PACK THRU. 1L.. End Pain, Swelling & Bleeding of PILES (HAEMORRHOIDS) With Zam-Buk Herbal Ointment. SPECIAL c hncolnte Covered Dates Special, p0jr lb. Bc.vd CliocolatQSr- AAo p 75o Special, Mb. boxes ..... VC, 031,, 31, Bxcd Chocolates - Qr Special, Mb. box ..,,.. 00" MT BUDS-1 rtflp Special, per lb iJ- Ormes LM. ZTfut Pioneer Druggists Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Fulton St. IIcnncssT Brandy cannot be obtained at a moment's notice, so . KEEP IT IIANDY t 7 BOTTLED AT COGNAC, FRANCE uuveimeuient is not puuumd or dlspmyea" by U Uquoi Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. OIJ County FALL SAILINGS From rtinc- Rupcit k Vj.ic climg t Oern FiE tni l'..ver. fenJayt )J TliurJv. 10 OJ P "- Fut Ktchkin. Stur.liy. 4 00 p.m. Fo Anyo. WtJnrJiy, 4.03 P-f Sijwitt, WrJnfjiivf nJ 8turJy. 4 00 pm. Fwtnightly icrvice to lKrn CH.i. Attf Wmdl. P.irtKii'r jn TKI-tJTY SEBVII'.f jl. Daflr from Vinosuw t I 45 p t Victom J5rti. TRAIN ftKKVICr. . reOKa tuitu W. IW Rupert Kdy.' point i Ctt. lor Information - " r'ir Canadian National UNION STKAMSllil'S LIMITED Htramtt irttr Prlnc Kufrrt ' V-rwoovrr: t TXf A r.VKHY Tt'CSUAY, 1.J0 M. Via 0,'ean Falls, arrlvu-j Vancouver, Thursday Muininj,. T"Ji. cAltUKSA EVfcRV tBIIlAV MIDXIOIIT Arrllin Vnouvt Buodty mldiUsht pwo N Wiij Mlllnii to Port 8Uspnou. Allc Ar, teyoK Stwrt una River ouiu. anndajr .W p.m. ritlMT .1(1 I'l.KT AUCM V: ond Avriiue, rtmm lct the habit of reading the ndvertisemcnts in and taking advantage of the help they bring J this paper, ou. Local Items Dinnerware, c&Tna, crockery, glassware, HeUbroner'i Store. , For Sale wicker toaby buggy. Can J be seep at Daily News building, j upstairs. sengers. V tr Good black soil, free lor hauling. 6th - and 2nd Ave, Westcrhaver. Phone 100. All those selling Fair Board Membership tickets, please turn in at office in Exhibition Building not later tharl 8 pjn. tonight. Admiral Line steamer Dorothy Alexander, Capt. A. W. Nlckerson, arrived in port at 7:30 this morn ing from Alaska and after making a longer stay than usual, sailed at 12 noon for Seattle. The vessel had on board a good-tlzed list of pas SAVOY Miss M. Flewin, Hazel ton; Jas. NATURAL PURE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our own cows. Four successive years Government Grade A certificate Health and Sanlta tlon. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. I'lUNCE RUPERT DAIRY Box 895 Phone 287 TAXIDERMY 4sm 4n Furs Made Up 18 Years' Experlente All Kinds ot Mountlns J. A. LESTIN Prlnre George THE DAILY NEWS Friday, September 4, 1931 ' ' LI I I. OA f- BITES laMrt. nak. w animal . Ifc bM tmtMM u plasty f Mixta ho, wxkn, fcaal" mmi cleaaaaa. Drawl out the poison I Glasses fitted d registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. , See Westenhaver Bros.' sale cf lots Classified Adv. 212 Mr. and Mrs Angus Currie of Claxton Cannery, are visitors in town, -having arrived yesterday afternoon from the Skeena River. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Smlthers are visitors 'c,,:.....; having arrived from the Cocking of In tbe city,. tip t TVni srf nr r 9 interior ! . . . ... . . , on yesterday ' afternoon s train. ll. i of the , King Edward High School .here for; Harold Gilllland. who has. w chambc .. , .. t cannery ' is paying, a. brief visit tc vacation in .the south on account havmgVrrived from.the liJJl-'eaw on yesterday afternoon's torla;. train. of Inverness Arriving eany wirougn leaving .,. ,rri..H ir, th. .it. " "v " i ii. i u. r -ii lit: i wuia ui Mic ojvcam unci uuv.