PAGE FOUR. E R USED CAR BARGAINS Several Model T Fords, passenger or commercial, from D E M $40 t0 $200 1 1930 Ford Town Sedan, run only 2,200 miles terms Several Ford Engines; One Chevrolet Enjine; One Continental Engine Fitted for Marine See Us Before Buying S. E. Parker Ltd. R ESSES VENlfyO GOWiNS j the Prince Vancouver. ODISH HATS VERYTIIING NEW EAL WOOL SUITS ShvEATERS Cor. 3rd. Ave. & 2nd. St. Rupert for a trip liott. James Lever. i Beans, wax, 24 pods. James Lever, , Hamlin it Thomson. ! ! Leeks, 6 stalks, Wm. Thaln, Ham-I lln tt Thomson. I Cucumber, 3 long, Edmund Ham-er, Mrs. A. E. Huber. . I Cucumbers, 3 spine or ridge. J as. Cut Flowers ..... Trm fnl!ftA?nflr Prmn Runoff morrhnnfc AVfpnl rn all vicifnvc o rifnrrv wplrnmo fn tliA r?fv nn1 invifA friAtn fn rlrnn m nnA Headquarters for HARDWARE Lawn Mowers Kitchen Wares Mechanics' Tools Builders' Hardware Paints & Oils Mops & Brushes Stoves & Ranges Lamps & Lanterns Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Ave. Telephone 101 hands. More than ever during fair week these stores will be at the service of all who come. EXHIBITION PRIZE WINNERS GARDEN VEGETABLES i One pot foliage begonia, heads lettuce, any kind, John green W. W. T. Way, Mrs, U E. Davey, Win. Rhaln. Two leaf lettuce. James Lever, Mrs. A. E. Huber. Six Salsify, James ' Lever, Billy Bonier. Twelve sprays Parsley, W. Thaln, Robert Blackburn. Water Cress, six bunches, Mrs. Elliott. i Tomatoes, six ripe, Hamlin & & Thomson, Mrs. Jean Bonier. Maahs. One pot fuschia Mrs. W. Sherman, sr., Mrs. R. Maahs. One pot geranium W. W. Way, Mrs. R. Ersklne. One window box, plants to H. ' T. be grown In box. Mrs. L. C. Eby, F. J. Fuller.. Hanging Basket Mrs. H. Dii Hamel. Janet Rochester. Asparagus plant, one specimen- Parsnips, any variety, six, James j Asters, California Giant. 6 blooms. Lever. Rod McRae. 'any color, Lanfear It French. F. J. Onions, yellow or brown, 10. Jas. ! Fuller-Lever, Lanfear and French. . I Ros. 3, variety color, Mrs. Jas. I Onions, red. 10. James Lever, Billy L. Lee, F. J. Fuller. Bonier. iwsw, o variety colors, w. II. Onions, white. 10. Lanfear and Sherman sr, Mrs. Jas. Ii Lee. French. Billy Bohler. i Rosea. named varieties. Mrs. Jas. Onions, red pickling, 1 quart, J. L- F- J Fuller. Lever, Billy Bohler. ! Roses- 3 P'nk, named, John Frew, Onions, white pickling, 1 quart, J. I F 3- Fucr. -Lever, Billy Bohler. Roses, 3, white named, 2, F. J. Potatoes, six early, named. Wm. Fuller. Thaln, Oeorge Hipp. ! Roses, 3, red named, 2, Mrs. Jas. Potatoes, medium earlv lr nam. Lee. SPORT NEWS WAZELTON i BOYS LOSE ed. Oeorge Hipp, Anthony Hipp. 1 "e Ro bloom' any Triey colr. National League potatoes, late, named, Hamlin & " ".. r. ptiiu. , w L. Pet .Thomson. Billy Bohler. uiuwu, jcf, v sowr, uur- . ta M 4- PoUtoes. half bushel, grown In 0l" &nerman. New York .76 54 Prince Rupert. Wm. Thaln, Oeorge I Pl1 splk"' ? Un Chicago 71 63 Thaln. a,ys Shaman, Mrs. P. H. Llnzey. es 61 Potatoes, half bushel, not grown j "n "a.o i, any vaneiy coior. M . w In Prince Rupert, Billy Bonier, Mrt Bohler. Potatoes. 