PAGE THE DAILY NEWS Pillows Feather filled In nice bright colorings, each Cushions Covered with bright cretonne covers, 2 for shades, 5 yards TELEPHONE 9 WALLACE'S Doila Ladies' Wear Princess Slips Figured or plain 04 Aft plain rayon, each Ladles' Non-run Bloomers Excel- 04 Aft lent quality, good shades, 2 for Rayon Silk Vests Several colors 2 for $1.00 Children's Silk Non-run Bloomers Q4 Pink or peach, 2 for ?JLUU Vest & Bloomer or Uplift Si Bloomer fl -I M Lace trimmed, per. set Women's Cotton Bathing Suits each, 50c, 2 for Waitresses' White Hoover 95c $1.00 Porch Dresses In tub fast colors (4 ft A pleasing designs, each t?AvU r Days SATURDAY & MONDAY Household Goods $1.00 $1.00 Swiss Curtain Panels In hand- - flfl sonic designs, each p2.i Frilled Shades In muslins, cream ground with colored coin spot, In four Q 4 A A Hosiery SEE OUR WINDOWS The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous t oran Brand" UDert SMOKED Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. WE ARE OFFERING: DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Rate of 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $13.00 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 BCQBSBRSata Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station Tires, Parts, Accessories Phone 566 (Night Calls: Phone 161 Distributors of DODflE CAUS and TRUCKS TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOlt SKEENA DRAM) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Dress Goods Curtain Muslins With colored frill, several shades. 7 for Sheets Excellent quality, fully bleached, each Pillowslips Good serviceable quality, 4 for Pure Linen Ttoller Towelling (5 yards for : Curtains Ready to put up, a variety to choose from, pair Cortlcelll Full Fashioned Hose In O-j A A Children's Cotton Sox A big latest shades, very special, pair variety. 4 pairs Men's Cotton Sox Fancy patterns AQ Silk Rayon Prints Values to 75c QQ Peter Pan Printed Cambrics-Regular, 75c. 2 for Printed Broadcloths Wabasso quality, 4 yards $1.00 $1.00 Chiffonettes St Printed Crepe De Chenes Si Georgettes Values to $2.95 yd. A A Dollar Day, per yard Girls' Pantie Dresses Sizes 2 to 6 Q-j Aft years. Values to $1.50, for OAUU Girls' Denim Whoopee Pants With elastic band, 6 to 14, pair $1.00 Girls' Hats A variety to choose from. CJQg Women's Straw St Felt Hats To be cleared at $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 THIRD AVE. & FULTON ST. BULBS FOR SALE Grower Leaving the Islands DAFFODILS, per dozen 30c per 100 ....$2.10 per 1000 ....$22.00 IMRII, per dozen 23c per 100 ....$2.00 per 1000 ....$18.00 POETICUS, per dozen 20c per 100 ....$1.75 per 1000 ...163 Apply to CAPT. GILL ATT, SANDSPIT, B.C. (182) Mussallem's Meat Market Shoulder of Mutton 4 C0 per lb -I" I Loin of Mutton QQ ' Leg of Mutton Cen per lb Leg of Lamb 3 0 C Loin of Lamb-"- 30C Shoulder of Lamb QOf per lb UUl Shoulder of Veal 4 cn per lb ltftr Loin of Veal CilZn per lb Leg of Veal 9 Co per lb Stewing Veal- 50C Stewing Lamb CZCln 4 lbs. vv Good Corned Beef 50C Pot Roast Beef ItZn 6 lbs Boiling Beef I fin per lb Round Steak AlZn 2 lbs Prime Rib Roll 9C per lb Ulx Rasher Bacon 30C Phones 18 & 81 417 Fifth Ave. E. UNVEILING OF CAIRNS Prominent Men Officials at Cere mony Near Jasper JASPER PARK, July 31 "Canada, though young, has become a' nation but, in her nationhood, she must not forget the pioneer explorers who linked the provinces of the At lantlc with