- . . , , . . yesterday afternoons n"Al":i "''the Skeena River to rived in port at 9: 15 this mornlnt from the south and sailed about an hour later for the river, whence Fair. she wtlLreturn here this evening prmce Rupert lor and sail at 12 midnight tor Van cxraver and waypolnts. Dr. Adam dentist, and T. Neen. Vancouver Mrs. Neen and son. was a uadtiate nurslnz staff of th Prince Uupprt Oeneral Hosplta). HOTE ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In aU rooms. A. J. riU'UllOMME, Trop.. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts train frora attend the Frank Derry. Jr, and William where they will take a course or ' naval training. ' David Hayward, Indian, for In toxlcatlon, was fined $10. with op- BUly. are round trip passengeis . f . . -; lmnrinmpnf ftteampr fVirdpna which . . . which will be here again this enlmt. Mrs. Neen was formerly Ml ts , . r. . otfI. tric,. Dorothy Johnson. R.N.. and n)efter gpendingeVaKdays In city sauea oy tne prince nuperx last night on his returrtux Vancouver. H. V. MotTrehou, nt: Namu Canntjy, whlc anager oi hgias now , closed down rcrtUke seeson. was here this morning aboaro the so Cardena, being on his way to Vancouver. ' J Adolph Seretne and Miss Rita Delroy, who were among the vaudeville periormerjj at the Exhibition this week, 'sailed by the u. Prince Rupert'last night on their Ware. Kltwanga. Charles Despard. return Vancouver. Terrace: iiarow uaie ana m. raut- i son, Inverness; Mr. ana Mrs. jtlas Innes, city; Frank M. Carter. Vancouver; Cecil Brehant. Anyox, Chris Trimble and David McKay, Klnooilth. New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE lot Si Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelli Tflrplione t I ROYAL John Dodds, C.N.R.; Frank Ku-kac, Karl Blrdschadler and Dave Nelson, city. HUGH L. DICKEY. MS. ' SPECIALIST Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted ' No. 1 Royal Hotel Mr. and Mrs. O. Holland and i Miss J. Stannard of Ketchikan air ; visitors In the city for the Fair jThey arrived this Tnornlng on the Dorothy Alexander and wuT xetui a north on the next boat. J. R. McWilllams. formerly on board the steamer PriheesJ Louise l during the summer tourist season. has now Joined the steamer Cardena as wireless operator. Mr. McWilllams ts well known here anl on the Queen Charlotte Islands. W. K. Owyer. district engineer for the provincial dtpartmeat of public works, returned to the cltv on the Dorothy Alexander this morning from Juneau whence -he made a trip this week into the Tu-leequah River country to look Into the posilbmues ot giving transportation to mineral properties there which may be developed by Noah Ttmmlns. Toronto mining magnate. N. TRAIN For the East-Mondays. Wednesday and Satur days. 12:30 noon. From the East jj Sundays, Tuesday and. Thursdays, 1:30 pjn. 44,.s4444 4 . . ' ANNOUNCEMENTS Eagles' Soclai anrf'SmbkerjSep tember 10. , Moose Dance Sept. Eagles' Carnlvai dance September 18, Ladles refreshments; Genu 50c! Catholic bazaar October 21 and 22. Hill 60 1.0.D.E Bridge and dance October 30, j i Moose Carnival and Dance' No . 