3 varieties, 6 of each-- Rhubaio. 8 stalks Wm.M.Brown. W. J. Martin. , 1 Cabbage. 1 crate, 50 lbs. net.' to ciduoua Mrs. L. Lee. Pansles. 12 blooms, on show board, "r?,"'4 . . : Sam Massey. Mrs. W. L. Sandison. !ffJiSSta 48 l Chrysanthemums. 9 stalks. Mrs.lClncmnaU "W- iw n oi.v, , t, - Potatoes, cooked in skins, named' " " Oeorge Thaln. Mrs. E. Hellman. M - I 71 73 83 sr. American ieague 30 27 .462 .454 Shasta Daisies, 9 stalks. Sam Mas- - W. L. Pet sey, Chas. P. Balagno. V Philadelphia W Snap Dragon, 6 spikes. Mrs. Jas. Washington ....x... 77 L. Lee. John Frew. New York 76 .u, w muw ean Bonier.. dbplajr tn cut flowers Cleveland oeorge Hipp. ! grown by exhibitor, Joe Naylor, Mrs. St. Louis Onlcns, 1 sack. 25 lbs. Jamci vj r.m v t r,iii.r n,i. Lever, Billy Bohler. Individual Farm Exhibit Geo Hipp, Mrs. A. E. Huber. PLANTS SPECIALS j Atlee Barpee Co, Philadelphia, 'greatest number first prizes in this ' class. James Lever. ' 6 pots llowerlng plants W. W. T. Best bunch mixed sweet peas. sbwiiii way, Mrs. e. iieuman. . ) Three pots foliage plantt Mrs. Harablln. John Connery. Nellie Lawrence. I CoUecUon garden vegetables, Carl Zarelll sailed last night on One pot tuberous begonia, de- grown outside Prince Rupert. Ham Chicago Boston A1 -JL..i5 mjt....53 49 37 51 53 64 76 77 78 78 BUILDING CRAFTS .708 LOCALS WIN I LACROSSE AGAIN 16"0 Dr(catrd Aljaiuh 5 to 2 Yesterday J , InRoujh Game Lambie Held Opponents to Four Scattered Hits Nelson Made The second Alyansh-Prince Ru-Four Hits to Lead Batters pert lacrosse game was won by "Prince Rupert by a score of 5 to 2 Tomatoes, green, W. J. Martin, w vr T. War. In the. second game of the Fair yesterday. Rupert thus standlnt Hamlin & Thomson. . wm vntn, w w Week series between Prince Rutxrt with a lead of three cnai in tu.-n Table Peas, 12 pods, John E. Da- war. ' and Hazelton. the locals again shut games. vey, Hamlin tt Thomson. t Flowerin ntant Franc. vmp their opponents out while they Veterans and roune subs SDrun Beans, broad, 12 pods, Mrs. E. Mrs. el Hriimin ' ran wild scoring 16 runs on the a surmise on the IndUns. the for- Hellman, H. Smith. ; rolttee nfent un.'B unmn same number of hits and 11 errors, mer thowlna how the earn oueht Beans, runner. 12 pods, Ernest El- w w t wv Big Bill Lambie was on the hill to be clayed and the latter disnlav- and tumedln a fine game, allowing Ing an exhibition of speed. The four scattered hits and hitting one whole Rupert team showed good : Caledonia or Scotch marigold, 9 man- Jack Nelson was behind the self-control when the Indians laid stalks. Mrs. W. L. Sandison, Mrs.' J. Pkte 'or the locals and caught a on the wood which was overlooked ; L. Lee. snappy game, and led the batters by the referees. Perennial Phlox, 3 stalks, Mrs. W. wltn our n,ls- including a double. From the face-off. Prince Rupert iL. Sandison, Mrs. E. Hellman. in bc attempts. Moran got three rushed. Clan ton sho'wing his heels Sweet Peas, best collection 6 while Wendle made three, two to opposition to give the ball to Un- Lever, w. i. Martin. (named varieties. 