the Pacific Coast," de clared Hon. W. L. Walsh, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, in speaking at the unveiling of two historic cairns near here Wednesday. One monu ment has been erected in memory of David Thompson, who, with 10 companions, discovered and travel led through Athabasca Pass In the winter of 1310-11. The other will commemorate Henry House, the first trading post to operate in the Athabasca Valley. Both cairns were unveiled by Mrs. Walsh. A feature speaker of the after noon was Judge F. W. Howay of New Westminster, western representa tive of the Historic Sites Monuments Board of Canada, who briefly out' lined the history of Athabasca Pass ind dwelt particularly on the story f David Thompson. Referring to Henry House, the Judge declared that, though small, the trading post played a gigantic part in the development of Canada's transportation system. It was one of the main sup ports of the first line of transpor tation, the fur. brigades, since re placed by the transcontinental line j nf the Canaidan National Railways wnicn follows mucn the same route up the valley. Other speakers Included Hon. O. L. McPherson, Edmonton, minister of public works in the Alberta government: C. Pattlsson, Edson, M. L. A. for this constituency, and Judge S. W. Moore, New York. R. H. Knight superintendent of Jasper National Park, presided. Mrs. Cox Hostess At Tea and Is Given Present Wednesday.aftemoon Mrs. S. V. Cox was a tee. hostess at her home when she entertained L. O. B. A. ladles and friends. The Misses Dorothy Fowler, Rose Smith and Rose Cox assisted In serving. The afternoon was brought to a close with a small token of esteem being presented to Mrs. Cox. the presentation being made by Mrs. Roles on behalf of the ladles present. Mrs. J. W. Moorehouse will sail tonight on the Cardcna for a tr'j to Vancouver. Week-End Specials Plour Alberta-Rose G4 QEJ 49-lb. sack New Potatoes 9 Co 15 lbs New Potatoes gf PA per sack tfl.OU Empress Orange Marma- Eftp lade, 4-lb. tin Fraser Valley Black Currant Cflp tfUl Jam. 4-lb. tin Malkln's Best Jelly Powder QE? 5 pkgs Malkln's Best Whole Clams 4 (? XOij per tin Malkln's Best Spinach 2 Vi's J An per tin Llbby's Royal Anne 4 Cn Cherries l's, per tin i"t Nabob Queen Olives 9 Co per 10-oz. Jar Montserrat Lime Juice Cflp JUl per bottle Marsh's Grape Juice AOp IV I per bottle Plums Blue pr Red 7flf per basket Large Ripe Pears A(f tJ, per doz Witch Harel Toilet Soap 9 ffp 6 cakes Sunlight Soap 90P iJ per carton Alberta Market V. GAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street Phone 208 PAINS No matter how severe, you can always have immediate relief: MM Aapirin always itops pain quickly. It does it without any ill effects. Harmleii to the heart; harmless to anybody. But it slways brings relief. hy suffer? AS PI KI IV TRADE MARK RIO. Made in Canada BOY SCOUTS TO TERRACE Members of Third Rupert Troop Leaving Tomorrow Provision Shower Last Evening A dozen or more boys of Third 3upert Troop, Boy Scouts, will leave on tomorrow morning's train. In charge of Scoutmaster P. C. Miller, for Terrace where they will go Into tamp for two weeks. Last evening there was a shower of provisions to assist the trip. any friends of the boys made suitable donations. There were 120 passengers on on board the steamer Princess Louise, which was In port thU morning bound from Vancouver to Alaska. Most of these passengers were round trip tourists. SATURDAY