PAOE TWO THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS. District News PRINCE RUPERT . DRIT1SH COLUMBIA OUT O 17 Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenu PRINCE GEORGE H F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone .,........... ..JS6 Advertising and Circulation Telephone .. -98 Member at Audit Bureau of Circulation DAILY EDITION Friday, Sept 4, 1931 THE FALL FAIR While doubtless many local merchants were disappoin- tor? at tha nmnnnt nf hncinpis rlnno rinrtncr fnir U'PPK. and opened. There are four pew teach- nnach'nnmn .rW if wac u'nrtli wfilln nr nor CUWIW tV M-ilfcIUilg M4VW1V V UHd U4 W iFt4 va, wt extension. Thi year the display - of flowers at the fair was a reve- been grown in miniature back yards and in small garden patches that are never seen by the general public, ihey are not the product of professionals but of amateurs who delight in their work. The flower show has been a means if mtilnnir tttaco n'oiloWa in fVio nannla nrotiorlll7 Miss Jean Sargent o Victoria has arrived In the city to ttiV.i ' charge of the North Central Dis-ff trict, Librarywhlch has been open-1 ed here with 4 000 books, This Jib-1 raiy will be the issuing centre fori a' district extending from McBride; to Smithers. There were 430 pupils, the largest attendance in the history of the city, enrolled this week wheni Prince Oeorge public schools re-; do should look at this annual event only we not thin; they Mlsa DorU Moorei formerly or from its Ilnariclal aspect. As a puouc institution 11 nas s,uth Fort George; Miss Ross Rice.j considerable educative value and its scope is capable of former substitute; miss Elsie Eccies; formerly teaener at ruaa ana muj: Cochrane of Olasgow, who is ex-( J 1 o t 4,1. : t : L.. cnanging wnn mjss Aurjuro u uianiu mtct itunwio amiinuu. " ..wjj.v bvnv,uiV. MlSS E OmiOd after Wftkl One man. remarked he did not know where all those fine vlsjt herj Ieft at' the end of nowers couia come irom out ne mignt nave aiso Deen informed that had all the flower growers taken an interest in the show there would have been twice as large a display as was seen this week. BURNS LAKE week for Anyox. FLOWER SHOW PROPOSED Painting? is now under wav on Flower growers have been discussing the possibility of the. new hospital building hen.i a flower snow earlier in the season. It would be staged in owing to the non-payment of oneqf the down town halls and would be devoted wholly to rent- at th instance of 0. Evan-I flnu-flwi and nl.ontc ami minhf ovon injuria odntivo Orl- 5011 Wyer. Utt Sheriff ilM SfUH dresses and moving pictures of flowers. This would not in Dr, J. C. Morrison, the we'l known dentist, has been a recent visitor here. Hoipltal and Is now In Lake i occup- terfere with the display at the fair as a month earlier ation awaitine Davment of rentii quite a miierent lot or i lowers would be in bloom, bariy arrears and the cost of seizure, dahlias, asters, stocks, gladiolas and other flowers would hp rendu and th first ornn nf rncPd wnnM ha nr thp?r-rwsr John Bt"8 has Just about coin- There wojM be a better chance of the weather being fav- ijiame mm at uie siiuw wuuiu ue uevoieu wiiuuy iu me one store, barber shop and lots between object, the people visiting it would not be feeling the call of the sideshows or the hot dog stand while inspecting the 1 Mr- and Mrs. d. h. McNeil left. 1 lower. If stared the event would be under the ausmees of " wee 10 'P"10 nouaay It has been suggested that prizes might be awarded for the best kept gardens at the time of the show. ' " CALLING FOR TENDERS. . .. The department of marine when it calls for tenders goes I around like a thief in the niglit and announces its need in' . . . . H..L At i It - I. ?A 1 "11 i 1 ouun a jnunner snai me majority oi people win not now ; about it. It posts up a notice in one or two so-called public -place instead of.nuttinp; the advertisement in the news Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ruddy are spending a holiday camping at Ootsa Lake. VANDERH00F The shooting season for moose, jear deer and ducks ooened tha paper where it belongs and paying for It like any other srouse shooting season respectable business person. It and the post office depart- ' j ment are the worst offenders in this matter of paying for Harry Bowman, colonization and its publicity. It is doing a 1931 business in an eighteenth igrtettftural representative for the! Century manner. Canadian National RaUways. hat This' system of refusing to call for public tenders nwe rtntiy discussm through the newspapers came in for condemnation in con- fae" SLfS?. f, W,U) Qt dUtrlct nection with the sale of boats by the department. The sys- tern was condemned by a public meeting of fishermen in schools of this district opened