8 of arh in rw of them eoine for three bases. Eer who drove in the first score. Cucumber, pickling, one pint, O. receptacles. Mrs. J. L. Lee. John ' Tepportert, who pitched In the Mercer, the Indian goalie, proved to Hipp, Anthony Hipp. Frev. - (opener, was again on the mound for be the right man for the position. Squash, two kinds, George Hipp, Sweet Peas, best collection, 6 var- the Cubs and lasted until the end but had nothing on the old war Mrs. Jean Bohler. leties, 6 of each in 6 receptacles, or the fifth when he retired In favor horse. Muck Menzie. Prince Rupert Patty Pan Squash, three, Billy Mary Denholm. Mrs. J. L. L- lof Ingram who finished the eame. goalie. Bohler, James Lever. Oodetla. 15 stalk Mr j? hii ' but also found it hard jin. TV- Alyansh Ued the score In three Marrows, 2, Oeorge Hipp, Mrs. A. man, Sam Massey. i poorten wai nicked for 10 hits In minutes by ane clever stick-hand- E. Huber. . Decnratlr rvihttat Mnnmt or.: the flw innimrs ho Mitrherf nihil line bv Steve Ell feedine Cuthbert j Two Pumpkins, Anthony Hipp. O. iety colors. H, A. Dullamel, Jllla six were chalked tip against Ingram. Moore, his Inside home man. ! HlPp. Sherman. I It was a kbott xame ud to the end Rupert pressed hard feeding Dick 1 1919 Ford Model A Coupe, run Citrons, two, Hamlin tt Thomson, show Dahlias, 6 blooms, variety , of the fourth with the locals getting Woods who scored. Bert Unger car-1IJD00 miles CfffA Oe0rgcH1PP- of colors. Chas. P. Balagno. three runs to the second. They drove ttD Psed to Woods who made terms . Six long beets. Hamlin tt Thorn- Cactus Dahlias. 8 blooms, variety five men across In the fifth, how- Prince Rupert's third goal. At this 1 1989 Ford Town Sedan , run 7J0OO miles, terms son.. Ernest Elliott ;of colors, W. II. Sherman Jr. ;ever, and then came rfght back in ot the game the veterans S600 Sbc OIobe Beeta Mrs- EMott, Wm. Pom Pom Dahlias, blooms, var- the sixth and repeated. Their last "Doug FTizzell, Elmer Smith. Scoop v Thaln. .ley colors, Zilla Sherman. Sam Mas- three runs came In the eighth, to Doug Stalker and Brick l Six long carrots. James Lever. y. make the total 16. exinner. new tne Indian snarp- , I DunM rnlll. U.... . i . 1 1 1 ! . t , t (hnktan r I,, mil mm t r Mnil,, CAd1 1 cw"j o aiwiiu, variety i iiie imai game oi uie series is at- o'v"v" ",u" t I U U Intermediate Carrots, six. Lan-1 colors. Oladys Sherman, ZUla Sher- lng played this afternoon with sev- ortns Impossible, fear it French, John E. Davey. tnin. J eral of the younger city players on In .the seoend period Bill OosnelJ Short Carrots, six. John E. Davey4. ' coltness Hybrid Dahlias. 