SPECIAL Raspberry Shortcake 30c The Electric Hakery, We Deliver Phone C67 STOCK TAKING SPECIALS We have found our stock blffgcr than it should be and arc making this splendid offer for good savings. Wc advise you to get your monthly requirements at these prices. Soda Crackers $1.00 size A On -xt, special Butter Forestvllle 41 IC 7p 2 lbs. for Brookfield Cheese 5-lb. box Skim Milk Cheese 2-lb. box Sggs are advancing 300 doz. to sell at 3 doi. for .. Bread per loaf Malkln's Beat Jelly Powder per doz Malkln's Beat Extracts 2-oz. bottle Malkln's Best Custard Powder. 3 tins Malkln's Best Coffee per lb VEOETABLES Potatoes QCTp per 17 lbs Cauliflower 2 for S1.49 51c 53c .... 7 c 58c 16c 85c 45c sack vv 35c Fresh Peas From Terrace 3 lbs !... FRUIT Bananas 3 lbs 0 rapes Seedless 2 lbs 25c 35c 38c Mussallem's Cash and Carry Stores "Where Dollars Hive More Cents" Phone 3C0 319 3rd Ave. Phone 18 & 81 417-423 5th Ave. I HP I 'iIIIJ l 'IISM 1 1 mi 111 nil ml SIDESHOWS FOR FAIR ! Preparations Being Made For Big Event By Gyros and Rotarians At the Rotary Club luncheon yesterday, J. L. Lee, chairman of the Joint committee handling the con cessions at the fair, announced that 'two meetings In connection with the sideshows had been held and that the exhibition board had been ! asked to build a fence and the joint clubs would put up the roof for a permanent concession building. Unfortunately, the matter had not I come before the fair board Wednesday night and the time was short, j Mr. Lee said that the concessions would be conducted somewhat along I the lines of the society circus last year. He expected there would be plenty doing at the fair. PRINCE RUPERT LATE Delayed by heavy fog during her j voyage up the coast, C. N. R. steam-jer Prince Rupert, Capt. D. Donald, is jfour hours late today and Is reported due at 3:30 this afternoon from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls. The vessel will sail later in the afternoon for Anyox and Stewart, whence she will return here southbound tomorrow evening. Friday 3uy 31, 1851 Friday and Saturdav two snows - 7 i yu The New Star ROBERT MONTGOMERY i SHIPMATES With Dorothy Jordan, Em. ",r Tumi,.. 11.1. . Cliff Edwards. A thrillinrep of the sea, made with the . sistance of the I' s NaV m was only a Gob and she t the Admiral's daughter, Comedy BUSTER and JOIN WEST in "HIS K'lOT Cn WEDDING Cartoon "Silly s mdai Tom Terris in s.(; , i -PARAMOl M v s ADMISSION - g, & Feature Starts at "Mr, jjj SATURDAY MVnv.E i; 3 15c St 40c Feature H . 1 Monday and T '.t NORMA SHEARS in "A FREE SOIL Thib advert l emnit 1., not pun .ova or displayed bv :. 4'ntrol Board or by the Government nf BritUi t ! MMMajBgrrarmiTiMwwJmIftt7ii CASH 81 DELIVER PRICES cooklt ah exceptionally fine vegetable sriorunuig, per lb MALKiJ 8 llEbl TLA Per ib MALKIN'S BEST COFFKE Per lb CORN FLAKES Per pkg f NABOB LEMON or OIUNOE JUICfc-Enough in each et2ake 20 gto5se8 01 real MAC xiaL refreshing drink, per b. S BE8T CHOICE OllEEN BEANS- Per tin ROYAL CITY PEAS No. 4 Sclvt Per Un AYLMER CATSUP Per bottle EMPRE88 PURE STRAWBERRY JAM ' 2V2-lb. glass jar EMPREBS SWEET ORANGE MARMALADE 2Vi-lb. glass Jar .. NABOB RA8PBBRRIBS 2's Per tin NABOB STOAWBERniEe's Per tin NABOB LOGANBERRIES 8's Per tin SOAP FLAKES In bulk 3 lbs. for Trkphonc your ordtr and pay the driver Wfc GUARANTEE EVERYTHING WE SELL" Q & S GROCERY Phones: 227 St 228 COO Seventh Av 20c 43c 43c 8c 23c 12c 12c 15c 53c 33c 28c 28c 23c 35c