PAGE FOUR f ' . - - .. ,m - . i j TEAM IS Sons of Canada SELECTED defeat Elks 16-10 ; Football Association Names Eleven to Oppose II. M. S. Dragon Next Week bcrt Arthur. Linesman Alex Harvey. Merchants' colors to be used. ter Wednesday evening's marten. ANOTHER DEFENDER Sports Editor, Dally News:- "A Spectator" printed in your issue of July 22. I may not be much of an authority on football, but having-played in goal against J. S. Wiljon, I certainly do not think that this person who signs himself "A Spectator" is justified In passing such remarks. Suppose this critic spent a little more of his time in encouraginit I f in ragged uame Sons of Canada snatched a victory 'from the Elks in last night's City w . . '. 'Baseball League fixture by driving Meeting last evening, Uie execu- ta ten ns the fourth inning af-tlve of the Prince Rupert Football ter the Antlered Herd had seeming-Association selected the following ly tucked tne game v team to represent Prince Rupert to tnat fateJui stanza the scorc was against H. M. S. Dragon in a soccer hlnet0 one agaInst the Canucks but match on Wednesday evening of once thev Mt start.d pnilH next week doal, Johnson Smith; right back, Mark Watson; left back, David Jack; right half, Philip Edgecumbe; centre half, Albert Dickens; left half, Sam Currie (captain); outside right, J. 8. Wilson; inside right, J. not be stopped, and started right off In the fifth with five more runs and none out when the game was called on account of darkness. The fourth Inning lasted well over half an hour. The Elks were without the services of their star moundsman, Chenoski, . Murray; centr Charles Baptle;,wnaU ln.hos ltal wJth a sore hand Mdeleft, Nick Chenoski; outside Brick skInner started on the Reserves, 11. Douglas, T. Hadden and Frank Russell. Team manager and trainer, Ro- mound for them and turned the op Totals 27 Elks 5 S. O. C 0 Summary 2-base irons is ; PLAYED! More Games Last Evening in Canadian National Tournament Results in the Canadian National Recreation Association's tennis tournament last evening were as follows: Men's Singles J. H. Horton beat M. Watson, 5-7, 6-3, 6-3. T. C. Wilding beat J. A, Teng, 6-1, 8-2. R. Johnson and A. R. Nicholls, 10-10,. to be continued. Men's Doubles J. H. Horton and M. Watson beat, J. Ness and Elmer Smith, 6-2, 6-J, Mixed Doubles Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Barrett beat posing batters back in fine style for Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Taylor, 7-5, 6-2. three Innings. In the fourth how ever, he weakened, and after a two-bagger by Lambie, he hit one batter and then walked three in a row. Ladies' Singles Mrs. Currie beat Brs. Hanley, 6-3, 6-1. The tournament will be continued There will be a second game on!t,mwh.taHnK .nH this evening Friday evening, the team ! represent- fl?e hlu and wa,kln Qne 'man j lng Prince Rupert to be selected af- ;M,tehII POmp thpn nnrt rBtlrBH 1 otr. C7 Y CT A AiniAin The Letter Box ... .v.uvi. 1 A VJ kj i . tJ A UlliilU I the first man up to end the inning. I He did not do so well the next In- Bill Harold climbed Into second inlng. however, being touched for ; place in the Big Six standing as a four hits and walking one man, and result of two hits In four times at ;then when Skinner lost Styles fly I bat in last night's game. J. Coma im ine log, wnicn let m two more dina dropped into third place by go-'runs for a total of five, the game.jng hltless with only one time at Was Called for darkness. hat. ehanrprl Bernini, him Mnran Comadlna started on the slab for 1 dropped out of the standing by winners but allowed five hits;in(I hltless. with the result that With reference to the letter signed , .'JLS ! Jk Nelson goes back. Following is ... ..... ........B. , ne stanQinE io aaie lamoie iinisnea me game lor tnem and allowed six hits in the four re-maining Innings which netted the losers five more runs. The Box Scorfc ELKS , AB R II PO Harold ss. 