6 varle- the lineup. - ihrougn on nis own to ma ice Billy Bohler. ues, 3 blooms of each In 6 recep- 4 Following Is a short score of the " rour lor ""Prt. White garden turnips, two, Mrs. tacles, Chas. P. Balagno. D. Malkow. Robert Blackburn. j Six Hybrid Cactus Dahlias, Mrs Yellow Garden turnips, two, R, Gladys Sherman. ZUla Sherman. man. game. Mlaa'ton 00000000 00 gram, Adams; Lambie and Kelson. In the. final period. Joe Glllls, a H g mere youngster, stick handled his 4 n way through to make Rupert's final Blackburn. D. M. Hunter. ! One Dahlia bloom, any variety of ip. R. o 3 0 0 5 S 0 3 x 16 16 5 score- A ?"Puii oa oy Dennis Radish, two bunches, 10 each. Mrs. or. Oladys Sherman. Zllla Sher- Batteries: TepoorUn. Ingram tt In- Morvan was eventually allowed M. Elliott, Mrs. A. E. Huber. which finished the scoring for the game. t The Indians forced the tilnv des- Biff Leafifue wwv s cotes rately' striTln 10 pun tne ame 5 "O 0ut of the fIre but the Rupert de- American League i Detroit 9, Chicago 3. . St. Louis 11, Cleveland 5. National League Cincinnati 3, Chicago 2, HO In.). vpitUburg 6, St. Louis 4. Baseball Standings fence was not to be beaten. Big Train Stalker occasionally carried j i the ball through a maze of sticks to I finally test the Indian goalie. j i Scorers, Prince Rupert, D. Woods ' i 2, B. Unger, B. Oosnell, J. a tills. . I ! Alyansh, Cuthbert Morvan, Den-j his Morvan. , i Teams: Prince Rupert Muck Mentle, ' Doug Stalker, Brick Skinner, Elmer Smith, Scqpp Bury, Pat Clanton, Doug FrlztelC.Biil Gray. Dick 'yr. Woods. B1U Oosnell, B. Unger, Joe Glllls. Blackle Jaekson,TDm Kelsey, 430 266 oui uacun. The final game Is .to be played todayi Referees were J. Adams and Bill Baseball Game For Tomorrow .602 . - 589 Greenville Native Team to Play .496 Local Bearcats at JtJO p.m. .420 .408 "l"1" Oreenvllle native baseb.ill 355 players are to make their Initial 586 aPPance of the. season on U)-? local dlanjond tomorrow afternoon mm before leaving for their hom. They will play the Prince Rupert Collection examples of wood Bearcats at 3:30 James Brand, Floris. Vancouver, 8; Joints, mortise and tenon, halflng The Orecnvilfe team Is said o Joint, etc , Metro sopxo. t. p. oar- be quite a strong bunch, strong r ton. they say, lhan Hazelton. At any ! Model of a house, framed house, rate, they claim thev can down any E Hellman, Mrs. J Un tt Thomson, Jas. Lever. Billy , or any subject to scale, A. Ant onsen, team of bearcats that can be nut ud Bohler. 111. Antonjtn. ,here outside of local champions. QUALITY DINNER WARE AND FANCY CHINA Teapots, Sugars and Creams A Pn per set cT.and.SauMrs 15c, 20c, 25c,Saucers--65c, 75c, 85c 52-Piece Wedgewood Dinner Set $14 50 Cutlery and Kitchen Ware of AU Kinds TOM BALLINGER Third Are. W." Nest Royal Bank Phone Blue tCJ TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING U. T. 1. 20.000.TON FLOATING DKYDOCR Engineer, Mschmlstn, Boilermakers. niack(mlths, ''alUrB ' Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant I Equipped to Handle All Kinds MARINE AND COSIMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 VISITORS TO FAIR In order to make the visit to Prince Rupert co. iplete call in at the "Daily News'' And renew your subscription or enter your name ai a new subscriber with the accompanying fee- AJ1 out-of-town visitors to the city are invited to drop In and see how thd paper is made. We mav busy but we cun usually find time to show a visitor around. YOU WILL BE WELCOME