12 and 13. Watts' Grocery In appreciation of the wonderful support accorded us by the housewives of Prince Rupert, we announce an Extraordinary Fall Sale of Staple & Fancy Groceries For 2 Days Only, Friday and Saturday COTTAGE ROLLS Average 5 to 0 lbs. per lb KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN Large packages, per pkg per pkg. Sunlight Soap perearton 19c Empress Jam Strawberry or Raspberry, pure flffn per 4-lb. tin Red Arrow Package per pkg. . Sodas Family 19c QUAKER FLOUR First Patent 49-Ib. sack :. SUGAR B. Granulated per 10-lb. cotton-sack 22c 19c WINDSOR SALT Plain or Iodized 1 flC per carton - Swansdown Flour For better cakes QA CRISCO The Perfect Shortening 3-lb. tin QUICK QUAKER OATS China Premium Package, per pkg. ...... LUX TOILET SOAP The Perfect Toilet Soap. 3 bars Fresh Fruits and Vegetables YELLOW TRANSPARENT APPLES 6 lbs PRESERVING PEARS 5 lbs. " . BANTAM CORN per dosen OUTDOOR TOMATOES per basket Malkins Best Coffee Per lb. 1.49 57c 25c 35c 28c 35c 42c Braid's Tea With Cup and Saucer r 44c yatfs' Grocery Ian Morrison of Claxton cannery In the city yesterday afternoon from the Skeena River for a brief visit to town. C. H. Buford. general manager ot the Chicago. Milwaukee St at. Paul RaUway at Seattle, and Mr?. Buford. and son. Curtis Buford. ard F. E. Devlin, superintendent of iru rame line at Tacoma, and Mis. Devlin an dson. Robert Devlin, were n the city .w-ioara the steams-Dorothy Alexander this mornuv. having made the round trip to Alaska on the vessel. Always uniform and dependable FOR SALE AUDITORIUM Fine Hall. 50x100 Maple Floor, equipped for both skating and dancing; 200 pairs skates; organ and piano; Ideal place for bowling alleys; none here. Make me an offer. SNAP POR, CASH Apply Auditorium. 215 6th Av. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Dodd an l family, who have been spending the past few months In Vancouver, since Mr. Dodd sold out his Inter-! est in the Seal Cove Hotel here.' returned to the city from the south , on the Cardena this morning. : SHEDDON'S ! iCash and Carry What we can do for you. Wc offer you the best foods at lowest possible prices. jBu'.ter Finest Alberto, fit f or any table, 3 lbs. KelloBg's Bran Flakes I 2 pkts Gulden Bantam Corn 2's each Peas Sweet and tender size .5, each Soups 3 Flavors 2 for Tomatoes 2 Vi's 2 for Splnsch Llbby's, 2Vi's 2 for Sauerkraut Llbby's, 2 Vi's j 2 for i Ripe Olives Llbby's , 2 5-oz. tins Onions Oood quality cookers. 5 lbs. Tomatoes Field per basket 70c 25c Royal City Products 16c 10c 19c 27c 39c Ensign Choice Peas-Sieve 4, 2 tins per 1-lb. pkg. Aylmer Tomatoes 'New pack, No. 2 tin Chateau Cheese per 2-lb. pkg AYLMER SOUPS-Packed In B.C. Tomato, per tin Vegetable per tin B. C. PRESERVING PRUNES per crate PRESERVING PEARS per crate UPRIVER CABBAGE per lb CUCUMBERS each Phone Your Order Now Free Delivery Phones 55 and 56 31c 25c 25c 30c SHEDDON'S Cash & Carry Fifth Ave. h.. opposiit Hospital Telephone 581 76c 25c 22c 19c Red Arrow Assorted Biscuits-Cello Wrapt pkgs. Offo Ml Is 10c 65c Singapore Pineapple OQn No. 2 tins. 3 tins O&X, 8c 10c 95c S2.25 4c 5c Improved Store Arrangements Will Jlakc Your Shopping a Pleasure at SATURDAY SPECIAL Lemon Marshmallow Layer Cake 30c The Electric Bakery We Deliver Phone 067 Car Owners Our repair service Is prompt, efficient and courteous. RUPERT MOTORS Distributors of DODGE & PLYMOUTH CARS Phone 566 Night Calls 161 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEUIU7.E1) MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City COAL Bay the real Coal our fa-mom Edson and Cassldy WrUlntton In any quantities. Also Bulkier Valley Hay, Grain and Kobln Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558