4 Farquhar 3b -....2 A. Mitchell Cf 3 footballers who go out in the field iW-'Mlteh. cf., If., p.3 to give their best. We all can stand K?" P, J " , a bit of criticism, but as our "A Spectator" thinks J. S. Wilson is a "mere novice" I believe "A Spectator" is "all wet." I do not believe a mere suitable man than J. s. Wilson could be selected for the position of outside right Thanking you for your valuable space. SPIRO GURVICH. Royal Columbian Hospital, New Westminster. Big League Scores American League Washington 6. Cleveland 1. Philadelphia 8, St. Louis 5. National League Pittsburg 9. New York 0. St. Louis 10, Chicago 3. O. Mitchell 2b 3 D. Stalker lb 3 Qurvlch rf., If., p. ..3 Antonelli if., rf 3 Totals 27 10 11 12 8 - -None out when winning run scor ed in fifth. S. O. C AB R H PO A Bury rf cf. 4 2 3 0 0 I Smith 2b 4 2 2 1 0 jMoran lb, 3b . 3 10 0 0 J Lambie 3b., p ...4- 3 2 11 Styles ct, lb. 4 2 13 1 Comadlna p rf 1 10 10 Frlzsell c. Z 12 9 1 B. Stalker If: 2 10 0 0 Johnson ss 3 3 2 0 1 a. Stephens E 8 Harold E 8 J. Comadlna S. 11 Skinner E 10 Hlbbard O.E. . . 8 Nelson O.E 10 AB. 23 32 '30 36 21 35 R. 6 12 10 6 6 10 REGIMENT LINEUP H. 11 12 11 12 8 11 Pet. .393 .375 .367 .333 .333 .314 The following players will the Regiment for the league game with the Merchants tonight: Laldler, Watson, Thurber, Edgecumbe, DeJong, Wingham. Walters, Lyons, Wilson (captain). Colussl and Norrlngton. Reserves, Fong, Do-herty and Bond. Johnson, D. Stalker; 3-base hits, W. Mitchell, Gurvlch, Bury; stolen base, j Harold 13), Farquhar 3, Skinner,! G. Mitchell, Lambie, Styles, John-j son; base on balls, off Comadlna (1), j stunner is, uurvicn 111, Miicnejiu (1); struck out by Comadlna 2), 1, Lambie 7), Skinner U); left on 0 base. Elks (4), S. O. C. (4); wild 1 2 , pitch, Ourvich, W. Mitchell; passed' i ball, A. Mitchell; hit by pitcher. 16 12 15 4 4 'styles by Skinner; winning pitcher, 112 110 Lambie; losing pitcher, Gurvlch; 0 1 10 616 time of game, 1:40; umpires, Brooks hits, Lambie, and Commons. British Columbia's Favorite Brew! Ask for It! iiHiiiiiiil WOK 01 All Vendors' Stores and Licensed Premises now sell this special brew ... a rice and malt beer of supreme quality and flavor. jj Victoria Phoenix Brewery Limited, Victoria, B.C. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, tht 13 ah t :rsvrs Oh! Boy! What a Scramble there will be for These Final Close-Out Bargains! JABOUR Heavy All Wool Coatings, reg. price up to $3.50.. Final Wind-up Sale coats, reg. price $5.50. Final Wind-up Sale $1.79 LADIES' RUBBERS 100 Pairs Ladies' Rubbers, nil sizes, to clear. Final Wind-up 98c. STILL BROS. 95c-a yd- 1 DEEPER INSIST ON f Coming to it 6 Only Ladies' Rubber Raincoats, re?, price $8.95. Filial Wind-up Sale $3.29 12 Onlv radios' Slirkor llnin. fi for The Final Wind -Up Which Starts Tomorrow Morning at 9 Sharp You'll Never Find Bargains Like These Again as Long as You Live! HURRY FOR YOUR SHARE! Boys' and Girls' Wool Sweaters, to clear at Final Wind-up 98c. STOCK Now at the Mercy of The Public in a Throe of Price Destruction to com-pletely Close-Out Every Article in Store BY AUGUST 10th IT'S GOT TO PRICES GO! CUT EVERYTHING TO BE SOLD ! Further cut in all Ladies' Shoes Lot No. 1 9Sc Lot No. 2 81.98 Lot No. 3 S2.39 Lot No. S3.39 Lot No. 5 $1.39 LET NOTHING Keep you awayo 9 5 Only Ladies' Tweed Coats. latest styles, reg. price $22.50. Final Wind-up Sale $10.50 Ladies' Nemo Corsets, reg. up to $10.50. Final Wind-up Sale- 98c. Boys' Iteavy Tweed Caps, reg, up to $1.75. Final Wind-up Sale- 43c. WE HAVE GONE THE LIMIT - PRICE IS NO OBJECT ! Prices Pulverized to Sell the Goods as time is money Never before Such Tremendous Bargains Children's Felt Footwear. A wonderful selection to choose from. Final Wind-up Sah 68c. A whole bin full of Children's Toys and Games, reg. values 75c. Final Wind-up Sale 25c. Toys! Toys! Dump Carts 13c Wagons 19c Wheel Barrows 23c Sale Starts Saturday at 9 a.m. Sharp