautiful cloth; fast black, gold edge t: 36 inches wide; regular price CM An $1.75 yard. Dollar Day, per yard O-taUU WOOL SUITINCi TAFFETA 3-piece of thU splendid material, suitabl- : raits, dresses, skirts, etc.; guaranteed ' lutely pure wool; tsst colors; 36 inches regular price. $L2S yard. 7Qp Dollar Day. per yard '' 6 PIECES OF IMPORTED SUITINGS Suitable for skirts, suits. coaU. etc . pure b wool: assorted shades; 38 inches wi-ir (Pilar price C2.95 yard Ooaar Day. per yard 50-INCH SHADOW CLOTHS Wc have exceptional value to this lln. .ill ported shadows. 50 inches wide; nothiiu1. n. ter ior iooss covers. draDes. etc.: Mil :i u stgns: reg. to $1.73 yard Dollar Day. per yard -1 81.60 300 Yards Roller TowelTlna; very ah- CiuaUty; 17 Inches wide; extra Cf f fl good value, at 10 yards for JJ.VV 400 Yards Pure Linen Towelling; 17 iin ' wWe; aood firm weave; splendid Of Art vrnrln? qiiality: 6 yards for v"u TURKISH TOWELS Good size white Turkish Towels; extia u wearing quality; assorted colored gf rtfl borders; 5 for 7J..W Large size white snd colored Enaliah Towi very soft and absorbent jjl QQ Extra large 23x48-Inch heavy white Turkic Bath Towels; assorted colored Of OA borders; 2 for tJL.VU' 400 YARDS FLAT CREPE SELLING FOR $L00 Don't miss this opportunity; the cloth is perfect and absolutely pure silk: 8wi mnniifnrturt-: intiiCTi wiae, in snaaes or wisteria, corn, cocoa brown, rose, light fawn, Mother Ooosc. black and navy; Regular value $2.30 yd. Dollar Day Price, per yard MEN'S SILK It. V. D.x 25 Dozen excellent quality Rayon Sflk B. V. Djj in shades of peach, flesh. chamDamie p-h" and white. Dollar Day, per suit STOCK VV IN MEN'S SILK k WOOL sn, ire ' 30 Dozen pair and every pair perfect; all Mean nrw patterns; regular values 75c and $1 00 3 P- Vl.Vl) ?palrsror 1.00 89c J S1.00J j