this city. It leads to suspicion that some graft is going on m week with teahers in charr and that the department wishes only its friends to know " olto: Vanderhoof- rred a that tenders are asked. When a contract running Into J0: u ? nrtlL ;MU. ?ttv many thowwd. of dollars is asked it is hardly fitting to Oon Han refuse to tne modest fee that for small nay is charged a uui MeAiiister; Fort at. James- notice in the newspapers. MIm Marjorle Button: Prslrledale We do not blame the member's of the government for Misa oiadys smeiuer. ukes du-this state of affairs. It is a departmental matter coming tr,ct' MUs Beatrice e. Mooney under the pun iew of A. Johnston, deputy minister of ma- V.LM.,,ronce lu i i . offend cr rnjittcr Stuart River- Miss Joyce Oood. ivhich government was in power, the department has ridge: Webber Lake- Miss 8tiu been in the habit of doing this in the same manner, an un- simmomte; chiico- Miss dom uerhanu, secretive manner, that should not be tolerated Jamieson; Finmore-Mtas winnifred in a democratic country. It is no wonder that the public c Tyn'r: "Ula"-Mis mcy currtet is suspicious oi governments when they do their business In that wav. Insist on "GRANTS BEST PROCURABLE" -The Original For $! at Vendor or dlrett from 'Mtl Ordrr lul." Liquor Control Board, Virtoria, B.C. Til; Lji BEST PROCURABLE' PURE SCOTCH WHISKY RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT BatiM m4 twuM ir WDVM Umm A Cln?. SmIm4. . c !-!- -ment is not published or displayed by the Liquor itrul liuard or the Government of British Columbia. wuiowvale- Mist Helen Moore Fraaer Lake- Miss Irene Bos: Endako- Miss Mary A. Beran: Or ange Valley- Miss Lucille Wilson; North FraserMU Rossle N.Chan non: Marten Lake Mr. Jakeman. I MIm Doris Moore, formerly o! Fort Frater. has Joined the staif of Connaught School In Prince Oeorge this term Mr. and Mrs. E. F. W. Heath enterained at bridge last Tues day evening, lthe prUe-wlnners being Mrs. A. O. Birch and Mn H. V. Taylor C. J. Reid Is making alterations and Improvements to the store building of E. p. McOeachy at the corner of Burrard Avenue an.i Columbia Street John Oregg formerly of the Fot St. James post of the Hudson Bay Co.. has arrived ai his nen post at Telegraph Creek, where be is now manager. ' Mrs. R. C. McCorkell has returned from an extended trip lntJ the Oermanson Lake country where Mr. McCorkell is conducting mining activities with a crtw o thirty men. one paeka OF CORN FLAKES TERRACE Mrs. Parlow and children arr ived from the coast" on Saturday last. Miss Halllweil returned to Prince Rupert on Wednesdays week. HEALTH day lav. Donald and Angus Bruce are spending some time looking atUrr ithelr interests In mining clalmi I at Rosswood. train last c L M. Qiggy has his new smithy building up and eoversd and - - - ' 1 1 I Mrs. Murphy who has spent a few days visiting Mrs. J. Kirk' Patrick returned ,to her home in Remo last Wednesday. Carl Table ha three or four trucks hauling pole frem Saryl Lake on the Kalvm road. AROMA T INDIVIDUALLY wrapped to that the fragrant troro and fresh goodness are sealed jo until you are ready to enjoy them singly from the box or in pocket picks of five. Friday, Septembr. 4, lBl HaaHEHgHssllBSBBBBBE gt3 CORN FLAKES THINK of all you get! Many delicious treats for breakfast. And there's lunch what could 1m; Letter than Kellogg'a and milk with fruits or honey added? Then, the children's evening meal KeUogg'a are wonderfully nholwrne and easy to digrat. And many a man knowa them as a delicious and healthful bedtime anack. Alwaya ready to serve no trouble or vorkt Costing only a few cents a package. Of all the foods you buy, Kellogg' Corn Makes are Indeed one of the most economical and convenient. No wonder they are the most popular ready-to-rat cereal In the world. Wie buyers put the name Kellogg on their grocery liU. No other corn (lakes have ever been able to duplicate the matchless flavor and rritpnesa of genuine Kellogg's. More than 12,000000 people prove this every day by buving Kriiogg's Corn Flake. Look for the famous red-and-green package" with the itiner-eal wastite wrapper that keeps the flake rrispr-freah eten after owning. Still another esciuslva Kellogg advantage. Made by Kellogg In London, Ontario. RADIO rati orer w;x mni awofill (IMUfM lA ,.B.C try 5afar ' l I5 to 10:15 E.DJ.T. Mr. Jaskson of Prtne Rupert soon it wtfl be ready for business has bfti Tftitlng in Terrace and .Murdoch Bmrlh is to iKimmer th returned to the coast on wednM' anvil The foundations for the !:. tute IJutehery are In con:-t being laid. Mrs, T, If, McCubbln of r has been spending a Uv with Mrs. T. J. Marsh Lt, Commander R. H ot the Dominion Hatcheo (Oontlnued on page fit' APABELA cadi CIGARS by far the greatest value uf ,(:c 'UVJ ,;r.tit